Number of People

Chapter 1794: Selection and Appointment of Ren Zi Juan

  Chapter 1794 Renzi Juan Selection and Appointment

   When Feng Ziying returned to Shuntian Mansion, Wang Wenyan was waiting for him.

"Master Fu came here just now, and now he is going to the Wanping County Government." Wang Wenyan reported: "He said that the food reserves for relief in several counties are not optimistic, especially in Liangxiang, Fangshan, Zhuozhou, and Wanping are worried about false reports, so they must go and see for themselves."

  Feng Ziying rubbed his temples. There were holes everywhere, and he couldn't worry about anything.

Fu Shi is very capable, running around for himself, but it is a pity that Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing are not officials. As his own private staff, he has the advantage of being flexible and able to play a role on special occasions, but also often times his status also limits them. Works on many occasions.

  So in the officialdom, you still have to have your own group of people.

  Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, and Wu Sheng are just fine when they arrive.

   Counting the days, Fan Jingwen and He Fengsheng came sooner, and they are estimated to be able to take office after tomorrow. He intends to let Mei Zhiye accompany them for a while, and accompany them to take office. This is also a test for Mei Zhiye.

  Wu Chen has to take a step back and wait for the results of the investigation of the Miyun magistrate by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but it is estimated that there will be an answer within half a month.

   But for me, it was just that the three counties took down the people who became me, and it would take some time for the three of them to control the situation. For me, this was not enough.

  There are more than 20 states and counties, but there are not many people who can be used. This is partly caused by Wu Daonan's laissez-faire in the past few years, but now he has to clean up the mess step by step.

  Maybe it’s time to talk to Master Qi and Master Qiao, see if they have anyone available, recommend one or two, and talk to Gao Panlong yourself?

  Feng Ziying shook her head, she thinks too highly of herself, and really treats the Ministry of Officials as her own.

  But if someone from Master Qi and Qiao wants to come, surely they can arrange it without having to come forward, right? Thinking of this, Feng Ziying was moved again.

   It's a pity that Xu Qixun, Chen Qiyu, Fu Zonglong and the others are gone. If they pass the exam with me, they can use it at this time. They are still watching politics and can only watch.

"Well, I got it, thank you for your hard work." Feng Ziying put down her hands, "Go and call Song Xian, tomorrow I will go to the Ministry of Criminal Negotiations, and ask him and Yaoqing to report the activities of the Bailian Sect in Shuntian Prefecture and around Gyeonggi A detailed report will come out."

   "My lord, are you going to do something?" Wang Wenyan also said excitedly.

   "I'm afraid it depends on the situation. The Ministry of Criminal Justice may not only focus on Shuntian Mansion. They must consider Shanxi and other prefectures in Beizhi for overall coordination, but I will do my best."

  Feng Ziying didn't dare to guarantee it. He had already contacted Han Yu, and Han Yu expressed his full support, but Liu Yixiu had to do the work by himself.

  Wang Wenyan also stabilized his mind, "It does need to be carefully considered, and it involves too many aspects, even in the palace. The Ministry of Punishment should have more experience in this regard."

"Don't worry, the current imperial court's mind is on military affairs, and the White Lotus Sect has not yet risen to the point of serious trouble in the minds of the princes." Feng Ziying shook her head: "However, as long as the Ministry of Punishment and we dig deep together, come up with some decent ones. When the results come out, the princes in the court will feel it."

"Well, the Ministry of Punishment must have more professional personnel in this area, and there are many veterans in this area. In addition, the White Lotus Sect is not a new thing. Over the years, the Ministry of Punishment has more or less clues. If If it can be combined with what we have mastered, there will definitely be more gains." Wang Wenyan also nodded in approval.

   Song Xian will come soon.

  Since Feng Ziying clarified her identity in Shuntian Mansion, Song Xian changed her attitude of being close but not attached, and quickly moved closer to Feng Ziying, and her subjective initiative was also quickly brought into play.

  Feng Ziying can also understand. After all, Tuiguan is also a figure of some status. He can't cast himself under his command without any scruples like the officials in the official room and punishment room.

  But now that he acts as an agent for government affairs, there is no taboo for Song Xian to take effect.

   "I've seen you." Song Xian was born with long eyes, thin cheeks and a big aquiline nose. At first glance, he looked like a professional and cruel official. Feng Ziying felt that this guy's aura was very suitable for the status of an official.

   "Sit." Feng Ziying nodded, "Shou Xian, how is the situation of the White Lotus Sect recently?"

  After Song Xian showed his attitude, Feng Ziying generously gave him all the clues about the Bailian Sect case in his hands.

  As a professional, Song Xian has more channels than Wu Yaoqing, and it is more convenient to mobilize officials from Fuya and Wanping and Daxing counties to do things.

  Song Xian also understood that Feng Ziying's solemn handing over of the "Bailian Teaching Case" to him was also a test, and with the attitude shown by the other party, he also knew the weight of the case.

  For Song Xian himself, this is both a test and an opportunity.

   Well done, not only could he be appreciated and recommended by Feng Ziying, and he would truly become one of his confidantes, but he would also recommend him to Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment, based on the meaning revealed in Feng Ziying's words.

   This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for him who has been wandering from the sixth-rank position for several years.

  Usually, he was a pusher from a small family background, where would he have the opportunity to get in touch with the third-rank servant, how could Han Yu recognize him? Now I have this opportunity to meet directly, and I may even report to Han Yu in the future, that is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"The lower official sorted out the various clues that the adults handed over, and I have a general idea in my heart." Song Xian obviously put in a lot of effort, sorted out his thoughts a little, and introduced: "Currently, the White Lotus Sect has There are two points, one is Hongqing Temple, and the other is Cuihua Hutong. However, after many screenings and analysis by officials, Hongqing Temple should be just a temporary foothold, and the monks of Hongqing Temple are more like a different kind of It is a close but interdependent cooperative relationship, and Cuihua Hutong is their nest in Beijing.”

  Feng Ziying nodded, Song Xian still had some skills to make a relatively clear judgment so quickly, "Continue."

"So Xiaguan also focused on Cuihua Hutong. Combining with some clues that Xiaguan knew, Xiaguan probably knows something about Cuihua Hutong. This should be a branch of the White Lotus Sect in the capital city. Its leader should be Zhang Cuihua. When she was young, it was said that she had close contacts with the Bailian Sect members in Yongping Mansion, and lived in Luanzhou almost every year. Her husband's family didn't care about her, probably because she was brainwashed by her evil words..."

"According to an indeterminate clue obtained by the lower official, Zhang Cuihua should have close contacts with a demon named Shi in Shifokou area of ​​Luanzhou. After being imprisoned, he changed his surname to Wang and disappeared, but he and Zhang Cuihua should continue to communicate secretly,..."

   It's not easy. Feng Ziying didn't expect that the other party could find the entrance of the White Lotus Sect in Shifokou, Luanzhou from relevant clues.

Feng Ziying also had some clues in this regard before, but they were fragmentary, and now that he is the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, he focused more on the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion, and did not pay much attention to the situation in Yongping Mansion, but Song Xian was able to connect quickly and find out the context, which shows the level of the other party.

   "Shouxian, that must have happened many years ago?" Feng Ziying asked.

"Well, it happened more than ten years ago. This monster is very capable. It is said that he traveled between Beijing and China, made friends with officials, and even went to heaven to listen. He is very capable. It's just that after the current emperor came to the throne, he favored the Taoists, so that's why he came here. If you are not interested in these sorceries, you have broken the thread,..."

Song Xian was a bit vague, but Feng Ziying understood that the contacts of the White Lotus Sect in the palace actually extended to the era of Emperor Yuanxi. It has something to do with the preferences and tendencies of Emperor Yuanxi himself.

"Later, this demon used Luanzhou as his foundation, wandered around, and preached widely, such as the Wenxiang religion, Wuwei religion, and Eastern Mahayana religion. The old mother, the vacuum hometown, has always been the purpose he believes in, and he has won the worship of the foolish men and women in the countryside. Later, he changed his strategy and developed among the gentry and merchants in order to obtain monetary support. ..."

   "It seems that the foundation of the White Lotus Sect is deep, and it was not achieved overnight. It is not easy for us to eradicate it." Feng Ziying sighed.

   "It depends on what your lord wants to achieve." Song Xian pondered for a while.

   "Oh? How do you say it?" Feng Ziying attached great importance to Song Xian's opinion, and this person is a professional.

  Dare to show off in front of yourself in such a tone, if you don't have some goods, you really don't dare.

"If you just want to destroy its veins in Shuntian Prefecture and eliminate its risks in Shuntian Prefecture, it is actually not difficult, but the difficulty is that it is difficult to eradicate the roots, and it may not be easy to involve branches and vines in other cities. After a little time, these evils will definitely The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again." Song Xian looked solemnly, "It may even let him learn a lesson, and it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future."

   "Do you have a countermeasure for that poem?" Feng Ziying stopped thinking about it, since the other party thought about it, there must be a countermeasure.

   "The lower officials have three strategies, it depends on what the adults think." Song Xian had a well-thought-out plan, and seemed to expect Feng Ziying to ask this question.

   "Okay, let's listen." Feng Ziying felt that she was about to become Liu Bei, and the person in front of her was Zhuge Kongming.

   It seems that I have not misjudged the wrong person, and it is really the right person to hand over the case of Bailianjiao to the other party.

  (end of this chapter)

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