Number of People

Chapter 1801: Renzi Juan and Gu Dengfeng

  Chapter 1801 The Renzi Juan and Gu Dengfeng

"Not only that, in addition to the shareholders of the royal family, Haitong Yinzhuang also has quite a few Jiangnan businessmen as shareholders. Under such circumstances, if Nanjing wants to forcibly confiscate the cash of several branches, it will also cause dissatisfaction among many people. "Jia Yucun glanced at Yan Mingxiang, "Haitong Yinzhuang has continued to pay dividends in the past two years, which makes shareholders very satisfied. It is said that many shareholders of Jiangnan merchants are anonymous shareholders. Zhongshun is probably the only one who knows the identity of all shareholders in Haitong Yinzhuang. Wang and Feng Ziying."

   "I don't know how much the share capital of this Haitong Yinzhuang is? How much money has it absorbed from outside depositors?" Yan Mingxiang asked curiously.

   "This is even more of a secret. Haitong Yinzhuang will definitely not tell the outside world." Jia Yucun shook his head, "But it is definitely not a small amount. It is hard to guess, but a few million taels is definitely not a problem."

  Yan Mingxiang took a deep breath, "If that's the case, then it's really difficult to say that the imperial court has this to rely on."

"That can't be said in the same way. After all, Haitong Yinzhuang is gathered by so many shareholders. If the imperial court shows signs of decline and wants to borrow money from Haitong Yinzhuang, then Yinzhuang will also have to consider whether it will lose all its money." Jia Yucun Shaking his head, "Haitong Bank Bank's deposits will definitely not all be stored in Jingshi City, most of them are stored in a scattered manner, and some places that are relatively safe and unaffected are the most important, such as Guangzhou and Datong."

   "Your Excellency knows so much about the situation in Haitong Yinzhuang?" Yan Mingxiang asked puzzled.

   "Because Feng Ziying told me." Jia Yucun said flatly.

  Yan Mingxiang was taken aback again, "Master Feng wrote again?"

"Yeah, the communication between me and him has never been broken." Jia Yucun stretched his body lazily, "He sent someone this time, and I guess he not only contacted me, but also Others."

  Yan Mingxiang glanced outside subconsciously, and lowered his voice: "What exactly is your lord thinking?"

"What do you think?" Jia Yucun murmured: "What can I think? I can only take one step at a time. If it is too explicit, it can certainly be liked by Nanjing, and even given a position as a minister, but so what? I am now sitting in the position of governor of Jinling Prefecture, although my power has been weakened a lot, but so what? Don't worry about it, I am still happy and leisurely,..."

"But it's not a long-term solution." Yan Mingxiang was in a hurry. He was born in a family, and he finally joined the line of Jia Yucun. Naturally, he hoped that Jia Yucun would flourish and go higher and higher, and he didn't want Jia Yucun to just stop there. sink.

"Mingxiang, haste makes waste. The more impetuous you are now, the easier it is to make mistakes in judgment, and even lead to unmanageable endings. So now you need to be more cautious to avoid risks." Jia Yucun shook his head and said: "I am now In this position, why do you need to express your attitude so easily for those illusory things?"

Yan Mingxiang didn't know what his boss was thinking, and sometimes felt like he was going to turn to Nanjing. He was very cooperative with Tang Binyin, Gu Tianjun and Jia Jing's arrangements for some things, and even satisfied Zhen Yingjia's unreasonable demands. But in some cases, they refuse to bow their heads.

In fact, sometimes it is just a gesture, but this one is vague and refuses to make it clear, which makes some people have a good opinion of him. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would definitely get one of the six ministers, but so far there has been no one. news.

Yan Mingxiang has met this person since he was in the Calabash Temple back then. He can't talk about moral integrity, and it is even more impossible to regard prosperity and wealth as dung. He has refused to take the last step until now, which shows that the other party must not be very optimistic about Nanjing. .

But if you really don't like it, then why bother to be attached to this person? It's better to resign generously and step down to wait for the opportunity to gain a good reputation. The last step is not impossible, after all, he has expressed his attitude.

  Jia Yucun also knew that his staff member was puzzled, but he couldn't explain some things to the other party. No matter how close the relationship was, it was related to wealth, wealth and wealth.

  Feng Ziying sent someone to Nanjing, he can tell the other party, but he will not go into details about what to talk about.

  Even he can tell people like Tang Binyin and Jia Jing that the northern court sent people to contact him. This is nothing new in Nanjing.

  As the war started, many people would go south and north, and the imperial courts on both sides would adopt the method of wooing and buying corners to fight. As the prefect of Jinling, if no one came to contact me, it would be abnormal.

  Feng Ziying did indeed send someone to Nanjing.

   Of course, Jia Yucun was not the only one who came to contact, Jia Zheng was also one of them. Of course, Jia Yucun was the most important, and Jia Zheng was just an incidental.

   The person who came to contact Jia Yucun was Gu Dengfeng, who was rarely seen under Feng Ziying's command.

  Feng Ziying's current core staff members are all from Lin Ruhai's bag in the past. After inspection and confirmation of loyalty, they are really accepted as confidantes.

No way, Feng Ziying was too young back then, and no one followed him at all. Although Ruixiang and Baoxiang followed him since childhood, they were too far behind in experience. Have to wait three to five years.

Lin Ruhai's staff in the pocket are all experienced and have experienced many years of experience, and they have no level of ability. Moreover, they have been in Yangzhou for a long time, and they are very familiar with the situation in Jiangnan. question.

  When Lin Ruhai was dying, he entrusted his two daughters to Feng Ziying. Naturally, he wanted to give all his resources to his son-in-law.

  His capable staff members also need to find a more reliable employer, so this is also a hit.

   If it turns out that Feng Ziying was only a scholar of the Imperial Academy, it would be a bit extravagant to use so many staff, but after all, his father's status as the governor of Jiliao is also behind it, which is barely justified.

However, as Feng Ziying climbed the sky, from the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion to the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, these aides all felt that their old boss really had a sharp eye, and they picked a good son-in-law. At the age of ten, he became a member of the fourth rank. I dare not say that there will be no one before or after, but at least he is the first person in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  The people that Lin Ruhai prepared for Feng Ziying all have their own strengths, and Feng Ziying did not follow Lin Ruhai's previous recommendation, but discovered their strengths from them.

  Although Wang Wenyan continued to act as the general manager, Cao Yu was promoted from Feng Ziying to the role in charge of public opinion propaganda from the corner of his original experience, and Wu Yaoqing became the chief in charge of security and intelligence.

Qian Guisheng is the most mysterious, but in fact he acted as Feng Ziying's personal financial manager, like the behind-the-scenes operation of Haitong Yinzhuang, and Duan Xigui, one in the dark and the other in the open, are the two of them responsible, such as Xue Biao's financial needs, the old For the extra money and food support from his father, Shen Yourong's needs in the Denglai Navy all have to be handled through Qian Guisheng.

   Gu Dengfeng acted as Feng Ziying's spokesperson.

   Like contacting gentry and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, communicating with Jia Yucun, and making friends with Shanxi businessmen, Gu Dengfeng came forward on behalf of Feng Ziying, which can be explicit or covert, depending on the situation.

Feng Ziying's confession to Gu Dengfeng was to contact Jia Yucun, not necessarily now anyway, because it seems that Nanjing still has the upper hand at this time, and Jia Yucun may not be willing, which will make the relationship between the two parties difficult, so the words to Jia Yucun are Communicate information and understand the changes in the situation in the Nanjing court, including the factions, contradictions, and trends within the Nanjing court, which are more valuable and meaningful for the next court action.

   Especially some inadvertent details can play a key role sometimes.

The words Gu Dengfeng brought to Jia Yucun also made Jia Yucun feel relieved. He was also most worried that Feng Ziying would force him to express his attitude, but now although Jia Yucun felt in his heart that the court might gradually gain the upper hand after this difficult period , but he is not sure, so the best way is to pass the song secretly, without showing any signs.

   Now Feng Ziying’s request is much simpler. It doesn’t matter if some information is revealed. Anyway, if you don’t disclose it, others will.

People in this era still have a weak awareness of secrecy, and some military affairs still know to keep a secret, but many specific details are not cared too much, but often these details are combined. Military aircraft events are more important intelligence.

Just like Jia Jing's household department can't pay Huaiyang Town with money, but supports the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in Shandong. As a result, Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Army may want to cut off the water transportation and detain the troops from Nanjing to Shandong. Qian Liang, if this news is true, we can find out whether this possibility will become a reality by observing the movements of the Huaiyang Army in a targeted manner. The hearts of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army were shaken, leading to unimaginable consequences.

  Gu Dengfeng went directly to Suzhou after leaving Nanjing.

  He has a heavy task this trip.

  In Yangzhou, he secretly met with representatives of several salt merchants and discussed some matters.

None of the salt merchants showed up, but quietly arranged for some characters who usually don't show up but are confidantes to meet Gu Dengfeng. We all know that Feng Tang's army has entered Henan, and has now passed Luoyang and entered the boundary of Kaifeng.

   This also means that the Northwest Army has officially entered the Central Plains, and is preparing to fight the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army in the Luxi area.

   It is still unknown who will win and who will lose, and it also attracts merchants who care about their own destiny. The salt merchants in Yangzhou who live in Jiangbei and Shandong are only separated by Xuzhou and Huai'an, so they are naturally more concerned.

  (end of this chapter)

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