Number of People

Chapter 1802: Ren Zijuan breaks the blockade and fights against group merchants

  Chapter 1802 Renzi Juan breaks the blockade and fights against group merchants

Feng Ziying gave Gu Dengfeng a very simple task to go to Yangzhou, and there was no excessive request, that is, the confiscated properties and mansions in the capital city are about to start selling, and he asked the salt merchants in Yangzhou to help gather popularity like last time .

  However, the rules of the sale have also changed this time. You can bid anonymously for the purchase, which means that salt merchants can completely entrust their own white gloves to come forward.

This is also specifically considering the worries of these Jiangnan merchants. This is obviously to raise military expenses for the imperial court, but now that the purchase is made anonymously, only money is required, and the imperial court does not ask who will buy it, and does not check the source, regardless of their identity. It's much easier.

  Ten thousand steps back, even if Prince Yizhong wins the world, he will definitely move the capital back to the capital in the future, and the value of these mansions will only increase and increase in value.

  As for Prince Yizhong gaining the world in the future, needless to say, the objects, no one knows where they went, but will the families who lost their mansions come to take back these mansions? This is also a problem.

   But also simple.

If it is a family with high status and prosperity during the change of the throne, this investment is worthwhile even if it serves these ministers of the dragon; What are they doing.

   In a sense, this is also a bet investment.

  If the imperial court of the capital does not make other demands on these salt merchants, it means that once the imperial court wins in the future, all Jiangnan merchants will face the risk of being liquidated, because you are on the side of Prince Yizhong.

   Now that Feng Ziying has come forward to contact them, if the salt merchants buy these objects and houses, it can be regarded as a support for the imperial court of the capital.

   No matter how you look at such a business, it is worthwhile.

  So after Gu Dengfeng negotiated with a group of Yangzhou salt merchants, they all agreed with Feng Ziying's suggestion, and agreed to go to Beijing as soon as possible to cooperate with Feng Ziying's sales plan.

  Something happened in Yangzhou, and Gu Dengfeng just came to Jinling, so he quietly met with Jia Zheng.

Unsurprisingly, Jia Zheng came here under coercion. From Nanchang to Jinling, he never thought of going to Nanjing to be an official in the puppet dynasty, but he didn't dare to let him abscond quietly, and there were not many The ability to do things, so I can only hide my head and neck in Jinling.

  Gu Dengfeng met with him and asked him to write a confession letter in hand, and take it back to keep in the future, which can be regarded as the basis for mitigating future guilt.

  Jia Zheng really can't play a role, but Jia Yucun is different.

As the governor of Jinling, he can not only inquire about a lot of information, but also has other functions, especially after the imperial army really invades the Nanzhili area in the future, then he, the governor of Jinling, will be able to play a role at critical moments , This is much better than when he went to the puppet dynasty to be a minister such as the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Punishment, and it was not his turn to be the minister of the Ministry of War or the Ministry of Households.

  So Feng Ziying's suggestion to him is to stay in the position of Jinling Governor and do a good job, leaving it to a useful body, and contributing at critical times.

  From Jinling to Suzhou, Gu Dengfeng traveled by water.

  Cross Zhenjiang, Changzhou, and arrive at Wu County.

  This is the base camp of Suzhou merchants, known as the "Drilling the Heavenly Dongting".

  The Weng brothers have been waiting here for Gu Dengfeng, who is Feng Ziying's special envoy.

  The number of people who met this time was very small, because the relationship between the two parties was different from that of the salt merchants, so the Weng brothers came forward to receive them in person. In addition, there were several leading figures of Dongting merchants such as the Xu family.

  They are not only shareholders of Haitong Yinzhuang, but also related to the future operation of the sea trade plans of Suzhou and Songjiang.

  In a sense, they can no longer be regarded as Jiangnan merchants. It is more appropriate to describe them as Dazhou merchants whose ancestral home is Gusu.

  Because they transported a large amount of goods from Jiangnan to Beidi, they also continuously imported grain from Huguang to Jiangnan, and also imported iron and cement from Beidi to Jiangnan.

Now the south of the Yangtze River has become a commercial center mainly focusing on planting mulberry and raising silkworms, reeling silk, spinning and weaving cloth, growing tea and firing porcelain. It may be possible to be self-sufficient in food, but there is absolutely no chance that there will be any room for importing to the north. It serves as a transit and intercommunication hub for Huguang grain.

"Dengfeng met two old men, Mr. Xu, and the gentlemen." Gu Dengfeng was polite, he was only thirty-seven or eighty-eight, but he had worked in Yangzhou's Lianghuai capital for ten years in the office of the salt envoy. I have traveled all over the north and south of Zhili, Liangzhe, Jiangxi, and Huguang, and I know the situation in the entire Lianghuai and even Jiangnan.

  These few in front of me can be regarded as the leading figures among the merchants in Suzhou, even among the entire group of merchants in Jiangnan.

   "Mr. Gu, you're being polite. Is Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan okay?" The eldest brother of the Weng brothers, Qiming, has white beard and hair, but he is energetic and healthy.

   "Thanks to Mr. Weng and your lords, your lord is well, but during this period of time when you have to work on state affairs, you often sigh." Gu Dengfeng responded with a smile.

   This sentence is waiting for people to ask questions. How can the Weng brothers and others not understand?

   Sighed, Weng Qiming asked directly: "At present, the North and the South are fighting, and the situation is turbulent. It is said that Shandong has also been taken by Nanjing. I don't know what the court plans?"

"Perhaps you also know that Feng Gong's Northwest Army has entered Henan and will soon enter Shandong. It is estimated that there should be a result by next summer at the latest." Gu Dengfeng also replied very calmly, without saying that I am strong and the enemy is weak. , didn't say anything about the difficulties, and just said the time directly.

   "Huh?" Everyone present was taken aback, so clear? There will be results in the next summer. On the other side of Shandong, there are close to 100,000 troops deployed by Nanjing, with Huaiyang Town as the backing. This Mr. Gu dared to say "there will be results in next summer". The war is about to end? Isn't this a little too big.

   "Mr. Gu, is this what Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan predicted?" Weng Qiyang, the second son of the Weng family, couldn't help asking.

If what Feng Ziying said, everyone has to take it seriously. Feng Ziying's several assertions over the past few years have become reality one by one, and they have left a deep impression on these Dongting businessmen, especially the assertion about cement, saying that it will be completely destroyed. They didn't quite believe in changing the model of the construction industry before, but now they have to believe it.

  The merchant ships going south from Yongping Mansion are either made of iron or cement, and the proportion of cement is still increasing, and the rich people in the south of the Yangtze River have also begun to use a large amount of this cement for building houses and forts, and it became popular all over the country for a while.

"Of course, how dare Dengfeng make such a judgment?" Gu Dengfeng smiled, "Dengfeng came to Suzhou this time, and he came here at the order of Lord Feng, but you don't have to be nervous, Lord Feng is not too high. The request is just to hope that everyone will do things according to the words of Mr. Feng and the princes before,..."

  The Weng brothers, the Xu family and the others all nodded slightly. As long as the request is not too strict, they are willing to accept it. After all, it is still unclear whether the north-south war will win or lose. It is safest for neither side to offend.

"Your Excellency hopes that Songjiang and Suzhou can continue to trade with the Northland. There is no difficulty in this matter at present, but the old man has heard that Nanjing is asking all places to strengthen strict control and prohibit the transportation of grain and cloth to the north. Suzhou, Songjiang , Governments in various places in Yangzhou have received orders, and it is estimated that various families will be called to implement this order soon..." Weng Qiming said calmly.

   "Oh? Then what are you going to do?" Gu Dengfeng didn't take it seriously. If the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty didn't even do this, it would really have to wait to be destroyed.

  The severance of water transportation can certainly cause a lot of trouble to the Northland, but this is the situation in the past two years, and it will be completely different in the past two years.

  Since last year, the shipping volume of Yuguan and Zhigu has increased exponentially. Later, Yuepo Port, Dengzhou, and Laizhou also joined in. The sea trade in the entire northern region has shown explosive growth.

In particular, after the two roads of Qian'an-Funing-Yuguan and Luanzhou-Lulong-Funing-Yuguan were repaired in Yuguan, iron materials and ironware from Qian'an, Luanzhou and Lulong were transported through Yuguan. The cement in Funing is also transported through Yuguan.

Since the beginning of this year, the diversion of Yuepo Port has been carried out very smoothly. Many ships with smaller tonnage no longer go to Yuguan, but directly go up to Yuepo Port in Leting through the mouth of the Hulu River, and then go from Yuepo Port to Luan through the Luanhe River. You can even go directly to Lulong and Qian'an from Luzhou, but the Luanhe River along this line varies in depth, so you can only take some small and medium-sized boats, and most of them can only go to Yuguan.

  But in any case, the shipping and road conditions of the entire Yongping Prefecture have been greatly improved, making this No. 1 Jingdong Prefecture quickly become a cargo trade hub for the entire Jingdong and Liaoxi.

   In addition, Feng Ziying began to expand the Dagu port after he arrived in Renshuntian Mansion, and invested in the dredging of the Wei River, making Tianjin Wei another important port in the Gyeonggi area, which has also achieved great results.

It can be said that as long as the ports in the south are not blocked, the impact on all kinds of materials in the north due to the interruption of water transportation can be reduced by a large amount. It may be more difficult to maintain 70% of the original, but it should be possible to maintain half of the effort. If it is done, if Shandong can be taken back, then the barrier between Denglai and Shandong will also be opened up, and it will really be smaller.

  So the most important task of Gu Dengfeng's southbound trip this time is to maintain the trade between the entire southern region and the northern region without being greatly affected. Songjiang and Suzhou are in one place, Ningbo is in one place, and Quanzhang is in one place.

  Quanzhang is not a big problem, because it has the benefit of Dongfan’s salt profit, and Fujian’s Nanjing has insufficient control power, and Fujian itself is not a grain-producing area, so it is not the focus, but Ningbo and Songsu.

  So Gu Dengfeng must stabilize the businessmen in Songsu and Ningbo so that they cannot retreat because of the blockade of Nanjing.

  (end of this chapter)

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