Number of People

Chapter 1803: What is the fear of the three caves of the cunning rabbit

  Chapter 1803 What is there to fear in the three caves of the cunning rabbit

"Mr. Gu, we still have some influence on Su Song's side, and we can deal with the government's side, but you also know this kind of thing, there is no airtight wall, it's okay to do it three or five times, and it's not a big problem for a few months. But if the time is too long, Nanjing will definitely become suspicious, and will definitely investigate these grain import channels. In fact, the grain from Huguang is known to be in the hands of those people. If the import volume does not decrease, where will it be sold? There must be a statement."

   Weng Qiyang took up the conversation.

  Gu Dengfeng also knew that what the other party said was true.

No matter how poor the execution ability of Nanjing is, if you see that the north is basically not affected by the interruption of water transport, you will definitely be able to detect where there is a problem. Well, Nanjing must have their sources of news in the north, and the sea transportation can't block this piece, but it can't be hidden from others, so it can be found out naturally.

"In Nanjing, I believe Weng Gong must have a way to deal with it, not to mention Su Song's side. The Fujian navy is in the hands of the court, and Nanjing has nothing to do." Gu Dengfeng was at ease, and his tone was very open and confident. The water surface is vast, and boats can go anywhere, the Yangtze River Navy is so weak, I am afraid that even Changzhou dare not cross, and there is no way to control Su Song's side,..."

"Mr. Gu, that being said, the government doesn't have to get conclusive evidence to make a statement. You also know the rules here." Weng Qiyang shook his head with a smile, "It's the same sentence, in the short term we will It can be dealt with, but as time goes by, the government will definitely not tolerate it, and it will be difficult for us to cover it up."

  Gu Dengfeng pondered for a while, "Then Mr. Weng means..."

   "It's best to give a deadline so we can prepare." Weng Qiyang exchanged glances with his brother and the people around him, "For example, in the middle of next year?"

Gu Dengfeng shook his head resolutely: "That won't work. The imperial court is still in the period of preparations for war. You also know that the frontier army will be transferred here. It will take two or three months to march, and there is still a need to rest. It is estimated that the offensive will be launched in the next summer. Trade must not be interrupted."

   Weng Qiyang hesitated and said: "Then Master Feng means that after the end of next summer, we can basically see a clue?"

"It depends on how to say it, but the situation will definitely improve in the next autumn, and the summer grain will come down, and the Northland will definitely need a lot of supplements, so next summer will be very critical. I mean, before next summer, you should try to keep Su Song's side as much as possible. Grain has been transported to the north, and Yuguan and Dagu have built a large number of granaries for storage, so there is no need to worry about it during this period. Once the war starts next summer, Nanjing will definitely strengthen the blockade. At that time, you can use the east to open up land or North Korea to need food. For the sake of transporting some of them, the situation will gradually become clearer after Mingxia.”

   Gu Dengfeng has room for it, and the fire must be well controlled.

  He can't push too hard, but at the same time, he can't make the other party suspicious. He must give the other party the feeling that he is holding the wisdom pearl.

These businessmen are cunning and cunning people. Weng and Xu are not bad, and they are willing to take such a risk because of the impression Mr. Feng gave them in the early stage. Otherwise, with the conservative nature of Dongting businessmen, it is I absolutely don't want to get involved in this kind of muddy water.

   "East development or North Korea?" Weng Qiyang smiled wryly and shook his head: "Mr. Gu, do you think Nanjing will believe it?"

"It's a matter of manpower. On the Dongfan side, the adults will arrange Anfu merchants to dredge the Nanjing side. They have people in the Nanjing puppet dynasty, and the reclamation has entered its heyday. The adults also told the Anfu merchants to give the Nanjing puppet dynasty first. In this way, It shouldn’t be a big problem.” Gu Dengfeng was confident, “As for North Korea, Liaodong will coordinate with North Korea to send an official letter to the puppet court in Nanjing, pleading for food trade. On the one hand, there are no sailors at sea, so as long as we go out to sea, don’t we have the final say?”

  Seeing that Gu Dengfeng has already talked about this matter, the Weng brothers also know that this is probably not negotiable.

The hearts of the two brothers are heavy, and if they promise not to do it, it may be difficult to confess in the future, but no matter how deep the Weng family's connections are in the south of the Yangtze River, it is related to the survival of the Nanjing court, and the inspection and blockade will only become more and more serious. Yan, it may not be possible by then.

"Of course, adults also understand your difficulties. If it is really difficult to satisfy in the end, then you also need to say hello in advance to prevent us from being caught off guard." If the pressure is too tight, they really have to consider that this business cannot be done well.

"In addition, in fact, my lord also gave you an idea." Gu Dengfeng looked around at everyone, and then said slowly: "There is no shortage of food in Guangdong, Guangxi and Nanyang, and Japan also has food, but the transportation capacity is insufficient and the channels are not enough. If you have a fleet or your children are willing to transport grain from Guangdong, Guangxi and Nanyang to the north, your lord will also recognize your efforts,..."

The Weng brothers nodded slightly. This suggestion is much easier than transporting grain from the south of the Yangtze River to the north. Everyone here either has their own fleet or a cargo ship that has long-term cooperation. Transporting grain, or even transporting grain to Japan, is beyond the control of the Nanjing court.

  Even if the Nanjing court notices the loss of ships on the south side of the river, it doesn’t matter. The north and south are cut off, and the ship owners have to eat. Naturally, they have to go to Guangdong and Guangxi to make a living. Who can control it?

The only worry is that the berths along the route must be selected well. After all, the line from Fujian to Zhejiang in the south will inevitably have to be docked for supplies, but this kind of thing must be out of control, especially when the Fujian Navy is still in Fuzhou. On the front line with Penghu, Nanjing has not shown its attitude so far, which is enough to explain many problems.

"That's all for this matter. There will definitely be many unexpected accidents and changes that will come up at that time. Master Feng arranged for me to contact you, and I will definitely disturb you." Gu Dengfeng stood up and cupped his hands. "I also know that you must still be a little uneasy, especially with the current confrontation between the imperial court and Nanjing, and how the future situation will go. I'm afraid there are many questions, so I will answer them here one by one. As long as I know Yes, I know absolutely everything, but some answers may not be accurate. After all, the development and changes of many things are not based on our will. I can only explain the information that Master Feng brought to me,..."

   This is another highlight of this visit.

If these Jiangnan businessmen can't be calmed down, then the conditions they promised may not be fulfilled, or they may change their minds before the time is up. The purpose of Gu Dengfeng's visit is to use his three-inch tongue to dissuade them. worries and doubts.

  Not only here, but also Ningbo, Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, and Quanzhou at the next stop.

"...Don't worry, gentlemen, the northwestern army of more than 100,000 troops has already passed Luoyang, entered Kaifeng, and is about to approach Yanzhou....I'm afraid you don't know who the vanguard officer is, right? Liu Dongyang,...does it sound familiar? , was the first culprit of the Ningxia rebellion a few years ago, and was also the number one hero Feng Ping subdued during the rebellion. In Ningxia and Gansu, he could even stop children from crying at night!..."

"Whether to fight Jining or Dongchang Mansion, or to take Xuzhou directly, this is not something I can predict, I am afraid that the imperial court can't do it now..., the king's order will not be accepted, Feng Gong, as the commander of the West Route Army, Naturally, there is full power to decide, but all the lords may understand that whether it is to win Dongchang Mansion or Jining Prefecture, the situation in Shandong will be completely new, how long can Nanjing cut off the water transport?"

"Huaiyang Army? Hehe, you must be very puzzled in your heart. Where is this Chen Jixian from? I also asked Mr. Feng, do you know how Mr. Feng answered?" Gu Dengfeng was very open, almost anyone Dare to answer any question, "My lord told me that according to his understanding, Chen Jixian should be on neither side. He is only his own person. , that's all,..."

"However, I'm afraid the end result of such a person will not be very good,..." Gu Dengfeng added with a half-smile, "I can't even see the situation clearly, but I still think I'm very smart, that's the way to bring disaster, maybe In the early stage, people may have to be more scruples, but in the end, what will the winner do with you?"

  Gu Dengfeng's words made the whole group change color slightly. Is this alluding to something?

  Gu Dengfeng looked unaware, and said to himself: "The imperial court will never forget the people who finally came to the imperial court, and Mr. Feng's reputation is well-known, so don't worry, everyone..."

  When Gu Dengfeng left, he also mentioned that there might be another wave of sales in Jingshi City, and he could participate anonymously.

   Gu Dengfeng needs to repeat this kind of story several times. Of course, the emphases are different, but there is only one purpose.

Whether it is pulling or suppressing, coaxing or deceiving, in a word, it is necessary to gather the minds of these people together, and everything should serve the overall situation. As for whether it is false, alarmist, or blackmailing, Feng Ziying has already authorized it, and all means are acceptable. Just to achieve the goal.

  In addition to Gu Dengfeng, Qian Guisheng also went south to Guangdong, as long as he wanted to cooperate with Duan Xigui and Zhuang Limin to take down the Guangdong Navy, and completely ensure that the food in Guangdong and Guangxi could be used by the North.

  The three caves of the cunning rabbit, Susong, Ningbo, and Liangguang, none of these paths can be ignored, and any one of them is broken, and the Northland will not be in trouble.

  Feng Ziying felt that she was really ordered by the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, but she had the heart of the chief minister of the cabinet.

  (end of this chapter)

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