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Chapter 1808: Ren Zijuan's "worrying about national affairs" has a heart both inside

  Chapter 1808 Renzi Juan "Worrying about State Affairs" has heart both inside and outside

Zhou Dehai took a deep breath and shook his head: "Master Feng, I am not alarmist. You are also aware of the current situation of the emperor. Once the emperor does not wake up, then he will face the problem of who will ascend to the throne, whether it is King Shou or the others. Whether it is the prince or not, they are all watching eagerly, it is not that Jian Guo will be able to take the top position naturally, let alone there are still two Jian Guo."

   Zhou Dehai's words made Feng Ziying frown, which party is Zhou's uncle and nephew from? He can only be sure that they are not from the side of Xu Junru and Shou Wang, but what about the other parties?

Although King Lu is also a "Jianguo", it is "Youjianguo", and there is only one emperor position. If it is not done well, it will become the role of eliminating it and then quickly. In a sense, I am afraid that Mei Yuexi and King Lu are the most anxious people in their hearts, and Xu Junru and King Shou are also the most anxious for this mother and son. dreadful.

"Eunuch Zhou, do you mean that the princes seem to be at odds because of the position of 'supervising the country'?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "But this is also an internal matter of the royal family. How could it be the turn of the three relatives? Come to put your beak on? Liao Junxiong and Du Keli have eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?"

"Master Feng, even though you say that, but there is no master in the palace, it is inevitable that every family will have to think about it." Zhou Dehai has made his words clear anyway, so he has nothing to fear, "Our family does not believe that Mr. Feng does not know Qian Guo Mr. Feng also knows the relationship between Zhong and the Warriors of the Four Guards Camp, and the relationship between Qian Guozhong and Concubine Mei, right? And I heard that Shanxi Town sent troops from the east to Jizhen to form a North Route Army. I don’t know if Mr. Feng knows about Shanxi Who is leading the troops?"

  Feng Ziying's mind flashed like lightning, subconsciously said: "Su Shengdu?"

  It turned out that the general who dispatched troops from Shanxi Town was the deputy commander-in-chief Su Shengdu?

Feng Ziying suddenly realized that if Su Shengdu led troops to the east, then part of the Jizhen Army and the main force of Shanxi Town would join forces to form the Northern Army, then Su Shengdu would most likely be the commander of the Northern Route Army. Some panicked.

If he wins the Shandong battle, Su Shengdu's status will definitely increase. The key is that he still has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. He won't get involved in these royal family affairs, but Su Shengdu is different. Both of Su Lingyao's sons are qualified to reach the top. The daughter is also married to Su Chengdu's son, the relationship here is too delicate.

Hearing Zhou Dehai's words, Feng Ziying's heart gradually calmed down. From this point of view, it can basically be ruled out that Zhou's uncle and nephew belonged to Su Lingyao and Fu Wang Li Wang, otherwise he didn't need to remind himself of this, and he Also mentioning the relationship between Qian Guozhong and Concubine Mei, then Mei Yuexi should be excluded. Could it be that this uncle and nephew is optimistic about Guo Qinyun?

   This is a bit of an upset feeling.

If it is said that Emperor Yonglong is under normal circumstances, Guo Qinyun's son Gong Wang can't say that he has no hope, but it is also very slim, because from the perspective of his elders and the fact that Lu Wang is more favored by Yonglong Emperor, it is not his turn to be Gong Wang. Now that Emperor Yonglong is in such a situation, it can be said that Prince Gong has almost no hope.

  The uncles and nephews actually want to bet on Prince Gong, and they don't know which side they are optimistic about Concubine Guo and Prince Gong?

"Eunuch Zhou, I have said so much, I still don't understand, what is the intention you want to express?" Feng Ziying's attitude became more and more indifferent, "If King Shou violates the rules, the palace will take care of things. If Xia Bingzhong doesn't care, isn't it? And Qiu Shi'an? Your uncle can also complain to the clan mansion,..."

  The Zongren Mansion's Zongren Ling is Zhongshun Wang Yaoling, but he does not actually manage the affairs. Zuo Zongzheng actually only has one Zuo Zongzheng, who is also a minister of the Ministry of Rites.

  Zhou Dehai couldn't help laughing, "Complaining to the clan mansion is of course possible, but does Master Feng think it's meaningful?"

"Eunuch Zhou, this is irrelevant. I don't believe that you just came here to complain about Shouwang's rudeness. He is now the Supervisor of Zuo, no matter how stupid he is, he shouldn't be ignorant of his propriety, right?" Feng Ziying stared. Looking at the other party: "If he wants to be stupid, Imperial Concubine Xu will not allow it?"

"Hehe, that's not the problem. What our family wants to say is that if he is like this, King Fu and Li Wang are naturally unwilling. People with such behavior can be appointed as the supervisor of the country and will be able to ascend to the high position in the future. How can this be convincing?" Zhou Dehai Slowly said: "Of course King Lu will not be reconciled, so Concubine Su and Concubine Mei are ready to move. Once the laws and regulations collapse, the country will not be a country,..."

   "Eunuch Zhou, when you say that, I feel that your uncle and nephew really care about state affairs." Feng Ziying laughed, very happy, this is so **** funny.

   "Master Feng, our family is also a humble person who dares not forget to worry about the country." Zhou Dehai salivated in response, but Feng Ziying couldn't do it.

  Feng Ziying regained her composure, and finally regained her seriousness, "Okay, I'll just believe what you said, if it is true that chaos breaks out and is not beneficial to state affairs, then what do you intend to do?"

   Had it not been driven by interests, Feng Ziying would not have believed that the uncle and nephew would jump up and down like this, with such energy.

Zhou Dehai also slowly returned to normal, and whispered word by word: "Before the emperor went to Iron Net Mountain, he actually intended to choose between King Lu and King Gong as his heir. You know, the King of Fu is superficial, the King of Li is indecisive, and he is not a wise king, only King Lu and King Gong..."

   "Then Lu Wang?" Feng Ziying looked at the other party with a half-smile.

  Zhou Dehai coughed dryly, his old face flushed, "Prince Lu is certainly excellent, but his temperament is a bit weak, besides, Concubine Mei is domineering, narrow-minded, and has always wanted to interfere in politics..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised, Zhou Dehai could say such a thing, Mei Yuexi has long intended to interfere in politics?

King Lu was indeed polite, and even Jia Huan said in Qingtan Academy that he was elegant and graceful, but he also mentioned that his temper was a bit feminine. Feng Ziying thought that Jia Huan was getting along with others because of his extreme temper. Than, I didn't expect Zhou Dehai to say the same thing today.

As for Concubine Mei, of course it's not a fuel-efficient lamp. Originally, she and Su Lingyao fought fiercely, forcibly trying to win favor from Su Lingyao, and then fought against Guo Qinyun. Although Guo Qinyun gave birth to King Gong, But there were also rumors that she was almost killed by Mei Yuexi, which seems to be true.

  But what does this have to do with me?

"Master Feng, don't believe it. If you put more thought into it, you should know about these situations." Zhou Dehai thought that Feng Ziying was moved, and further said: "But Prince Gong is different. Concubine Guo has always been indifferent, and has never had any intention of interfering in politics. The system is very respectful, and Concubine Guo is also from the north, and her uncle Chen Gong and your father are also old friends,..."

   Still speak for King Gong.

   "Prince Gong wants to be a state supervisor?" Feng Ziying asked bluntly, "Then, should King Shou change, or King Lu?"

Feng Ziying finally understands, what is being optimistic about herself is to be optimistic about the large group represented behind her, including the warriors including the Feng family, as well as Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia behind her, the group of northern scholars. .

  This King Gong not only wants to be the supervisor of the country, but also wants to go one step further and become the heir.

  Zhou Dehai was suffocated, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "If possible, it is natural to replace King Lu."

Feng Ziying understood in seconds that Shou Wang's foundation is not solid, and his reputation is not good at home and abroad. If you support him, he is immediately alone. On the contrary, King Lu is quite famous, so Zhou Dehai proposed to replace the biggest opponent, King Lu first.

  As long as the scholars in the north support King Gong, King Shou is not afraid and can bring him down at any time, and as long as King Gong can replace King Lu as the right supervisor, he can overtake him at any time.

   "What is the reason for replacing King Lu?" Feng Ziying asked back: "Also, why did you find me?"

Zhou Dehai looked calm: "For the stability of the Great Zhou Dynasty, King Shou is certainly not worth mentioning, but if King Lu ascends the throne, Concubine Mei will be in danger of becoming a martial artist. I think the princes in the court do not want to see such a situation .”

  Feng Ziying has become more and more enlightened. This is not a way that this pair of uncles and nephews can come up with, and it is not a trick that women like Guo Qinyun can play. There is really a master behind it? Chen Jingxuan, or Zhang Jingqiu?

  Most likely Chen Jingxuan is more likely.

Feng Ziying knew a little about this old friend of his father who had helped during the Linqing civil uprising, and he was also a person who was unwilling to be lonely, but he was slightly inferior in ability and skill, and he could not blame anyone for his inability to secure the position of governor of the three sides. .

Scholars in the north do not have much inclination towards who is the reserve. Feng Ziying also discussed this with Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, Han Yu and others inadvertently. It's another matter for the princes and their concubines,

   "As for replacing King Lu, there are many reasons." Zhou Dehai said indifferently, "I just don't have one, just find one."

   These eunuchs!

Feng Ziying came to this time and space, and felt that the servants in the palace of Dazhou were far worse than those of the previous Ming Dynasty. Even Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shian and their likes also behaved with their tails between their legs, and only Dai Quan in the Yuanxi era listened. Said that he still has the style of a great eunuch, and everything else is busy, but now it seems that this group of eunuchs is still underestimated.

   "It seems that I need to think carefully about Eunuch Zhou's suggestion." Feng Ziying nodded indifferently: "However, these matters seem to have nothing to do with Concubine Jia."

"The matter of Concubine Jia is just a pretext, and Concubine Xu Huanggui just wanted to take precautions when she first came back, but now maybe she feels that she has power and doesn't care about it." Zhou Dehai was obviously a little puzzled why Feng Ziying would ask As for Jia Yuanchun, as far as he knew, the Jia family had already been destroyed, Jia Yuanchun was not worth mentioning now, no one cared about him in the palace, no one cared about whether he would let him go or not.

  (end of this chapter)

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