Number of People

Chapter 1809: The Chaotic Situation in the Renzi Scroll

  Chapter 1809 The situation in the Renzi scroll is chaotic and cleverly leveraged

  Zhou Dehai left, still muttering, probably confused by Feng Ziying's caring attitude towards Jia Yuanchun.

  Even though the Feng and Jia families are family friends, in this world, the Jia family has been reduced to a traitor who has been confiscated and is about to be destroyed, so it is obviously inappropriate to contact them again.

  As for the court, there are countless concubines who have lost power. Who remembers them?

  One emperor and one courtier, one emperor and one concubine, and concubines without heirs will soon be forgotten, not to mention that their natal family has become rebellious.

   It is really hard for Zhou Dehai to understand that people like Jia Yuanchun are still remembered by Feng Ziying.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Zhou Dehai. In fact, Xu Junru doesn't care much about those confined concubines, and now his side doesn't seem to be the enemy of King Shou on the surface. It is not difficult for a concubine to change from a claustrophobic state to a cold one.

   This can be regarded as a matter of Feng Ziying's mind.

Presumably after experiencing such a twists and turns, Jia Yuanchun should cultivate his mind, cultivate his character and live a peaceful life. Of course, this life may not be easy. No matter what the final result of Emperor Yonglong is, a young woman will be depressed and lonely in the palace until she dies. I feel terrible even thinking about it.

  Back home, Feng Ziying was still a little emotional.

In theory, Jia Yuanchun's wisdom is not bad, but unfortunately, he was sent to the palace early by Jia's family, and he couldn't extricate himself in the palace. He was affected by various insides and made it into the current situation. In fact, after careful analysis Take a look, this is a typical example of the great difference between strength and ideas.

  Ping'er has already left, and went straight to Tianjin Wei to bring the words back, and of course, he also needed some necessary supplies.

In Jingshi City, whether it is for pregnant women or babies, it is much more complete than Tianjin Wei, so Ping'er also quietly bought a lot, and had to avoid people when leaving, so as not to be noticed There are clues.

   Negotiations with the Ministry of Criminal Justice have basically reached a consensus.

  By relying on these clues that Shuntian Mansion has, the Criminal Ministry is also very interested, especially the series of clues and traces from Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion, which make the Criminal Ministry smile.

  In the early stage, Wu Yaoqing and the torture chamber in Shuntian Mansion also made a very thorough and meticulous investigation. The context of the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion, especially in the capital city, has emerged, but there is still a lot of follow-up work.

Especially in the prefectures and counties outside the capital city and other prefectures in Beizhili, even Shandong and Shanxi, there are still many clues. If they are to be linked together, it will be a very complicated and systematic work. A big challenge.

However, after Liu Yixiu became Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, there have been no serious and important cases so far. Originally, Feng Ziying vaguely mentioned the Xishan Kiln case, and Liu Yixiu was also very interested, but the cabinet ministers, out of stability considerations, Liu Yixiu also regretted that he temporarily shelved the opinion of immediately investigating the case of Xishan Kiln.

Now, although the Ministry of Criminal Justice has also intervened in the search of these rebellious martial arts, but these are all lice on the monk's head-obviously, there is not much worth mentioning. Xie is also very upset.

Shuntian Mansion has now suddenly handed over the clues to the case of the White Lotus Sect, and the key is that Shuntian Mansion has done quite a lot of investigations in the early stage and has made considerable progress. The connections between the prefectures can be connected in series, and it has also extended to other prefectures. If there is no accident, this will be a major case that shocked Da Zhou.

  What Liu Yixiu wants now is political achievements.

When Li Tingji is about to retire due to his health, there will be a vacancy in the cabinet. Although Gao Panlong is the official minister, his qualifications are not deep. The trust of the princes can basically be ruled out, unless the emperor hand-picked him, but now the emperor is unconscious, so Liu Yixiu feels that he has quite a lot of experience, so there is still some hope.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Gao Panlong or Huang Ruliang enters the cabinet, he can still compete for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials or the Ministry of Household Affairs, so during this period of time, the Ministry of Punishment will have to come up with some decent results. It turned out that Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of Justice, who was not very friendly to him, had repaired it, just hoping to make meritorious deeds quickly.

  Feng Ziying took the initiative to hand over these clues, which surprised Liu Yixiu, but he didn't care, no matter what the other party's intentions were, he didn't care, as long as the cooperation produced outstanding results, everything could be discussed.

He also heard that Feng Ziying was assassinated by the White Lotus Sect when she was the magistrate of Yongping Mansion. Now it seems that the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion should be in the same line, so it is reasonable for Feng Ziying to contact the Ministry of Criminal Justice to catch them all. among things.

  But no matter what, Liu Yixiu also wants to accept Feng Ziying's love.

Feng Ziying also entrusted Song Xian with full power to handle this matter, and the Ministry of Punishment also sent an investigation team headed by Shandong Qingli Department member Wailang Luneng, and mobilized a number of cadres from Shanxi Qingli Department and Henan Qingli Department In addition, officers from Shuntian Mansion, Yongping Mansion, Shanxi and Shandong will be recruited from the procuratorate to participate in this investigation team, and Song Xian will play a role second only to Luneng in this investigation team.

According to Song Xian’s report back, the case was handled by Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Both Han Yu and Luneng basically agreed with Song Xian’s suggestion on the best policy. For suitable candidates, look for an opportunity to break into the local White Lotus Sect, and provide these people with assistance and opportunities within half a year, so that they can quickly enter the local White Lotus Sect center, in order to accurately grasp the trend of the White Lotus Sect, and make preparations for the next step of the imperial court. get ready.

   "Have Liu Dongyang's forwards arrived in Guide?" Feng Ziying was also refreshed when he received the report from the man sent by his father, "Isn't he moving too fast? Can the food and grass supplies keep up?"

Feng Ziying still knows a little about Liu Dongyang. After Ningxia put down the rebellion, he discussed the gains and losses of Ningxia's rebellion with his father, Cao Wenzhao, and He Renlong. It is rare, he is a rare general, if the general trend is not on the other side, this Liu Dongyang may really make a fortune in Shazhou like Zhang Yichao in the Tang Dynasty. It is a pity that Dazhou is not the late Tang Dynasty, the central government Still solid.

"The grain and grass from the Henan part were transported to Yifeng and Shangqiu first. In addition, after General Liu arrived in Kaifeng, he also actively transported grain and grass to Guide while resting. At present, the main force of his department is still stationed on the line from Yifeng to Kaocheng. It's on the line between Shangqiu and Yucheng." The visitor explained.

   "Could it be that Liu Dongyang wants to fight Xuzhou?" Feng Ziying couldn't help muttering to herself: "This is a bit risky."

  The visitor gave an introduction to the overall situation of the Northwest Army coming to the east, and finally handed Feng Ziying a secret letter.

  The secret letter is naturally from the father, and it specifically talks about the plan of the Northwest Army to come east this time, but there are not many secrets that cannot be revealed to others. It is nothing more than to solve the Shandong problem first.

But the father also mentioned that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are not easy to deal with. Relying on the canal line, Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu have no worries about logistics. On the contrary, due to transportation consumption and the impact of the drought in the north, it is even more difficult for the logistics supply. This is also the father. Feng Ziying was asked to find a way besides yelling at the Ministry of War, but also to have other means to assist.

Judging from the current situation, Niu Jizong seems to have given up on the attack on the Denglai Second Mansion due to the aggressive approach of the Northwest Army, and has begun to shrink his troops in the east of Shandong. From this point of view, Niu Jizong is still quite cautious and conservative, perhaps because he feels that the direction of Denglai It doesn't make much sense to take it down. The Denglai Navy can go north to Dagu or Yuguan when it can't stand up.

   In this way, their control over the front line of the canal has increased.

   After the visitor left, Feng Ziying took out the map and examined it carefully.

When the main force of his father's army returned to the front line of Luoyang, Liu Dongyang's striker was already preparing his troops on the front line of Kaifeng-Guide. Do you know if Chen Jixian can still sit still?

But Feng Ziying felt that with Liu Dongyang's temperament, the more he put on a posture of going east to Xuzhou, the less he would be. most likely to be targeted.

  But Caozhou, Dingtao, Chengwu, and Shan counties lined up in the west of Jining. It is impossible for Niu Jizong not to send troops to garrison, even if the number is not too many, but relying on these counties can completely block Liu Dongyang's advance and win time.

   This battle is not easy to fight.

  The key lies in whether the main force of his father can quickly catch up.

Shaking her head, Feng Ziying knew that she was not some kind of genius and good general. Being able to defeat the Nekalka in Yongping Mansion was completely due to her geographical advantage, forcing the Nekalkha to fight according to the method she set, and really entered this stage. In a large-scale battle, his own ability is not enough at all, so he will not be so arrogant as to point someone out.

  What I can do is to do my best in terms of logistical support, so that they can win battles without any worries.

  Reminiscent of what Zhou Dehai said today, Feng Ziying also realized that what the other party said was not unreasonable. If there were some accidents and civil strife in the frontline when the frontline battle was at its most tense, which affected the morale of the frontline soldiers, it would really be fatal.

  Feng Ziying is not sure if this is the reason she made for herself, but as Zhou Dehai said before leaving, no matter how you make friends, there is no harm in having an extra pair of eyes and an extra mouth in the palace, and Feng Ziying agrees.

  (end of this chapter)

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