Number of People

Chapter 1816: The Renzi scroll looks at the throat, Feng Tang wants to cut the knife

  Chapter 1816 Renzi Juan Peeping Throat Feng Tang Yu Hengsao

  After several months of training, Feng Tang still has some confidence in his Northwest Army.

  Perhaps because of being discriminated against for a long time and suddenly being valued by the court this time, the entire Northwest Army has a different spirit.

Especially during the training period in Qingyang, Feng Tang personally supervised the army and conducted training and training for the entire transferred army from three sides and four towns one by one. Keeping up makes the training effect this time better than expected.

Of the 120,000 troops drawn out, I dare not say that they are all elites, but they basically include all the troops that can be fought in the other three towns except Yulin Army. People have to keep some elites, so only some of them are transferred out. Considering the current situation, the other three towns basically only leave an army to guard the gate, and all other elites are drawn out as the main force of the West Route Army.

Most of the silver taels obtained from the imperial court were used to supplement food and pay, and a small part was also used to purchase some firearms from the Gyeonggi Military Manufacturing Workshop. Feng Tang has realized that with the changes of the times, firearms will definitely replace cold weapons on the stage. Feng Ziying has reiterated this point to him countless times, but after this round of training, he realized it deeply.

When a well-disciplined firearms unit gathers and forms a formation, whether it is an infantry or a cavalry, they will face a tragic fight if they want to charge the formation, and the price paid is extremely high, and the formation time of a firearms unit is longer than Cavalry and infantry are too short.

   This advantage is unparalleled.

However, financial difficulties have also limited the speed of the Northwest Army's firearms replacement. At the same time, considering that the firearms transformation is to be completely transformed into a well-disciplined firearms army as Ziying said, it also requires arduous training. As far as the military is concerned, time is definitely not enough now, so Feng Tang never thought that he would have to rely on firearms troops in this Southern Expedition. In a sense, he felt that this Southern Expedition may be the Northwest The last glory of the military cold weapon army.

   "Did the news from Dong Yang come back?" Feng Tang stood up, stretched his body, and looked out the window.

  Luoyang is the largest city in Henan Province, and it is also the core of the Yiluo Basin. From here, go east and enter Kaifeng, which is the place where the Four World Wars took place.

"The last news was three days ago. After some calculations, the news will come today and tomorrow." The staff member is an old man who has followed Feng Tang for decades, and asked with a smile: "My lord is considering Dong Yang's suggestion. ?”

"Well, Dong Yang has an extreme temper, but has a keen sense of smell. He is a natural warrior, but we have just entered the Central Plains, and the army still has a process of adaptation. I am still a little worried that he is too impatient." Feng Tang rubbed his chin, Thoughtful: "He is wandering on the Yifeng-Yucheng line, I am afraid that Chen Jixian will be afraid. Do you know who came yesterday?"

   "Could it be Chen Jixian's emissary?" The staff were surprised, some couldn't believe it.

   "That's right, they are Chen Jixian's people. Although they haven't revealed their identities, I can recognize them as people close to Chen Jixian." Feng Tang smiled, "Based on this alone, Nanjing can't make things happen."

   "Chen Jixian wants to communicate with the imperial court secretly?" The staff found it inconceivable.

  From the very beginning, he discussed with the coach the purpose of setting up Huaiyang Town, who is Chen Jixian, the Supreme Emperor, the Emperor, or Prince Yizhong?

   It is difficult to judge no matter how you look at it, the final conclusion is that Chen Jixian is a person who sits on the fence, and I am afraid that he may have a relationship with any party, so any party can reluctantly accept it, but neither party can fully believe it.

However, since the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army entered Shandong with great fanfare, Chen Jixian was indifferent to the imperial court's order to attack the Xuanfu Army. He evaded it for various reasons, and the imperial court lost trust in this man. From this point of view, he should be a talent from Nanjing. But this suddenly came into contact with himself, Dong Weng, what is his intention?

   Do you want to learn from the feudal towns at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and want to separate yourself in Xuzhou? This is too high of himself.

This year is completely different from the situation at the end of the Tang Dynasty. The authority of the Zhang family’s imperial power is relatively stable. Whether it is the capital court or the Nanjing puppet dynasty, they can only rely on the Zhang family’s children, and the scholars still recognize the Zhang family. Neither Emperor Yuanxi nor Emperor Yonglong were mediocre emperors, and their performances were still remarkable. Even though there were some shortcomings, they were all within the range acceptable to scholars.

  Even Prince Yizhong, who raised the banner of rebellion, was actually quite capable. During his time as the prince, apart from having an affair with Concubine Ying, which was intolerable to Emperor Yuanxi, there were no other failures.

As for the fact that he took advantage of Emperor Yuanxi's illness to make some small moves, in the eyes of the ministers, there is nothing wrong with it. Who would have thought that Emperor Yuanxi was so seriously ill at that time? Emperor Yuanxi recovered from his illness and was able to stay in power for several years before abdicating. No one expected such things.

   "It's hard to say, I just asked us not to attack Xuzhou. If we go to Shandong, he doesn't care. If we want to enter Xuzhou, then he will tear himself apart." Feng Tang smiled.

"Tear your face?" The staff thought it was funny, "What if he tore his face? He completely fell to the Nanjing puppet court? No matter how loyal he is to the court now, I am afraid that the court will not believe it? Unless he can give Xuanfu A knife in the back of the army, but the Xuanfu army is also guarding him now, right?"

  Feng Tang was silent.

  To be honest, he didn't know what Chen Jixian's mysterious operation was trying to do.

If he is said to be an "undercover agent" sent by the imperial court, when the Xuanfu army entered Shandong, he ignored him. The Ministry of War ordered him to go north and block the Xuanfu army on the canal line. The puppet dynasty is there, but he feels a little obedient to the announcement, and the Nanjing puppet dynasty has a vague attitude towards him, and he has not asked him to send troops to assist the Xuanfu army and the Datong army.

If it is said that he is sitting on the fence and wants to watch the wind, it would seem a bit too stupid. In this case, no matter who wins or loses, he will be hard to please. In the end, I am afraid that he will be the character who will be liquidated. It can be called the most stupid choice Nothing more than this.

  In Feng Tang's view, Chen Jixian should not be so unwise.

   But he also couldn't see through Chen Jixian's thoughts.

However, Chen Jixian sent someone to contact him and demanded that the Northwest Army not enter Xuzhou. Feng Tang was able to figure out some of Chen Jixian's thoughts. He hoped that he would meet the Xuanfu army in the next step, and the outcome of the battle between the two sides might become a decisive factor in his choice.

  If you look at it from this perspective, it is really possible.

The battle between the Northwest Army and the Xuanfu Army can almost determine the fate of the courts of the North and the South. If they lose, the Huaiyang Army will take the opportunity to join the battle and attack their flanks. Almost the entire affluent eastern region has been lost, and the impact of the severe drought in the Northland in the past two years may put the entire Northland, including Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, and Beizhi, in trouble, unable to support the follow-up war at all. , and places like Guangdong, Guangxi and Huguang are afraid that they will change their current attitude towards the imperial court.

Similarly, if I defeat the Xuanfu army in one fell swoop, I am afraid that the Huaiyang army will either go north to pinch the Xuanfu army, but it is more likely to take the opportunity to go south and go straight to Yangzhou, or even storm Jinling, and become the vanguard of going south. At that time, they will take Yangzhou, With Jinling's great achievements in hand, how could the imperial court deny it, or not give an explanation?

  Right now, what Chen Jixian is doing may be to prepare for the final blow.

"Perhaps Chen Jixian hasn't made up his mind, or he didn't dare to make up his mind to make a bet, but once he makes a bet, he may make a full blow at all costs." After a long time, Feng Tang slowly said: "He wants to see our Northwest Army Whether he can defeat the Xuanfu army is the weather vane for him to observe and make a decision."

"Then what do we do now?" The staff ignored this question, and it's not his turn to worry about it. What he needs to consider is the upcoming battle against Shandong. "Dong Yang has a big appetite, and he wants to raid Jining Or Xuzhou?"

"It's not necessarily these two places." Feng Tang shook his head: "Actually, many parts along the canal are throats. As long as one of them is cut off, the logistics supply of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army can be completely interrupted. It is also what Niu Jizong is most worried about, Dongyang has already said last time that the Xuanfu army has stationed troops in Jiaxiang, Juye, Yutai, and Jinxiang counties, obviously to prevent us from raiding this section."

"Then take Xia Town from Feng County and Pei County!" The staff looked sharply, "Didn't Chen Jixian say that we can't attack Xuzhou? Well, we will pass through Feng County and Pei County without touching them, and then go directly to Shandong to take Xia Town." Zhen, then he has nothing to say."

Xia Town is the original Xia Village. It is located in the south of Dushan Lake and Zhaoyang Lake. It strangles the main road on the north of the canal. Merchants gather together and Xu Yan’s throat. Taking this place will cut off the entire Shandong Canal from the inevitable Xu Yang. .

"Take down Xiazhen?" Feng Tang laughed, "Then you are forcing Niu Jizong to go all out. To take down Xiazhen, Niu Jizong is desperate to go south. Can we stop it? Although Xiazhen is an important throat, it is not A good location for defense, if Chen Jixian took the opportunity to hit us in the back, we might be rounded up."

The staff members were concentrating on this, and obviously realized this point. Taking down Xia Town may not be able to bear it, especially with Fengxian and Peixian counties in the middle. Once the Xuanfu army fails to attack, then Chen Jixian may have to do it. , which would in turn worsen the situation.

  But if they occupy Feng County and Pei County, they will directly fight the Huaiyang Army.

   This is a dilemma.

  (end of this chapter)

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