Number of People

Chapter 1817: Ren Zijuan Do Practical Things Ziying dense layout

  Chapter 1817 Renzi Juan Doing Practical Things Ziying dense layout

  Not to mention that Feng Tang strategized in Henan and began to prepare for the conquest of Shandong, but Feng Ziying still acted at his own pace in Shuntianfu.

After reaching an agreement with Huang Ruliang, Feng Ziying took the initiative to convene the representatives of Shanxi businessmen and Jiangnan businessmen here to communicate on the grain storage issues in Dagu, Dingzigu, Yuguan, and Yuepogang, as well as the subsequent grain purchase issues. .

Although there are a few people who think that the imperial court suppressed the price too much, and the price of food in the market is still rising steadily, but the Ministry of Households is only willing to buy at 10% off the market price, and the payment needs to be postponed for a period of time. It will be at the end of March in the tenth year of Yonglong It was only paid before, but fortunately, Haitong Yinzhuang was responsible for providing guarantee for this sum, which eased the worries of the merchants, after all, Haitong Yinzhuang was regarded as "one of our own".

Huang Ruliang's idea is also very simple. At present, there is not much silver in the Ministry of Accounts, and it needs to be kept as an emergency reserve. The money to buy food can only come from the sales proceeds. Cash and silver cannot be used, which means that all the money needed to buy grain must come from the sale of dead things. This is also a test for Feng Ziying.

   Didn't you say that you contacted Jiangnan businessmen to come to Beijing to submit a "signature certificate"? Didn't you say that the proceeds from the sale can be as good as the Jingtong Ercang case? Well, the Ministry of Household Affairs will put all the proceeds from this sale in Haitong Yinzhuang.

Transfer money from Haitong Yinzhuang to purchase grain storage from Dagu, Dingzigu, Yuguan, and Yuepogang, and even purchase grain from these merchants in the future, so you can rest assured, Feng Ziying, those merchants We can also rest assured that the court is also safe and sound.

   "My lord, are you looking for me?" Fu Shi hurriedly stepped into the hall of the public office, with snowflakes still falling on his shoulders, obviously he just came back from outside.

"Well, Qiusheng, the situation is not very good." Feng Ziying's face was calm, "The refugees from Shanxi and Baoding have already crossed the Marco Polo Bridge and will soon arrive outside the city. There may be more people than we imagined. , mainly Yizhou, Laishui, and Dingxing prefectures and counties in Baoding prefectures also brought many victims. Investigating these is a funeral matter, now we need to deal with the waves of refugees and disaster victims, the relief needs to keep up, and the weather is very cold, I am afraid that the clothes and accommodation need to be more prepared,..."

  Fu Shi was embarrassed, "My lord, I've heard about it, but with such a large scale, our mansion alone may not be able to handle it, and we have to use people from Wanping and Daxing counties..."

"Well, this is necessary. I have already called Daxing and Wanping counties, and they must cooperate unconditionally. In addition, I also wrote a document to inspect the city procuratorate, and asked them to transfer some of them from the five-city soldiers and horses and the patrol battalion. The manpower will cooperate with us and be dispatched by us in a unified way..." Feng Ziying glanced at Fu Shi, "This is a big test. The Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, and even the second minister Ye Fang of the cabinet are very concerned about how to deal with such a large-scale refugee entering Beijing. It is related to the stability of the entire Gyeonggi region, so we must do a good job of this exam paper, I want to hand over this matter to you, what do you think?"

  Although it was freezing cold, Fu Shi was sweating profusely.

  In fact, he had this feeling for a long time. Feng Ziying was focusing on cultivating the people of Shuntian Mansion, among whom he was the first to bear the brunt, and then Song Xian.

  Now Song Xian is assigned to investigate the White Lotus Sect case with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he is very excited. If the case is handled well, it is conceivable that Song Xian will be able to take a big step forward, and it is not impossible to even be promoted to the second or third level.

  Similarly, Feng Ziying valued herself more, perhaps because of the family background of the Jia family, or perhaps because she was the first to serve him, so she valued herself very much, so many things were entrusted to herself, which even greatly exceeded the power and responsibility of a general judge.

   "My lord values ​​it so much, Qiu Sheng will definitely live up to it." Fu Shi cupped his hands and nodded heavily.

"Well, I have already told Mr. Cui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, that it would be inappropriate for such a large number of refugees to come to Beijing, if they don't find something for them to do, and the capital city has not been repaired for many years, especially many streets. Alleys are covered in dust on sunny days and muddy on rainy days, cows, horses, livestock, and human excrement and urine are all thrown on the street. The excrement collectors under Ni Second Hand alone can't handle it. There are too few public toilets in the city, and a large one needs to be built. At the same time, the appearance of the main street also needs to be rebuilt, so it is necessary to organize these refugees and carry out a round of renovations on the entire capital city,..."

  Feng Ziying's words surprised Fu Shi. Relief with work is not new, but if these refugees are allowed to repair the toilets in the streets and alleys of the city, it would be a bit out of the ordinary.

   You must know that the rule set by the imperial court is that the refugees who come to Kyoto are all outside the city and are not allowed to enter the city. Once these refugees gather, the city will definitely be impacted, and the situation will be unimaginable.

Seeing Fu Shi's worried face, Feng Ziying smiled, "I know your worry, but Master Cui and I have been planning this matter for a long time, and you also know the situation in Beijing, the citizens have criticized it for a long time, the Ministry of Industry and our Shuntian Mansion also I have been blamed, so I have this intention for a long time. Now it is possible that there will be problems if the refugees come to repair it. I think problems will definitely happen. Ten to twenty thousand strong people will go to the city, and nothing will happen. , is it possible? The key is that we are not absolutely sure that we can control it?"

  Fu Shi nodded silently, this is the key.

"So the key lies in our early preparations and organization." Feng Ziying continued: "What the refugees want is nothing more than a bite of food, and if they are separated from their families, they will have concerns. In addition, they will adopt the method of joint insurance How can these people from one area ensure that nothing happens? There are still some means to deal with it, Qiu Sheng, what do you think?"

Fu tried to think about it, "I have also thought about keeping them from one place at a certain scale, but not too large, so as to avoid that once the gathering is difficult to control, for example, two to three hundred people form a small group, then three to five A group of groups from different regions can not only supervise each other, so that they can't be united, but also can maintain organization to a certain extent, and do things in a more orderly manner,..."

"Well, how to do it, you have to think about it and come up with a strategy." Feng Ziying nodded: "In addition, you can find a reliable helper in several general judgments. It's up to you to choose, and then I will let Yaoqing and Ni Er fully cooperate with you,..."

  Fu Shi's spirit is also lifted.

Since Feng Ziying established the government affairs, the attitudes of several judges have also changed drastically, and they have begun to move closer to Feng Ziying, but Feng Ziying has always maintained a lukewarm attitude, which makes the judges who are not in the Fu trial panic Uneasy, two of them even found Fu Shi, hoping to clear up the relationship by making friends with Fu Shi. Now it is obvious that Feng Ziying wants to give herself such a chance, so that she can also be kind to those colleagues.

   "Don't worry, my lord, I know how to do it." Now that the decision has been made, Fu Shi has settled down and considered how to do things.

   "Well, I've already told Fang Xiang about this. If you do a good job this time, you won't have to stick to this Shuntian Mansion in the future. There's a lot to gain in the vast world." Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction.

   Fu Shi was so excited that if he could be heard by the cabinet ministers, it would be worthwhile. If he did this job well, then maybe waiting for himself would be his chance for promotion.

   "It's just my lord, it will cost a lot to do this thing, I'm afraid the mansion..." Although Feng Ziying was expected to make arrangements, Fu Shi still wanted to remind him.

"This time the cost is not small. The Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Industry will take out part of the silver and materials. In addition, I have also agreed with the Shanxi merchants that the needed cement will be transferred from the new workshop they built in Shijingshan. After this matter After the completion, we will settle the settlement in a unified manner, and I have also told Ni Er about the rest of the materials, and he will be in charge of the overall arrangement, and the final settlement will be the same." Feng Ziying has a plan in mind.

When the turbulent refugees pushed along the post road like a mottled rag slowly but unstoppably to the edge of the capital city, they were greeted by the officials of Shuntianfu, Wanping and Daxing counties and the five city soldiers who cooperated Ma Si and the people in the patrolling camp had already written the names of places such as "Weizhou", "Guangchang", "Laiyuan" and "Yizhou" on the signs erected.

Although most of the refugees are illiterate, many of them recognize the place names of their hometowns. Coupled with the yelling of the officials, the refugees were quickly divided into several parts according to the state and county, and then they went down to the state and county. , and divided according to the township, and fellow villagers who know each other need to bond with the guarantee, which is only the first procedure.

But looking at the steaming gruel, although the dilapidated and simple shacks that can barely shelter from the wind and rain, the hearts of the refugees are still at ease. At least the imperial court still has intentions, fearing that the imperial court will reject them and replace them with knives and guns Stick, then there is really no way out.

  Feng Ziying changed into casual clothes and stood in the crowd to observe the situation. From time to time, she approached the crowd, watching the officials divide the refugees into small groups, and then began to lead them to the divided areas.

  The number of refugees in the first wave was not large, but only six or seven thousand people. This was also the first section of the road that was intentionally divided into several sections, so as to leave plenty of time for this side to respond.

  As long as the first step is taken steadily, the following will be much easier to handle. Everyone has a herd mentality. If everyone does this, naturally I can only follow this way.

  There are soldiers fighting with swords and guns, and gruel and hot water to deal with it. The people of Dazhou are the most simple and honest and the most patient. As long as they are not cornered, no one is willing to rebel and seek death.

  Feng Ziying knows this better than anyone else, so he is sure to handle this matter well. Of course, he still needs to deal with the challenge of the White Lotus Sect.

  (end of this chapter)

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