Number of People

Chapter 1819: Ren Zijuan on strategy, purple English, military and capital

  Chapter 1819 Renzijuan discusses strategy, purple English and military concurrent capital

  Since the arrival of the first wave of refugees from Shanxi, the entire Shuntian Prefecture has entered a state of emergency.

  Feng Ziying knows very well that the arrival of refugees in waves will only increase in size, and the pressure that Shuntian Mansion needs to bear will also increase, and at the same time, the hidden risks will also increase.

The White Lotus Sect will definitely find ways to develop and grow in it, looking for opportunities to make troubles, but Feng Ziying also has countermeasures. Under the strategy of sub-regional joint guarantees and small gatherings, the White Lotus Sect may provoke troubles. But if you want to expand the matter, or even get out of hand, that's unthinkable, and it's easy to identify the ambitious elements.

The task force of Song Xian and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has already started to operate. Not only has it started a comprehensive investigation and recruited personnel to the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi, Beizhi, and Shandong, but it has also begun to focus on this group of refugees from Shanxi and even other prefectures in Beizhi. , intending to find clues among these refugees, so that they can push back to the clues of the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi, Baoding, and Zhending. This combination can more effectively investigate the activities of these White Lotus Sects.

However, for Feng Ziying, it is most important to solve the social security and order brought by the refugees, so he took great pains to persuade Cui Jingrong to let the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Prefecture join hands to make use of the elite among the refugees, and carry out the entire streets of the capital city. A cash-for-work renovation.

Of course, Feng Ziying also argued with Cui Jingrong about the cost, and finally persuaded Cui Jingrong to use part of the silver from Jieshenku to start the construction. Proved by the renovation of the capital city this time, and the engineering team led by Ni Er took the lead, handing over these elites to the leadership of Ni Er's men and horses can be described as a perfect combination.

  As for the last silver taels advanced by Ni Er and the Shanshan businessman, Feng Ziying also greeted those two parties, and temporarily put it on hold, but the debt is not bad, and the source will be found after all.

   "Brother You, when did you arrive?"

Seeing You Shilu in military uniform with a dusty face, Feng Ziying was also overjoyed, and went forward to meet him, hugged him fiercely, then held his rough hand, and beckoned him to come in, "Come in, come in and sit, here's a seat." The weather is horrible."

"Your third brother is exhausted. No matter how heavy the snow is, you can't go south?" You Shilu spit out a mouthful of white mist, "It's no better than you. How comfortable it is to sit in this hall all day long to keep warm and ask questions. , so it’s better to be a civil servant to be an official, but it’s a pity that none of us brothers are educated.”

"Third brother, look at my whole body, it's soaked in snow, I just came back, look at my boots..." Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head and raised her feet, "I went back and forth from the west of the city to the south of the city today, and I couldn't walk. Twenty miles, do you think this official is so easy to be?"

   "Still refugees?" You Shilu saw that Feng Ziying was indeed wet all over, and the hands he held were cold, and frowned slightly, "There are a lot of refugees? Are there also people from Hejian?"

  You Shilu doesn’t care about the refugees from Shanxi, Baoding, and Zhending, but he has to ask about those from Hejian.

  Because he is about to lead his army southward, through Hejian Mansion, pointing to Shandong, and now Sun Shaozu is leading his army from Dezhou to Dongguang Nanpi.

  The North Route Army is mainly going to confront Sun Shaozu's Datong Army, and the southern area of ​​Hejian Prefecture may be the first frontier position to bear the brunt.

  Although Sun Shaozu had already taken root in Dezhou and attacked along the canal to Jingzhou, Wuqiao, Nanpi, and Dongguang in Hejian Prefecture, he did not actually encounter much resistance.

Because the fighting power of the guards in the northern Zhili prefectures cannot be compared with Sun Shaozu's Datong army, if they are forced to fight, it will only be a death for Sun Shaozu, so they sent Jingzhou, Wuqiao and Nanpi Dongguang , the imperial court voluntarily gave up.

But even so, Sun Shaozu did not dare to go further north, because he knew very well that in the territory of Beizhili and even Shandong, it was the basic territory of the imperial court, and it was basically impossible to win these places under the banner of Nanjing. Even if it is captured, it cannot be controlled, and may even be attacked.

  In addition to wasting troops in vain, it has little meaning.

  Once the Jizhen army goes south, it has to retreat quickly, otherwise it will be dangerous if it is blocked somewhere.

  In the end, Sun Shaozu's Datong Army only stopped at the front line of Botou Town, and then began to retreat. Even when they learned that the Jizhen Army began to gather and go south, they had already abandoned Nanpi and shrunk to Dongguang.

Before Sun Shaozu retreated to the south, he still couldn't hold back and plundered. He forced the gentry in Nanpi and Botou to donate, and even expropriated his master. The strong resistance of the entire Hejian Mansion was aroused.

  In Feng Ziying's view, this is actually a foolish and short-sighted approach. To do so without the support of the local government is to cut oneself off from the locality.

  But for Sun Shaozu, this was a last resort.

  The Datong Army is located at the northernmost tip of Shandong Province. Supplies are transported from the south of the Yangtze River. First, Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army must be satisfied before they can be sent to Dezhou where he is located.

Although Niu Jizong still took care of him, it was impossible for Niu Jizong to ignore the emotions of the generals of his own Xuanfu army. Therefore, under such circumstances, Sun Shaozu had to think more about his own Datong army, and he didn't even think about it. Thinking about going back to places like Hejian, it is already quite restrained not to fish desperately.

But in Feng Ziying's view, since you have already done the wrong thing, you might as well do it absolutely, and simply plunder it to your heart's content. Why bother?

"The number of refugees coming from Hejian is not large, and there are even fewer along the canal. They are mainly from Suning, Xianxian, Renqiu and Baoding." Feng Ziying introduced: "The situation in Baoding is not very good. Okay, so affected by the refugees from Shanxi, they are very restless, and there are people coming from the north one after another, and there are some changes in the Hejian Mansion."

  You Shilu felt at ease. Their army would also go south along the canal. Everyone wanted to use the canal as a supply route, because only in this way would the transportation pressure be minimized and avoid using too many civilians and consume too much.

   "What do you plan to do with these refugees in Shuntian Mansion?" You Shilu said casually: "If there is no food, our Jizhen army is about to go south, and we also need some masters, and we can recruit some from them..."

"I would like to, but what about the old and weak women and children of these refugees, do they also follow you south?" Feng Ziying shook her head slightly, "Don't worry about this, I have already arranged for the front lines of Wuqing, Dong'an, and Dacheng. In Dacheng, two of my classmates are still serving as magistrates, and the necessary supplies and civil servants are all ready, so we will definitely not delay your journey to the south."

"Hehe, you still know me, Ziying. To tell you the truth, I came here today for this purpose." You Shilu laughed with satisfaction: "Soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are mobilized. The canal alone is not enough. We need sufficient supplies, so we can fight this battle with confidence."

   "It may take a while for Shanxi Town to meet up, right? They came a little too slowly." Feng Ziying asked.

"Hmph, I don't know if Su Chengdu's mind is on fighting, but judging by the route he marched, it looks like a demonstration." You Shilu sneered, "Without Zhang Butcher, can we only eat hairy pigs? If it wasn't for the eldest brother who was still worried that the Chahar people might take the opportunity to harass me, if he could give me another 20,000 people, I would have solved Sun Shaozu even if I didn't want the Shanxi Town gang. Even so, I plan to have a good meeting with Sun Shaozu for a while. "

"Third brother, I don't know if Sun Shaozu can fight, but it is said that I know the generals in Datong Town under him. Two of them are quite strategic, but this generation also has weaknesses..." Feng Ziying smiled road.

"Oh?" You Shilu's eyes lit up: "Then Ziying, brother Yu will have a good chat with you. This has a lot to do with my next move. If I can win a battle because of this, then Ziying can It’s a great achievement.”

Of course he knew the background of the Feng family in Datong. According to the outside world, 50% of the generals and military officers in Datong Town came from Feng Duan's family, 30% came from Ma's family, and only 20% were from Feng Duanma's family. The three families are somewhat related.

"Even if the third brother doesn't talk about it, I still have to talk to the third brother." Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously, "I'm a civil servant, and I can't be credited for strategizing and charging, but I can recover Shandong as soon as possible. It’s also expected.”

  Feng Ziying kept You Shilu for dinner, talking while eating, and You Shilu didn't leave until he was about to die.

  He naturally has a place to stay in Beijing, so there is no need for Feng Ziying to arrange it for him.

   After sending You Shilu away, Feng Ziying also kept thinking that this group of Datong Army led by Sun Shaozu would really be a breakthrough point in the Shandong Raiders.

Although Niu Jizong did all kinds of things to win over the generals of Datong when he was the governor of Xuanda, it did play some role. The vision may be lacking. In addition, since Niu Jizong can buy you, the imperial court can also make a move at the critical moment, and the conditions can even be more generous.

  Today, he gave You Shilu a detailed introduction of what he knows about these people. As for when and how to operate, that is You Shilu's business.

But Feng Ziying thinks that there is quite room for maneuver, but it also depends on the timing. There don’t need to be many opportunities. At a critical moment, only one unexpected factor is needed to turn the whole battle situation around, or even collapse. Feng Ziying specially reminded of this You Shilu.

  (end of this chapter)

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