Number of People

Chapter 1820: Renzi Juan sees the building has different thoughts

  Chapter 1820 Renzi Juan Jian Loutao has different thoughts

  When Lin Hongyu returned to the capital city, she didn't go to Feng Mansion first, but went straight back to Ningrong Street.

   After going away for more than half a year, she has never returned to the capital city. It can be said that she is eager to return home, especially when she thinks that Rongguo Mansion was confiscated, and her parents were imprisoned with Jia's family. This is even more difficult for her to accept.

In the Rongguo Mansion, apart from her mother, she also has two elder brothers, one is seven or eight years older than him, but works in Jinling, and the other is only four or five years older than her, but they are also married, and live in the Zhuangzi outside the city. As a small steward, I heard from Ping'er that he should not have been arrested, but he didn't know how to deal with the people in the village outside the city.

  Other people from Rongning and Ningfu were generally kicked out of the mansion, and now most of them live in rented houses around Ningrong Street outside the mansion, but it is not clear whether the people from outside the city came back to the city.

There are quite a few people in this situation. It turned out that everyone lived in the Rongning Second Mansion, but now the two mansions have been seized. The person was sent out temporarily, and he was not allowed to go out with security pending investigation.

These days are not so easy, three meals a day have to be spent, and away from the big tree of the Jia family, many people don't know where to find a livelihood, and the current refugees who enter Beijing are slaves. The price of maids inserting bids and selling heads is much cheaper.

   Walking on Ningrong Street in a daze, Lin Hongyu felt an indescribable soreness in her heart.

This place has become much more desolate and deserted. Although Rongning Street was not as good as it was a few years ago, after all, there are still one or two thousand people living in Rongning Second Mansion on this street, and there are people coming and going. There are still quite a few, and most of them know each other, but today, during this journey, I didn’t see many people, and most of them passed by in a hurry. Even acquaintances nodded before they had time to say anything. up.


Walking past the gate of Ningguo Mansion, the gate had already been sealed. Lin Hongyu stopped hesitantly, took a look, and walked forward. She didn't know how her brother was doing now. There was no time to ask, so I was the only one who came back to inquire. Fortunately, so many people in the mansion were kicked out, so I didn't worry about any accidents.

Hearing a cry suddenly, Lin Hongyu turned her head and saw a woman on the street with a laundry basket greeting her in surprise. Lin Hongyu blinked her eyes, and then realized that this was not Qi Lai from Baoyu's house. what?

"Qixie?" After all, Lin Hongyu had stayed in Baoyu's house for a while, and she was very familiar with the girls in Baoyu's house, and she was far better than Qingwen in dealing with affairs, so she and Xiren, Sheyue, Qiuwen, Qiwen, etc. Lai, Meiren, and Zixiao are all on good terms with each other, at least when she went from Yihong Courtyard to Wang Xifeng's place, she didn't make the tea cold when everyone left.

  Looking at Qi Shang's plain appearance, Lin Hongyu rubbed her eyes and almost didn't recognize her.

This girl used to know how to dress up when she was in Yihong Courtyard. She is different from Zixiao, Meiren and Xiren, Sheyue, and Qiuwen. The three girls, who are charming and charming, like to be exquisite, and they usually dress up beautifully, which Baoyu likes very much.

   Today's outfit is no longer plain, but really simple.

   "Qixie, is it really you? What are you doing here?" Lin Hongyu stood still and asked in surprise, "Second Master Bao..."

  After the words were out of her mouth, Lin Hongyu remembered that Baoyu had already been sent to the prison, but Qi Xun did not go in, and it seemed that she was not implicated in it.

Qi Xun's face darkened, "Don't you know that Jia's family members have all been imprisoned, Bao Erye is no exception, and Xiren was implicated and arrested. Everyone was kicked out from the Rongguo Mansion by the government, and we had nowhere to go, so we temporarily found a house to live in in the Tashui Lane on the edge of Rongning Street. Accumulate, so barely make a living,..."

   "Huh?" Lin Hongyu didn't expect Qiuwen Sheyue to be with Qixie and the others, and asked quickly: "So everyone in Yihong Courtyard is with you?"

"Well, two of them left, Liang'er and Bihen left, and the others were with us, and now they have no livelihood, so we went to do some laundry work, we can't just sit and eat, right? "Qi Lai's face was gloomy, she subconsciously grabbed the laundry basket on her arm, and smiled helplessly: "What about you? Didn't you go out with Second Mistress? Why did you come back alone?"

  Lin Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly explained: "Second Grandma hasn't come back yet, I came back to see my parents and elder brother..."

   "Your parents too..." Qi Xun shook her head.

   "I know, so I came back to look for my brother. There is nothing I can do with my parents. I can only wait for the government to deal with it. I will also ask my brother to see what I will do in the future."

  Lin Hongyu is not quite sure what the outcome of the Zhuangzi where her brother is, but it is estimated that most of them will be sold, which means that the elder brother who is a small steward in the Zhuangzi will also have nowhere to go, so she also has to ask.

"Isn't your brother in the Zhuangzi outside the city?" Qi Lai still knew the situation of Lin Hongyu's family, and said casually: "All the household items in the mansion and the Zhuangzi's shop were confiscated by the government, and the Zhuangzi outside the city was also the same, but the people in the mansion He was kicked out, but Zhuangzi outside the city did not do that. I heard that the original person should continue to take care of it. After all, no one in the government will take care of it. I guess it will be dealt with after the sale. If you are the master, there are those who don’t want to do it, so they ran back to the city, and they all live in this area, it seems that they haven’t seen your brother, but during this period of time, everyone is in a mess, and everyone is in a mess , maybe live in some corner, it’s possible that I haven’t seen it.”

"Then I'll take the time to go out of the city to have a look." Lin Hongyu's mind is actually not on this. His elder brother is so old, so there must be no problem. He doesn't want Yuanyang's elder brother to be in charge of the old lady, so No matter how hard it is, it can't be his turn. "Then it's so messed up here, and no one has come to ask? Everyone doesn't have a backbone. It's not a solution to drag it like this?"

"Hey, all the people in charge of the whole family were taken away by the government and sent to the big prison. Now they are all headless chickens, as if they have been cramped. The whole Jia family has lost their spirits, and everyone is listless. ..." Qi Xun sighed again and again, "You also know that the mansion is in arrears with the monthly bills for the next six months, and when everyone was kicked out by the government, they hardly brought out much savings, so now everyone is worried about how to make ends meet, where Do you still have the mind to take care of other things? That is, the mandarin ducks. They come to have a look and ask every day. Good luck, I heard that the old lady gave it to Uncle Feng early on, so she got away, but she is just a servant, not a grandma, no matter how much Uncle Feng favors her, she can't let her take care of her regardless. Are there so many people in the Second Mansion? Even mountains of gold and silver are not enough."

  Qi Xiang talks a lot, rambling on and on, probably because she hasn't met a person who can speak from the bottom of her heart for a long time.

Lin Hongyu has gone out a long time ago, and has nothing to do with Jia's family. She just came back from the outside now, and she doesn't know what's going on in the mansion. Besides, Qi Xun also thinks that Lin Hongyu's dress is not bad, so she just put something on her face. The words were all shaken off.

   "Does Yuanyang come here every day?" Lin Hongyu didn't expect Yuanyang to be so benevolent, so she hurriedly asked.

"Well, I basically come here every day to wander around, but she can't take care of it. Except for those who were taken away by the government, how can the remaining one thousand people in the two mansions be managed? That is, the original mansion Familiar ones, kinder ones, and those who really can’t even afford to eat, Yuanyang only helps out, how else can we afford it?”

While Qi Xun was talking, she suddenly saw something, and quickly pointed her finger: "Look, isn't that mandarin duck coming over? Uncle Feng treats mandarin duck really well, he lets mandarin duck come by carriage every day, really treats mandarin duck as an aunt Let’s take a look, I don’t know how many lifetimes of virtue accumulated by Yuanyang’s ancestors to get such good luck.”

Qi Xun's words were full of envy. Thinking about myself, I wanted to enter Baoyu's house at the beginning but couldn't get it. Later Baoyu went to Niu's daughter. I heard that Niu's daughter was extremely jealous, so she was only one of them. In the past, it was Baoyu who begged and begged to agree, but even so, I went with Xiren's good temper, and I was low-key over there, and I was also made difficult by the Niu's daughter, and returned to Yi several times. When the Red Court came to speak, they wiped away their tears and remained silent.

Yuanyang also saw Lin Hongyu at a glance, got out of the car and ran over here, her face was full of joy: "Hongyu, when did you come back? Some time ago, Ping'er said that you might come back next time. The second grandma is in Cangzhou But okay?"

Before Hongyu came back, she had been told by Ping'er a long time ago, knowing that Yuanyang had become suspicious of Second Grandma, so she hurriedly said: "Fortunately, Grandma is still a little weak and her appetite is not very good, and she will probably have to take care of her for a while. , I might be able to come back next summer and autumn."

"Will you have to wait that long?" In fact, Yuanyang has already decided in her heart that Wang Xifeng was pregnant with a child, so she had to avoid going outside to give birth, and the most suspicious person for the man with the child is Uncle Feng, but this kind of thing , even if it is common in rich families, it is still invisible after all. Even if they know it well, everyone can only pretend not to know it. After counting the days, Yuanyang can also guess that this is probably Wang Xifeng who gave birth. Hongyu came back Reported.

   "The place in Cangzhou is very good. The second grandma feels comfortable living there, so she might as well raise her for a few more days, but maybe she might come back a few days earlier." Hongyu replied cautiously.

  (end of this chapter)

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