Number of People

Chapter 1821: The Renzi Juan talks about the internal and external transparency of military aircraf

  Chapter 1821 The Ren character scroll states that military aircraft are transparent inside and outside

From the last time I tested Ping'er and the other party avoided talking about it, and even changed the topic on purpose, Yuanyang can basically be sure that Wang Xifeng is pregnant and hiding outside to wait for delivery. Can return to Beijing, then how will the child explain to the outside world?

   Send it back to Feng's house, under the guise of which aunt in his house will be at his knees? Can Wang Xifeng give up with that temperament?

Moreover, Yuanyang doesn't think that such a secret can be kept for long. Wang Xifeng not only goes out alone, but Ping'er keeps his mouth shut, but for Wang Xin, Laiwang's family, and girls like Feng'er, isn't it the same for Hongyu in front of her eyes? ?

Thinking of this, Yuanyang couldn't help but look up and down at the girl in front of her, and saw that her slightly plump body was different from half a year ago. Although her eyebrows were still smooth, the powder between her cheeks and the lip balm on her lips were a little different. It's the same, after a little thought, you can understand what's going on.

This girl's body should have been broken by men a long time ago. Although she didn't dare to change her attire like Qingwen and Siqi, she couldn't hide it from those who cared. How can a person who is well-versed in the world hide it? This means that Lin Zhixiao and his wife may have already noticed or knew about Hongyu's broken body.

It's just that Hongyu was by Wang Xifeng's side when she broke her body, so the instigator is self-evident, and thinking of Wang Xifeng's methods, Yuanyang can basically guess why Ping'er can still keep the body of Huanghua girl, but Hongyu was broken dead.

   It is clear that Wang Xifeng still doesn't believe in Hongyu, so he simply asked Uncle Feng to break Hongyu's body first, so that she would give up.

  Seeing Yuanyang sizing her up and down, Hongyu felt a little guilty. She knew Yuanyang's intelligence, and she couldn't hide her eyes.

Although the body has been broken long ago, Hongyu also knows the depth, so people before and after try their best to pretend nothing happened, as usual, but they just can't hide it from those who care, but as long as you kill yourself and refuse to admit it, no one can come Forcibly check whether she is still a girl of Huanghua, and now she is not from the Jia family, and she is with the second grandma. As long as the second grandma doesn't speak, no one can say anything.

It's just seeing the girlfriends who grew up together in the past. Yuanyang is a few years older than me, and has always regarded herself as a younger sister, especially now that Yuanyang has been given to Uncle Feng by the old lady. The identity of a housekeeper cannot escape the identity of an aunt.

  Thinking of this, Hongyu's heart is also sour and astringent, and there is still some indescribable taste.

  People have different fates. They are all born in the Rongguo Mansion. In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to mandarin ducks. In terms of intelligence and temperament, Hongyu thinks that she is also not bad. Why can she only be a girl for the second grandmother?

After being broken by the uncle, he could only hide and dare not make a sound, and waited for the opportunity with aggrieved, but Yuanyang was able to enter Feng's residence proudly, seeing that the aunt's seat could be expected in the future, and at the very least, it was a guarantee. The identity of Tongfang's girl is waiting, this is an opportunity that countless girls in the whole family have been looking forward to, but Yuanyang got it so lightly and skillfully.

   It is also fortunate that Yuanyang treats people very well in the mansion, and has a very good relationship with Hongyu. If it is another person, Hongyu's mentality will be even more out of balance.

   Fortunately, looking at Qi Xiang who was still looking forward to beside her, Hongyu's mentality suddenly became much more balanced.

In the past, when I was in Yihong Courtyard, I still had to look at the faces of girls like Xiren, Sheyue, Qilu, and Zixiao. Scholars and merchants who got married in the capital made a living by washing clothes.

  Compared with me now, they are very different. At least it is right to run away and follow the second mistress, otherwise, wouldn't I be the same as Qi Xun and the others?

"Hongyu, it's good for you to come back. The uncle also said two days ago, find a chance to take us into the imperial prison to have a look." Yuanyang pursed her lips, and wiped the hair on her forehead, "This Although I also went to the imperial prison for a few days, I could only send some daily items and bring a letter to the gate of the prison, but I couldn’t go in. Uncle Feng was also busy with the affairs of the refugees during this period, and he came back every day. In the middle of the night, it took only a few days to relax a little, so I looked for opportunities to talk to the uncle, and the uncle said that he would take us in to take a look at some time in these two days,..."

  Hongyu's heart skipped a beat, she was overjoyed: "Your master said you can take us in?"

  In a hurry, the word "Master" popped out of his mouth. Qi Xiang beside him didn't pay attention, but Yuanyang recognized it immediately.

The word "Ye" for this maid is different. Ordinary maids can only call Feng Ziying, and they can only call Uncle Feng. If they are close, they can call Uncle Feng. It's a kind of taboo, but Hongyu's little hoof blurted it out, obviously used to it.

However, the mandarin duck did not reveal anything, and there was a Qilu next to it, and she took it with a slight smile: "Well, the uncle said that it will only be two days, and now you can't live here, I'm afraid you have to go back to the second grandma's place." Bar?"

   Hongyu nodded: "I won't be here for a few days, and I'm going back there. I just want to see my parents..."

"That's good, you can go to Fengcheng Hutong with me, there is also a resting place there, I will go around for a while now, Qilu, Meiren told me yesterday that Sheyue is not in good health , are you better today?"

The topic was changed, and Yuanyang asked about the situation of Qixi and others. Naturally, Qixi had to complain, but Yuanyang would not agree with such words. There are too many people in Rongning and Ningfu who need relief. She could only deal with it, could she still bring all these people back to Feng's residence?

   It's nothing more than giving Qi Shang two taels of silver to use first, and then talk about it when there are difficulties in the future.

   Hongyu followed Yuanyang into Feng's carriage and went back to Feng's residence.

Returning to Feng's Mansion will inevitably lead to another round of excitement with old partners, Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, Qingwen, Siqi, Xiangling and Ying'er, plus a mandarin duck, in a trance, Hongyu suddenly feels as if this The Feng family is just like the Jia family a few years ago, with fragrant bees and butterflies everywhere, the only thing is that there are many fewer girls. Except for Bao girl, Qin girl and Er girl, the other girls are very little.

  Feng Ziying also took a lot of thought to make an agreement with Long Jinwei, and even met Lu Song for this.

  Lu Song suddenly seemed to be much older, but his mental state was still good.

The assassination of Emperor Yonglong's coma hit him hard. Although he was assassinated at Tiewang Mountain, the responsibility seems to be more on the part of the Three Parents Army, but no matter where he is, the responsibility of Captain Long cannot be escaped, but now because of The investigation is still going on, although the progress is not much, but it seems that no one has mentioned who should be held accountable, so this silent situation is also very delicate.

After some discussions, Lu Song also agreed to Feng Ziying's request to bring someone into the imperial prison. This is not a big deal. Everyone knows what happened to the Jia family in Rongning. It's still about two things.

One is naturally the White Lotus Sect, but both the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Shuntian Mansion have formed a task force, and Long Jinwei has also joined in, and the progress is relatively smooth, but the White Lotus Sect is deeply rooted and powerful, and it will not be able to achieve the expected results in a day or two. have to last.

  The other one involved matters in the palace.

The palace guards are the responsibility of the Shangsanqin army, but the Shangsanqin army did not investigate the power in the palace. Some people outside the palace got involved and hooked up, which gave Lu Song a headache.

   "Lord Lu, it seems a little hard for you to tell me these things?" Feng Ziying still respects Lu Song very much.

This general who started from the hidden residence of Emperor Yonglong seems to have been under the shadow of Gu Cheng, the former commander of the Dragon Guard. But it is clear that if this is not the case, it is really hard to say whether the Supreme Emperor and Emperor Yonglong can survive the past few years in such a stable manner.

  Lu Song grasped the middle scale very well, and did not give any chance to Prince Yizhong, who had always hoped to play a role in it, and successfully and imperceptibly took the power of Long Jinwei into his hands.

"Hehe, Mr. Feng,..." Lu Song laughed, but Feng Ziying hurriedly said: "Master Lu, you can just call me Ziying, my father has known you for a long time, although I seldom get in touch with you, But in this position of Shuntian Mansion Chancellor, I will inevitably borrow from you Long Jinwei in the future."

Lu Song was not too polite, "Well, your father is almost in Kaifeng now, right? It's almost there. I have known your father for more than ten years, but we didn't know much before. He only came back to Beijing from Datong Town. A little more, because of some connections in military affairs in recent years,..."

"I also appreciate your care. My father led the Northwest Army to the east. I am not familiar with the situation in Shandong and Henan. I am afraid it will be difficult to meet the requirements with the staff of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment. Some local support is enough." Feng Ziying took the opportunity to build relationships for her father.

"Ziying, the family does not talk about two families. For such a major military matter, Long Jinwei is naturally duty-bound. Your father's striker has already sent someone to contact Long Jinwei. However, your father does have some courage. Liu Dongyang is an unruly man." Taming, has always been against him, and your father dares to use him as a striker, it is a bit risky." Lu Song reminded.

"I also know something about this matter. Liu Dongyang is not good at dealing with civil servants. If he is placed in the border, my father will not be like this. But if he enters the Central Plains, this is all the land of the Great Zhou. If there is no logistical support and the support of the local government , he is difficult to become successful..." Feng Ziying explained.

  (end of this chapter)

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