Number of People

Chapter 1822: The Essence of Zi Yingming in the Renzi Scroll of Palace Affairs

  Chapter 1822 The Essence of Zi Yingming’s Imperial Affairs in the Renzi Scroll

  Lu Song nodded, "I have no intention of interfering with your father's military affairs, it's just a kind reminder, and your father must be aware of it."

  Feng Ziying cupped her hands slightly to express her gratitude: "More reminders from adults, I will definitely pass them on to my father."

"Come back to the subject, Ziying, you may have heard about the situation in and out of the palace in Shuntian Mansion. Although the emperor's health has improved, he has not yet come to his senses. The judgment of the imperial physician is also at odds. Administration, but judging from the current situation, when it comes to administration, I'm afraid..."

  Lu Song didn't continue, just shook his head.

   Governance? What politics? King Shou and King Lu, one is frivolous and arrogant, ignorant, and the other is young and ignorant, weak and timid. Xu Junru and Mei Yuexi behind them are the real manipulators, but two women and Taoists who have lived in the deep palace for a long time. How can such people be able to talk about governance if they forget about righteousness for small profits and have shallow vision?

  Feng Ziying is also not good at talking about this. With Emperor Yonglong's unconsciousness, the pillar of imperial power quickly collapsed.

Whether it is the King of Shou or the King of Lu, they are not ready to take on this responsibility at all. They only focus on the few brothers who may threaten their future succession, and only think about how to eradicate the threat and sit firmly. I took that position, but I never thought about what kind of ability and responsibility I need to take that position.

For them, maybe they just can't solve the problem, so it's enough to get rid of the people who might do it, no matter who is better than me, but as long as they can't sit in that position, then the last remaining Only you can sit down.

"My lord Lu, the emperor failed to wake up, which gave everyone unlimited possibilities for reverie. The concubines in the palace are not fuel-efficient lamps. Naturally, it is impossible to give up for the future of their own princes. Such disputes are also inevitable." Feng Ziying said lightly. Authentic: "This kind of talk should not be said by foreign ministers like me, but in the position of Shuntian Fucheng, it is inevitable to meet some people who want to make trouble, so I have to say that no matter how much the palace fights , I don’t think it’s appropriate to get involved in government affairs, and the ministers in the cabinet can see clearly the reason behind this, so there’s no need for Mr. Lu to worry about this.”

  Lu Song narrowed his small eyes slightly.

He didn't expect Feng Ziying to say such a thing. The implication was that the group of people in the palace would have to deal with it, but it could only be confined to the palace and could not involve government affairs. Everyone is cut off from the affairs of the court, so what kind of country is the supervisor of the country, and what kind of government is it?

  Feng Ziying noticed the change in Lu Song's gaze, but she remained the same: "Master Lu thinks my words are a bit out of line? Or do you think that the establishment of a state prison is meaningless?"

  Lu Song smiled softly, "I think Ziying has her own experience."

   "The establishment of the Supervisory State is actually just a means to balance the internal and external. In terms of essence, neither the King of Shou nor the King of Lu has the ability to supervise the administration of the country. Does Mr. Lu have any objection to this?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

  Lu Song remained silent.

"The reason why it was established is that it is uncertain whether the emperor can wake up, and the royal family is in chaos. If such an option is not given in time, it may be used by Prince Yizhong. In case he announces that he will supervise the country's governance What? In fact, he had already done it, but it was flatly rejected by Ye Gong at the time." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "So I gave a response to stop Prince Yizhong from wanting to cause trouble in Beijing and force him to leave Beijing. As for In the future, if King Shou and King Lu can really show their ability to govern, they may not be able to take advantage of the situation in the future, but now, it seems that they have not seen it."

  Lu Song sighed, but still did not speak.

"Now that the war is imminent, everyone knows that if Shandong cannot be won in the middle of next year, the imperial court will be in a desperate situation." Feng Ziying said bluntly, "The impact of the severe drought in the north will gradually appear, and now it is just the beginning. At the end of spring, which was the most difficult time, the imperial court could not solve the problem of filling the stomachs of the victims in Shanshan and Shaanxi. Those victims who had nowhere to go could only take risks. Some prefectures like Henan, Beizhi, and Shandong had such a situation. It’s just that the officials below suppressed the report for their own black hats, and the court can’t take care of it now, but to solve this risk, the water transport must be resumed, and Jiangnan and Huguang must transport grain northward in the next autumn. This cannot be done. , the world will be in chaos, relying on the little grain shipped by sea alone can only maintain the needs of the capital and the army, and other disaster-stricken places can only ask for their own blessings!"

Lu Song had to admit that what Feng Ziying said was true. In fact, he originally wanted to order some of Feng Ziying's layouts in Yuguan, Dagu and Dingzigu, but he took the initiative to say that the grain stored by sea was not enough to satisfy the needs of the capital. It is very difficult to meet the needs of the army and the army, let alone other places, it is impossible for the imperial court to solve the needs of the victims in other places regardless of the capital and the army.

  Maritime transportation may have a bright future, but it is far from being able to shoulder this burden now.

In fact, Feng Ziying has already seen this point, and started to do it, encouraging merchants from Shanshan and Jiangnan to cooperate with merchants from Jiangnan, but it takes a process, not three to five years or even ten or eight years. , it is difficult to really replace water transport.

Lu Song admired Feng Ziying's foresight. Without Feng Ziying's advance planning, the price of grain in Gyeonggi would skyrocket. It was all due to the Ministry of Households' announcement that grain would be transported from Dingzigu, Dagu, and Yongping. It was only then that the ferocious rise in food prices was barely suppressed and the situation in Gyeonggi was stabilized. Otherwise, the situation in Gyeonggi would have deteriorated long ago, not to mention that there are still so many refugees pouring in.

Based on this point, Lu Song felt that even if Feng Ziying made any request that did not violate his principles of life, he would agree to it. As for bringing someone into prison to visit someone, it was a trivial matter, so he It was Feng Ziying who wanted to be released on bail. As long as it wasn't Jia She, Jia Baoyu, Jia Rong and other important people who were too eye-catching, he would turn a blind eye.

   "Ziying, you mean to let them toss in the palace, as long as it doesn't affect the court, it doesn't matter." Lu Song laughed, "But such a toss, it's inevitable..."

"Lord Lu, if you don't let them toss, they have to focus on court affairs, and even come up with some unrealistic ideas, wanting to use the court situation to make trouble, that is the real hidden danger, so let them go , Long Jinwei has a good grasp of one of the standards, and can even guide it, it has nothing to do with the overall situation, as long as Shandong is won and the general situation is determined, then the rest will be nothing to worry about." Feng Ziying said relaxedly.

   "Ziying, judging by your appearance, you have a lot of confidence in the court situation." Lu Song asked with a smile.

"Lord Lu, I think the phrase "Shut together with the country" can be applied to those of us scholars and martial arts who were born in the north. I don't think the Nanjing puppet dynasty really won. We can be better than now, so we will be firm. We will win this battle with the support of Yi." Feng Ziying said categorically, and it was also a statement to everyone represented by Lu Song.

Satisfied, Lu Song nodded: "Ziying, you have such momentum and confidence, then the old man will feel at ease, the old man knows how to deal with the affairs in the palace, Ziying in the cabinet may as well go for a while , sit down, talk,..."

  Feng Ziying understood: "I understand."

"Well, Concubine Jia in the palace has been released from confinement. I have also told Concubine Xu that it should not be expanded or delayed. She is a smart person and understands what it means." Lu Song said lightly: "In addition, if Ziying is still If you have any requirements, you can directly talk to Zhang Jin."

  Feng Ziying is determined. With this sentence, there is a lot more room for maneuvering. Zhang Jin will definitely report to Lu Song, but as long as Lu Song does not object, he can do a lot of things.

  Feng Ziying was in a good mood when she returned home, and when she heard that Hongyu had also returned, she immediately realized that Wang Xifeng might have given birth.

Although she is not the first child born in this world, Wang Xifeng, the woman who was the most attractive to LSPs in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" in the past, no matter what man she is, it is difficult to restrain her covetous meaning. As for Feng Ziying, even though he was only twenty years old, he was already a middle-aged man in his previous life, so naturally he couldn't avoid it, so when he had the opportunity and it was a forbidden wish, how could he be patient?

   Seeing Wang Xifeng's pregnant face, Feng Ziying, can give birth to an indescribable sense of satisfaction. Now that the fruit is ripe, Wang Xifeng finally gave birth to her own child, and this feeling is even more memorable.

Second Mistress, Sister Feng, Feng Lazi, Feng Yatou, this strong woman who dominates the Rongguo Mansion and shows off her power, finally crawls under her, willingly bearing children for herself, this kind of psychological comfort and a sense of accomplishment , Satisfaction is something outsiders can never imagine and appreciate, even people in this era can hardly imagine.

However, in front of Yuanyang, Jin Chuaner, and Qingwen, Feng Ziying still could only suppress her inner thoughts, pretending to be indifferent on the surface, caring about Hongyu pretendingly, and comfortingly said Lin Zhixiao and his wife shouldn't have a big problem, and they will definitely be released in the future.

This kind of performance can deceive other people, but it is difficult to avoid Yuanyang's wonderful eyes, but Yuanyang is also an informed person, so naturally he will not expose these things, but I think this master's acting is quite similar, read As well as the evil relationship between Wang Xifeng and this master, Yuanyang can only sigh secretly.

  After a lot of fun, Feng Ziying left first, leaving Hongyu, Jin Chuaner, Yuanyang and others behind. Everything seemed so normal.

  (end of this chapter)

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