Number of People

Chapter 1824: Ren Zijuan speaks out the heart, and the two women are speechless

  Chapter 1824 Renzi Juan Confesses Her Heart and Two Daughters Are Speechless

  Feng Ziying's rhetorical question made Hongyu stunned for a moment, and after careful reflection, it seemed that this was really the case.

Now that the mandarin duck has been given to the uncle by the old matriarch, she is now the uncle's person. Given how much the uncle likes the mandarin duck, she will definitely stay in the mansion to take care of things. Under such circumstances, it is natural to protect the reputation and credibility of the uncle. Of course, it is necessary to find a way to cover up the personal relationship with the second mistress, so as to avoid adverse effects caused by rumors.

"What makes me a little worried is that this kind of thing seems to be hidden. Not many people know about it now, but as time goes by, it is impossible for me not to visit Sister Feng. It is inevitable that some people will think about it. How can I stop it at that time? Long talk?" Feng Ziying rubbed her face and sighed.

   Hongyu also knew in her heart that this would happen sooner or later.

With Second Mistress' temperament, if the uncle doesn't pay attention to her, she will definitely get into trouble and play all kinds of monsters, but if the uncle goes by often, outsiders who are already suspicious will naturally take their seats, relying on just one reason to raise a child , is not convincing at all.

  Thinking of this, Hongyu couldn't help asking: "Master, is there no way to get the best of both worlds?"

   "How can there be so many things that have the best of both worlds in this world?" Feng Ziying rubbed her face and smiled wryly.

Naturally, he would have to pay a price if he coveted that one mouthful, but he really didn't expect that Sister Feng's fertile land would be so fertile. Without a male heir, it is even more special. I don't know what Wang Xifeng thinks, but there is no doubt that he will be proud of being favored. I just hope that this hot pepper will not go too far.

"Then what should I do?" Hongyu became more and more nervous, Wang Xifeng's fate was also tied to her, and she didn't know what would happen to her future. Now that the second grandma has a son, she and Uncle Feng will not stop, but this has been maintained. Contacts, but also can not get rid of the reputation of the problem.

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth, take a step and watch." Feng Ziying was also a little moved when she saw Hongyu so nervous, at least this girl thought about herself, "Don't worry, even if these reputations are spread, it is nothing more than I have a lack of personal morality, let alone no other evidence, who can do anything to me?"

Hongyu felt at ease, "Actually, after the second grandma gave birth to a son, the servant felt that she was more cautious than before. She loved this child very much. The servant was thinking that she must also consider the future of this child. This child The future will definitely depend on the support of the master, so the servant thinks, she will also carefully maintain the image and reputation of the master, so as not to affect the future of the master, this is not too worrying for the master, although the second grandmother loves to be jealous, but As long as I take care of you a little bit, Second Mistress is not ignorant, so she should be able to understand my difficulties."

"Hongyu, you can talk, and you take care of both sides." Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction. This girl is clear-headed and has a clever temper. She is well trained and will not be inferior to Ping'er in the future. "You are usually more peaceful. My son talked to Sister Feng, enlightened her, as you said, she also has a son, and she has a backer for the rest of her life, so she won't be lonely when she gets old, so she has to think about the long-term, don't be emotional, let's talk about it for a day Husband and wife Bai Rien, I, Feng, am not a heartless person, she should understand."

   "Master, then this child..." Hongyu hesitated for a moment.

Feng Ziying glanced at Hongyu and smiled slightly: "Why, I'm worried that I can't take this child away? I'm not so cruel, unless I really have no heirs, only this one, but in that case, wouldn't it be best for the child to follow me?" What is the result? If Sister Feng is really good for this child, she should support her. If I have more than one heir, then I will do my best to support Sister Feng, so that this child can have a bright future, and Sister Feng can also have a good future. One to rely on, Hongyu, how about my idea?"

   Hongyu nodded again and again: "If you think about it this way, Second Grandma should be satisfied."

The two lingered for a while, Feng Ziying asked about the situation in Tianjin Wei, Hongyu also answered truthfully, the spring night is short, Feng Ziying can't stay here overnight, but Hongyu also understands, Feng Ziying is loving and comforting again After that, just left quietly.

Yuanyang didn't sleep well that night. Although he knew that Uncle Feng and Hongyu were hooking up, he was so unscrupulous in Feng's mansion, especially when he saw the scene through the window last night. Yuanyang was quite shocked.

In the morning, she got up to wash up with dark circles under her eyes. Seeing Hongyu coming out, she glared resentfully at him, but she saw that Hongyu looked very good, contrary to yesterday's exhausted and dusty appearance, she was actually somewhat nourished Blushing, Yuanyang was both curious and dissatisfied at the thought of this place.

   Hongyu also saw that Yuanyang's expression was wrong. The group of people who made a lot of noise last night must not be able to hide it from the mandarin duck next door.

   Hongyu has already let go at this time, anyway, she has long belonged to the uncle, let alone mandarin ducks, even if other people know about her, she is not afraid.

   It's not a wild man who steals, but what's so shameful about being combed by the uncle?

  Seeing Hongyu's calm face, Yuanyang couldn't help it, and said through gritted teeth: "Hongyu, can't you keep your voice down, so you aren't afraid that other people in the house will know?"

   "Sister, it's just the two of us in this yard, who else can be afraid of knowing except you?" Hongyu blushed slightly, "Are you still going to gossip?"

"Hongyu, you are simply..." Yuanyang was blushed by the other party's words, and stomped her feet: "Little hoof, if Miss Baoqin or Qingwen, Siqi, Jin Chuaner and others know about it, what will you do?" ?”

"What should I do?" Hongyu asked back: "What are the identities of Miss Bao and Miss Qin, do you want to argue with me as a servant? Sister, you underestimate the tolerance of Miss Bao and Miss Qin, don't you? Qingwen Shiqi and Jin Chuan'er, what right do they have to make irresponsible remarks? Why, let them climb high branches, but I can't? It's the uncle's business to favor whoever he likes, and it's no one else's turn Let me interject, if they have the ability to fascinate the uncle and disdain other women, then I, Lin Hongyu, will be convinced, but do they have this ability? Not to mention that they are not even aunts , there are a few grandmas up there."

  Lin Hongyu's eloquent teeth, mandarin ducks have seen it, and they don't know how Lin Zhixiao, a deaf and dumb couple, can give birth to such a clever girl.

But what Lin Hongyu said is indeed reasonable. Who does Uncle Feng like and dote on? They will also avoid talking about it, at most it's just a reminder on the sidelines, if you talk too much, I'm afraid it will be regarded as a jealous woman.

   Sighing, Yuanyang shook her head: "I can't say no to you, but what you said is also reasonable, you can judge for yourself."

  Hongyu smiled but not smiled, "Sister Yuanyang, I am no better than you. You were given to me by the old matriarch, and you were born with a status. We are different, so we have to pursue it ourselves, don't we?"

   Yuanyang was speechless.

  When Feng Ziying took Baochai, Yingchun, Yuanyang and Hongyu to the prison, both Yuanyang and Hongyu were still a little embarrassed.

  But Feng Ziying didn't realize this.

  For him, it has become a political task to bring this group of people into the imperial prison to meet the Jia family and these people, so as to appease both parties.

  Every day when he went back to see the eyes of Yingchun, Yuanyang and others, he felt a sense of guilt. He promised the other party, but he still couldn't do it.

   Now it is finally agreed with Long Jinwei that they can take them in to see the Jia family who have been imprisoned for almost a month.

Several people changed into heavy and simple winter clothes, cloaks, and veiled hats, which were tightly covered. After all, they were going to go to prison, which was still a little timid for these women who had never seen it before. With Feng Ziying accompanying them, they really didn't dare to go in.

  Following the creaking sound of the door, the heavy prison door opened, and Feng Ziyi had already come out, "I have met Master Feng."

   "Ziyi, have you been notified?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

Feng Ziying visited the mansion two days ago, Feng Ziying specially entertained her, talked for more than an hour, and left a meal, but Feng Ziyi still knew the rules, did not stay, and left politely. It is impossible to enter the inner circle of the other party at once, and you also need to use your performance to prove that you are worthy of the other party's trust and investment.

   "Got it, Mr. Zhang came to say hello, and the Department of Experience also sent a message." Feng Ziyi flattered: "My lord is indeed very powerful, and the Department of Experience said that it was specifically ordered by the Commander."

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, signaling not to mention this matter, Feng Ziyi nodded knowingly and shut up.

   "These are all from my family. As you know, they are all related to Jia's family, so I will come here today to take a look, and I will trouble you."

  Feng Ziying's words made Feng Ziyi wave her hands again and again, "It's just a matter of raising your hand, my lord, please go ahead."

  Feng Ziyi motioned to the two prisoners to lead the way, and then she walked side by side with Feng Ziying and then whispered: "Uncle, are these all aunts?"

  Feng Ziying thought for a while and signaled Baochai and Yingchun to come forward, and introduced: "This is Ziyi. In terms of seniority, he can be regarded as my nephew. These are your two aunts..."

   Baochai and Yingchun were both a little shy and a little surprised. After all, in such a place, why does my husband have a nephew who is ten years older than him?

  But since the husband introduced it like this, both Baochai and Yingchun were blessed with a thousand blessings, and said in a manly voice: "I have to trouble you."

  Feng Ziyi was also taken aback, and hurriedly bowed her head in salute, but didn't dare to look any further.

  (end of this chapter)

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