Number of People

Chapter 1825: Ren Zijuan's cunning plot against Shi Taijun

  Chapter 1825 Ren Zijuan is scheming against Shi Taijun

   This visit was something everyone had been looking forward to for a long time, whether it was Baochai, Yingchun, or Yuanyang.

  It is also a great comfort to everyone in the Jia family who are in prison.

They have never experienced this kind of life in prison and losing their freedom. It is no exaggeration to say that the days are like years. The key is that you don’t know when the end will come. This kind of despair almost makes the spirit weaker. people are crazy.

Feng Ziying also knew very well that he had to come for a walk, otherwise he wondered if people like Tanchun, Xiangyun, and Li Wan would be able to support them. Many people may still be able to persist.

   Similarly, for people outside, taking a trip can not only provide psychological comfort and satisfaction, but also a fulfillment of responsibility and obligation.

  When they saw Jia Mu, Wang Shi, and Xing Shi, the group could no longer control their emotions. Baochai, Yingchun, Yuanyang, and Hongyu were all crying so darkly that they couldn't help themselves.

Mother Jia, Wang and the others were a little surprised that Feng Ziying really brought people in for a visit. It was not surprising that Feng Ziying himself came in. After all, he was an official of the imperial court, and it was reasonable to find a reason to come in. But if a group of women are brought in, then it's not like Long Jinwei who is in charge and dares to call the shots.

   This also gave Jiamu and the others a glimmer of hope.

They don't expect to be released from prison immediately. It's a blessing to not lose their heads for such a crime of treason. It's wishful thinking to get out easily, but if they can reduce some crimes and ease the punishment for the Jia family in the future, there is hope. Opportunity to revive and leave some opportunities, it would be perfect.

  This kind of hope can only be pinned on Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziyi and the others left early knowingly.

  In fact, they all know that this group of criminals is not of much interrogation value, so after the interrogation some time ago, they basically put them in an idle state.

What determines their fate is not how they confess, but how the court treats them, and the fate of the "principal criminals" in Nanjing. Therefore, it is impossible for this kind of case to have any results in the short term, and they may eventually need to be imprisoned in Nanjing. Only when the fate of the court is over and those "principal culprits" arrive at the case will they be dealt with together. Now many people don't know the purpose of the court to take them down, but Feng Ziying knows it, and what is found in the search is the most important thing.

  So Feng Ziyi and the others don't care what Feng Ziying, a dry man, will do if he stays alone. It doesn't make much sense to pass on news or communicate internally and externally.

  Feng Ziying stayed by the side all the time, letting the women cry until the sky was dark, but it was Jia Mu who was calmer, calling everyone to shut up and slowly restore calm.

"Brother Keng, you have a heart. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. The Jia family is like this now. I'm afraid no one outside will take a second look. It's because you value love and righteousness. Baochai, Daiyu and the second girl are right. people."

Jiamu's complexion is not bad, Jiang is old and hot, maybe she has been mentally prepared for a long time, or she knows that if she collapses, the whole family will no longer be able to support the overall situation, so she is instead Among the women, she is in the best state of mind and speaks in an orderly manner.

"The old lady is serious. The family does not talk about the two families. This is a matter of duty." Feng Ziying said softly: "It's just that this case is extraordinary, and Ziying's ability is limited. I can only do my best to help make up for it." .”

"Hehe, when something like this happens, you can't rely on human relationship to get rid of it. I still understand this." Jia's mother nodded slightly, "However, national laws cannot be separated from human feelings. If someone can mediate, the Jia family's The ending may be much better, so Ziying has to worry about it.”

Feng Ziying sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Old Madam, in front of you, I will not say anything to evade. In fact, the situation of Jia's family is a little more complicated with She Shibo, but Sun Shaozu is the main culprit, even if She Shibo can't argue, but with Sun Shaozu carrying it, there is still room. As for Uncle Zheng Shi, I have already sent people there to see if there is no room for maneuver, but it may take time , that is to say, there may not be a result until the case is settled in the south, so..."

   Wang couldn't help interjecting: "Brother Keng, do you hear from Uncle Zheng Shi?"

"Not yet. It will probably take some time. I won't know the situation until the people I send come back." Feng Ziying shook her head. He didn't send there specifically to find Jia Zheng, but he had other affairs. Cut off, but the inspection is still much stricter, and the time delay is longer.

  Mother Jia hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "Brother Keng, according to your judgment, how long do you think it will take for the imperial court to pacify the south?"

  Feng Ziying glanced at Jiamu.

  This old lady is not simple. Even though she asks this question, she may not have the intention to counterattack and return to the capital in case the south wins.

   It's just that he also heard some other flavors from Jiamu's words. Could it be that the old lady is still hiding something?

   On the surface, the imperial court seems to have an overwhelming advantage, but those who really understand the situation inside are not so optimistic.

The imperial court is powerful on paper, but it needs to be based on the guarantee of money and food. If it can defeat the Xuanfu army and the Datong army in a short period of time, recover Shandong, and take advantage of the situation to go south, then it can be done in one go. I am afraid that there will be a stalemate in Shandong. Once the battle is dragged on, the court may be in trouble. There may be problems in Shanshan, Huguang, and even outside the side walls. Once these problems aggregate and erupt, it will be fatal, even There is no room for redemption.

The imperial court can see this, so Nanjing and Niu Jizong can naturally see it too. If Niu Jizong wants to use the imperial court's eagerness to fight to deal with it, he might be able to deal a head-on blow to the imperial army. It is necessary to seize the time to avoid falling into the tug-of-war, but not to be too eager to achieve success. Haste makes waste. It is very important to grasp the rhythm and seize the opportunity.

   "Old Madam, this question is a bit too big, and Ziying didn't know how to answer it for a while." Feng Ziying said slowly.

"Ziying, there is nothing difficult to answer." Jia's mother looked very calm, "the north and the south have fought since the Han Dynasty, and almost always the north has won, but since Ming and Zhou, it is uncharacteristically, the two dynasties are all won by the south, so it is not unreasonable." Some people have the idea that the south will win, even old people."

  Mother Jia spoke so frankly that everyone around her was horrified.

Feng Ziying felt that this was the normal behavior of Jia Mu. After all, after several dynasties, she could understand many truths even by watching and listening. What's more, Jia Mu herself came from a prominent family and had a considerable background. The feeling of touching it a few times can be tasted.

   "Then what does the old lady think will be the result of this North-South conflict?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

   "Should it be Ziying who came to answer the old man's question?" Jia Mu also laughed, "If the old man can see the clue, why should I ask you Ziying."

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, thought for a while before saying: "There may be some twists and turns, but Ziying believes that the court will eventually win, it's just a matter of time and delay."

   "Ziying has so much confidence in the imperial court?" Jia Muyi didn't seem to believe it.

"Old Madam, Prince Yizhong still underestimated the significance and influence of orthodox righteousness and righteousness. You can see how many Jiangnan officials in the court have fallen to Nanjing. Those who are willing to go to Nanjing are basically Those depressed and unsuccessful people, the real great Confucian officials, almost did not support the Nanjing puppet dynasty, and scholars such as Huguang, Guangdong, Guangxi and Southwest scholars have always been resentful of Jiangnan scholars. This is actually equivalent to a small number of people in Jiangnan. To challenge the entire Northland, Huguang, Guangdong, Guangxi and Southwest, what do you think is the possibility of this kind of success? The Northern Expedition was successful in the previous Ming Dynasty. It was because the Northern Yuan Dynasty was superior to the Han people with a foreign race. In fact, the Northern Expedition of the Great Zhou Dynasty was actually a bit of a fluke, not to mention that the Zhang family originally originated from the south of the Yangtze River, and what they are fighting with Zhu Ming is the hearts of the people of the south of the Yangtze River,..."

Feng Ziying thought while explaining: "Prince Yizhong used the privileges of gentry to buy Jiangnan gentry, which is actually behind the times. Jiangnan seems to be rooted in gentry, but gentry has begun to divide, and business has gradually replaced land as the source of prosperity for the wealthy class. An important channel, and this channel will become more and more important, and industry and commerce are urgently needed for the unified market of the entire Great Zhou, far better than those gentry who rely on land. This kind of differentiation will lead to a considerable part of Jiangnan With the support of the gentry, how can the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty win under such circumstances?"

Feng Ziying's words were a bit complicated, and even Jia's mother had difficulty understanding them, but she understood one thing, that is, Feng Ziying believed that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River were divided, and their support for the Nanjing puppet dynasty was also unclear. Some support it, but some oppose it. It is more likely to wait and see, hoping to be on the side of the winner. Compared with Nanjing, the imperial court has received firm support from Beidi and Huguang, and Guangdong, Guangxi and Southwest are basically on the imperial court's side. Under such circumstances, Nanjing has almost no chance of victory.

After pondering for a long time, Mother Jia's eyes fell on Feng Ziying, and said slowly: "Ziying, I hope your judgment is correct. The Jia family fell very hard. If there is no other special opportunity, it is almost impossible to get back up again." It's possible, it might even be destroyed, but with your support, I feel that the Jia family should still struggle and not seek to return to the original state, but I hope to retain some kindling and hope for a new start,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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