Number of People

Chapter 1837: Ren Zijuan Bidding Set by Ziying

  Chapter 1837 Ziying sets up the Renzi scroll bidding field

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised when she heard that Feng Ziyi was visiting at night. Could it be that something happened in this prison?

   But what could happen?

   They are all appeased, and Yuanyang also goes to take care of it every now and then. I can see that these people's moods have basically calmed down, and they have accepted this reality. At this time, no one will suddenly think about hanging himself against the wall to commit suicide, right?

  Feng Ziying doesn't quite believe it.

  But Feng Ziyi came here in such a hurry, what could be the matter?

  Bewildered, she let Feng Ziyi into the room, seeing Feng Ziyi was in a hurry, Feng Ziying was even more surprised.

  After hearing what Feng Ziyi said about the situation, Feng Ziying finally realized that it was Zhang Chi who was obsessed with ghosts and daring, and wanted to get the idea of ​​a few girls in prison, which was simply unbelievable.

   Doesn’t this guy know that Mei Yuexi and King Lu are all thinking of pulling him down?

   Don’t you know that there is an endless stream of reports to the Metropolitan Procuratorate that he has colluded with interests in Xishan Kiln?

  He doesn't know that his Zuo Jian country is like a castle on the beach, which may collapse at any time?

Now that they have come up with this, at such a time, instead of thinking about how to plan for the Great Zhou Dynasty to defeat the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, but thinking about how to get women out of the imperial prison to play these dirty tricks, this is simply too annoying Speechless.

  If Emperor Yonglong knew about this guy's various behaviors, would he suddenly wake up from anger or die? The latter is estimated to be more likely.

"Then what does he want to do?" Feng Ziying shook her head. That's why I don't offend people. People want to offend me. I was still thinking about whether I should "take people's love" and take down Rongning's second house, but I didn't expect him I already want to ride on my own head and shit.

  Feng Ziying didn't believe that Zhang Chi didn't know anything about his relationship with the Jia family, even if he really didn't know, then Lai Dazai would remind him.

  The other party is either deliberately trying to disgust himself, or he is so lustful that he doesn't take himself seriously.

   Is it tolerable or unbearable? If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore.

"King Shou didn't say anything, but my nephew can feel that he has such thoughts. He asked a lot about what he said, how can we get these people out..." Feng Ziyi smiled, "Nephew My son replied that this is definitely not possible, unless after the joint trial of the three judicial divisions, or our Long Jinwei found out that the unjust, false and wrongly convicted has nothing to do with the criminal, and the report is approved by Mr. Lu,..."

"Hehe, the former is impossible, but the latter, I don't know if His Highness has the guts to go to Lord Lu?" Feng Ziying was really worried that if Zhang Chi was blinded by lust, he would risk the disgrace of the world. How about looking for Lu Song?

Feng Ziyi hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head: "I'm afraid King Shou can't be so stupid, right? At what time is it now, the other princes are staring at him, expecting him to make a mistake, and he wants to make trouble like this , Don’t you just give someone a handle? The few in the palace are not vegetarians, once they bite you, how can they let you get off without tearing off a few pieces of your flesh?”

  Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, Guo Qinyun, including the mother of Shou Wang Xu Junru, which one is easy to get along with?

  For the sake of their own son's future, who didn't try their best to find the opponent's fault to achieve the goal of defeating him?

"It's hard to say, His Royal Highness Shouwang sometimes just doesn't have enough thoughtfulness." Feng Ziying smiled, "I'm afraid he is the kind of person who is obsessed with sex, and he doesn't even count on seeing small gains and forgetting righteousness." , is purely..."

  The word "stupid" came to my lips, and Feng Ziying swallowed it back. If this word comes out, it may spread in the capital city again. Feng Ziying can drive the trend like this.

"That depends on Master Lu's attitude, but it's really hard to say if the King of Shou is really pestering me so much." Feng Ziyi scratched her head in distress: "Even my nephew can't figure out what is going on with His Highness the King of Shou?" Thinking about it,..."

   "Well, who is he looking at?" Feng Ziying asked after she had settled down.

   "Uh,..." Feng Ziyi hesitated for a while before hesitatingly said: "He seems to have taken a fancy to Jia Li, and Miss Shi and Jia Qin,..."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, who is this Jia Li? It took a while to realize that it was Li Wan, and a burst of anger burst out of his heart. This guy really wanted to feel sorry for himself.

  There are also Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing? That's all for Shi Xiangyun, this Qin Keqing is his cousin, although the seniority here is a bit messy, but in terms of blood relationship, she is Zhang Chi's cousin, this guy actually wants to make up his mind, and he is not afraid of outsiders knowing?

   Anger was burning in her heart, but Feng Ziying's expression remained the same, but became more gentle, "This guy, you've let yourself go a little bit, aren't you afraid to let Fu Wang Li Wang and Lu Wang know?"

Hearing that Feng Ziying used "this guy" to address each other indifferently, Feng Ziyi knew that Feng Ziying regarded herself as one of her own. It seemed that today's trip was the right one. He didn't know if King Shou could ascend to the high position. , but he knows that Feng Ziying's future is infinitely bright, and his future will be much brighter in the future if this pillar is firmly held.

"Who says it's not?" Feng Ziyi thought for a moment before saying, "Young uncle, you don't have to worry too much. Even if King Shou approached Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu might not agree. If you take ten thousand steps back, Mr. Lu will agree." , my nephew can also find some excuses to procrastinate, so that you can have time to mediate, uncle, you can rest assured about this."

   "Well, having said that, I can't place such things on your Master Lu's mood and attitude." Feng Ziying shook her head, "We still have to find a way to solve the problem fundamentally."

   To solve the problem fundamentally, either solve the problem of the whereabouts of a few girls, or completely solve the problem of Shou Wang himself.

  The former is probably not easy, but the latter is even more troublesome, and it is not realistic to start it by yourself now, but it is not difficult to poke other people to make Zhang Chi "lively".

  The confrontation between Feng Ziying and Zhang Chi soon started in the bidding for the second house in Rongning.

"Buyer No. 2 bid 155,000 taels, Ningguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion on Ningrong Street, everyone, please look, the building complex here was built in the past, and there is a Grand View Garden in it, which is even more beautiful , with a total area of ​​320 mu,..."

  The bidder started to introduce the entire Rongning Second Residence with a steady tongue, because the Second Residence was packaged and sold together, so no matter how discounted it was to buy it, the price would be expensive.

  The panoramic view of Rongning No. 2 Residence displayed was also specially invited by a painter. It is quite exquisite. Although it is not a famous artist, it can be regarded as a very standard structural drawing.

   "Buyer No. 4 offered 158,000 taels, okay, this distinguished guest will increase the price by 3,000 taels, I don't know if there are any more..."

   "Buyer No. 1 bid 170,000 taels, well, this high-roller really made an extraordinary move, directly increasing the price by 12,000 taels..."

There was a commotion in the audience. In fact, there were not many buyers who actually bid for Rongning's second residence. A rough count did not exceed six buyers, and two of them gave up directly after breaking through the reserve price of 150,000 taels at the beginning. I want to pick up a leak and see if I can win the reserve price. Since I don't have this opportunity, I don't have the intention to follow up.

  There are only four buyers who are really willing.

"Buyer No. 3 has raised his sign, 175,000 taels, and the price will be increased by 5,000. Is there any buyer who will continue to follow up..." The bidder became more and more enthusiastic. They all thought that the location of the second residence in Rongning was not good. It is too big to sell well, and now it seems that it is not impossible to sell for more than 200,000.

"Okay, buyer No. 2 offered 180,000 taels, and the bid has already reached 180,000 taels. Does anyone else like this second house more? 20,000 taels, 200,000 taels, this is definitely a very moving figure, but for the Rongning No. 2 House, which covers an area of ​​320 mu and has thousands of houses, it is definitely worth the price. ..."

  The price skyrocketed and climbed all the way, because everyone could bid anonymously, and only knew the number of buyers who bid, so the noise from the audience did not affect the bidding of all parties in the slightest.

  Feng Ziying did not show up, he just found a corner and observed quietly.

  He asked someone to come forward, he didn't even find an acquaintance, but arranged for a Shanshan businessman to bid for him, he wanted to see how much Zhang Chi would spend for this Rongning second house.

The price quickly rose to 240,000 taels, which had exceeded Feng Ziying's expectations. If the market price last year was used, it would not be a problem for the Rongning Second Residence to sell for 300,000 taels, but this year, especially A large number of confiscated mansions were sold, and the price of the Jingzhong mansion was suppressed to a low level, 240,000 taels is already very extraordinary.

In the early stage, the two mansions of Baolinghou and Zhongjinghou were also packaged for sale. Although the area is much smaller than the second residence of Rongning, only more than 80 mu of land, their location is in Jiqingfang, which is much better than Jinchengfang. , and only sold for a price of 120,000 taels of silver. In many people's opinion, if the Rongning Second Residence can sell for 180,000 taels of silver, they need to consider whether it is worth it.

   "250,000 taels! Okay, the second buyer has bid 250,000 taels. I don't know if anyone else is willing to bid,..."

Two hundred and fifty thousand is definitely a sky-high price for the recent sale of mansions. In the previous sales, the highest price was only one hundred and sixty thousand taels of silver, such as Nan'an County Prince's Mansion, such as Beijing County Prince's Mansion , and the transaction was completed for only 150,000 to 160,000 taels of silver. The Chen family, the largest Yiguo Gong, has a large population, and the multiple houses occupy an area of ​​about 400 mu. They cannot be packaged and sold, but can only be divided Dismantled into five or six places to sell, the total price is only 190,000 taels, and the location is also in Zhaohui Jinggongfang, which is also much better than Jinchengfang.

"Two hundred and fifty-five thousand taels!" The bidder's voice made a melodious high-pitched tremolo, almost unable to control his emotions: "Buyer No. 1 bid two hundred and fifty-five thousand taels, is there any... two hundred and fifty thousand 5,000 taels for the first time,..., the second time,...the third time, Rong Ning No. 2 house on Hao Ning Rong Street was bought by Buyer No. 1, 255,000 taels!"

  Feng Ziying smiled slightly, very good, he wanted to see how long Zhang Chi could hold it in his hands after buying it.

   Tonight at twelve o'clock, Lao Rui will explode again, asking for double monthly tickets in May!



  (end of this chapter)

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