Number of People

Chapter 1838: Renzi Juan Skillful Use of Strategies to Kill Two Birds with One Stone

  Chapter 1838 The Renzi Juan is cleverly used to kill two birds with one stone

  To be honest, when the Shanshan businessman raised the price to 250,000 taels, Feng Ziying still felt a little guilty.

In case Zhang Chi doesn't follow up, the two hundred and fifty thousand taels will be thrown into his own hands. Although he can get it out, he can buy it with only one hundred and fifty thousand or sixty thousand silver, but it will cost two hundred and fifty thousand taels If you want to buy it with silver, it will be a bit of a heartache.

Fortunately, Zhang Chi didn't let him down, and he followed up with a price increase of 5,000 taels, so he would naturally give in. Let this fellow be proud first, and he will soon realize that this is a difficult situation for the "Left Supervisor" in the country's daily affairs. Under such circumstances, if you don't think about planning for the country, but show off your wealth in these things, what a price you will pay.

Going out to get in the car with a full heart, I saw Zhang Chi, the proud birthday king, also going out to get in the car from a distance. Feng Ziying walked over generously and bowed his hands: "Congratulations, my lord, for taking down the second house in Rongning. It will definitely make the prince live comfortably,..."

"Ziying, don't blame Gu. Gu also likes this place so much. I plan to renovate it as a separate house in the future. It's not interesting to come here for a short stay in summer." Zhang Chi said hypocritically: "Aren't you Do you like it too? Then you should bid too."

   "Hey, Ziying was looking forward to picking up a leak at the base price. Who would have thought that someone would increase the price, so I can only give up with regret." Feng Ziying also pretended to be authentic.

  Zhang Chi was taken aback. It turned out that this guy just came to quote a price and then gave up. Who is the second buyer? After so many rounds of bidding with myself, the speculation was more than 250,000 taels. At the beginning, Lai Da also said that 200,000 taels would definitely be bought, but he never thought that it would exceed the full 50,000 taels estimate.

   Feeling a little complicated, Zhang Chi glanced at Feng Ziying. Didn't this guy say that he has deep feelings for Rongguo Mansion? Why did he give up without paying the price in one round? Could it be that this guy deliberately said those words in front of him to make him feel determined to win, but ended up falling into this trick?

  Cheeks twitched, and Zhang Chi could only force a smile, "Hehe, I'm just trying to buy something I like, I think it's okay."

   "As long as His Highness thinks it's worth it, I'm happy if money can't buy it." Feng Ziying also nodded in agreement, then said goodbye and left.

   Zhang Chi chewed Feng Ziying's words, and seemed to feel that there was a bit of teasing in them, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only leave sullenly.

When Feng Ziying returned to the mansion, she quietly called Cao Yu, and briefly explained the situation of today's auction. He only said that Zuojian Guoshou Wang Zhang Chi spent a huge sum of money to buy a luxury house, and what method should "Today News" take to deal with the auction? A discussion on this matter does not necessarily require much negative criticism, it is just an introduction to discuss the matter, hype this matter up, and let the inside and outside know about it.

  As long as the hype starts, those people who have long disliked Zhang Chi, and even painstakingly found Zhang Chi's loopholes, will use it like a treasure.


   "Congratulations, my lord. This sale is a great success..." Feng Ziying also smiled and congratulated the smiling Huang Ruliang when she saw her.

   "Hehe, Ziying, it's all up to you this time." Huang Ruliang was quite emotional.

I was always worried that the sale would not be as expected, but I never expected that the result would be far better than I predicted, especially after the adjustment of the policy of anonymous bidding and delayed transfer, almost everyone has become anonymous bidding, and the bidding The number of people also greatly exceeded imagination.

  Although the bidding price is much lower than the previous round, this has long been expected, and such a large quantity also ensures that this round of sales will be sufficient to meet the needs of the court for a period of time to come.

"Your Excellency, Ziying is just a suggestion. The key is that the court's policies are flexible, so that Jiangnan merchants have a channel to serve the court." Feng Ziying smiled, "In a sense, this is actually a An absolutely cost-effective win-win policy, for their service and support to the court, they can also let go of the stone in their hearts, it is impossible to serve the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty wholeheartedly, and they will even stand on our side at some critical moments."

"Well, Ziying, what you said is very reasonable, but in the final analysis, it is the result of the battle in Shandong. These businessmen often play tricks on the wind. Once our battle goes wrong, I'm afraid their minds will become active again, and maybe they will come back again." I'm going to take the initiative to serve the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty." Huang Ruliang sighed.

"This is unavoidable, even they have already bet on both sides now, but money and food are also very necessary for the Nanjing puppet court, but they are far less important than ours. What the Nanjing court lacks is an army capable of fighting, but this But it can’t be solved by money alone.” Feng Ziying calmly said, “With continuous shipping, continuous supplies, and undisturbed army, we will surely win.”

Feng Ziying's affirmative tone made Huang Ruliang feel relieved a lot. During this period of time, he was also under a lot of pressure. He tried every means to stabilize the situation in Gyeonggi, and he also had to arrange sufficient food and pay for the two armies from the north and the west. This was not an easy task. Thanks to Feng Ziying's advice and suggestions, the big problem was solved.

   "Ziying, I love to hear your words. I also hope that both the government and the public will have this kind of confidence. Then we will be invincible." Huang Ruliang said with emotion.

   "But I heard that there are still some noises coming out?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

As soon as Huang Ruliang heard Feng Ziying mentioning this, he became angry, "Hmph, great ambition and lack of talent, so complacent, no wonder the emperor... You mean the matter of King Shou and King Lu? This has really become a joke in the capital. Shouwang, you are going to serve the imperial court to share the concerns of the imperial court. Bidding for the mansion is true, but it was hyped up, saying that it was a record for the sky-high price of the mansion sold by the imperial court this time, but why was it taken by someone, saying that he bought the money for the auction? The origin is unknown, it took money and silver from someone to handle official donations for others, and there was a lot of trouble inside and outside the capital,..."

  As soon as this matter was mentioned, Huang Ruliang shook his head repeatedly.

Lu Wang seized this matter and tried his best to hype it up, saying that Shou Wang not only received money from people to run for officials and officials, but also solicited prostitutes, gambled and gave loan sharks, otherwise how could it be more than 200,000 taels of silver? Buy a house?

   This basin of dirty water was splashed on Shou Wang's head, causing Shou Wang to burn out.

  Let’s justify it. Many things happen for reasons and there is no factual evidence. Either there are facts, but there are discrepancies, or the parties have disappeared and can’t be found. All in all, it’s a mess.

  Shou Wang was not to be outdone, and criticized Mei Yuexi for contracting lawsuits in his hometown, involving multiple cases, and even one person who came from Juren and was willing to come forward to report, which also caused a big uproar in the court.

  Concubine Xu Huanggui and Concubine Mei Guifei even confronted and cursed in the palace, and finally made trouble on the side of the cabinet, demanding that the other party be released from the status of superintendent of the country.

  The cabinet has no choice but to push it to the clan mansion for investigation. Naturally, such things cannot have a result in a day or two, and it is unknown whether there will be a result in the end.

  "The cabinet is probably a little disappointed, right?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Is my idea of ​​controlling the Second Supervisor a bad idea?"

   "Hehe, it's because you don't live up to your expectations. Who can blame you? If you have a clear conscience, who can spread rumors and frame you?" Huang Ruliang curled his lips disapprovingly.

   "Wouldn't King Fu and King Li and King Gong enjoy the benefits of being a fisherman?" Feng Ziying blinked her eyes.

"King Shou and King Lu now have some suspicions that King Fu and King Li and King Gong are deliberately picking trouble in the middle, trying to pull them off their horses. Now the flags and drums have died down, they shake hands and make peace, and they are starting to look for what is wrong with King Fu, King Li and King Gong." Huang Ruliang also shook his head, "There is no way to find out about this kind of thing. Newspapers such as "Today's News" and "Northern Express" all said that they received anonymous letters and contributed articles. They also sent people to find out. , There are indeed such things, so I disclosed them without naming names, who would have thought that these people would go to their own seats? Stupid!"

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, sometimes he just wanted to fan the flames and cause some trouble for the other party. Who would have thought that the fire would come together, even himself could not have expected it.

"The cabinet still needs to give some good advice. Although the prison is just a temporary occasion, it is also a kind of damage to the prestige of the court if such messy things are exposed every now and then." Feng Ziying said calmly, "As time goes by, the people His reputation will also affect the government's policy in the future."

"Who said it wasn't? King Shou went to the household department again and told him that he would not buy the house. He had only paid a deposit of 30,000 taels, and he owed more than 200,000 taels after giving birth. I don’t dare to pick up this hot potato again, lest I be criticized.” Huang Ruliang said helplessly: “It’s so wrong, how could…”

   "Is there anyone who looks like a king?" Feng Ziying continued in a low voice.

  Huang Ruliang glared at Feng Ziying, "I didn't say anything, so don't talk nonsense either."

  The two chatted and laughed again, and also talked about the matter of Shenku.

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, because of this farce, King Shou and King Lu are not good at regenerating branches on the materials and silver of this section of Shenku, so Shuntian Prefecture and the Ministry of Industry have mobilized elites from refugees to repair the streets of the entire capital city. The matter of the surface and the ditch was promoted smoothly.

When I returned to the Fuchu from the Ministry of Housing, I learned that there was a message from the merchants from Shanxi Province that the bidding party of the Ministry of Housing asked if they still wanted to buy the second house in Rongning. To take part.

  It seems that the King of Shou admitted his loss and left the market, discounting a deposit of 30,000 taels of silver, and would never take over this hot potato that caused an innocent disaster.

   The first change, and, brothers, please guarantee the monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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