Number of People

Chapter 1847: The Pros and Cons of Ren Zijuan Debate between Feng and Liu

  Chapter 1847 Debate on the Pros and Cons of Ren Zi Juan and Feng Liu’s Controversy

   Liu Dongyang laughed loudly, "My lord, are you taking the final exam?"

  Liu Dongyang certainly did not believe that Feng Tang would not understand the whole situation of the battle.

  What is a handsome man? It is to be familiar with the weather and geography, know the soldiers and be good at their duties, plan strategies, and finally make a decision. As for the charge, that is the job of the people below.

  Although Feng Tang is not the commander-in-chief of the North Route Army, as the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, every move of the North Route Army will also affect the changes in the entire West Route battle situation. It is impossible for him not to care about understanding.

  You must know that what you are facing is the most powerful enemy of the entire Nanjing Puppet Dynasty—the Xuanfu Army. The Xuanfu Army is the first-class army on the nine sides, and it is also the backing of the remnants of the Datong Army led by Sun Shaozu.

Although not all of the Xuanfu army went east, Niu Jizong brought out almost all the essence of the Xuanfu army. There were only 10,000 to 20,000 left. For the large army, Niu Jizong took away more than 90,000 people. It can be said that the strength of such an army is not weaker than the 120,000 Northwest Army led by Feng Tang, or even surpassed.

   Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. How can a handsome man not know this truth?

As the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army and the West Route Army, Feng Tang also knew that it would not be so easy to completely eliminate Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army, and it would depend on the cooperation of the North Route Army. However, the current situation of the North Route Army made him worry, and he It is not yet possible to comment on the situation of the Northern Route Army.

  You must know that the fact that he led an army of 120,000 from the northwest to the east has aroused doubts and worries among many people.

In the past, for such a large-scale military operation, generally speaking, civil servants were in charge of the army, military generals were assisted, and the censor was also supervised. Encountered constraints on the battlefield and delayed the opportunity to fight, so he made an exception and asked himself to lead the 120,000 army.

  If I still want to dictate the imperial court's arrangements for the Northern Route Army, then it is really a big taboo.

  Although it was impossible to interfere with the imperial court's deployment arrangements for the North Route Army, it did not affect Feng Tang's concern for the North Route Army's actions. Seeing that Liu Dongyang was so familiar with the North Route Army's actions, that's why he came to test the opponent.

   "Oh, if you say it's a test, then so be it." Feng Tang said with a smile.

"If you say that the Weishui River is wide and deep, you can still justify it, but now it is winter and spring, and even the Weishui is not a problem. Now Su Shengdu is huddled in Jizhou City, and Jizhou City is east of Weishui. This shows that his army has already crossed the Weishui River. The Suolu River to the west of Zaoqiang is just a small river. Now many sections of the river have already dried up. If it is summer, it originates from the junction of Qinghe River and Wucheng The Huanglu River may flood in Songmen Town and join the Solu River. The water is not small, but it is all on the boundary of Fucheng in the lower reaches, and now the Huanglu River has become a fertile field for the local people. Plant food and wait for harvest, this is the most reliable treasure land in that area."

  Liu Dongyang deliberately showed off, and he was so rare that Feng Tang also looked at him with admiration.

Feng Tang knew about the marching and action routes of the North Route Army, as well as the surrounding conditions, and he even found a guide who was familiar with the Hejian and Zhending areas in advance to introduce the situation to him, so that he could master the North Route Because of the movement of the army, I thought I was very familiar with the eastern part of Zhending Mansion and the southern part of Hejian. I didn't expect Liu Dongyang to be so familiar with the situation in the north after only two months.

   "Then Dongyang, what do you think is the purpose of Su Shengdu's arrangement and hesitation?" Feng Tang asked.

Although Liu Dongyang is arrogant, he doesn't talk too much about military affairs. He can talk about geography, but he doesn't dare to talk about Su Shengdu's military deployment arrangements. After all, he doesn't understand other people's considerations. , I can only make some inferences from the current situation I have, and there are many uncertain factors here.

  Seeing Liu Dongyang hesitated, Feng Tang laughed, "Why, do you still have to hide from me?"

"In front of your lord, how dare the general take care of himself with a broom?" Liu Dongyang made a polite remark, and then said: "The general thought that Su Shengdu was worried about the threat of the enemy in Linqing, so he hesitated, but Shanxi Zhenwu Wan Dajun, logically speaking, shouldn't be so timid. The enemy army in the old city is only a few thousand people. Once the old city is captured, although it can't be said to cut off the canal, it will definitely pose a substantial threat to the enemy army in Dezhou. Su Shengdu has the strength to divide his troops Blocking Linqing's reinforcements to the enemy, and even if it's planned properly, it's not impossible to encircle the spot for reinforcements,... Maybe you're still worried that You Shilu will draw his salary from the bottom of the pot?"

   Liu Dongyang spoke harshly, Feng Tang also frowned.

Mutual distrust, improper coordination, and even dragging each other down and making troubles, this is a big taboo for military strategists. This kind of cooperation with friendly forces needs a strong coach to coordinate and control, but now the North Route Army lacks this. Now this situation, even with You Shigong coming, I am afraid it will be difficult to remedy the situation.

   "All the possibilities you mentioned exist, but if Su Shengdu hesitates to move forward now, then You Shilu will be a little embarrassed in the front line of Jingzhou Wuqiao." Feng Tang pondered: "Or attack Deping and Ling County first?"

"My lord, taking Deping and Ling County is not meaningful, and it will delay the supply. The Datong Army can rely on the canal shipping and maneuver with ease. As long as the enemy is blocked under the city of Dezhou, it will easily trap the Jizhen Army and the predicament." Liu Dongyang shook his head.

Feng Tang nodded slightly, and Liu Dongyang's considerations were reasonable. The section from Dezhou to Linqing was the enemy's key defense area. Now the entire canal is under his control, and he can easily use shipping maneuvers, unless he is besieging the city with a large army. It is difficult to pose a threat to a key pass like Dezhou, and it is difficult for You Shilu's Jizhen Army to achieve such a goal without the cooperation of Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army.

  After thinking about it for a while, Feng Tang simply didn't bother to think about it, and it was useless to think about it. In the final analysis, the North Route Army had to solve the problem by itself.

"Dong Yang, since you know the situation on the northern front so well, then you should be more sure about our own situation?" Feng Tang rubbed his chin, "There are only 30,000 left in the 120,000 army It’s still on the way, but everything will arrive within three days, you vanguard officer, do you have any good suggestions?”

   "It depends on how big your appetite is." Liu Dongyang smiled proudly.

  Feng Tang laughed, "So what if you have a big appetite, so what if you have a small appetite?"

"We have a big appetite, so let's take a feint shot from Shan County and Cao County, and attack Xuzhou directly from Xiayi to the east, and catch Chen Jixian by surprise. His Huaiyang Army can show off in front of others, but it's not enough in front of our Northwest Army! Within half a month, Xuzhou can go!"

   Liu Dongyang's arrogant words made Feng Tang's heart skip a beat.

It cannot but be said that this suggestion is very bold. Chen Jixian wrote to himself requesting that he not enter Xuzhou territory, and he agreed, because the imperial court seemed to be in secret contact with Chen Jixian, and seemed to hope to win over Chen Jixian and let him fight back against Niu Jizong. , if you launch a surprise attack now, you may not be able to go down with a drum.

   Liu Dongyang looked down on Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Army, and so did Feng Tang.

  No matter how much Chen Jixian boasted that his Huaiyang Army was unparalleled, his headed army came from the Fifth Army Battalion.

But if you stay in the Beijing camp for ten years, whether it is the Jizhen Army, the Liaodong Army, the Datong Army, or the Xuanfu Army, they will all become soft-legged shrimps, pampered and fed, waiting to die. A strong army is coming?

Even if the surprise attack fails, Feng Tang is sure to take Xuzhou in one go. The only thing he is not sure about is that it is difficult to wipe out the Huaiyang army. will cause some trouble.

But the key point is that the imperial court has given me an order to not move Xuzhou for the time being. If I disobey the order, I may be able to evade it at this time by saying that I will not accept the order of the emperor, but the class teacher will definitely be liquidated when he returns to the court in the future. , Feng Tang had to consider this.

   Seeing a flash of light in the boss's eyes, Liu Dongyang was overjoyed, thinking that he had convinced the other party, and was about to persuade him further, but Feng Tang waved his hand, "What about the small appetite?"

Liu Dongyang felt a little regretful, but without hesitation, he immediately said: "That's easier, fight steadily, cross the Yellow River, capture Cao County, Dingtao, and Chengwu, and force Niu Jizong to mobilize troops to fight. We can use our maneuvering on this line and local supply advantages, mobilize its troops, and wait for an opportunity to defeat them during the mobilization."

   "What if Niu Jizong refuses to leave the canal?" Feng Tang asked again.

   "That's good too. After capturing Cao County, Dingtao, and Chengwu, the Xuanfu army will lose deep room for maneuver in southern Shandong. Do you want to defend Jinxiang and Yutai Niu Jizong?"

  Liu Dongyang took time off, and his tone was full of confidence.

"If we don't fight Jining, we will be in the south of Jining, Jinxiang, Yutai, and even defend Jining's strategically important places. If we take Jinxiang, I will control the line along the Heshui River. Guting Town is a part of the Xuanfu army. There are many sluices on the way from Tengchangkou to Luqiao Town where the grain is stored, how dare he not guard? If he doesn’t fight, he has to fight, otherwise the canal will be in my hands!”

  Liu Dongyang was in high spirits, apparently planning this war for a long time.

"While guarding the canal is of course the advantage of transportation, it also puts them in a bind that they have to defend. When and where to fight this battle must be decided by us, unless he dares to use all his strength. Come to a big battle with us, but does Niu Jizong dare to put all his eggs in one basket?"

Feng Tang stroked his beard and smiled. He admired Liu Dongyang's heroic aura that I am invincible. In comparison, Liu Baichuan was more calm and sophisticated, but a little less aggressive, and Tu Wenxiu was more ruthless and fierce, but a little more Reckless, Liu Dongyang has both the strengths of the two.

  (end of this chapter)

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