Number of People

Chapter 1848: Renzijuan jab vs uppercut

  Chapter 1848 Renzijuan Jab VS Uppercut

   "Dong Yang, what if my appetite is not too big or too small?" Feng Tang intends to take the test a little deeper than the other party.

   "Is it big or small?" Liu Dongyang was taken aback for a moment, and then he began to think deeply.

  Feng Tang didn't bother the other party, and waited patiently for the other party to think.

  Liu Dongyang waved his hand, and a staff sergeant nearby had sent over the map, and he unfolded the map immediately.

After a long time, Liu Dongyang rolled up the map, shook his head and said without a word: "My lord, how can there be any good thing in the world? There are good things that are not big or small, but you can't find them. Even if you have them, you have to take risks." Dangerous."

   "So, it's not like there's nothing, let's hear it." Feng Tang became interested.

"Xiazhen, if you want to avoid a decisive battle with the Xuanfu army, but also strangle its supplies and force it to scramble, then you can take a risk, cross Peixian from Fengxian County, kill Xiazhen, capture Xiazhen, cut off the Canal!" Liu Dongyang's eyes sparkled.

"Although Xiazhen belongs to Peixian County and Xuzhou, it is actually adjacent to Yixian County. What's more beneficial to us is that the section from Jining Prefecture to Xuzhou, after passing the collapse, is actually Chen Jixian's Huaihe County. The Yang army is in control, and the Huaiyang army may have received the promised benefits from both sides. They are a little slack and slack. There are many ships coming and going. We can easily take them by surprise and block the canal. We only need to take the risk of tearing Chen Jixian's face, but the general thinks, This does not pose a substantial threat to Xuzhou, or you can go to the envoy to talk to Chen Jixian and ask him to keep silent for a while, so..."

  Liu Dongyang didn't go on, but Feng Tang understood that this was everyone's tacit understanding.

   Chen Jixian himself was sitting on the fence and watching the wind. At this time, he pretended to be stupid, and his own side wanted to use this to force the Xuanfu army to come out on its own initiative.

Compared with fighting near Jinxiang and Yutai, the Xuanfu army can be dragged farther in Xiazhen, even if they can use the canal, but the farther they are from Jining, the longer it will take them to go back and forth, and the easier it will be Break each one.

  Feng Tang didn’t say any more. Liu Dongyang’s several suggestions were very suitable for his appetite. This kind of battle, that kind of step-by-step battle, relying on the piling up of troops is not what he wants, and it is very easy to achieve a stalemate war of attrition.

For one's own side, if it is a war against the outside world, it is of course good, but now it is a civil war, and the other party has ample material support in the south of the Yangtze River and the benefits of canal transportation, which is not good for one's own side, so time is out On one's own side, it is necessary to hit its vitals and force the other side to take the initiative to initiate a war.

However, Liu Dongyang's suggestion gave him a lot of inspiration, but the opponent's consideration also has many disadvantages. This is the opponent's thinking as a striker, but as a coach, he needs to weigh the pros and cons, how to choose its advantages and eliminate its weaknesses to form a team. The most perfect solution is to be considered by yourself.

   But in any case, Liu Dongyang has proved that he is not only a titan on the battlefield, but also a strategic and wise general, and he did not disappoint Feng Tang.

   While Feng Tang and Liu Dongyang were thinking hard about how to start the opening battle, on the other side of the battlefield, Niu Jizong was also looking at the map and thinking about how to fight this battle.

   Almost the same thinking about victory before defeat, Niu Jizong is very confident in his Xuanfu army, but he is also a little worried about Sun Shaozu's Datong army.

  Once the northern front loses and the imperial army is suppressed, he may face pincer attacks from several fronts, and the canal will be involved for hundreds of miles. This front will be stretched suddenly, which is very dangerous.

  So he was also thinking about how Sun Shaozu would defeat You Shilu of the Jizhen Army and Su Shengdu of the Shanxi Army.

  As a seasoned veteran, although Niu Jizong also came out of the Five Armies Commander's Mansion, he had actually fought against Jizhen and the Xuanfu Army before.

In the twenty-ninth year of Yuanxi, he was a guerrilla in Jizhen. Later, he was promoted to a general in Jizhen and transferred to Xuanfu Town. In Xuanfu Town, he went step by step from general to deputy commander in chief, and then to deputy commander in chief. In the end, he was only one step away from reaching the commander-in-chief, but he was transferred back to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion to take up an idle position, which lasted for several years.

  Even in the past few years, he has deliberately planned to return to the army, so he took a circuitous path, starting from taking over as Prince Teng's Beijing Camp Jiedushi, and then to Xuanda Governor.

   Niu Jizong didn't like Su Shengdu. How could a flatterer be sent by the imperial court to lead the army?

But now it is good news for our own side, and Su Chengdu is obviously at odds with You Shilu in Jizhen, and the two led the army to the south but dilly-dally on the line between Hejian and Zhending. a chance.

  Sun Shaozu obviously overestimated his opponent, retreated to Dezhou, and put on a defensive posture, but he lingered, which probably made Sun Shaozu a little confused.

"Deqing, what do you think?" Glancing at the most proud staff officer beside him, Niu Jizong casually pointed to a large pile of documents and information piled up on the table, "It is estimated that our situation is well known by the capital. The filth within them is also open to us, Su Chengdu refuses to obey You Shilu, and You Shilu can't command Su Shengdu, how can Shaozu fight this battle?"

Mu Deqing was still looking at the information in his hand, and he put it down for a long time: "The theory is that you Shilu should be attacked first. You Shilu only has 20,000 people. Although it is the Jizhen Army, we can use the advantage of the canal to attack you at will. Mobilizing transportation is not like they can only look at it step by step, worrying about the lack of supplies. Although we have cleaned up the Dongguang Nanpi Jingzhou line, it can be seen that the capital is still very supportive, and the food and grass supplies from Shuntian Mansion follow up quickly , the number of masters is as many as ten thousand, which is somewhat beyond our imagination."

"We all underestimated Feng Ziying, a young man. This guy has only been in Shuntian Mansion for a year, and he has been using tricks one after another. The situation in Hejian Mansion is not good. I thought it would be difficult for You Shilu's army to go south to maintain Hejian, but The supplies from Shuntian Mansion came so quickly, which made our preparations somewhat useless." Niu Jizong was not without regret, "Now You Shilu can fight steadily with ease, and he is not willing to rush forward easily. This battle is not easy to fight. gone."

"Then fight the Shanxi Army!" Mu Deqing closed the folding fan in his hand, "It seems that the Shanxi Army has more than 50,000 people, which is similar to Shaozu's strength, and Su Chengdu is also very cautious, but this fight Solushui dare not cross, which means that the east of Solushui is basically a blank space, and Su Shengdu must have sent a small army on the Zaoqiang line, but what about going south?"

   "You mean from Linqing Prefecture?" Niu Jizong's eyes lit up, "But there are also imperial troops in Guangping Mansion,..."

Mu Deqing laughed, "Commander, aren't you even afraid of the guards? We didn't fight Guangping Mansion, Daming Mansion, or Shunde Mansion. It doesn't make sense, Feng Tang also understands this, so he only deployed guards in Guangping Mansion and Daming Mansion, oh, there is still a Northwest Army, it is Liu Baichuan's 20,000 people, stationed in Cong Shunde Mansion From Guangzong to Dongming, the southernmost Daming Mansion, there are only 20,000 people in the area of ​​several hundred miles. Anyone with a discerning eye knows what this is. If we really want to fight, they may still ask for it. It's stuck there, but what if we don't fight or take it, but just insert it and hook it up?"

Niu Jizong looked at the map on the wall, and after a long time he said slowly: "Shaozu's troops are not enough. Although Su Shengdu is an idiot, the Shanxi army is not weak. Shaozu stationed 30,000 people on the front line of Dezhou. There are still 10,000 people in the city, and the 10,000 people in Linqing Prefecture are used as a reserve team. Even if they make a surprise attack, it will be difficult to defeat the Shanxi Army with one blow,..."

"Who told Shaozu to send troops? Not only can he not send troops, but he also has to put on a posture of asking Linqing to support Dezhou, otherwise You Shilu will definitely see the clue." Mu Deqing smiled darkly, "Feng Isn’t Tang playing steadily? Well, let’s take advantage of this opportunity to give him a meeting gift first, and let the 30,000 troops of Dongchang Prefecture go northward at night, disembark at the Jiamaying Water Post in the north of Wucheng, and head west to Nangong. There were 5,000 Shanxi troops stationed in Nangong, and after being defeated, they rushed straight to Jizhou without stopping,..."

  Niu Jizong stared at the map.

He knew that at Jiamaying, there is a key point twenty-five miles north of Wucheng County, where there are water stations and delivery stations, and there are also docks for landing. The key is that landing from here can avoid Wucheng or Linqing. easy to expose.

   "Deqing, 30,000 people are going north, I'm afraid it will not be easy to cover up their tracks." Niu Jizong said leisurely after a long time.

"The army can board the ship at night, but it can be pretended to reinforce Linqing. After all, the Linqing army has gone north to Dezhou. When the army is approaching Linqing, temporarily block the canal between Linqing and the old city, so that it can be taken by surprise. If My lord is still worried, you might as well make a fuss in Linqing, pretending to be an army disembarking in Linqing, nothing more than doing some acting,..."

  Mu Deqing smiled, "This is just a rough idea of ​​my subordinates. How to operate it will definitely be studied slowly,..."

Niu Jizong nodded slowly, "This matter needs to be carefully considered, and if I take away 30,000 troops, Feng Tang will probably get the news soon, and I'm afraid he won't just watch the Shanxi Army be defeated But if you remain indifferent, the imperial court will not agree."

"It depends on time, but I think that as long as we eliminate the Shanxi army in one fell swoop, You Shilu's Jizhen army will hardly be able to pose a threat to Shaozu, and even Shaozu can easily deal with Wuqiao, Jingzhou, Youshi Shilu can only retreat, if we really want to break through Shunde Mansion and Guangping Mansion, how will Feng Tang plan to deal with it?" Mu Deqing laughed loudly, "I'm afraid he will find it difficult to deal with it, right?"

  Niu Jizong groaned silently. He admitted that Mu Deqing's suggestion was really subtle. This uppercut could knock out the Shanxi army and completely resolve the threat to Sun Shaozu. But would Feng Tang wait so honestly?

   I'm afraid it's not that simple.

  (end of this chapter)

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