Number of People

Chapter 1862: Ren Zijuan mourns spring and hurts autumn, Yuanchun feels nostalgic

  Chapter 1862 Ren Zijuan sad spring hurts autumn, Yuanchun sentiments

  Mandarin Duck was ashamed, couldn't help turning around, and whispered: "Master, don't say such things, the slaves and servants are all master's people,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't bear to tease this Hui girl anymore, and then she said seriously: "Okay, Yuanyang, today I hugged Qin and said these words, how do you think I should deal with it?"

  Yuanyang was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head subconsciously: "This is a matter for the master to decide, how dare the servants intervene?"

"Is there anything you can't say?" Feng Ziying disagreed. "The eldest girl seems to be having a hard time in the palace, but I still think that she should have been aware of the Jia family's situation a long time ago. Isn't she not prepared?" Didn't those concubines with children get involved with each other, didn't they think about the risks? She shouldn't be the kind of person who doesn't know herself, but why is it so unwise to blindly seek profit?"

Yuanyang also felt that what Feng Ziying said was reasonable. With Yuan Chun's intelligence in the mansion, it is impossible not to feel at all that the Jia family is declining. In the situation where there is no hope for himself, then he must think about how to help the family. Xingsheng, but what she is doing now does not seem to achieve this.

  But Yuanyang also felt that it was difficult for an outsider to understand the mentality of an insider. Now he and Uncle Feng just stood aside to figure out other people's thoughts, which may not be accurate, and only the eldest girl can understand the whole story.

"Master, the eldest girl is a very smart person. Since she was a child in the mansion, she has been deeply loved by the ancestors and the old lady. They all praised her as Lan Xinhui's beauty and wisdom, and even the three girls can't match her. If the old lady really has If you have a chance to meet the eldest girl, then you might as well have a good talk with her, now that the Jia family is like this, and the emperor is also in a coma, the eldest lady should not make any troubles, she should think about it for herself in the future."

The mandarin duck sighed faintly, as if she was lamenting for the future fate of the eldest girl, "The eldest girl entered the palace since she was a child, but she is only young now. Once the emperor becomes famous, what should she do? Is it possible to just stay in the palace like this?" , Beauty turned gray? Isn't that too cruel?"

Feng Ziying sneered, but in her heart she was very satisfied with Yuanyang's kindness, "Yuanyang, aren't all the people in this palace like this? Even if the emperor can survive this, there are already more than fifty people who can live like the emperor How many people are there? The eldest girl is thirty years younger than the emperor, isn't the situation you said normal?"

  Yuanyang lowered her head, and murmured a little lonely: "The old ancestors and the old lady did not do well back then, but I feel sorry for the young girl who has been like this all her life..."

   "Aren't many people envious of that royal status, is it Mu Tianen?" Feng Ziying smiled.

   "The eldest girl is not that kind of person, but she couldn't refuse at that time." Yuanyang shook her head, "What happened later, maybe she just drifted with the tide and couldn't extricate herself."

  It is indeed impossible for a girl to reject the important decisions and arrangements made by the family in this era, Feng Ziying can understand.

  While Feng Ziying and Yuanyang were discussing Jia Yuanchun's thoughts, Baoqin had already left Feng's mansion and was walking slowly along Fengcheng Hutong.

At a corner, Baoqin turned into a side alley, and then continued to move forward until he reached another fork of the fork. Between the cracks of a carriage.

   When two carriages passed by and the blocked pedestrians rejoined, Baoqin disappeared.

   A person who was far behind looked around suspiciously. Pedestrians went their own way, but there was no one holding the piano.

  He walked a few steps quickly and rushed to the fork to look around. At this time, there were people coming and going around, and it was difficult to distinguish them for a while.

  Waved his hand in frustration, the man hesitated for a while, so he could only choose one side to go, until he walked to the end of the alley and connected to the street, but there was no figure holding the piano.

   The man lost the follow, and the man realized this. Whether he lost the follow through negligence, or whether the little girl threw him off on purpose, the man was also a little uncertain.

  Because from what I know, this girl is a personal maid beside Concubine Xiande, who has been with Concubine Xiande since she was a child, there is nothing special about it.

   Men tend to the former.

   Such an easy job can go wrong, and the man is also a little annoyed. If he goes back and reports like this, he will definitely be scolded.

  He has followed this girl many times. He was also the one who followed the other party when she came out. It is not a secret that Concubine Xiande has a connection with the Feng family, or Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan. The Fusi of Beizhen knows it, and it is just a routine.

   Thinking about how to make up a reason to fool the past, the man could only leave angrily. He had to rush to the palace gate as soon as possible to guard, and he could only pay the ticket when the other party returned to the palace.

  At this time, Baoqin had already boarded one of the two carriages.

  The moment the two carriages crossed, Baoqin was grabbed by the arm and lifted, lightly got on the carriage, and quickly got into the carriage compartment.

   Baoqin sighed, but didn't say anything.

  The people in the carriage didn't make a sound either, and let the carriage continue to drive. After a while, it stopped in a secluded house.

  Baoqin doesn't know where this is, she only knows to follow the agreed route and way of travel, and then ignores the rest.

   When Baoqin was sitting on a chair in a room, she saw the middle-aged man who had met many times.

  She didn't know the other person's name, she only knew that he was called Mr. Wang, who should be from the mother's and uncle's side.

  The request for a meeting was passed on from someone in the palace, and the empress also wanted to communicate with Master Feng, so she let herself make this trip.

   "Mr. Wang, what do you need to find someone to bring a letter to your mother?" Baoqin asked.

   "The empress's father and uncle miss her very much, and also want to know about the situation in the palace." The man felt the alienation and indifference of Baoqin, so he didn't care.

  Before Prince Yizhong raised the flag, the niece of the lord was not willing to contact the lord too much, but occasionally contacted the girl in front of her a few times to learn about the whereabouts of the emperor and the movement in the palace, which is better than nothing.

But the situation is different now. Prince Yizhong is overseeing the country in Nanjing and re-establishing the imperial court. The confrontation between the north and the south makes it even more necessary to understand the situation in the palace in the capital city. The Nanjing side must have other channels to understand the situation in the capital city, but my lord But I need to get some other information from this niece to confirm it.

"Maybe I'm going to disappoint you. The empress was secluded in the Fengzao Palace some time ago, and she couldn't go out at all. Only in the past few days, the confinement has been lifted, and the slaves can go out of the palace. I don’t know anything.” Baoqin shook his head.

  The man laughed, "We didn't intend to ask the empress what, but the adults are more concerned about the empress. I heard that the King of Shou and the King of Fortune are harassing the empress. It is really unbelievable that such disobedience happened in the palace,..."

   Baoqin immediately became vigilant, she didn't know what the other party meant by suddenly mentioning this.

Although King Shou and King Fu harassed the empress in the palace, although it cannot be said to be a secret, not many people know about it, but the other party can know, but thinking that the other party can find someone to spread the word in the palace, it is acceptable, but the other party suddenly cares about this, It's a little suspicious.

   If you say that the uncle of the empress really cares about the safety of the empress, Baoqin will definitely not believe it.

Following the empress in the palace for so many years, I have been used to Baoqin a lot. Those who show a caring look may not really care, but most of them have plans, and those who are unwilling to take care of them may be the last resort. It is willing to help you without asking for anything.

  Niang Niang, when did this uncle ask for a meeting, but not to ask about the situation in the palace and the emperor's recent situation, and why did he ever care about how the empress is doing in the palace?

  At this time, I have to worry about the empress being harassed by King Fu of Shou, probably thinking about how this kind of thing can be used by them, Baoqin guessed maliciously.

  Maybe they were trying to achieve something with such a scandal?

I have to say that Baoqin's guess is still very accurate. Naturally, all kinds of means will be used when the two countries are fighting each other, especially since Prince Yizhong wants to ascend to the throne, he will destroy the image of the other party's potential heirs to the throne and attack them. The entire capital court is the best strategy, and it doesn't cost much at all. It only needs to magnify and spread this kind of scandal to achieve the best effect.

Of course, this kind of strategy also needs to choose the right time to play its biggest role, but this needs to be based on the fact that all the situations and even the details are fully grasped. It is like a killer weapon, which can be used at the most critical time To miraculous effect.

   When Baoqin left, he was already exhausted.

The other party's entangled inquiries made it difficult for her to answer. The empress didn't explain anything else, but Baoqin didn't dare to tell the other party the whole situation. She needed to go back and ask the empress what she meant. The other party understood this, but still refused Letting go, he inquired about the current situation of several princes and concubines in the palace.

  Yuan Chun's face looked even paler under the flickering candlelight, and his originally plump face seemed a little weaker.

  Is this his real uncle?

   Don't you know that once such a scandal breaks out, your only choice is Bai Ling's three-foot poisoned wine?

  But why did they care about this?

   Baoqin said that she didn't believe that her father would be involved in this, but at this time Yuanchun's heart was already a little shaken.

  Father seems to be a bit reluctant to leave in Nanjing. His amiable and amiable image in the past has long been blurred. Maybe he can’t extricate himself from it, or he has to?

  At this time, she finally understood the sorrow of being born in the emperor's family, and how is her situation different from those princes and princesses who lamented being born in the emperor's family? The same involuntary, but still be involved in the endless vortex, unable to extricate themselves.

  What should I do? Maybe that one person is his last sustenance?

  (end of this chapter)

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