Number of People

Chapter 1863: Ren Zijuan strikes in two lines, each showing their magical powers

  Chapter 1863 Renzijuan two-line attack, each showing their magical powers

  The black soldiers disembarked in an orderly manner along the wooden bridge built on the pier, and several generals stood on the stone bars beside them, overlooking all of this.

  The entire pier was immersed in a depressing silence, except for footsteps and occasional orders, there were almost no other sounds. The torches held high all around and the bright moon hanging high in the sky made the progress on the entire pier very fast and smooth.

"20,000 people, no matter how you calculate it, it's still a little less." The general who stood aside and stroked his beard with his sword smacked his lips, "Although Su Chengdu's troops are scattered, we are all infantry this time. It’s easy to take down Nangong, but once the news gets out, it will be difficult for Jizhou.”

Another general answered immediately: "Nangong is only 60 miles away from Xindu (Jizhou prefectural government), leave everything you can leave behind, march quickly, you can arrive in a day and a night, you should be able to catch them by surprise. "

"How can it be so easy? Sixty miles, do you think it's six miles?" The other party immediately retorted: "We only need to escape for one ride, and we will lose the opportunity and suddenness, and Su Shengdu can spend all his time in the letter and wait for work at ease." ,what should we do?"

"What should I do? I don't believe that they can react quickly when they get the news..." The bearded general waved his hand violently, "Even if they react, how capable is the Shanxi Army? We haven't seen it before,... "

"Cangcheng, now is not the time to be angry. The Shanxi army is not as good as us, but they are waiting for work at leisure and have a strong city to defend. Are you sure you can take Xindu City in one fell swoop?" It is a matter of cheering up, but it is necessary to carefully analyze and judge how to fight to ensure victory."

   "Then what if we don't call Nangong, but go in through the middle, and just send a letter?" The thin old man who had never spoken all this time said leisurely.

"Bypassing Nangong? How to go around?" The bearded and eyed man named Cangcheng asked in surprise: "The line from Nangong to Zaoqiang is blocked by Suolu Water and Wei Water. If Su Chengdu doesn't know the army, he will definitely deploy a lot of defenses." Ranger scouts, 20,000 of us can't get around."

This is indeed a problem, because Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army did not cross the Suolu River, so Zaoqiang's line is densely covered with secret sentries, let alone a 20,000 army, even if 2,000 people want to avoid the scouts on this line, it is difficult Very difficult.

   "Then go further south, bypass Nangong between Guangzong and Nangong, and go straight to Xindu through Anding City." The old man spoke very slowly, taking his time.

  The other two generals couldn't help but gasp, that would be a long way to go, but it has to be said that this is a bold adventure.

   According to the information obtained, there is almost no contact between Guangzong and Nangong.

Because the south of Guangzong is stationed by Feng Tang's Northwest Army, and the north of Nangong is Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army. The relationship between the two parties seems to be not harmonious, and there is not much contact. If you pass through this gap, the chance of being discovered will be high It is greatly reduced. In addition, scouts can also be sent in advance to search and kill the opponent's sentry scouts, so as to avoid exposure as much as possible.

   Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid exposure risks. Any plan has risks, so we can only say that we should do our best as much as possible.

But if the raid is unsuccessful, the 20,000 troops will be surrounded by the Shanxi army. Xinhe in the west, Nangong in the south, and the defenders of Xindu will be able to immediately encircle and surround themselves. No chance.

   "My lord, if the news gets out like this, we may not be able to break the letter..." the bearded man hesitated.

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? This battle is a bit of a gamble. If we fight through the most conventional way, our little troops may be able to inflict a serious injury on the opponent. For example, annihilate Nangong's army, but Xindu The main force of the Shanxi Army over there will be disturbed, and it is difficult to do all the work. What the commander wants is to completely defeat the Shanxi Army and remove the threat from the northwest, so that Sun Shaozu can deal with You Shilu with peace of mind. Come to the side, and the whole north side will stop.”

The old man showed a look of determination on his face, "This battle is over like this, and the news that the scouts came back is basically in line with my opinion. The Northwest Army and the Shanxi Army have almost no contact. Liu Baichuan, who is stationed on the line from Guangzong to Dongming, is a Ningxia rebel general." Born, Su Chengdusu is from the Xu family, how could he like each other? So this gap between Nangong Guangzong is an opportunity, and our Xuanfu army's robes are not much different from those of the Northwest Army and Shanxi Army. Hard to tell, this is our chance!"

"Yes, if God does not take it, we will be blamed. We must not let go of this opportunity!" The general with bearded eyes slapped his thigh, "This time, my lord will let me be the vanguard, and I will take it down personally." The head on Su Chengdu's neck."

   Just when the Xuanfu army landed from Linqing prefecture in black, and went straight to Nangong, the Northwest Army here was also not idle.

  The car was rattling, the horse was Xiaoxiao, and the army headed east all the way.

   Liu Dongyang looked at the eastern sky with his gaze like a vulture.

"My lord, that's Dangshan Mountain over there." A scribe under him introduced: "The eight miles north of Dangshan Mountain is also called Mangshan Mountain. In the past, Han Gaozu lived in the swamp between Dangshan Mountain and Mangshan Mountain. According to legend, it is the refuge of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty."

   "Well, Henkel is hidden here?" Liu Dongyang smiled, "It seems to be a treasured place of geomantic omen. This is a good omen, which indicates that we will succeed in one fell swoop."

"Well, Dangshan Mountain, Mangshan Mountain, Langya Mountain to the west, Tiejiao Mountain to the south, and Xishan Mountain to the east, this series of hills is not high, and there are paths in the middle, we just need to block the main road. It will be very good to avoid exposure of whereabouts, which is extremely beneficial to our march." The staff is also very proud, "We have already done various preparations in the early stage, so we can be so fast and smooth."

"I'm not worried about Dangshan." Liu Dongyang shook his head, "The key is still in Feng County and Pei County. Crossing the Yellow River is very troublesome. Even now, I dare not say how long it will take for the army to cross. Will Yang Jun find out?"

"We have carefully investigated the Rongjiakou and Chenmengkou river crossings, and Rongjiakou is more suitable. The water surface basically disappears in this season, and most of them are swamps and tidal flats..." the staff pondered: "We are going to If you have enough planks and haystacks, if you choose a suitable place to cross the river, it should not be a big problem.”

   "What about the time?" Liu Dongyang asked back.

  The staff cannot answer.

Rongjiakou and Chenmengkou are two bifurcation points formed when the Yellow River changed its course north of Dangshan Mountain in the fourth year of Tianping. The surface of Chenmengkou River is narrower, but the boundary where it is located is full of swamps and the terrain is complicated. If you go here, you will easily fall into a Among them, more time-consuming.

  The situation in Rongjiakou is slightly better, but it is closer to Feng County, and it is easier to be spotted by the scouts of the Feng County defenders.

   This is also an unsolvable puzzle, so you can only choose one.

"Forget it, that's the only way to go." Liu Dongyang looked at it openly and waved his hand, "Two evils are the lesser of two evils, I would rather risk being discovered by the defenders of Feng County than go to that swamp District, that's too uncontrollable."

"Our advance team has already crossed the river. If there are not many enemy scouts, I believe our people can eliminate this threat and ensure that we can pass through Fengxian and Peixian counties smoothly." Be confident.

"Even if we pass through Fengxian County and solve the problem of Huaiyang Army in Fengxian County, what about Peixian County?" Liu Dongyang deliberately compared himself, the staff he had spent so much time digging, and the commander called him a staff officer. Feng Xiu wrote, "Pei County is no better than Feng County, with 10,000 Huaiyang troops stationed there."

"My lord, it doesn't matter if you station 10,000 people or 20,000 people. As long as things happen suddenly, you can defeat them in one fell swoop and drive them back to Xuzhou. I have never been optimistic about the combat effectiveness of the Huaiyang Army. We must guarantee For us, the more we beat the Huaiyang Army in Peixian County, the more miserable and painful the beating, the more afraid Chen Jixian would be. As the commander said, Chen Jixian would be the first At both ends, this kind of person can only show him force and prestige. The more you try to persuade him, the more he will push his nose in the face. If you turn your back on him and beat him up, he will treat you Much respect!"

  The staff spoke in high spirits, not paying attention to the Huaiyang Army at all.

Liu Dongyang laughed, this guy is quite in line with his own wishes, of course he would not despise any enemy as the chief general, but the Beijing camp team, and the Huaiyang army has never fought since its formation, how big is such an army He is not optimistic about combat effectiveness.

Of course, fight the lion with all your strength, and fight the rabbit with all your strength. Since you want to fight, you have to use all your strength to beat it to the ground in one fell swoop. The defenders in Feng County are only 3,000 people, Liu Dongyang doesn't care, but the 10,000 defenders in Pei County, He still has to be cautious.

   "I hope it is as you said." Liu Dongyang flew on the horse, sat on the horse and looked around.

The army is advancing rapidly. The effect of several months of training in Qingyang and the long-distance training from the northwest to the Central Plains have improved the temperament of the entire army. In addition, the food and salary are sufficient, and after this period of rest, It can be said that morale is high.

   Regarding the army under his own hands now, Liu Dongyang is confident that he will not be afraid to face any army in the entire Great Zhou.

This task is not easy. According to the commander-in-chief, it is to completely defeat the defense system of the Huaiyang Army in the north of Xuzhou. However, considering the time, it is not necessary to annihilate it. The section of Huitong River to the north of Shanhu Lake and Zhaoyang Lake completely cut off the logistics support route from the south of the Yangtze River to the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in Shandong, forcing the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army to collapse without fighting.

  In this case, you may face a pincer attack from the Huaiyang Army in the south and the Xuanfu Army in the north, and you need to hold out for a period of time to mobilize the Xuanfu Army to go south and create opportunities for the main army in the west to move eastward.

   Liu Dongyang has the confidence to do it.

  (end of this chapter)

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