Number of People

Chapter 1865: The benefits of the Renzijuan are bundled and serve multiple purposes

  Chapter 1865 Ren Zijuan's interests are bound, and multiple actions are achieved at one stroke

   "Ruby has already told you about this business on the way, so I won't hide it from you. This is an opportunity given by Brother Keng. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it weren't for this child, I'm afraid it might not have fallen into my hands."

Seeing Lin Zhixiao, Wang Xifeng blushed a little, but she also knew that Lin Zhixiao knew about her affair with Feng Ziying a long time ago, and it was nothing more than a child's problem, so she simply picked it up and said, anyway, she also concealed it. Can't hide it.

"I'm a girl, and I have children, so I can't take care of it inside and out, so this workshop needs everyone to work together. Brother Keng arranges people to come to the craft formula, so don't worry, but outside I plan to let Wang The letter is in charge, the internal management of the workshop is entrusted to you, and Xiaohong is in charge of internal and external liaison,..."

Lin Zhixiao's expression remained the same, but his tone was full of inquisitiveness: "Second Mistress, has Second Mistress done a preliminary investigation to understand such a big business? Where is this workshop located and where do the raw materials come from? I heard that cement needs some special raw materials. Although Uncle Feng can help with the craft formula, where do the raw materials come from? If the distance is too far, will the transportation cost be too high? I also heard that the cement needs to be calcined. Firewood? Where does it come from? Is it expensive? In addition, where is the cement sold? Besides Tianjin, if you want to go to other places, do you go to sea by the canal or the Wei River? OK to contact?"

  Hearing Lin Zhixiao asked a lot of questions in one breath, Wang Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief. This shows that Lin Zhixiao is serious and caring so much, which shows that he is really optimistic about this business, which is a good thing.

"Zhixiao, if I didn't do what you said, how dare I bring it up with Brother Keng? To tell you the truth, I stayed in Tianjin Wei for a few months just to think about this matter, so that Wang Xin and Laiwang will be fine. I went out to understand the investigation, and I also asked Brother Keng to give me a report on the cement market situation. If we don’t do it, it may not be long before Shanshan businessmen will come to Tianjin Wei to set up workshops, so we are quite So I cut off the other's Hu, and they only gave up this piece for Brother Keng's face. Of course, the specific details of the investigation are the business of you and Wang Xin, and it is impossible for them to do everything for you. It's over..."

  Wang Xifeng's words made Lin Zhixiao feel more at ease, indeed, if everything is ready to stop, then what's the matter with me? Now is an opportunity, and Wang Xin has to do the specific things by himself. According to what Wang Xifeng said, he has to worry about the establishment of the workshop, and Wang Xin is responsible for contacting the outside world, such as the purchase of raw materials and the market. For sales, Second Mistress herself is in charge of the general manager, while Hongyu is in charge of internal and external liaison, this arrangement is quite appropriate.

   "Since that's the case, I will make a living with Second Grandma Fu." Lin Zhixiao finally made up his mind, "I wonder how much money Second Grandma needs from my family to invest in the shares?"

   This is the most important thing. Investing in shares is to bind everyone together, to earn together if you want to make money, and to lose together if you want to lose money.

"I asked someone to do some calculations. I estimated that it would not cost much money to buy land and build a workshop, that is, less than ten thousand taels; the other thing is to buy a mine vein, build a road, and also involve coal,... and recruit craftsmen The cost of Lifu may be higher, ..., and whether we need to buy our own boats. On the one hand, we will sell them to the Shandong area of ​​Dezhou, Linqing, and Dongchangfu, and on the other hand, we will sell them to the sea from Weihe River. To Denglai, Shandong, to Nanzhili and Zhejiang,..."

Wang Xifeng talked eloquently, obviously preparing for a long time: "A rough estimate is that 120,000 taels of silver is about the same. I plan to take out 60,000 taels of silver, and raise another 40,000 taels of stock, and then use land, workshops, kilns, These boats were used as collateral, and I borrowed 20,000 taels from Haitong Bank.... Xiaohong gave 1,000 taels, Ping'er gave 3,000 taels, and Feng'er and other young maids also pooled 1,000 taels. The family gave three thousand taels, and Wang Xin's family gave five thousand taels, let's see how much you can give?"

Lin Zhixiao frowned and did the math, "Second Grandma, including you and them, it's only 73,000 taels, and there's still a difference of 27,000 taels. Even if I **** everything in the house, I can make up the most Twelve three thousand taels, that's still too much."

  Wang Xifeng was also secretly surprised. Although Lin Zhixiao was expected to save a lot over the years, he still felt a little scary when he heard the other party say that he could come up with 12,300 taels of silver.

The butlers in the Rongning Second Mansion really depended on the Jia family to eat fat. The Lai family could save 100,000 property. Even if Lin Zhixiao was stolen by Long Jinwei, he could still earn 10,000. Many households, such as Wu Xindeng, Yu Xin, and Wang Shanbao, are estimated to be similar, and they can all provide tens of thousands of household belongings. If they are placed in the capital city, they can be regarded as wealthy families.

"You don't have to worry about that. Brother Keng said that he will find a few more shareholders who will pay the money for us, but regardless of the business, just pay the money and pay dividends when the time comes. The rest will be left to Brother Keng to arrange,..."

When Wang Xifeng talked about this, Feng Ziying also made up his mind, like Eryou, Siqi, Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, and Xiangling's old lady, Li Wan's future livelihood, and even the life of Xiuyan's family all depended on her. It needs to be considered that the more than ten thousand taels of silver can be used as share capital, and I can take it out and arrange for them to buy shares. In the future, I can only pay dividends and manage the livelihood of the rest of my life for them.

So he told Wang Xifeng that there was a difference of 10,000 to 20,000 shares, and he would arrange it. Wang Xifeng thought it was Feng Ziying who wanted to fill it up by herself, and was grateful, but Feng Ziying told her that it was Eryou, Siqi, Xiangling, Qingwen, For the parents of mandarin ducks, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, if he came to pay the money for them, it could be regarded as a filial piety for these girls.

   This also made Wang Xifeng jealous. She said a lot of bitter words in front of Feng Ziying and ran Feng Ziying for a long time.

  Feng Ziying also has no choice, he is still used to thinking about problems with modern thinking.

  I slept with someone else's daughter, so I wanted to think about her.

The parents of girls like Siqi, Xiuyan, Xiangling, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er are generally not suitable to be raised in the mansion according to the current habits, so they live outside and are older. How do you live?

Those who have sons are better off, like the parents of Xiangling and Xiuyan, who have no sons and can only rely on their daughters. When they are old and have no income, they are looking for their daughters to live all day long, so it is better to arrange for them early. Fan, can also have a stable income, so that everyone can feel at ease.

Originally, I thought about buying a few shops so that they could have something to look forward to, but now that Wang Xifeng, Ping'er, Xiaohong, Wang Xin, and Laiwang are all able to make a living in this cement business, it might as well be Let a few maids in the mansion also come to follow the light. Given the current tightness of the cement business, the annual dividends will definitely not be less, and it will be prosperous in ten or twenty years. A comfort and confession.

   "Uncle Feng also wants to buy shares?" Lin Zhixiao was surprised, but also overjoyed. If Uncle Feng wanted to buy shares, it would be absolutely foolproof.

"It's not him, hey, it's equivalent to him, his 'family', hmph, maybe he cares more than himself." Wang Xifeng couldn't help saying sourly, "Zhi Xiao, don't worry, No matter how things are like this, I still have me, I invested 60,000 taels, and almost put all my net worth into it, don't I care?"

"Hehe, the second grandma is right, and I am also concerned about it, so it will be messed up." Lin Zhixiao laughed, "Then let's do it like this, what else can grandma order, I'm afraid I will get a strategy first come out,…"

"Well, you should meet with Wang Xin first, and make a good plan. Brother Keng gave me several options for the location of the workshop. It should be close to the lime vein, and it is best to be far away from the coal mine. It can’t be too far, or there is no coal around, so it’s better to be closer to the riverside wharf. All in all, you should carefully consider these conveniences, especially because the cement raw materials need to be ground by iron mills. It’s best to lean against the river and use water power to grind the mill,… When the craftsmen over there come over, you’d better ask for their opinions,…”

   During the two nights when Feng Ziying was with Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng also pestered Feng Ziying to ask what should be paid attention to in making a cement business.

  Wang Xifeng even got up specially, found a pen and paper to record one by one, very serious, which made Feng Ziying look at her with admiration.

  At this moment, Wang Xifeng can also show off in front of Lin Zhixiao, making Lin Zhixiao stunned for a while.

  Feng Ziying did not expect Wang Xifeng to act so swiftly and eagerly. After learning that Lin Zhixiao had gone to Tianjin, he realized how important Wang Xifeng was to this matter.

   But this is also good, and it can be regarded as solving a problem for myself.

Let Wang Xifeng focus on this business, and prevent her from thinking about it all day long. This woman has a son, but she doesn't have a man. Once she really has nothing to do at home, she will think too much. Out of moths.

But the business of cement is not that simple, it will take a lot of thought, and it will involve a lot of her energy, and once it becomes big, the benefits will be so rich that it is difficult to give up, so at that time, even if Wang Xifeng has other thoughts, she needs it Consider whether it is worth forgoing this benefit.

Now this business can also solve the livelihood problems of a series of family members such as Xiangling's mother, Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er's parents, Siqi's parents, You Lao Niang, and Xiuyan's parents. All these people were settled together.

  (end of this chapter)

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