Number of People

Chapter 1866: The Renzi scroll is straight and horizontal, with punches to the flesh

  Chapter 1866 The Renzi scroll is straight and horizontal, punching to the flesh

  The team marching in the dark is like several long snakes winding on the ground, quietly advancing towards the north.

   "General, there are still five miles ahead to Xindu."

   "Very well, according to the plan, Cangcheng, you lead your troops to attack the city from the south, and try to defeat it in one go. If you can't, try to attract the main force of the enemy army as much as possible. Let's go west and enter the city!"

   "Follow the order."

  In the darkness, the army quickly divided into two groups and rushed north along the Wei River.


  The soldier holding the spear yawned, wiped away the overflowing tears, and couldn't help jumping a few times. It was freezing cold in the middle of the night, and it could freeze to death.

   "Lei Er, you said that the commander-in-chief just let the big guys stay here in Jizhou City, and refused to cross Suo Lushui. When will it be delayed?"

   "You don't care about him, you can eat and drink here, do you have to go to the Solu River to fight?"

"But I heard that three groups of envoys have come from Erji Town in the north. They want us to send troops to the east. I heard that they want us to take down Zaoqiang. There is no Xuanfu army and Datong army stationed there. ,..."

"Who said that? Can you believe the words of those people in Ji Town?" The skinny man named Lei Er wiped his nose, pouted his neck and said, "I heard from my superiors that Zaoqiang's side is a trap." , coaxing us to go over, maybe once we pass, we will be surrounded by the Xuanfu army, and when the time comes, every day should not be called, and the ground will not work, who will save us?"

"But we've been wasting our time here, how are we going to fight this battle?" The soldier holding the spear sniffed, "I heard that the Jizhen army is fighting in the north, what's going on here? None, how to pay the ticket?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it the same with the people in the south and northwest? Lai stayed motionless in Guangzong and Wei County. Isn't this a war? It depends on who has patience? Maybe if you drag on, the other party won't be able to afford it anymore, so just wait and see." I'm going to lose."

The two were chatting, but they heard something inadvertently. Lei Er raised his back and pricked up his ears, wanting to hear something, but there seemed to be nothing. He stuck his head out from the battlements and looked outside the city. It was dark and nothing.

   "Xu San, did you hear any sound?" Lei Er asked worriedly.

   "What sound?" Xu San was also taken aback, and subconsciously probed out, "I didn't hear anything, hey, what is that?"

Both of them widened their eyes in doubt, raised the torches inserted obliquely beside them, and looked outside the city. There seemed to be bursts of strange sounds outside the city, which seemed to be both ground shaking and neat impacts, slowly getting louder and louder. bigger.

  The faces of the two were pale, and they understood in an instant that this was the sound of marching troops. It was almost too late to think about it, and the two rushed to the gatehouse and shouted sharply: "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

   Immediately afterwards, the warning sound of Mingjin sounded loudly, and the entire Xindu City suddenly became agitated.

  At this moment, the army outside the city suddenly raised fire, and a pattern like a star river in the dark night emerged under the city wall. At this time, the soldiers no longer needed to hide and cover up, and rushed towards the edge of the city wall shouting.

  The entire city of Xindu was in chaos. Su Shengdu, who woke up from his sleep, couldn't believe that he would be attacked by surprise. Where did the enemy come from? Is it the Datong Army or the Xuanfu Army? Or a local civil uprising?

  Just received that the south city was attacked, the enemy army was hitting the city gate and climbing up the city wall, and hurriedly ordered the reserve team to immediately reinforce the south city, and there was another report that the west city gate was opened by the city, and the enemy army entered the city.

  This news made Su Shengdu's eyes go dark, and he moved down all of a sudden, it's over!

  When Liu Baichuan heard the news, he almost jumped out of his chair in shock.

   "What did you say? Where did you get the news?"

"General, it's the Shanxi town's rout soldiers who came down from the north. Our scouts encountered a large number of Shanxi town rout soldiers in the area of ​​Ganling City. There were hundreds of them, and they all escaped from Nangong County." The subordinates were also covered in sweat and mud, apparently galloping all the way back, and came to report in a hurry.

   "The subordinate just led a team from Wei County to go north along the Weishui River. Unexpectedly, the scouts sent out earlier came back. The Xuanfu army raided Jizhou. The Shanxi army was defeated and the whole army was destroyed..."

"How can the Xuanfu army be so easily destroyed? There are more than 50,000 people, even 50,000 pigs, and the Xuanfu army can't kill them all at once!" Even Liu Baichuan, who had always been calm, couldn't help being furious. Sweeping all the pens, ink, papers and inkstones on the desk to the ground: "Is it the Xuanfu Army or the Datong Army? Isn't it Sun Shaozu who is confronting Su Shengdu?"

   "It is said that it is the Xuanfu Army, not the Datong Army!" The subordinate also replied impatiently: "Xuanfu Army Xie Wensheng!"

   Hearing that it was Xie Wensheng's department, Liu Baichuan didn't speak for a while.

  Xie Wensheng is the number one general under Niu Jizong. He was the deputy commander when Wang Ziteng was the general of Xuanda, and he is also a veteran who has fought countless battles with the Chahar people.

  But isn’t Xie Wensheng still in Dongchang Mansion? How could he suddenly go to Jizhou hundreds of miles away? Even if there is a canal that can be mobilized, it is impossible to do so, unless the other party has premeditated, and even has been doing camouflage to cover up, and successfully deceived himself.

  Thinking of this, Liu Baichuan was even more angry. There is no doubt that if this is the case, he is responsible. He didn't realize that tens of thousands of troops had slipped away from under his nose, which led to such a situation.

   "How did the Xuanfu army sneak attack Jizhou? Could it be that they didn't notice when they attacked Nangong?" Liu Baichuan slowly recovered his thoughts, but still couldn't believe it.

Although Su Shengdu is a bit mediocre, he is very cautious in arranging troops. There are large troops stationed in Xinhe and Nangong. Although there is no garrison in Zaoqiang, there are a large number of rangers and sentries. The Xuanfu army only needs to exceed 3,000 It is very difficult for people to escape the eyes and ears of these ranger sentries, and there are Solu and Wei waters to block them. How can the Xuanfu army achieve a surprise attack so easily?

"I heard that the Xuanfu army quietly landed from the Jiama camp north of Wucheng, then marched eastward overnight, bypassed Nangong County from the south of Nangong, and then inserted directly between Xinhe and Nangong to attack Jizhou. Shengdu was defenseless, and was caught off guard, so..."

  The subordinates spoke in a low voice, especially when they mentioned the south side of Nangong, they paused, but Liu Baichuan's heart trembled.

Nangong County is on the edge of Guangzong County. If the Xuanfu Army bypassed Nangong County, it must have passed through Wei County and Guangzong. Since the Shanxi Army and the Northwest Army did not deal with each other, the two sides contacted each other. There were very few, so there was a looming gap between Guangzong and Nangong, who knew that Niu Jizong caught him.

   "I remember that we have a garrison in Mingshui City, haven't we found it?" Liu Baichuan asked in a deep voice.

Mingshui City is in the north of Weixian County. In the fifth year of Wude in the early Tang Dynasty, Taizong Li Shimin and Liu Heita fought here. They fought repeatedly. Later Yuan Dynasty established Weizhou here, and Liu Baichuan stationed 500 troops here, that is, defending Weixian County and Guangxi. The area north of Zong was taken advantage of by the enemy, but he did not expect the enemy to be so bold.

   "I didn't find it at Mingshui. After all, there are dozens of miles away from Nangong. With such a big gap, it is easy for tens of thousands of people to go there." The subordinate explained.

Liu Baichuan didn't want to think too much anymore. Although it is not clear what the Shanxi army was beaten into, it is conceivable that even Jizhou was captured. Then Su Shengdu's so-called iron triangle of defense-Jizhou, Nangong, Xinhe probably collapsed, and the 50,000 army might not be much left. If the Xuanfu army took advantage of the situation and swept south, would the 20,000 people scattered like this be able to resist it?

  Liu Baichuan was thrilled.

His 20,000 people were scattered on the thousand-mile front from Julu to Dongming. Although the southern line was not deployed too much because it relied on the main force of the Northwest Army, he still left 5,000 people behind. Only 15,000 people and horses.

  In addition to the 8,000 main force stationed in Jize, the remaining 7,000 people are in Daming Mansion, Julu, and Guangzong respectively. They are too scattered.

  Liu Baichuan didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered: "In addition to staying more scouts, order Mingshui City, Guangzong, and Julu ministries to immediately withdraw southward to Jize and concentrate, and the troops of Daming Mansion also gather in Yongnian to prevent accidents."

It has to be said that Liu Baichuan reacted quickly enough. Not long after the Northwest Army had just withdrawn from Mingshui, Julu, Guangzong, and Weixian County, the Xuanfu Army, which had already won another victory in Nangong, and another Xuanfu Army that had marched westward from Linqing The government army joined forces in Wei County, and quickly captured Guangzong, almost encircling thousands of Northwest Army troops in Guangzong.

  The two sides fought on the front line in Pingxiang, but the scale was not large, and they were all contact battles with small groups of troops.

Just as the Xuanfu army raided Jizhou and defeated the Shanxi army in one sentence, the Northwest Army Liu Dongyang's troops also suddenly marched eastward, crossed the Yellow River, bypassed Fengxian County, defeated a part of the Huaiyang Army in Peixian County, and then conquered Xiazhen in one fell swoop. This throat of the canal was completely strangled.

  After taking down Xia Town, Liu Dongyang was still unsatisfied. He captured Yi County to the south and Teng County to the north. The Xuanfu Army stationed very few troops on this line.

After Liu Dongyang's tribe captured Xiazhen and the surrounding Yixian and Tengxian counties, the Tuwenxiu tribe also followed up, expelling the Huaiyang army from Fengxian and Peixian counties, and completely controlled the area north of the Yellow River from Dangshan to Yixian. One piece completely separated the Huaiyang Army from the Shandong side.

   At this point, Liu Dongyang took the opportunity to set up a pass in Xiazhen to check the ships going south and north, strictly prohibiting ships going north to transport food, cloth, weapons and other strategic materials to the north, completely interrupting the supply line of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army.

  The achievement of this strategic goal will force the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army to make a difficult choice, which is to either completely defeat the Northwest Army, or be trapped alive in Shandong.

  (end of this chapter)

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