Number of People

Chapter 1872: Renzi Juan Sun Feng Lun Bing, the more the better

  Chapter 1872 Renzi Juan Sun Feng Lun Bing, the more the better

If Feng Ziying can really get 70,000 soldiers to fight, then with You Shilu's nearly 30,000 soldiers, this will basically be close to 100,000 troops, not to mention the tens of thousands of Sun Shaozu, even if there is Niu Jizong's Xuanfu The army supported Sun Shaozu, and Sun Chengzong dared to plan well, so he fought a beautiful battle.

  But 70,000 people, and 70,000 soldiers capable of fighting, are not jugglers. Feng Ziying is just a Shuntian Fu Cheng, how did he get it?

"My father gritted his teeth and can raise 30,000 people for you. In addition, the newly formed part of the Xuanfu Army passed through the Jingying, but this army was re-formed after the defeat of the Santunying. It was formed by relying on the people of Yongping Prefecture and some soldiers who can fight in the Beijing camp, and the main general is Yang Zhaoji. Maybe Kai Yanggong has heard his name, and the training is strong. This army is estimated to be in the early ten thousand,..."

Yang Zhaoji's name, Sun Chengzong, has indeed been heard. After the defeat of the Santunying, tens of thousands of troops were defeated in the Beijing Yingying. The war, the performance is not bad, this army is available.

   "That's only 40,000 people." Sun Chengzong stared at Feng Ziying.

"Also, in the Fifth Military Battalion of the Beijing Camp, the source is the same as Yang Zhaoji's. He Huchen's Department was originally transferred to the Shenji Camp. Later, King Zhonghui took a fancy to it and assigned it to the Fifth Military Battalion. It was added and expanded, and there can be more than 10,000 people. People, probably twelve thousand people..." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

   "Fifth Army Battalion? Soldiers in the Beijing Battalion, I'm afraid it will be difficult to adjust?" Sun Chengzong hesitated.

   "The fire is imminent, and I don't believe that the cabinet ministers still care about this? On the side of King Zhonghui, could it be that Prince Yizhong really won, and he is also the governor of the Beijing camp?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

  Sun Chengzong is silent, this is reasonable, it's time, if you care about these things, then don't fight at all.

   "Well, it's only in the early 50,000, right?" Sun Chengzong had to admit that Feng Ziying did have a lot of ghost ideas, so he put together more than 50,000 people, which was basically close to his bottom line.

"Could it be true that more than 50,000 Shanxi troops were completely wiped out by Niu Jizong?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Niu Jizong was just a surprise attack. At least 20,000 to 30,000 people escaped from Jizhou and Nangong, and the 10,000 people in Xinhe were basically He was defeated without much attack. One general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies to death. Niu Jizong only had 20,000 people, but he could wipe out 50,000 people in one go? More than 10,000 people were all captured and killed? Ridiculous!"

  Sun Chengzong realized something, but didn't make a sound.

"As far as I know, there are now more than 10,000 routs in Ningjin who have been recruited again. It is estimated that there are still four or five thousand people who fled to Longping and Baixiang. There are about seven or eight thousand people in Zhaozhou who fled north. About four or five thousand people went to Shulu, and this added up to at least 30,000 people. Only more than 10,000 people were captured or killed by the Xuanfu army in this battle. These 30,000 people, although Morale has plummeted, but the basic combat power is still there, if we replenish weapons and supplies, it will be easy to pick 15,000 people, right?"

  Sun Chengzong was taken aback.

He only knew that in the battle of Jizhou, Xinhe and Nangong, the Xuanfu army won a complete victory, and he also knew that Su Shengdu fled in a panic and was defeated by Niu Jizong's surprise attack, but he didn't know the specific battle process, and he didn't know the big defeat. What kind of a big defeat was it? After hearing what Feng Ziying said, I realized that more than 50,000 people seemed to be mainly scattered, rather than being surrounded and wiped out. Think about it, too. The 50,000-strong army is divided into Jizhou, Nangong and Xinhe. How could it be surrounded and wiped out by 20,000 people?

  It's just that more than 30,000 routs have been collected in this period of time, which is still a bit surprising.

   "Niu Jizong was still conservative. Although he defeated the Shanxi Army, he didn't dare to take advantage of the victory to pursue and annihilate it. If it were me, I would hold on to it even if it was a risk, and completely wipe out this vital force." Feng Ziying still has more ideas.

"Ziying, I'm afraid it's not that the Xuanfu army is conservative, nor is it that they don't want to, but that they can't." Sun Chengzong smiled, "The Shanxi army was defeated to the west, and they all fled to Ningjin and Zhaozhou. And your father's Northwest Army, if the Northwest Army suddenly goes north and cuts off their return route, as you said, they only have 20,000 people, then they will really die without a place to die."

   "Liu Baichuan is careful and considerate in his work, but he is not as courageous as Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu. My father asked him to be stationed in Guangzong and Wei County, but he doesn't have the courage." Feng Ziying shook her head.

"Niu Jizong may not understand these situations. He has to think about it. If the Northwest Army ventures north and closes the gate, his 20,000 people will be finished." Sun Chengzong smiled and shook his head: "To be handsome, you need both courage and back-up. Niu Jizong's ability to send 20,000 soldiers to sneak attack is already courageous enough. If he wants to pursue Zhaozhou and Ningjin in the middle of Zhending Mansion without hesitation, I will look at him with admiration. This is not boldness, but greed. He is not strong enough, which determines that he dare not do this."

   "Because of his lack of strength, he should take more risks. Otherwise, would he be able to fight us so smoothly?" Feng Ziying asked.

  Sun Chengzong was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Well, Ziying, your statement is not unreasonable."

"Mr. Kaiyang, well, let's not argue about this anymore. The failure of the Xuanfu army to completely wipe out the Shanxi army was due to its lack of strength, and it was also their mistake, so it gave us a chance to win back. Feng Ziying calmly said: "The more than 30,000 defeated soldiers are not because they are incompetent, but because the commander is incompetent. Su Shengdu deserves to be hacked to death, but these soldiers are innocent. Although the Shanxi Army is inferior to the Xuanfu Army, Jizhen Army and Datong Army Army, but it can be regarded as a strong army in the frontier town. After a little rectification, it is no problem to pick 20,000 people to form an army capable of fighting, Duke Kaiyang, I am not exaggerating, right?"

  Sun Chengzong laughed, nodded and admitted: "Ziying, you are right, don't say 20,000 people, how can you manage it well, replenish food, grass, supplies and ordnance, 25,000 is not impossible."

   "Since this is the case, have I achieved what I promised?" Feng Ziying also laughed.

"Well, according to this calculation, not only has it been realized, but it has also exceeded the quota." Sun Chengzong did not deny that no matter what method Feng Ziying took, he did get 70,000 people for himself. The transfer of 30,000 people at the same time may have an impact. You should know that the purpose of the northern line is to force Niu Jizong to return to his teacher to retake Xia Town and open up the canal. His father is also for this purpose. The lack of 30,000 people will have a big impact. .”

"My father, he also thought about it. He planned to send another 20,000 people to the Guyuan Army, or even more. When he arrived in Luoyang, he was already thinking about this issue, so he also negotiated with the Ministry of War. Guyuan Town is basically in the The Northwest was completely exhausted, but the three towns of Gansu, Ningxia, and Yulin maintained their basic size. Guyuan Town itself transferred some of them to Bozhou to fight in the war the year before last. They were all transferred to the Central Plains to fight, and if they performed well, they could bargain with the Ministry of War to keep them, but if they were really bad, they would be dismissed, and everyone would have nothing to say."

When Feng Ziying said this, Sun Chengzong also understood that as the governor of the three sides, he must consider for the four towns under his command and keep the original establishment as much as possible. A governor who can't even keep his own army can hardly get the support of his subordinates. One point is that Feng Tang is an old warrior, so he naturally understands this truth.

  Using this battle in the Central Plains to train troops is also used to prove to the imperial court that the troops of the four towns in the northwest are not inferior to those in Xuanda and Jiliao towns, and they can also protect the interests of the generals and soldiers of the four towns in the northwest.

   "Ziying, your father has also taken great pains to think about the three sides. No wonder your father can get the support of the generals in Datong, Yulin, and Jiliao." Sun Chengzong was not without emotion.

  Feng Ziying carefully observed Sun Chengzong's expression, and felt that the other party was not alluding to anything, so she was relieved.

The support of the generals below is a good thing for the subordinates, but not necessarily for the imperial court. The hat of supporting the soldiers and inviting them to buy the army's morale will be unbearable. , it is more difficult to fight, and accidents are more likely to happen, so this is also a dilemma.

Father is walking on the balance beam carefully now, trying to avoid attracting the suspicion of the court as much as possible. Fortunately, the emperor is unconscious now. When he really wants to wake up, maybe when the army of more than 100,000 from the northwest comes, it will arouse suspicion. Not to mention the loss of 50,000 people in Shanxi Town, the Central Plains army is almost entirely in the hands of the old man.

   Now that I take the initiative to ask my father to hand over 30,000 people to Sun Chengzong, it might not be a way to avoid suspicion.

"Mr. Kaiyang, it's not easy to be a governor on the nine sides. The warriors below are all extremely hot-tempered. If things go wrong, there will be a mutiny, especially the three sides have been suffering for too long. , So when I heard that I was going to fight in the Central Plains, I knew that I was going to fight with my head, but the soldiers were all very happy, and I was afraid that they would not be able to rank. You said that if this morale is let down, what a pity would it be?" Feng Ziying sighed He breathed a sigh of relief, "my father has no choice but to bring as much as he can. Guyuan Town is also suffering. Now that he doesn't perform well in Bozhou, he is not welcomed by the court. If he doesn't try hard, he will really be punished. It has been abolished, but where do these abolished sergeants go, go back, isn’t it a place of disaster? It’s really hard to survive, Xiao gathers together and takes over the mountain as king, doesn’t that become the court’s business again?”

Why didn't Sun Chengzong understand this truth? Now that Feng Tang is doing this, in a sense, it is also a way to reduce the pressure on the court. Anyway, after this battle is over, the blame has to be on Jiangnan, and everything has to be done. Come out from Jiangnan.

  (end of this chapter)

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