Number of People

Chapter 1873: Ren Zijuan is full of worries, one after another

  Chapter 1873 The Renzi Juan is full of worries, one after another

"Ziying, the imperial court does owe something to the four towns in the northwest, but this time the south is pacified, I believe that Dazhou will usher in a stable era, and the situation in the four towns in the northwest will improve greatly." Sun Chengzong can only comfort Feng Ziying in this way .

"Mr. Kaiyang, what you said is not true. Will the four towns in the northwest get better? I don't think so." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Now there is a severe drought in Shanxi and Shaanxi, and it has been two consecutive years, and it is getting worse every year. , this year’s spring drought is no worse than last year’s. I guess there will be troubles in Shanshan and Shaanxi when April and May are slack. Resurrection; the head is like a chicken, cut and sing again', one crop after another, reciprocating continuously,..."

Sun Chengzong is also a man who knows soldiers and history, so he naturally understands where the gatha in Feng Ziying's words came from. It was mentioned in Cui Jian's "Politics" in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Never take it lightly. How can you hope for peace."

  Feng Ziying's words obviously have a derivative meaning, and the implication is that military suppression cannot solve the people's livelihood problems caused by the severe drought in Shanxi and Shaanxi.

  When the common people are starved to death, or rebelled and killed, they will definitely choose to rebel. At least the rebellion will not die for the time being, or may they be recruited or even succeed after rebelling? Even if it's just in case, at least it's better than starving to death.

The folk customs of Shanshan and Shanxi have always been strong, and the rich and poor are even better than those places in the south of the Yangtze River, Huguang, etc. "The rich have endless fields, and the poor have no land to stand on" is a true portrayal. In addition, the natural environment is also poor, and infrastructure such as water conservancy ditches is backward. Therefore, in case of natural disasters and man-made disasters, the government's self-rescue ability is extremely weak, and it depends on the imperial court for relief. But now that the water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River is cut off, and the imperial court is too busy to take care of itself, this disaster seems inevitable.

Feng Ziying even vaguely sensed some kind of unspoken strategy of the imperial court, that is, since it cannot be avoided, first try to take Shandong, Jiangnan and even Huguang with all his strength, and the chaos in Shanshan and Shaanxi will be chaotic. Shandong, Jiangnan, and Huguang have been recovered, and then they will reapply favors and powers, and the army will suppress the rebellion, and it will be enough to take Shanshan back. After the chaos, there will be great order.

  It seems that my father also has this kind of mentality. Otherwise, why would he continue to recruit elites from the Northwest to the Central Plains?

  The sooner the south of the Yangtze River is pacified, the sooner Shanshan can be saved. As for Shanshan, as long as there are left behind troops to stabilize the border area, the civil strife can be gradually quelled.

   It is really impossible to pacify it. It is not unacceptable to limit it to a certain range and let those mob rebels rob some big households to make a living.

Anyway, the common people have nothing to eat, and the government wants these big gentry to contribute money and food to stabilize the situation. These people are unwilling, and even want to sue everywhere. That’s fine now. If you don't come to Shanshan, let's procrastinate. The government can only try to maintain what the mob and thieves do. If they can't maintain it, they just let it go.

  Even this kind of tacit understanding can be quietly revealed to the mobs. There are also smart people among the mobs.

Feng Ziying had revealed with her father before whether it was possible to instigate some of the left-behind troops in the Northwest to pretend to be mobs and bandits to loot local big households in order to obtain money and food. Unexpectedly, her father would "evolve" a step further and simply let the mobs fight on their own. It can cover the "performance" of its own army.

   It is reasonable to say that this is raising the self-respect of the bandits. After Jiangnan is truly pacified, where will the more powerful Northwest Army go? Will the court kill the donkey? With the chaos in Shanshan and Shanxi, there is still a way for the Northwest Army to survive. I guess my father also considered this.

"Ziying, I understand what you said, but now the court has no spare power to solve it." Sun Chengzong clapped his hands and sighed, "We can only do our own things well. Shanshan is just a disease of ringworm and scabies. , that is a heartache."

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, but it was just a change of Zhang on the throne, and the troubles in her heart were only for these princes in the court who wanted to maintain orthodoxy or could not lose their power.

  However, I am also a member of the princes in the court, and when the interests are the same, I can only choose to "obey my orders".

I also discussed with Sun Chengzong how to fight this battle once the 70,000 people are in place. Except for the 30,000 soldiers in the Northwest Army, the other 40,000 people are all doubtful. Even if Feng Ziying repeatedly assured that He Huchen and Yang Zhao's base were all right, Sun Chengzong still insisted that seeing is believing. As for how the tens of thousands of defeated soldiers of the Shanxi Army could be selected and trained, Sun Chengzong I dare not say anything.

   "Ziying, you keep asking me how to fight, do you think that I must lead the army on the northern front?" Sun Chengzong was a little bit puzzled when he saw Feng Ziying respecting him so much.

  Although the imperial court intends to let him return to the capital to lead the army, in this situation, will the imperial court have other plans?

"Mr. Kaiyang, the situation in the north is so bad. Some people wanted to pick up peaches, but they got blood on their hands. Now they are rotten like this. Who else is willing to take over this mess?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Look, it is estimated that the princes in the court will soon let you take on this burden, but you must not let go when it comes to the guarantee of money and food, otherwise the war will be delayed, and you don't know if there will be any accidents later. .”

   Seeing Feng Ziying think for himself in this way, Sun Chengzong's impression of Feng Ziying deepened.

  He already admired Feng Ziying very much, with a sense of sympathy, but now Feng Ziying is so enthusiastic and candid, which makes him even more satisfied.

   "Hehe, I still understand this point, but what accident are you worried about?" Sun Chengzong still heard some overtones.

"We all hope that if there is any chaos in Shanshan and Shaanxi, it is best to control it within the territory of Shanshan and avoid spillover, but this is only our best hope. Once it cannot be controlled, the spillover will really spread to Beizhi or Henan. What about it?" Feng Ziying began to ramble again, "Beizhi is better, but Henan, my father came all the way from Henan, and felt that the situation was worrisome. The victims of the disaster and the starving people were like the wilderness. There was a real disturbance. The rebel army went out to Henan to eat. I'm afraid that Henan will also become a spark,..."

  Sun Chengzong's face changed slightly. He thought that when he returned to the capital from Sichuan, he also passed through Henan.

  The situation in Henan may only be better than that in Shanxi. If the rebel army really invades Henan, will it stir up the situation in Henan and make the hungry and disaster victims in Henan also take advantage of the situation? He thinks it's very likely.

"Henan..." Sun Chengzong muttered to himself, "Henan is the place where the Fourth World War was fought, and it has a large population. Once it is engulfed by the rebel army, it may become a great trouble. Ziying, you can't help but guard against it. "

"The question is how do we prevent it?" Feng Ziying smiled wryly, "The imperial court is shy, and the money, grain and lifeblood are all in the south of the Yangtze River. If the south of the Yangtze River is not recovered quickly, the country will not be a country. That's why Shanshan and Shaanxi will be put aside first to solve the problem in the south of the Yangtze River in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, it will collapse, how can there be any spare energy to deal with Henan's problems?"

  Sun Chengzong is very good at martial arts, but he is much inferior to court affairs. He can know a general idea, but it is difficult to understand at a deeper level, even when it involves the dark thoughts of the court.

  Feng Ziying didn’t speak too thoroughly, and Sun Chengzong didn’t want to understand too deeply, which is good for everyone.

   "Forget it, Lord Kaiyang, you should put more thought into how to turn the situation in the North around as soon as possible. As long as you take back Shandong as soon as possible, even if something happens in the north and south of Henan, we won't sit still." Feng Ziying relieved the other party.

  Sun Chengzong settled down, and in the end he could only accept this reality.

   It’s still the same sentence, it’s hard for a smart woman to cook without rice, and the soldiers in the imperial court’s hands are not enough money and food, so they can only treat their headaches and feet, and treat their feet without paying attention to their heads and tails.

  Feng Ziying left Sun Chengzong's place and went to the Ministry of War again. Only then did she know that today is the Great Court Conference, and Zhang Huaichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, went to the palace to discuss politics and had to go home.

  I met Qingwen's "father" at the door. Feng Ziying greeted him with a smile, but didn't say much. The other party was very respectful, and even seemed a little "dull". He just agreed and left.

Seeing Qingwen's "father", Feng Ziying remembered that there were still these two secret sons of the White Lotus Sect in her house. It seemed that these two people had a big plan, and they planned to stay in her house for a long time and manage it for a long time. In order to plan for their White Lotus Sect to the maximum extent.

  Feng Ziying didn't care too much, Wu Yaoqing specially arranged two groups of people inside and outside to watch the couple, and they were all professionals, not afraid of what they could do.

  Besides, I can't get in touch with them, and neither of them can enter the inner courtyard. Feng Ziying believes that their purpose of coming to her house to hide is definitely not targeting her family members, but herself.

  Choose two powerless characters to do this kind of thing, I'm afraid they don't want to assassinate, but have a deeper purpose.

If the leader of the White Lotus Sect thinks long-term, they will not assassinate themselves, but are willing to bite themselves tightly. As their status improves, they have secrets by their side, and they can seek greater gains, unless they think You may jeopardize their "great cause".

  Going back to the house and thinking about it, he asked Baoxiang to call Qingwen.

Qingwen didn't know what Feng Ziying called her, but she saw Feng Ziying calling her to the study, and she thought that Feng Ziying often prostituted Jin Chuan'er here in the daytime, and once accidentally heard Jin Chuan'er inside " Twisted and coquettish", I thought that Feng Ziying's "prostitution" was going to abuse me, so I came here after a long time of coyness.

  (end of this chapter)

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