Number of People

Chapter 1876: The color of the Renzi scroll makes the mind faint, and the younger generation is fea

  Chapter 1876 The color of the Renzi scroll makes the mind faint, and the younger generation is terrifying

   "Hehe, when did this Zuojian prince get involved with the Jia family again?" Feng Ziying said with a half-smile, "The country is at a time of survival, but this prince doesn't seem to care much about it."

  Han Yan had a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's probably better for these highnesses to take care of state affairs less. It's a good thing not to cause trouble for the court. Can you really expect them to do something?"

  Feng Ziying was speechless. This was the unanimous opinion of all the courtiers, including himself.

   "The people from Shouwang Mansion came to guarantee the Jia family, didn't they say any reason?" Feng Ziying pretended to be casual.

"What reason does this need? Maybe it's an old friend, maybe it's an old acquaintance, or maybe it's a relative, in a word, the Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei just follow the rules." Han Yu looked at Feng Ziying in surprise: "It's not just The Jia family, as well as the Beijing Wang family and Nan'an County Wang's mansion,..."

   "It's all done?" Feng Ziying's heart trembled. He didn't care about the Wang family of Beijing County and Nan'an County, but only Li Wan and Tanchun.

"That's not yet. Captain Long proposed that Jia Zheng is now an official in the puppet dynasty in Nanjing. If his daughter-in-law and daughter are released from prison on bail, they also need to pay a certain amount of bail. It seems that the housekeeper thinks it's expensive, so he went back and reported. His Royal Highness Shou Wang is going down." Han Yu said nonchalantly.

  Feng Ziying feels at ease, it seems that Zhang Jin and Feng Ziyi helped her, and first used this to scare the other party back.

"Hehe, I don't know what this Lord Shou is thinking. Even if he really can't come up with a decent view on state affairs, at least he should have a few staff and think tanks to help him make suggestions. Wouldn't it be good to improve himself?" Feng Ziying laughed softly: "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the Jia family has any old acquaintances with him, but it seems to have ulterior motives, but now the emperor is unconscious, and he still has such thoughts to think about these things, it's really true. A dutiful son, I think the cabinet ministers chose the position of supervising the country a bit blindly."

"I didn't think it before, but what you said is really suspicious." Han Yu frowned, "It's reasonable to say that the Jia family and Prince Yizhong have something to do with each other, but the King of Nan'an and the King of Beijing It’s also true, when did you get involved with King Shou? Before, these princes avoided these families, and now they are going to serve as bailors, which is indeed a bit strange.”

In his heart, Han Yu was also quite disdainful of Shouwang Zhang Chi. As the candidate for Zuo Jianguo, who is closest to the throne, now he doesn't think about how to consolidate his position and improve his impression in the eyes of the court princes, but he still thinks about these things all the time. I really don't know what this guy thinks about stealthy outfits. At the beginning, the princes in the court, including himself, chose him based on the concept of standing up for the elders rather than the young. He really thought that he could not stand it because of his own prestige. ?

   "By the way, Ziying, I remember you agreed with Li Changyi at the time, right?" Han Yu suddenly remembered something.

"Uh, don't I also think that Lixian's statement that there is no standard recognized by everyone is likely to cause controversy? Who would have thought that the Lord of Shou would be so unreliable? I knew that choosing the King of Fortune or the King of Li would be better than him " Feng Ziying looked sad, "It seems a bit far-fetched to change him now based on this reason alone. Everyone feels sorry for the face, and it is inevitable that some people will criticize us behind our backs and say that we were sloppy."

Han Yu also admitted that what Feng Ziying said was reasonable. There is no standard for establishing a virtuous person, and each has different opinions. It would be easy to argue and cause internal disagreements, which would be inappropriate. The unified standard of a leader is also in line with the long-term concept of scholars, so There is no difference.

But the problems brought about have also emerged now. This longevity king is very unreliable, lacks his own ability, has obvious personality flaws, frivolous behavior, and has a bad reputation. If such a character becomes emperor, he will be in trouble in the future a lot.

It's just that, as Feng Ziying said, if you want to easily replace the position of King Shou as Zuo Jianguo now, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of criticism, so you can only procrastinate for a while and look for opportunities. It is said that the prison country can be adjusted after a certain period of time, so that everyone has a chance.

"Forget it, Ziying, you are here today to protect the Jia family, right? Although you are related to the Jia family, you don't have to be so eager, right?" Han Yu also disapproved of Feng Ziying's behavior, "By the way, Jia There is also a child in the family who is studying in Qingtan Academy, and I heard that his literary talent is not bad, so it is a pity that he is also imprisoned this time."

"Yes, he is Jia Zheng's concubine. He is only fifteen years old. He was supposed to be able to compete in the autumn contest this year. I'm afraid he has no chance now." Feng Ziying also sighed, "I always feel that based on my understanding of Jia Zheng, , he would not get involved in this kind of thing, not to mention that the concubine is expected to win the competition, and the concubine is still a concubine in the palace, how could he get involved in this kind of thing? This is unreasonable, it is very big It may be that she was hijacked and forced to become an official in Nanjing, she has a timid temper, if she really wants to kill her, she may have to give in."

"It's really possible for you to say that, but until you can't prove it, you can only do so. What's more, his brother Jia She has a lot of problems. He colluded with Sun Shaozu to sell embargoed materials and grasslands and made huge profits. In addition, the Ningguo Mansion Jia Jing is the real deal, and he escaped by cheating death. He is the confidant of Prince Yizhong. It is not wrong that Ningguo Mansion was confiscated. As for the methods used by his grandson to surrender in advance, it is just a two-sided bet in order to preserve the family. It's just a trick, it's not worth mentioning..." Han Yu saw this very clearly.

"By the way, Mr. Yun, although it is the court practice for the Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei to appoint bailors on such a large scale, the scale is too large and the force is so urgent. Is there any problem?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

It is true that the release of people on bail was discussed before, but nearly a hundred people were released at once. Although the proportion is still small compared to the thousands of people detained in various places, this was released on bail all at once. According to With this progress, it is obvious that the second batch and the third batch will continue to adopt this method one after another, which seems a bit too serious.

   "You have sharp eyes, and you can see that there is a problem. From your point of view, what else could be the reason?" Han Yan asked with a smile.

"Is the Ministry of Households cash-strapped again?" Feng Ziying frowned. This is an old problem, but it will be troublesome if you always go to the wrong side to solve the problem and develop a habit. , Even Master Qi and Master Qiao didn't mention it to me, and I don't know why.

"Hehe, you can guess right, Shanxi Town was defeated, and 50,000 people were wiped out overnight. Don't they regroup? Even if there are still many defeated soldiers, what about weapons, armor and various supplies? What about Xuanfu Town? , The Beijing camp is being supplemented to restore its original state, and Jizhen also needs to be replenished. The soldiers are simple, and they can be transferred from the guards. However, food, fodder, armor, and food need to be taken into account. One or two hundred Wan Yinzi seems to be quite a lot, but once it is used up, it disappears like running water, and Huang Ruliang's hair has turned gray, isn't it because of this?"

   "So this is the only idea?" Feng Ziying sighed.

"Then why not? There are a hundred or so people on bond pending trial one after another, and that's five to six hundred thousand taels of silver. It can always solve some problems, and they can be proud of it for another month or two. Wait until the next batch to come and release them on bond." If we raise another one million taels, we hope that the situation of your father and the northern front will improve, and Shandong will be taken back, otherwise if this continues, the situation of the war will not improve, and there will be no way to survive." Han Yu also sighed.

  According to this, the imperial court really regarded this big treason case as a cash cow. Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

   "I'm in this government office, but I haven't heard any news. I think the court is lenient and kind,..." Feng Ziying shook her head with a wry smile.

"It's too embarrassing to ask you to come up with an idea on this matter. He, the secretary of the household department, asks you for advice on everything, so it's a bit of a misnomer." Han Yu knows the story, "Mr. Zhonghan also It's a bit taboo, so it's settled without much discussion."

  Feng Ziying also realized something in her heart. It seemed that Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, and Huang Ruliang were a little afraid of her repeated financial advice to solve difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

In terms of finance, the northern scholars have never been able to really get in. When Zheng Jizhi, the last minister of the household department, was the leader of the Huguang scholars, he was impartial on the surface, but in fact he still followed the original chief assistant Shen Yiguan. Yes, and later they listened to Ye Fang and the others.

This number seems to be incompatible with the close relationship between other Huguang scholars and Beidi scholars, so the leaders of Huguang scholars who are slightly less prestigious than Zheng Jizhi, such as Guan Yingzhen, Chai Ke, and Yang He, are not too close to Zheng Jizhi. .

  Because of this, when Zheng Jizhi was questioned because of his age, Qi Yongtai did not keep him when he proposed to resign.

Although Zheng Jizhi is old, he is in good health, and he will be able to do it in two or three years. The leaders of the scholars in Huguang are not very enthusiastic, and Qi Yongtai, as the leader of the scholars in the north, does not support it. Let the scholars in Jiangnan be the household. The Minister of the Department naturally wants to compensate the northern scholars in other positions, so Qi Yongtai also pushes the boat along the way. When the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River hope to use a pure Jiangnan scholar as the Minister of the Household, such a Then Zheng Jizhi was forced to retire.

"Hehe, what's the matter? They are all serving the imperial court, so my painstaking efforts are a bit overwhelming?" Feng Ziying shrugged, "At my age, the imperial court can't let me be the secretary of the household department, right? I didn't dare to do it myself. I thought about it."

  (end of this chapter)

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