Number of People

Chapter 1877: Ren Zi Juan is obligatory and does my part

  Chapter 1877 Renzi Juan is obligatory, do my part

  Han Yu took a deep look at Feng Ziying, but felt a lot in his heart.

  He didn't believe that Feng Ziying himself was unaware of the impact of his financial policy proposals on the court, and the impression established in the minds of other court officials.

If it is said that Feng Ziying was famous for her bravery in her early days, she was lonely when the people changed in Linqing, and she went out to the grassland alone to negotiate with the enemy chiefs during the rebellion in Ningxia, and thus won the favor of the emperor and the princes in the court, then later in Yongping Mansion The various measures and the defeat of the Santunying defeated the invasion of the Nekhka people, which is the impression of both civil and military capital.

As for the various performances in Qingtan Academy and Hanlin Academy, some people think it is a genius, some people think it is sensationalism, and there are mixed praises and criticisms. Of course, the folk rumors are amazing, after all, the implementation of the strategy of opening the sea. too big.

All in all, in the past few years, Feng Ziying has been like a shooting star, which has dazzled and fascinated countless people. Even in the DPRK, there are many admirers and supporters. Those who are young and dissatisfied with such a reputation, but no matter the former or the latter, they must admit that Feng Ziying has considerable attainments in civil and military strategies, and is a rare new talent in the political circle of the Great Zhou Dynasty for a century.

That's all, the key is that Feng Ziying put forward several financial rescue strategies after arriving in Yongping Mansion, which not only allowed the court's extremely distressed finances to breathe, but also won the great favor of the military, because the financial ease The main beneficiaries are the nine frontier army towns and even the Beijing camp that have already been heartbroken by the imperial court and are thirsty.

  The warriors are not all ignorant of the government affairs of the DPRK and China. There are tens of thousands of soldiers under their hands who need food and pay.

   The reason why Feng Tang was able to quickly establish his prestige in the Northwest was also due to the financial support brought by Feng Ziying.

   It can be said that it was Feng Ziying's repeated performance in financial strategy that made people including Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Huang Ruliang fearful.

   Gein, it doesn't matter how you perform in the local area, but being proficient in finance is a key factor for being promoted to Zaifu in the future.

  Any minister who is not proficient in finance is not a qualified minister, and it is even difficult to sit for a long time, especially as the chief assistant and the second assistant in charge of finance.

Feng Ziying's two sales were amazing, which made the scholars in the north and south of the Yangtze River look at him with admiration. The tax revenue and royalties have benefited the court a lot, and the officials in the court have increasingly recognized his talent in financial methods.

This has to make Ye Fang and Huang Ruliang a little anxious, so Huang Ruliang hastily promoted the bail pending trial for the criminals involved in this major rebellion case. In fact, many people in the court also know that Feng Ziying is also involved There are many suggestions.

   But in short, it is not Feng Ziying who proposes to promote, and it can also prevent Feng Ziying from continuing to score on this.

  At this time when Han Yu brought it up, Feng Ziying realized that he had such a great influence now, and even Ye Fang and Huang Ruliang, who was also his former boss, felt so afraid.

   According to Feng Ziying, this is not a bad thing.

   The more you try to limit your influence, the more you will be recognized and favored by the Beidi and Huguang scholars who are inclined to you. The fear and attacks of "enemies" can only contribute to your own power.

"It doesn't matter whether you think about it or not, the key is what people think?" Han Yu said with a smile: "Ziying, you are only twenty-one, right? The youngest fourth-rank official in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Shuntianfucheng, that's all. Do you know how many people are expecting you to overturn your car and step into the void? You have raised the momentum of the whole Yonglong five-year subject by yourself, making the front and back The first subject, that is, the second year of Yonglong and the eighth year of Yonglong, both looked bleak."

   "Mr. Xiang Yun, what you said is a bit exaggerated. Why is this?" Feng Ziying felt that she couldn't bear it.

"Ziying, don't you deny it, now everyone in the court thinks that Yonglong's five-year Jinshi is a bit of a golden sign, and Lian Guoshi, Huang Zunsu and Yang Sichang are all favored, especially Lian Guoshi has left you again." The old way, everyone thinks that even if you can't become a fourth-rank official in a short time like that, you will be able to go from fourth-rank in three to five years. You must know that at his current age, he will only be a third-rank official in three to five years. In your early teens, you entered the fourth rank, which is also a rare case in Dazhou, besides you, who entered the fourth rank at the age of thirty."

Han Yu added another sentence: "And your classmate Han Jing from Qingtan Academy, a disciple of Tang Binyin, is now a member of the official department in the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, and he is also very popular in the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty. , doesn't this also prove that you are doing well in the subject of the fifth year of Yonglong?"

   "Mr. Xiang Yun, if you want to say this, I feel speechless and a little terrified, so what should I do? Defile myself in order to protect myself?" Feng Ziying laughed at herself half-jokingly.

"That's not enough. The imperial court will not be able to tolerate you as Feng Ziying. Although you can perform well, you are a little hesitant, but overall you are still happy. It's just that your age is really too embarrassing. "Han Yu couldn't help shaking his head when he said this.

   "Then what should I do, Mr. Xiang Yun?" Feng Ziying pretended to be crazy: "Then accepting concubines, is it considered young, frivolous, uninhibited, or even a little bit smug?"

  Han Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "It's okay to do this, but you have to pay attention to your body, don't make fakes come true, and self-defeating."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head all the way when she left the Ministry of Criminal Justice. This Han Yu and Han Yuchen are really a broad-minded person. No wonder he also played the role of chief assistant in history.

With Han Yu's instruction, Feng Ziying was even more unafraid, and went directly to Long Jinwei's imperial prison, and did not stop doing anything. Since Zhang Chi wanted to make trouble, she didn't have to show the other party much face. .

  As soon as he arrived at the prison, Feng Ziyi greeted him.

"Uncle, I already asked someone to let you go to your house. I was just about to report to you. Someone from Shouwang's mansion wanted to release Jia Li and the third girl with guarantee. They came here yesterday, but because the person who came The housekeeper was not authorized and was scared away by the guaranteed price offered by us, but he might come to do it today."

  Feng Ziyi had already seen Feng Ziying's thoughts, and was very concerned about this matter.

  Yesterday afternoon, he was on duty, and the housekeeper of the Shou Palace came aggressively to ask for bail. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he immediately raised the price for bailing the two to the highest level within his authority.

Because Li Wan is the daughter-in-law of Jia Zheng, and his father is Li Shouzhong, who also served in the puppet court in Nanjing, he offered 15,000 taels of silver. The two quarreled several times, which also annoyed the housekeeper of Shouwang Mansion. After a long row in the prison, Feng Ziyi insisted on the price and refused to let go. The fight lasted until night, and finally the housekeeper returned angrily.

After Feng Ziyi explained the situation to Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief. If Feng Ziyi hadn't met Feng Ziyi, he was so decisive and brazenly increased the deposit by three times, the housekeeper of the Shou Palace who came here on Zhang Chi's will might have succeeded. up.

  With Zhang Chi's impatient temper, Li Wan and Tanchun are really going to be taken away by them, and it's really hard to say whether they can keep their innocence.

"Ziyi, I will trouble you on this." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice, "It seems that His Royal Highness, King Shou, intends to feel sorry for me. The lessons learned from buying Rongning's second residence are not enough, and he still wants to tease me. Do you really think that I am a good person?"

  Feng Ziyi saw that Feng Ziying was really angry, so she didn't dare to fight.

Although he also felt that King Shou was a little ignorant of the current affairs, what time was it, and it would be unwise to offend a leader among scholars like Feng Ziying, but if Feng Ziying really went to war with His Royal Highness Shou Wang regardless, it would not be worthwhile, after all It will have some impact on his official career, just for a few women, it's not worth it.

   "Uncle, don't worry too much about these things. If you want to be a bailee, you can do it now, but it's about the bail..." Feng Ziyi scratched her head.

   "Can I still make things difficult for you?" Feng Ziying waved her hands indifferently, "Then I will guarantee that the three daughters, Jia Lishi, Jia Tanchun, and Jia Xichun, will follow the rules you set..."

  For Feng Ziying, although the bail price was raised to this price, it was unexpected, but it was worth it to keep the second daughter's innocence.

  Although this amount is enough to buy hundreds of slaves, for the three prisoners, it is just bail money.

Although the imperial court did not expressly say that the bail money would be confiscated, but at the last step, Feng Ziying knew that given the current financial situation of the imperial court, there might not be much left for herself, and she could always find various reasons to convert the bail money into A fine, and then as a condition for the complete conclusion of this case.

  The release of Li Wan, Tanchun and Xichun on bail also caused a burst of embarrassment in the prison.

For people like Jiamu and Wang, they are not only worried about themselves, but also very happy about the bail of these three people. After all, how many people can go out is counted, and if they can go out now, does it mean that they will also go out in the future? Can I go out? At least there is still a hope, no matter how slim this hope is.

   After finishing all the formalities, when Feng Ziying walked out of the gate of the prison with the three daughters who had been in prison for several months and who were a little uncomfortable with the outside world, they met a group of people who came swarming with gloomy faces.

   "Slow down!"

   Really want to come out? Feng Ziying felt a little helpless, he really didn't want to be like this.

  (end of this chapter)

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