Number of People

Chapter 1878: If people from Renzijuan offend me, I will deceive them!

  Chapter 1878 If someone from Renzijuan offends me, I will deceive them!

   Zhang Chi's eyes were about to burst into flames, his chest heaved sharply as he watched the group of people who got there first.

  He is also someone in the Dragon Forbidden Captain.

   When Feng Ziying showed up in the imperial prison with someone, someone reported him, so he came very quickly.

   When the butler came back last night, he was very annoyed. The price of the daughters of the Jia family was much higher than the highest price he had originally expected, which greatly exceeded the bottom line he had considered.

   Originally thought that the daughters of the Jia family were only three to five thousand taels of silver, which was considered expensive. After being released on bail, they redeemed them for fun, and it was also a taste of the children of these martial arts wealthy families.

   I never thought that the Jia Li family would be marked with a high price of 15,000 taels, and the three daughters of the Jia family would also want 10,000 taels of silver.

   Without thinking about it, you can guess that the other party must have been instructed by someone, and it is definitely not the intention of the court.

   If you really want to pay this price, more than one hundred and close to two hundred people will be released on bail in the early stage of the imperial court, so you can’t get one or two million taels? And many of them are important male members of these rebellious families, far more important than these women.

  He was convening a group of staff to discuss this matter today, when he got the news that Feng Ziying had come to order the bailee of the prison equipment.

Of course Zhang Chi knew about the relationship between Feng Ziying and Jia's family. The two confronted each other at the sale of the Rongning Second Residence last time, but he got into trouble after "buying" the Rongning Second Residence. They followed one after another, forcing him to withdraw in embarrassment, but in the end Feng Ziying took a big deal, which was much cheaper than what he wanted to buy at the beginning, and won the second house in Rongning.

As for the Rongning Second House, he certainly wants it, but it is not inevitable. He is not that interested in this kind of house, but just fantasizes about the family-saving villa in the heavenly treasure. Let's play around here, the taste is not ordinary.

But he was really tempted by the daughters of the Jia family. After watching the two dynasties, Jia Li's elegant and enchanting, Jia Tanchun's heroic and graceful, Jia Xichun's cold and clean, Shi Xiangyun's She was so charming and charming that it made him twitch his index finger.

Originally, he was thinking about taking Jia Lishi and Jia Tanchun first, to taste the taste, and then looking for an opportunity to take Jia Xichun. Shi Xiangyun would be more troublesome, but he could take it slowly. A stick.

  Is Feng Ziying trying to feel sorry for herself, or is he also interested in these Jia girls? As for the fact that it was for the friendship between the Jia family and the Feng family, he didn't believe it.

The Jia family has gone through this catastrophe, and there is absolutely no possibility of recovery. It is a common practice for people nowadays to praise the high and trample the low. Zhang Chi decided that the other party would not dare.

  Feng Ziying has a bright future, and his father is also a frontline general. He is not afraid that one day he will become a great treasure, and his Feng family will die?

  For a few women, is it worth it, is it worth it?

  So he could hardly suppress the resentment and anger in his heart, and rushed over desperately, just to meet Feng Ziying face to face, and see what this guy was thinking.

   He even fantasized about taking a few people directly from the other party. The other party will give the money and the people will be his own. If Feng Ziying is willing to do this, he will not hesitate to find a suitable position to reward this fellow after ascending the throne in the future.

  But the first time he saw his contemptuous and indifferent eyes staring at him, he knew that he was a little wishful thinking.

   This is waiting at the gate of Long Jinwei. If you give in to yourself, I am afraid that the other party's reputation in Beijing will be greatly reduced.

   Zhang Chi regretted it for a while.

By doing this, I obviously let myself and the other party reach the point where I can't give in. I knew that I should bear it first, and then ask the other party after the other party returns home. Maybe the other party wants to make friends with me, or To make up for the last time Rongning Erzhai offended him, how about giving these three girls to him?

   Even if the other party refuses for a while, but after a period of time, after the other party gets tired of playing, quietly transfer it to yourself in private, so that you can try it.

It's just that now I'm already in a difficult situation, especially the people coming and going at the gate of Captain Long, obviously they all come to protect the people. Seeing the situation where the two groups of people are at war, they all stretched their necks early and whispered to each other. , exchanged information, and identified which gods the two sides were, and they were able to face each other at the gate of Long Jinwei.

  This kind of big show is rare, especially at the gate of the Dragon Guard. No matter what the result is, it is enough to make the teahouses and restaurants in the capital city have more conversations after dinner.


   "Hey, isn't this His Royal Highness Shou Wang?" Feng Ziying stood still and said indifferently: "Does His Highness Shou Wang also have relatives and friends who need to be released on bail? What a coincidence?"

  Zhang Chi clenched his teeth, mixed his somewhat chaotic breath, and snorted coldly: "I really wanted to have a bailor, but I didn't expect someone to play tricks and do some shady things."

"Hey, who dares to play tricks in front of His Royal Highness Shou Wang, this is not a good thing to fight for, it's just a real money to help, if it's not a close relative or an old friend, who would do it? Besides, even if friends want to help, they can also raise money together, could it be that whoever wants to repay someone's favor?"

  Feng Ziying's tone became more and more indifferent, and her eyes were erratic, which was also intriguing.

  Zhang Chi was so angry that he didn't know how to deal with it for a while. This guy didn't give himself face at all, and he was still mocking himself in his words, but he was just acting good when he got a bargain.

"Feng Keng, are you deliberately going against this king?" With a snort, Zhang Chi's face flushed red, and his sinister eyes wandered over Feng Ziying's face like a poisonous snake letter, and then fell on the shivering face behind Feng Ziying. female body.

"For the sake of a few girls, you have to turn against Gu, is it worth it? Your father probably wouldn't want to see this kind of situation, right? Gu will give you a chance, as long as you hand over the girls to Gu, I will never blame you, and you will return Remember your Feng family's favor, in the future I will definitely repay your Feng family, how about it? Forget it, I will make another concession and hand over the three daughters to Gu for a month, and I promise to return them to you in one month, how about it?"

  The girls all wore the cloaks and hats specially brought by Feng Ziying to hide their figures, but Zhang Chi could recognize them at a glance as they followed Feng Ziying.

   What Zhang Chi said later made Li Wan, Tanchun and Xichun startled and frightened, and their whole bodies trembled.

  Although they all believe that Feng Ziying's character will not give up on herself, who is the king of longevity? He is the future emperor. Not only Feng Ziying's official career, but also his father's current position as the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army, the trilateral governor, is related to the entire Feng family, and they are all tied to each other. As a woman, if Ziying feels too much pressure, she will inevitably not compromise.

"Your Highness Shouwang, it's not that I want to fight against you, but you want to fight against me! The three of them, I'm safe! People respect me one foot, and I respect others. People don't offend me, I don't offend others, If someone offends me, I will definitely offend." Feng Ziying's momentum also suddenly turned fierce, she raised her thick eyebrows, and her deep eyes also locked on the other party: "His Royal Highness, you are the supervisor of the country, and you should not supervise the affairs of the state, but you are here to worry about it." Isn't it too leisurely for such trivial matters? The censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are too leisurely."

  The three girls were no longer in the mood to listen to the words behind them, their whole bodies were numb and warm.

   As for Feng Ziying's sentence, "The three of them, I will keep them safe" is sonorous and powerful, and it is still so fierce and unassuming even in the face of the future emperor. This is for the three of them!

   This is the real man! This kind of man is worthy of entrusting his whole life, not to mention Li Wan and Tanchun, even Xichun, who has always been lonely and self-admiring, is also moved by him, unable to restrain himself.

  As the family of Fenfang's daughter, which girl does not have a spring? It's nothing more than having no chance to meet a man worthy of admiration. If Feng Ziying's glance that day was to pry open her heart, then today's performance is really the first step in her career.

  Zhang Chi's heart trembled, "Feng Keng, are you threatening Gu?"

"Hehe, it's serious, it's serious, how can the lower officials comment on the matter of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? But "Today's News" must be happy to see the absurdity of His Highness, at least a few days of the page must be returned Your Highness has grabbed the hot search, and maybe "Internal Reference" will be used as a model to make a living." Feng Ziying smiled.

  Zhang Chi felt chills in his heart.

Then there is a section of "Today's News" that always likes to expose the secrets of the gentry and martial arts in Beijing and various celebrities, because they often hide their real names. The details are in place, so basically the common people can judge who it is from the details.

This kind of news is especially popular among common people. For example, a certain gentry's house is restless, and his descendants are fighting for property; Stories like making a living from pets, or a well-known businessman going bankrupt and relying on begging to survive, these stories can arouse the infinite reverie of the citizens and are extremely sought after.

  Not to mention "Today's News", but "Internal Reference" is even more terrible.

  If such a story is published by "Internal Reference", it will basically be qualitative. It only needs a little criticism and accusation, and the scholar-officials will have a bad impression of themselves.

I am not from the Qingtan Academy like Lu Wang Zhang Su, and I have never been favored by those literati. It is all because the scholars and ministers have to respect the order of the elders and orderly that they let me sit in the position of Zuo Jian. His reputation among scholars is so bad that he is afraid that his position as supervisor of the country will be a little bit hanging.

  (end of this chapter)

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