Number of People

Chapter 1879: The color of the Ren character scroll is fierce and the inside is soft, and the silve

  Chapter 1879 The Ren character scroll is fierce and soft inside, with a silver-like pewter gun head

  The more he thought about it, the colder Zhang Chi felt. How could he be so rash and impulsive, rushing to the front line in such a daze?

  Zhang Qi, Zhang Ji and Zhang Su are afraid they will laugh from ear to ear behind their backs, right? He even took the opportunity to add fuel to the flames and make the matter bigger, on the one hand making the matter known to everyone, and on the other hand making the conflict between himself and Feng Ziying irreconcilable.

  Feng Ziying is backed by Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, the big men from the north. Although Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, who are at odds with Qi Yongtai, are still at the helm of the cabinet, but will Ye Fang and Qi Yongtai fight for such things?

Up to now, Zhang Chi has not actually understood one truth, that is, the dispute between the scholars in the North and the South is always a struggle for power within the scholars, but the dispute between imperial power and ministerial power is a fundamental power struggle, which will make them unanimous to the outside world. Trying to subtly weaken the imperial power and limit it to a certain extent is a tacit understanding among scholars in the north and south.

Constantly provoke conflicts between these successors to the throne, and even let them attack each other, expose their ugliness, and attack each other's prestige and reputation. In the end, even if one of them can wait for the throne, a poorly reputable emperor will have a negative impact on the government and the opposition. The influence will be reduced to the minimum, which will make it easier for the cabinet to control the government.

This is why Feng Ziying's proposal to control the Second Supervisor State was immediately approved by the cabinet. When you think the time is right, adjust the prison country, let new targets appear, and continue to fight.

  Seeing that King Shou was frightened by the other party's two words, Zhu Zhisun, who was standing by the side, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

  Frivolous, irritable, stern and timid, this is not a human being, but a fool who is not even mediocre.

  Although he was ordered to stay by his side and act according to the situation, it is definitely more useful for the other party to stay in the position of Zuo Jian Guo than to be pulled down.

   Even if you want to be pulled down, you should choose a suitable opportunity to be pulled down, at least it is appropriate to create an opportunity for civil strife or disharmony in the court.

  Seeing that Zhang Chi was unable to get off the tiger, and his face was changing, Zhu Zhisun knew that if he didn't show up again, His Highness King Shou would really be unable to step down.

  As the chief staff member, he must do his best anyway.

The reason why King Shou didn't stop him from doing such things before was because he didn't realize that Feng Ziying would value the women of Jia's family so much. It's nothing more than a fight, these women, so what about the celestial beauty, for people at their level, it's not worth mentioning, who would have thought that Feng Ziying seemed to be more concerned than the Rongning second house, could it be that these few women Is this woman really having an affair with Feng Ziying? But it doesn't matter anymore.

  On the other hand, let Zhang Chi do more mindless and absurd things, and it is also convenient for him to discredit him even more when he is dismounted, and make the image of Emperor Yonglong's lineage among the scholars even worse.

  But now is not an opportunity, so he wants to save this situation.

"Lord Feng, is it a bit serious?" Zhu Zhisun stepped forward and bowed his hands, "His Royal Highness Shou Wang also wanted to redeem his old relatives. Since Lord Feng also has this intention, we should work together. How could we cause discord over this?" ?”

Feng Ziying was a little amused to see this scribe who came forward with a polite tone but opened his eyes to tell lies so brazenly. He knew this person. Wang Wenyan and the others had already introduced the situation of the core staff around His Royal Highness. Yes, Juren was born in Jinling. He entered the staff team of King Shou five years ago and soon became its chief staff member. Moreover, this person's background is somewhat suspicious, but others cannot be found.

"Mr. Zhu, right? In fact, I am very willing to make friends with His Royal Highness Shou Wang, but the current situation is not the fault of this official. When Rongning's second house was sold, His Highness Shou Wang didn't want to do it, so I let it go." Right? As for His Royal Highness Shou Wang who was unwilling to ask for it later, the lower official bought it. What happened today is full of twists and turns, and justice is at ease. The lower official also said before that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others, but His Royal Highness Shou Wang seems to be Some fell on deaf ears,…”

Feng Ziying glanced at each other, "The Jia family and the Feng family have been friends for many years, but I have never heard of any relationship between the Jia family and the King of Shou. Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by. Your Highness covered it up, we all know this matter well,..."

Seeing Feng Ziying's categorical words, Zhu Zhisun knew that if he kept pestering him, it would only be more embarrassing. Looking at His Royal Highness Shou Wang who stood silently by the side with a gloomy and pale face, Zhu Zhisun also knew that the other party had been **** for a while, and the advantages and disadvantages of replacing it were pros and cons Tangled and worried about the influence of reputation and the instability of the position of supervisor of the country, he panicked, so he could only sigh in his heart and wipe his **** for the other party.

   Really thought that he was the natural heir to the position of Great Treasure, didn't he see that there were also King Lu and other princes?

  Once the Zuojian position is lost, Zhu Zhisun can be sure that this guy is absolutely hopeless, but at this time, you are not careful in your words and deeds, but you want to be so lustful and lose your head to make such an incident?

Confused in his heart, Zhu Zhisun had no choice but to bite the bullet and come down the steps: "Your Majesty Feng may have misunderstood, His Royal Highness Shou Wang has always admired you very much, and he has invited you to attend literary conferences with him many times before, but it's a pity that you are busy with work. If you can't come, since Master Feng cares so much about the Jia family, His Royal Highness Shou Wang will be relieved if he can be redeemed by the Lord's guarantee."

I have to admit that this staff member's ability to observe the situation and adapt to the situation is quite outstanding. He talked nonsense for a while, and then asked for a step. When I heard it, it seemed like that was the case.

However, Feng Ziying is too lazy to entangle with the other party. Seeing that Zhang Chi has calmed down, I am afraid that he is regretting why he was so impulsive. It's really shaky.

"If His Royal Highness Shou Wang really thinks this way, then the official will be very happy, but I am afraid that His Royal Highness Shou Wang is ignorant... Feng Ziying squinted at the side like a piece of wood, and Ru Shuang beat the eggplant with her head drooping. Zhang Chi was thinking about something.

  Zhu Zhisun smiled wryly, this master is not a forgiving master, he could only cough lightly, "Your Highness, Mr. Feng said that it might be a misunderstanding..."

  Zhang Chi was like waking up from a dream, his face was pale and fluctuating, he murmured for a long time, and then bowed his hands: "Xiao Wang was deceived by others and did a bad job. It is indeed a misunderstanding. I hope Ziying will keep it in mind..."

   Seeing that the other party had finally given in, Feng Ziying stopped pressing further and nodded, "I hope it's just a misunderstanding. When the wind is high and the waves are dangerous, Your Highness still needs to be more cautious."

  The people on both sides finally dispersed, and Feng Ziying and his party drove back home.

  Back to the mansion, Shen Yixiu, Baochai, Qingwen, Yinger and Yuanyang all came over and asked how these people should settle down.

  Now Rongning Second Mansion was bought by Feng Ziying after it was seized, but it has been left unused for several months. Although Feng Ziying has never visited it, she knows that the floor is probably covered with cobwebs and dust.

  The more unoccupied this kind of house is, the faster it will decay. This is the truth that everyone understands.

  With the loss of Rongning Second Residence, Li Wan, Tanchun and Xichun have nowhere to go, and it would be a little troublesome if they want to live in Feng's residence.

Of the three women, two of them are in the boudoir, and one is a widow. It is inappropriate to put it in the Hulunhou Mansion of the long house and the Uncle Yunchuan Mansion of the second house. The reason why the Tang and Jia families are family friends is that now that they are in trouble, it makes sense for them to take shelter under the door and arrange to live in the house temporarily for a period of time.

   It's just a few months before Daiyu will marry in through the door. By then, the Shenwu General's Mansion will actually be equivalent to the three-owner house, and it will be a bit inappropriate for the three daughters to live here.

If it is placed outside, it is easy to find a house, but such a criminal who has been released on bail has a very low status, and it is easy to attract the prying eyes of some bachelors. Feng Ziying couldn't guarantee whether it would be safe or not to keep the three girls outside in the matter of King Shou's stabbing.

  That Zhang Chi really wants to secretly find a few people from the rivers and lakes and green forests to tie up the three girls, that's why Tian Tian should not be called ineffective, even if you go to the door, will Zhang Chi admit it?

   There is another possibility, that is, someone deliberately wanted to do this, kidnap people, and then put the blame on Zhang Chi, deliberately provoking a conflict between the two sides? This kind of possibility is not without, and it is even very big. With Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji's temperament, I am afraid that there will be no psychological barriers at all when doing this kind of thing.

  I can't arrange a lot of professional guards to guard day and night for these three women, that would be too exaggerated.

   "Is Mr. Xiang worrying about how to accommodate the three of you?" Shen Yixiu asked softly seeing Feng Ziying hesitated.

"Well, if you live in Wanjun or Baochai, it's fine for three to five days, but it's not suitable for a long time." Feng Ziying nodded, "It's okay here, but it's only half a year before Daiyu has to live in the house. If not, let them move out again? The case of the Jia family will definitely not be settled this year."

   "I'm looking for a house outside to settle down. Is my husband worried about their safety?" Baochai also said, "I'm afraid King Shou would not dare to be so rampant?"

"Well, it's not King Shou, but others, such as King Fu, King Li and King Gong. They want to kidnap three people, and then play a trick of blaming Jiangdong. What should we do?" The position of the country is omnipotent, so who cares about you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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