Number of People

Chapter 1880: The murderous spirit of the Renzi scroll condenses the frost, and the gloomy scene

  Chapter 1880 Renzi Juan Murderous Aura Congeals Frost, A Slight Scene

   Feng Ziying's words made Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Xue Baoqin only a few servant girls realize the murderous Ningshuang outside.

This is not a matter of a few people, but someone may take the opportunity to stir up conflicts between the two sides. After all, King Shou is also a prince, Zuo Jianguo, and his mother is the concubine Xu Huanggui who is the head of the six palaces. What should I do about the kind of thing Feng Ziying said?

  Many times, you have no way of distinguishing whether it was done by King Shou, or someone set the blame on it? Or in that case, you can't stand it at all.

If you procrastinate a little bit, the sergeants in the city may think that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is afraid of King Shou, and his reputation will suffer. If you want to force yourself to stand out, then it is hard to say what the conflict with King Shou will turn out to be. The key It may also be that he fell into someone else's trick, and others applauded beside him.

Xianggong is no longer the little Feng Xiuzhuan who had a good reputation but had nothing to do with the overall situation a few years ago. He is now the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and he is also a key figure among the officials in the central and northern regions. The prestige and image of the local scholars also has a lot of influence on the cabinet, and it also represents the image of the Feng family and the martial arts family of the same origin, and their reputation in the army is also growing day by day.

  Instigating a fight between Xianggong and Shouwang is absolutely worthwhile for those who are eager to bring Shouwang down. The key is that Xianggong really has this ability.

   Wanting to understand this truth, at this moment, Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin and even the maidservants felt more honored, and felt that their faces were a little more glorious.

  I am married to a big man and a hero, even if you are a prince, you have to give up three points, and some people will want to use their husbands to attack a prince or a prisoner.

  Although there are people who want to use it, ordinary people, do you have the qualifications to be used? That's about arm wrestling with people who are under one person and over ten thousand people.

   It was Shen Yixiu who helped to make up his mind: "Since that's the case, Mr. Xiang, why don't you invite the three of them to live here temporarily, Sister Bao, what do you think?"

   Baochai also nodded: "My sister is right, it is too risky outside, but here, at least no one dares to stroke the tiger's beard."

"Well, Yuanyang, you, Qingwen, and Ying'er can arrange to help clean up this place. Fortunately, the house here may be a little smaller, but the number of rooms is enough." Shen Yixiu nodded gracefully, "Mr. The personal servant girl in the first place has also been saved, and I am afraid that the little maid will have to make another arrangement."

When Feng Ziying was the guarantor, she naturally also secured several personal maids. Compared with the sky-high prices of these few, the price of such personal maids is nothing to worry about, but only three to five hundred silver. Only the close maids were taken in together, and the little maids were all released.

"Master, sister, those little maids all went home when Rongning Second Mansion was seized, and now it is difficult to make a living on Rongning Street, so why not call them back, it is also convenient, and there are many acquaintances around the sisters , can also calm their minds a little bit." Baochai interjected.

After Shen Yixiu was stunned, he nodded slowly, looking at Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying had nothing to do, "If that's the case, then let Yuanyang handle this matter, the little maids' affairs will be slowed down first, but they are almost settle down first."

   Baochai glanced at the mandarin duck, and still had some concerns in her heart, but it was hard to say at this time.

   This mandarin duck seems to be deeply trusted by the husband, and he is on good terms with Qingwen, but Yinger next to him seems to be a little strange to her, so he needs to make friends.

  Mandarin Duck naturally agreed after hearing this, and immediately went out to settle down.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law Zhu, third younger sister, and fourth younger sister have been exhausted physically and mentally for the past few months. They need to be well-fed and raised. I want the kitchen to make arrangements to make up for it. ,..." Baochai continued.

Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction: "You go and say hello to Jin Chuan'er and let her do it. Although I said hello in the prison of Long Jinwei, I lost my freedom after all. In addition, they are nervous, eating and drinking. It's not good either, it looks like you've lost a lot of weight, you should take a good rest."

   After having dinner with her mother, Feng Ziying returned to the study, and Gu Dengfeng was already waiting.

"Dengfeng, you've worked hard this time around." Feng Ziying looked at Gu Dengfeng, who was busy in the world with a tired face, and wanted to tell him to go to rest first, but seeing the other person's expression, he knew that if he didn't finish the report, he probably wouldn't Go to rest, "How about this, you are concise and to the point, pick up the important ones, don't need to talk about the Jiangnan merchants coming to Beijing to participate in the sales, focus on what you think you need to say, concise and to the point, first let me know something Probably, if you find time tomorrow or the next day, you can come and tell me the details."

Gu Dengfeng also knew that Feng Ziying was taking care of himself, so he nodded happily: "Forget it, then I will tell you about the important things that happened when I walked around Jiangnan and Jiangbei during this period, especially when I took a trip to the east. , The harvest is not small, and the Anfu businessman from Dongfan also followed his subordinates to Beijing."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was surprised first, "You went to Dongfan? Isn't it too risky?"

   "Hehe, my lord is serious, the son of the Xue family can go to Dongfan, why can't the subordinates go?" Gu Dengfeng laughed.

   "Ah, Brother Tiao went to Dongfan?" Feng Ziying was also surprised.

   This Xue scorpion is really a bit bold.

  I told him that although the public security in Dongfan is not a big problem, diseases, especially malaria, are the biggest problem.

Cinchona has already started to do it himself, and asked Duan Xigui to buy a large number of cinchona bark from the Filipinos (Spanish) in Guangzhou. In fact, the Spaniards don’t understand cinchona bark now. But Feng Ziying is very clear that malaria is a major obstacle that cannot be circumvented in the future development of Taiwan and Southeast Asia, so it is necessary to introduce cinchona as soon as possible.

Now he not only asks Duan Xigui to buy cinchona bark, but also buys cinchona saplings and seeds, in order to introduce them in Dazhou. At present, he is asking Anfu merchants to try in Dongfan, as well as in Yunnan and Guangxi. , the effect is not obvious yet.

However, the effect on the acquisition of bark is good. Due to the high price of acquisition, many Frangji merchants came to Sulu Luzon from South America with the fleet of sailing ships, and then came to Guangzhou to sell these bark, saplings and seeds to Duan Xigui, Duan Xigui has stored a certain amount of cinchona bark there.

   In addition, Artemisia annua juice is also a way to solve malaria, but Artemisia annua juice is not good for preservation, so it can only be used locally, or it can only encourage a variety of Artemisia annua in malaria-occurring areas, so that local materials can be used for treatment.

  The development of Dongfan is an established strategy. The relocation of Anfu merchants for reclamation and the development of the salt industry by Fujian merchants in the western coast of Dongfan are only the first step.

Dongfan's geographical location determines whether it will be the future Dazhou or an important barrier and strategic support point. From here, you can control Ryukyu, point your sword at Japan, and go all the way south to radiate the eastern part of Nanyang. It can be said that once Dazhou solves its internal problems For foreign aggression, Nanyang will be the most important strategy direction for Dazhou in the future, and its rich tropical products and mineral deposits will make it difficult for Dazhou to give up.

"When my subordinate returned to Ningbo from Dongfan, I happened to meet Mr. Xue's family who was about to board a ship to Dongfan. It was okay to go at this season. When the weather is hot, the miasma will rise. Now Anfu merchants are working hard to relocate. farming, but disease is the biggest problem." Gu Dengfeng nodded.

  Miasma is nothing more than malaria, schistosomiasis, and various types of dysentery, but people in this era have no way of knowing the cause of the disease, so they can only be attributed to miasma.

  In fact, Feng Ziying also reminded the merchants in Anfu that one is to prevent mosquitoes, such as mosquito nets and long sleeves, to avoid mosquito bites, and the other is to preventively use raw and stagnant water, which can greatly alleviate the threat of "miasma".

  But in this era, especially the cultivation, how could it be possible to avoid these things? At best, it can be reduced as much as possible, but once it is infected, the death penalty is basically declared, so the death rate of immigrants is very high.

"It doesn't matter if he goes there. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of volumes of books. Seeing the situation in Dongfan can also lay the foundation for running Dongfan in the future." Feng Ziying nodded, "Tell me, what you saw during this trip. Hear it."

Gu Dengfeng also gave a general introduction of what he saw and heard during this trip to the south, focusing on the gentry and businessmen he came into contact with. I also met with some people quietly, and made a general survey of the situation of the puppet dynasty in Nanjing.

"Generally speaking, the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River still tend to rule by the river. They feel that as long as they lose the burden of the north and don't need to pay so much land tax and business tax, then life will be much easier. As for the threat of foreign enemies on the nine sides, they are separated by thousands of miles. Naturally, he can't take care of so much, and his short-sighted mentality is very strong, especially the mentality of some gentry who don't know much about current affairs. In addition, he is also dissatisfied with the imperial court's inclination towards the north in the big ratio of autumn and spring. big factor."

Gu Dengfeng let out a sigh of relief: "Compared to the merchant group, they are better. Because of their business, they know more about the current situation in the outside world, especially the situation in Liaodong and outside the customs. There are some complaints about the heavy taxation of the imperial court, but generally speaking, it is acceptable."

Feng Ziying nodded slightly, as she expected. The attitudes of Jiangnan merchants and Jiangnan gentry are still somewhat different. This is one of the reasons why the court can win the final victory. As long as Jiangnan merchants will not cut off supplies such as grain and cloth, then the court will win deal.

  (end of this chapter)

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