Number of People

Chapter 1886: Ren Zijuan advances by retreating, darkly harvested and brightly exhibited

  Chapter 1886 Renzi Juan advances by retreating, secretly accepts Mingzhan

  Huang Ruliang couldn't help standing up, rubbing his hands, pacing back and forth like a lion in a cage with excitement, finally stood still, looked at Feng Ziying fixedly, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Great work, Ziying, so to speak, you got 600,000 taels of silver for the imperial court out of thin air, this is really a timely gift! I want the cabinet ministers to report it, this is the big deal!" Zhou's brachial ministers are not like some people who only ask for money, but never want to share the worries of the court!"

Feng Ziying quickly waved his hand, "Ming Qigong, please don't do this, I'm just pushing the boat along the way. I'm really familiar with the Anfu merchants. These people were the first to develop land reclamation in Yunnan, and they are quite experienced. I supported them for a while, this time I came to Beijing to inquire about news, and by the way, I also wanted to make a big splash in the East, so I just pushed the boat and told the story, of course, it depends on The court decides."

"What's there to hesitate about?" Huang Ruliang looked incredulous, "Dongfan has never been slapped by the court. I am from Fujian. Don't I know the situation of Dongfan? That is, the geographical location of Penghu is important. Dongfan Humid and hot, miasma is everywhere, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. If you don't pay attention, you will be short of money and people, and there are many natives in the mountains, who are extremely fierce. They have always hated outsiders. If outsiders want to settle in Dongfan, they must conflict with them. It is also the reason why no one is willing to take risks in Dongfan."

"Now that they are willing to open up land on their own initiative, of course the imperial court can't wait for it. If they donate money and energy, they should naturally give them some ideas. What's the point of the ten-year monopoly period?" Whether it’s skin or salt, the imperial court didn’t take it into account, so why not do it now that they have picked up this sum of money for nothing?”

Feng Ziying had already expected that the princes of the court might think so. Anyway, don’t want it for nothing. The Anfu businessman took the initiative to hand it over, asking for a illusory franchise that the court didn’t even take into account. This was an unexpected surprise. Will you care about it?

"Ming Qigong, the future output of Dongfan Damu will not be small. Anfu merchants mainly focus on this piece, but Jiangnan has always had Damu. The shipyards in Ningbo, Zhangzhou, and Quanzhou, and the furniture and building materials in Yangzhou, Jinling, and Hangzhou are all in urgent need of these growths. Logs that have been grown for hundreds of years can be processed in Dongfan, and then they can be transported by sea via the Yangtze River, or even directly to various places in Shandong north of Yangzhou, and the profits are quite lucrative. Once this industry develops, the profits will be considerable.”

  Feng Ziying knew that now Huang Ruliang was desperately ill and went to the doctor. Whoever could enshrine such a large sum of money, he dared to sell anything, not to mention an illusory fifteen-year franchise monopoly, even if it was an additional ten years, he would still dare to sell it.

  He had to speak clearly so that Huang Ruliang would not regret it in the future.

According to his estimation, the Anfu businessman has calculated very carefully this time. In the business of logging and construction alone, the scale of its export to the mainland in three years is estimated to exceed 400,000 taels. Over the years, the scale will only get bigger and bigger. The total sales volume is at least four to five million taels, and the profit is at least two to three million taels. This mere 600,000 taels of royalties are worth thousands of dollars.

  This does not count such as buckskin, gold sand and some other industries that may be excavated.

Seeing that Feng Ziying was about to say more, Huang Ruliang waved his hands and said in a very grand manner: "Ziying, I know what you want to say, and I also know that the Dongfan merchants have a lot of schemes, and they may even benefit a lot from it, but so what? What do you want? Think about it, people traveled thousands of miles to find the capital, didn't they say they went to Nanjing to find the puppet court? Anyway, this also represents people's trust in the court, and in a sense, this is also the opinion of the people in Jiangnan A manifestation of this, and for this, we must reward him generously!"

Feng Ziying's heart moved, and she thought that Huang Ruliang was really only focusing on this little profit, or underestimated his political vision. He valued the people's opinions in the south of the Yangtze River more, and looked at the overall situation. should be considered.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that Fujian merchants who teamed up with Anfu merchants also approached him. They have already considered him. The previous excitement was just acting.

  " What is our top priority now, that is to concentrate our efforts to completely defeat the resistance of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty,

   "It's still an adult who thinks far-reaching, Ziying is still short-sighted." Feng Ziying cupped his hands.

"Hehe, Ziying, there are only a handful of young people in this generation who can stand up to others, why should you be humble?" Huang Ruliang waved his hand, "Back then, Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang were barely able to follow in your subject. Behind you, you won’t be too far behind. Brothers like Huang Zunsu, Xu Xie, and Hou can only look away and sigh. You have done a few things in a row very beautifully, and the court has seen it. This is the real thing. A minister of pillars who cares about state affairs and relieves the country's worries,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't sit still anymore.

The reason why he directly approached Huang Ruliang was because he didn't want to make too much noise about this matter, not to mention keeping a low profile, but now that he has a good reputation, he might as well sell it directly to Huang Ruliang, so as to avoid being too big and attract attention. It can also ease the relationship with the courtiers in the south of the Yangtze River, especially Huang Ruliang's side. If he wants to yell about this matter again, he will really offend Huang Ruliang.

"Ming Qi Gong, let me solemnly declare that I am helping people with this matter. Without me, they would have to go to the imperial court. Maybe the imperial court will pressure them, and 600,000 yuan can become 800,000 yuan. The Anfu merchants have some ties, so I came here to make a stand for them. How to do it, you have to tell your household department. I don’t get involved in this matter, and don’t blame me if you feel that you have suffered a loss in the future.”

  Feng Ziying reiterated again, and also named the purpose. This matter is a matter of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so he took a lead and built a bridge.

  Huang Ruliang also smiled complacently, "Ziying, it's really good, I know."

Huang Ruliang could understand some of Feng Ziying's thoughts. Now that Feng Ziying is a handsome man, many censors who have nothing to do can't get used to this high-ranking rafter who seems to be able to see everything, and their eyes begin to gather on him. Regarding his relationship with the Jia family, and even the matter of redeeming Jia's furniture, some people have already expressed objections, and even wrote a letter to attack, Huang Ruliang is also aware of it.

  There is no other, it is because you, Feng Ziying, are too dazzling, you are good enough, but you take the lead in everything, you can pinch everything, and you can get glory and achievements, which is too hated.

   Now Feng Ziying should also be aware of this, and began to consciously hide his strength and bide his time, and temporarily avoid the limelight. However, Huang Ruliang admired Feng Ziying's approach very much. Things that are beneficial to the court should still be done, but he was more particular about the methods.

  Like this time, it is obvious that he wants to show his favor and give the credit to the Ministry of Households.

Huang Ruliang would not take credit for Feng Ziying's credit for this kind of thing. He would naturally explain the ins and outs of the situation when it should be made clear, but the six hundred thousand taels of silver was indeed a pleasant surprise, and it could be regarded as a solution to an urgent need. .

  Due to the huge cost of military operations, the imperial court is now more and more constrained, the holes are getting bigger, and there are money everywhere, and there are gaps everywhere. He, the Minister of the Ministry of Households, has become a money-seeking minister who grabs money everywhere.

Anything that can bring benefits to the Ministry of Households is a good thing, and he is willing to accept it. As for the problems that will be brought about in the future, he is not thinking about it. After the Southern Expedition is over, he will slowly discuss and solve it. It's too late, otherwise even the imperial court will collapse. Is there any point in discussing these?

After solving the matter of the Anfu businessman, Feng Ziying can be regarded as having an explanation. The court is now short of money and is reaching out everywhere. The household department has begun to go crazy. The adverse effects on the Northland and the imperial court began to appear.

There is no doubt that the Northland, including the entire Gyeonggi region, needs basic necessities such as food, cloth, medicinal materials, and southern goods from the South. The severe drought in the Northland has exacerbated the urgency of this demand. This momentum has been slightly eased, but as time goes by, this momentum will gradually become unstoppable.

After all, whether it is Yuguan or Dagu, the grain merchants who stock up can estimate it, and the common people will realize that the grain will become more and more scarce through the constant small actions of the grain merchants, and the price will become higher and higher in the future. The higher the price, the stronger their desire to buy grain will be. As long as they have some money in their hands, they will buy the grain and store it first.

  This will form a vicious circle, where the mentality of grain merchants and common people will influence each other, constantly pushing up grain prices.

Although the southern routes of Yuguan and Dagu have not been greatly affected, seaborne grain transportation is still a new thing that has not appeared for a long time, and its transportation volume is far from being comparable to that of water transportation. Although Duan Xigui and Xue Biao are trying their best to expand , but compared with the needs of billions of people in Gyeonggi, this is far from enough.

  Feng Ziying must consider some other countermeasures.

  Huang Ruliang is also aware of this point. On this issue, he needs Feng Ziying’s help more than any other.

"Ziying, I know that you have started to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes in all states and counties. I support you on this point. Some people in the court don't feel pain in their backs when they stand and talk. They always feel that these foreign things are not the right way. If you want to make trouble, the people will change, and you still say these things, as the court order, don't you blush?" Huang Ruliang and Feng Ziying walked out of the room, "Fu Shi did a good job, everyone saw it, and Wu Shen's performance was also very good , Xianghe was handed over to him, although the time was not long, but there was a big improvement,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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