Number of People

Chapter 1887: People's hearts are floating in the Renzi scroll, and public opinion comes first

  Chapter 1887 Ren Zijuan People's hearts are floating, public opinion comes first

"Ming Qigong understands more. The work in Shuntian Mansion is not easy to do. If you do too much, there will always be people who will make sarcastic remarks, and there will inevitably be omissions, which will attract criticism. If you don't do it or do less, something will happen. Then we have to carry it again, it’s just as sad, so we can only bury our heads in our own work, if they want to say it, let them say it, as long as the princes of the court know what they want.”

Feng Ziying's face was very calm, "I agree with your point of view. Now everything in the imperial court is centered on one core issue, which is to recover Shandong as soon as possible. As long as Shandong is recovered, people's hearts can be stabilized. Whether it is food prices or popular upheavals, the people on the grasslands Whether it is the Mongols and the Jurchens who are about to move around, these are not harmful, and the hearts of the people will be settled at once, but to regain Shandong, the reorganization of the northern army is the most urgent task,..."

Huang Ruliang was still nodding slowly at the front, but when he heard the words behind him, he immediately smiled wryly, "Okay, Ziying, I know what you want to say, I've been assigned to you as a lobbyist for Zhizhisheng (Sun Chengzong) Of course I know the urgency of establishing the northern line, but the establishment and reorganization requires money, materials and food, which can’t be changed with just a word, and have to be raised from all directions. Isn’t the Ministry of Households not enough to support it? , don’t come here to hint and remind, I will allocate 300,000 yuan to the Ministry of War for this money, so that it can be used exclusively for the reorganization of the army on the northern front, how about it?”

"I would like to thank Duke Ming Qi on behalf of Lord Kaiyang (Sun Chengzong). The key to the First World War in Shandong is no longer with my father's Northwest Army. If it is delayed, the battle will become more difficult, and Chen Jixian's attitude will also change,..."

  Feng Ziying endured for a while, but still brought up the topic of Chen Jixian.

Huang Ruliang shouldn't have known this. Although he is Ye Xianggao's confidant, Ye Xianggao must know it well as the chief assistant, but as the minister of the household department, there is no need to know these military secrets, but Sun Chengzong organized the reorganization of the northern line. The army was too slow, and although the Ministry of Finance gave support, it was far from enough, so Feng Ziying felt that it was necessary to reveal some secrets to the opponent, so that he could understand the key to victory.

  Papa's plan should already be in progress, and with Huang Ruliang's temperament, such things should not be leaked.

   Sure enough, Huang Ruliang was taken aback, "Ziying, what's there with Chen Jixian...?"

"Ming Qigong, I only know that the Ministry of War should have a plan related to Chen Jixian, but this requires the cooperation of the northern army going south as soon as possible. If my father's Northwest Army can quickly cooperate with the North Route Army to open up the situation, it may be against Chen Jixian. It has an impact, and if it is done well, it may greatly speed up the pace of the imperial court's southern expedition to victory, and perhaps the situation will become clear by the end of the year."

  Feng Ziying weighed his words carefully, but when he heard Huang Ruliang's ears, it was like a shot in the arm. He quickly asked, "Can such a situation really happen?"

To be honest, with the ups and downs of the war, especially Su Shengdu's disastrous defeat, Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu stabilized the situation in Shandong, which hit the entire court and China, and many officials who were originally full of confidence became a little uneasy , and some officials who were not very optimistic at the beginning feel that the sky is falling even more. Even the ministers who still firmly believe that the court will win feel that the war may be protracted and the situation will become complicated. Maybe it may not be possible in the middle of next year. result.

  Huang Ruliang didn't know much about military affairs, and he was also hit hard by the collapse of the Shanxi Army. He was in a trance during this time.

  He even wondered if all the ministers in the cabinet were pretending to be calm on the surface, but in fact they were as suspicious as himself.

  Especially when he saw the prices in the city boiling and popular sentiment fluctuating, he also realized that once this situation continued, it might not be impossible for the court to fail.

  This kind of worry has been entangled in my heart, but I can't tell others.

  But hearing Feng Ziying reveal this little secret today, immediately lifted his spirits.

  Didn't Chen Jixian say that he had betrayed the court? It was originally a chess piece of the emperor, but it was pulled over by the Nanjing side. Could it be pulled back now?

   But now that the situation is not good for the court, Chen Jixian, a slippery old fox, still can't see the direction of the wind? Can he fall to the imperial court again?

  But Huang Ruliang also knew that Feng Ziying never spoke lightly, and almost everything he said had become reality, so this sentence made his mood vivid.

"Ming Qi Gong, I can't give you any definite answer to these things, but you have to believe that although our army has suffered losses, the total amount is still not comparable to those in the south. Ten thousand troops on the northern front, but what about the southern ones? If Sun Shaozu's Datong Army and Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army are completely lost, what will they use to form them? Chen Jixian can swallow them all at once!" Feng Ziying said with certainty.

  He also noticed some wavering in Huang Ruliang's heart, which made him aware of some dangers.

If even a big man like Huang Ruliang has been shaken by the defeat of the Shanxi Army, then there are probably more people in the court who already think that it is difficult for the court to win this battle. They only see the current difficulties of the court. The hardships of the land, the fluctuating hearts of the people, the exhaustion of the army, and the power of the cut-off of water transportation are still magnifying. Even the women in my own mansion may feel a little worried about this. The shadow of failure will continue to expand.

"Ziying, but can Shandong be taken down soon?" Huang Ruliang simply asked, "I know that Sun Chengzong is well-known in the Ministry of War, but he has never really led soldiers. Su Shengdu is still in Shanxi after all. The town has worked hard for a few years, but they have all lost so badly. Don't Sun Chengzong become the second Zhao Kuo again. Moreover, the fighting power of the newly formed tens of thousands of people is even worse than that of Shanxi Town. .”

   "Duke Kaiyang is a man who knows how to fight. You may not know what happened to him after he went to Sichuan." Feng Ziying immediately cheered Sun Chengzong.

"The imperial court may not be aware of Duke Kaiyang's achievements in Sichuan. He has gradually trained the local guards in Sichuan from a vulnerable underdog to an army that can rival Jingxiang Town, or even surpass it. This is not something ordinary people can do, that is, the court hopes that he can come back to preside over the overall situation. Otherwise, if he is allowed to take over as the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town, and then integrate the Sichuan army he trained himself, it will not be a problem to defeat the Bozhou rebellious army. The Denglai army will never have a good time in Huguang. Now Fei Baigong is just picking up a big deal, but Fei Baigong also understands soldiers, and he can use the Jingxiang army and the Sichuan army. I believe that the war in Bozhou will be very fast. There will be a satisfactory result."

   Seeing Feng Ziying's words were so affirmative, Huang Ruliang felt relieved, "If the imperial court gritted its teeth and fully supported the formation of the Northern Front Army, when Ziying expects the battle in Shandong to turn around?"

   Asking this kind of question also shows that Huang Ruliang really has no idea, but he is the Minister of the Ministry of Households, not the Minister of the Ministry of War. Feng Ziying knows that if he does not give the other party a clear letter, he will feel uneasy.

"If it is soon, the offensive will be launched in June and July. My father also mentioned in the letter, but the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, so we can't be sure. It should be clear before the end of the year." Feng Ziying left room, "But in fact I don't think it is necessary for the situation to be completely clear, with Chen Jixian's cunning and cunning, he can see the direction of the wind and he will take action."

   "Chen Jixian made any moves?" Huang Ruliang pondered and said, "Do you listen to the tune?"

   "Hehe, hasn't he always listened to the tune and not the propaganda? Besides, he listened to the tune over there? If you want to earn credit for the court, take Huai'an, and even march into Yangzhou, isn't it an exaggeration?" Feng Ziying sneered.

  Huang Ruliang took a breath, "Can Chen Jixian be so bold?"

"Hmph, then he will wait for the imperial army to sweep Shandong and deal with him together." Feng Ziying is full of confidence, "my father is sure that as long as the situation in Shandong changes, Chen Jixian will definitely not be able to sit still, and this old slicker will definitely fight at the end. Get rich and famous, otherwise the Chen family will be the same as the result of family extinction."

"Okay!" Huang Ruliang gritted his teeth: "For the 600,000 taels of silver, the Ministry of Finance only reserves 100,000 taels for emergency, and the rest is allocated to the Ministry of War. I really need good news, to tell you the truth, Ziying, even I am a little restless now, there is no good news all day long, people are in a panic, and there are all kinds of rumors among the people,..."

I didn't expect Huang Ruliang to come here for a while, of course it was a surprise, but what Huang Ruliang said later made him even more vigilant, maybe the court really needs some more news to stimulate people's hearts, otherwise, if this depression continues, maybe Something will happen someday.

  Back in the mansion, Feng Ziying immediately recruited Cao Yu and assigned tasks.

On the one hand, it is necessary to appropriately exaggerate the transport capacity of the ports at Yuguan and Dagu, boasting that there is an endless stream of grain ships from the south, and the backlog of grain at the ports is increasing day by day. I hope that the local government will use more civilians to transfer and transport away the backlog at the ports. food.

   This is actually a soft-text hint, implying that the increase in grain prices is due to the backlog on the port wharf, which creates a feeling for the common people that grain will soon be shipped to Beijing.

  On the other hand, there is a message that Huguang grain is facing a bumper harvest, and the drought in Henan has eased. A large amount of Huguang grain has flowed into Henan, and grain prices in Henan have fallen.

This is actually a public opinion war. The influx of grain from Huguang to Henan does not have much impact on grain prices in Beijing and China, but this is a psychological trend. The drop in grain prices in Henan will definitely be passed on to Beizhi. It seems that grain prices in Gyeonggi It is unlikely to rise too high.

  If we add that North Korea is also a harvest year this year, and the imperial court intends to import grain from North Korea, then the news will be even more important.

  (end of this chapter)

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