Number of People

Chapter 1888: Ren Zijuan's own strength, action again and again

  Chapter 1888 Ren Zijuan's own strength, action again and again

  Cao Yu was taken aback, "My lord, there is no problem with Yuguan and Zhigu, the Henan side is also reasonable, and the North Korean side..."

   "Why do you think it was created out of nothing?" Feng Ziying laughed.

   "I was afraid of being watched and wanted to find out, but..." Cao Yu shook his head. He had been working on newspapers for so long, so of course he understood Feng Ziying's intentions.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will let Xue Biao go to North Korea. Even if I buy a boatload of grain at a high price, it is still grain. It is not false to publish such a news, right?" Feng Ziying smiled lightly, "The key to making a newspaper is How to use these news to attract everyone's attention, for example, the taste of rice purchased by North Korea is slightly worse than that of Jiangnan, but the price is similar, which is not worthwhile. Subconsciously, we can make everyone pay attention to the comparison with Jiangnan japonica rice, And ignoring the question of how much was imported from North Korea,..."

  Feng Ziying patiently instilled these key points of being a media to Cao Yu. Cao Yu nodded silently, understanding it carefully.

"You have to think carefully about how to guide public opinion in newspapers. There are many skills in it, and you need to experience it slowly. Try to figure out the hearts of the people, mobilize public opinion, stimulate morale, and guide public opinion. These are the most important functions of newspapers. It serves us and maximizes its purpose, which is the ultimate goal of running a newspaper."

Although Cao Yu has been in this line of work for a long time, after all, this thing is still a new thing in this era, and many of them have to be explored. Feng Ziying explained the essentials of the newspaper today, so that Cao Yu can easily digest it, which is enough for him It slowly evolved in the future.

   With the help of newspapers and magazines to build momentum, the situation can be eased a little, but this is not a long-term solution. As long as the overall situation, that is, the situation of the war cannot be reversed, this core problem cannot be solved.

   In the final analysis, it is still necessary to come to the battlefield to see the real chapter, it depends on Sun Chengzong's ability.

  Feng Ziying found Sun Chengzong at the competition field in the suburbs of Beijing.

   Seeing that Sun Chengzong's face showed a bit of fatigue, but his eyes were still piercing, Feng Ziying knew that this man was determined to prove himself in the Shandong battle.

   This is a good thing, both for the court and for my father.

   "Mr. Kaiyang, how is it?" Feng Ziying accompanied Sun Chengzong on the sidelines of the competition. Inside the competition, there was a fiery scene. Several armies were lined up. Judging from the morale, they all seemed to be doing well.

"There are mixed joys and sorrows, some surprised me, and some were unsatisfactory." Sun Chengzong stroked his beard and sighed, "Both the Xuanfu army is not bad, especially the Yang Zhaoji army. The scale of firearms is not small, and the training is also accomplished. , the three divisions of the Beijing camp are uneven, and the fighting power of He Huchen's division is not bad, these two divisions are related to you, Ziying."

Feng Ziying did not hide it, "These two are the essence of the Beijing camp that can revive the morale of the war after the defeat of the three camps of the Beijing camp. In addition, a lot of Yongmin Zhuang has been enriched. It can no longer be regarded as the Beijing camp system, and many middle and low-level military attaches are from the Liaodong Army, so in a sense, it is the structure of the Liaodong Army, the foundation of the eternal civilians, and the shell of the Beijing camp."

"No wonder, I also asked. It is true that the training mode is in the same line as Liaodong Town. It is brave and fierce, but the tenacity is not enough. I am satisfied." Of course, Sun Chengzong could not expect that he was here to clean up the mess. He gathered an elite army by himself, and how to turn this army into an elite army was his own ability.

   "There should be no problem with my father's one. Liu Baichuan is a mighty general in Ningxia. Although he is not as brave as Liu Dongyang, he is more calm than him." Feng Ziying introduced.

"I know this, and I would like to thank your lord. I am willing to assign this army to my hands. I will not be stingy. When I really want to fight a tough battle, I will use it. You have to bring a message to your lord. Sacrifice will be necessary at that time." Sun Chengzong looked at Feng Ziying and said.

"The national war plan, how can there be any difference? They are all imperial court troops, nothing more than my father brought them from the northwest. It is a matter of course to be loyal to the imperial court. Duke Kaiyang does not need to worry about this. You can't see the overall situation at all." Feng Ziying said decisively.

  This famous civil servant who used literature to control martial arts in his previous life should have a good understanding of the mentality of generals. This is also a temptation, maybe it is also a temptation for the Ministry of War and the court.

  Dad has too many troops in his hands, and his prestige in the Nine Sides is too high, so it is inevitable that the court will have scruples.

Although it is now the juncture of the war between the North and the South, and the imperial court will never destroy the city wall on its own initiative, Feng Ziying believes that once the war in the south is settled, it is time to weaken her father's control over the army, so that he can return to Jiliao to take charge of the army. The governor, even limited to a corner of Liaodong, is not bad.

   "That's good." Sun Chengzong didn't say much, "The reorganization of the defeated army in Shanxi is not satisfactory, and the morale is low. It will take time to reorganize and recover."

"Mr. Kaiyang, I'm afraid you are not very smart. You may not have much time to reshape the 20,000 to 30,000 defeated soldiers like you trained the guards in Sichuan." Feng Ziying shook her head: "The court can't afford to wait." gone."

  Sun Chengzong immediately heard something, his eyes overflowed, "Ziying, but is there any bad news?"

"It's hard to say, but the defeat of Shanxi Town has dealt a greater blow to the confidence of the government and the public than expected. Some officials in the court were a little shaken, worried that the court would be difficult to maintain, and it would be difficult to persevere. The drought in the Northland that began last year brought All kinds of chaos will break out one after another in the next few months, and the imperial court may fall into a state of being in a hurry to focus on one thing and lose another. If some good news is not released as soon as possible to cheer up the hearts of the people, I'm afraid something will really happen."

  Feng Ziying did not say it clearly, but Sun Chengzong should be able to understand it.

He has not been back to the court for a long time, but he has already felt that the court is not monolithic and unswervingly wants to fight the south to the end. He even found that the most active and clear attitudes are some civil servants from the south of the Yangtze River, like Beidi and Huguang On the contrary, the civil servants who were originally from the north were more pessimistic. Of course, the attitude of northern scholar leaders like Qi Yongtai was quite firm.

  He also thought about it a lot, and it took him some time to taste it slowly.

The civil servants from the south of the Yangtze River in the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty are already full. Once these civil servants from the south of the Yangtze River in the court fail, they will have no chance and position at all. Instead, the scholars from the North and Huguang. If Prince Yizhong really wins and ascends to the throne, it is inevitable If the land wants to balance the situation between the court and the central government, it will naturally give some positions to the Beidi and Huguang scholars, so in theory they still have some opportunities.

Of course, from the perspective of the long-term overall situation, the Beidi scholars and Huguang scholars are definitely unwilling to see Prince Yizhong, who is led and supported by the Jiangnan scholars, win. People will be firmly suppressed by the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, and even return to the state of the Yuanxi emperor's era when the northern scholars were suppressed and the Huguang scholars were marginalized.

  Once the situation becomes more and more unfavorable, some noises from the DPRK and China will emerge. More importantly, the hearts of the people in Gyeonggi are more likely to be affected.

For ordinary people, as long as the water transport is re-opened and their lives return to the original state, they will be satisfied. Now that this kind of life can be maintained for a while, it will be unacceptable for a long time. It is like another world to them.

  If the DPRK and China are also pessimistic, and the people are clamoring, then the situation is really dangerous.

That's why Feng Ziying came to urge Sun Chengzong to quickly take some measures to open up the situation in the Shandong war as quickly as possible. Even if it is a tactical move and wins the first victory, he can also mobilize the public opinion of the Beijing Central Newspapers. Make some publicity and boost public opinion.

"I understand. I will complete the reorganization here as soon as possible, and streamline the establishment of Shanxi Town. As you said, it is not more but finer." Sun Chengzong sighed, "But if this battle is fought, if there are not enough troops , You can use tactical strategies to achieve some victories in the early stage, but I am worried that there will be a stalemate in the follow-up.”

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "Mr. Kaiyang, do you think that if the sailor battalion of the Denglai Navy is mobilized as a surprise force, can it achieve miraculous results?"

Sun Chengzong was slightly moved, "The number of sailors in the Denglai Navy is only 3,000, which is better than nothing. As for the surprise soldiers, it is very difficult. The battle on the northern front of Shandong is far away. No matter where they land, it is difficult to achieve the effect of surprise soldiers. If we let them attack Jiangnan, it can start to work, but it doesn't make much sense for the battle in Shandong."

  Feng Ziying could only shake her head.

He also had a whim, but soon realized that this is not a game, without the ability to make rapid progress, the three thousand sailors can only play a role at critical times and key places, and really devote themselves to this kind of war of more than 100,000 people. Can't see much effect.

"Okay, Ziying, you don't have to worry too much about the war. Shuntian Mansion is the rear area. What you have to do is to stabilize the people's hearts and guarantee the logistics. I think the court is in a hurry, but don't worry about the logistics. What's the problem?" Sun Chengzong paid more attention to this point: "It would be better if the Ministry of War can speed up the deployment of weapons."

"Don't worry, I, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, have already served as Minister of the Household Department and Minister of the Ministry of War, and most of my thoughts are on how to win this battle." Feng Ziying laughed at herself and said: "The people of Shuntian Mansion just tighten their pants. belt, and also to ensure that you win this battle."

   "That's good, I'll also give you a reassurance. With the strength I have in hand, I'm still sure to fight first." Sun Chengzong said proudly.

  (end of this chapter)

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