Number of People

Chapter 1894: Ren Zijuan suddenly realized, Miaoyu thought

  Chapter 1894 Renzijuan suddenly realized, Miaoyu thought

   If it is said that Miaoyu has no sense of crisis, it is purely a lie, but it is impossible to say that Miaoyu's attitude will suddenly change because of this.

The minimum self-esteem allows Miaoyu to maintain the necessary demeanor. In the past few years, she has shown that she is unwilling to marry into the Feng family, not only because of her status as a concubine, but also because of her pursuit of worshiping the Tao, respecting the Buddha, cultivating the mind and cultivating the character. This has become the unanimous perception of the people inside and outside the Rongguo Mansion, and they are willing to marry as a concubine suddenly. Isn't their own personality collapsed and invisible?

   "My temperament, Xiuyan, you still don't understand, how can you be the kind of person who likes to manage common affairs?" Miaoyu's face was serious, "Aunt Duan is Aunt Duan, and I am me, how can we talk about it together?"

  Xiuyan was speechless, what happened to this elder sister, there were some signs of agitation before, but now she suddenly became tough again, and there was no looseness in her words.

Taking a deep breath, Xiuyan slowed down her tone again: "Sister, didn't you notice it? Uncle Feng still cares about you very much. He usually asks about what delicious food is there for Miss Lin. The things used are almost all sent by the Feng family, and there has never been a shortage of my sister, and my sister and Miss Lin have different preferences, but the things sent are almost different from Miss Lin, just like your most precious old gentleman Miss Lin doesn't like it, but she loves Longjing tea, so the tea brought over by Feng's house is Miss Lin's Longjing tea, your elder sister,..."

This is true, every time Feng's mansion sends over things, Daiyu and Miaoyu's are basically separated, because the two have very different preferences, like Daiyu likes plain and warm colors, but Miaoyu likes plain and cool colors, so the cloth There are two servings of silk and satin, each of which is different. Another example is some food items. Daiyu likes square cakes, small sesame cakes, chrysanthemum cakes, and red cakes from Yangzhou, while Miaoyu likes crab shell yellow, jujube sesame cakes, and plum blossoms. Cakes and so on, although the categories are similar, but the taste is different, and every time Feng's house sends over two copies, each has its own taste.

  Xiuyan is the closest to Miaoyu in the Grand View Garden, and has a lot of contacts, so I can often see these things sent by the Feng family in the Quicui Temple, and the Xiaoxiang Pavilion is similar.

In fact, they were not sent from Yangzhou or Suzhou, but made and sold by the workshop in Jingzhong, which is good at making Weiyang Gusu pastries, but the price is high, but Feng Ziying also knows that Daiyu's appetite is not very good, so there are pastries that she likes. From time to time, I have to buy it and send it over. As for Miaoyu, it is also incidental.

How could Feng Ziying take such details into account for these specific pastry styles? He just ordered Jin Chuaner to handle them, but Jin Chuaner is a delicate person, and he also specially inquired about the different tastes of Daiyu and Miaoyu, so he divided them into two parts and sent them over. , but this has also become a credit to Feng Ziying.

"Think about it, given that Uncle Feng is so busy with official duties that he is too busy with major affairs, how can he get involved in ordinary matters, but Miss Lin and you have never forgotten these hobbies at all, not only during New Years and holidays There is no omission, even if it is often delivered, Miss Lin is fine, but my sister is different from Miss Lin, and Uncle Feng can remember it so clearly, can't my sister realize the difference here? Miss Youlin often made a purse and embroidered a sweater for Uncle Feng, but you have never had one before, Miss Feng, and Uncle Feng has never been left behind either, you weigh it in your own mind,..."

Miaoyu's temperament is rough, and in this respect she is somewhat similar to the Daduan family. Xiuyan said this, but she couldn't think so far, but I think it is really reasonable. This Feng Ziying is the Shuntian mansion prime minister, and she usually returns home , There are so many women around him, but they have never neglected Daiyu and himself. In this way, he seems a bit hypocritical and arrogant.

Miaoyu showed a slight hesitation on her face, which was spotted by Xiuyan, and she struck while the iron was hot: "Besides, Uncle Feng is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He won't go back on his word when he agreed to Mr. Lin, and he will buy it now." After getting off the Rongning Second Mansion, I heard that Xingxu Mansion will renovate the Rongning Second Mansion, including the Grand View Garden, and it will be connected with Huifang Garden and Ningxixuan in Ningguo Mansion. The Feng family will be able to move there, my sister is not too young now, she and Miss Lin are sisters, just like Miss Bao and Miss Qin, working together, how happy will the Hemeimei family be?"

   I have to say that Xiuyan's words are quite convincing.

Miaoyu has always been thinking about the elegant environment of Changcui Temple. The surrounding Bodhidharma Temple and Yuhuang Temple are also surrounded by excellent scenery. In addition, the stream of Aojingxi Pavilion flows around, making Changcui Temple hide it very elegantly. I also fantasized that I could live in Quicui Nunnery for the rest of my life.

  It’s just that dreams are always easy to wake up. Not to mention whether the Grand View Garden can live forever, even the deteriorating situation of the Jia family can’t support the expenses of the Grand View Garden. Then there is an accident in the Jia family, and the two houses of Rongning and Ningxia were confiscated, so that’s not to mention.

But now that the Feng family has bought the second residence in Rongning, they want to renovate the second residence in Rongning. The Grand View Garden can be preserved, and it can be merged with Huifang Garden, Ningxixuan, and Tianxiang Building in Ningguo Mansion. people yearn for.

After being silent for a long time, Miaoyu finally said quietly: "What my sister said is somewhat reasonable, but I am in a state of confusion now, and I have never thought about things that far away. Marrying him as my wife, what will happen in the future In this way, I don't even know what it will be like, if I take this step, there will be no turning back, just in case..."

  Feng Ziying had already left the door on this matter, and happened to hear Xiuyan trying to persuade Miaoyu, but Miaoyu's answer did not move him too much.

   Regarding Miaoyu's attitude, although this woman is beautiful, she has a really bad temper. If Lin Ruhai hadn't agreed to it early, he really didn't have much interest in marrying this woman. Could it be that there are fewer women around him? Which one is much inferior to her?

   It’s just that today he was amused to hear Miaoyu’s non-slip, it sounded like the murmur of a marriage phobic patient, if it was changed, it was not uncommon in the modern society in the previous life, but in this era it seems a bit shocking.

Xiuyan thought it was funny: "What if? Elder sister, what do you have to worry about? Everyone has to take this step. Unless elder sister is really determined to become a monk, then the younger sister has nothing to say, but the younger sister thinks Now my sister is actually not suitable for becoming a monk. She just needs to maintain a calm and Buddhist heart. When you enter the world, you will be born. If you are married, you can also feel the warmth and warmth of this world and feel the good times? Isn’t this what my sister has always pursued and expected Is it?"

  Xiuyan's words made Miaoyu speechless.

  To be honest, she didn't know what she was worried about, maybe it was purely a subconscious desire to escape, but once Daiyu married, and even Xiuyan would marry in the future, what should she do? Living alone here in seclusion, or finding a nunnery to place orders, she dared not even think about such a day.

By this time, Miaoyu has realized that she can't get out of this world of mortals at all. Every bit of this world of mortals has penetrated into every part of her life, and she even enjoys and is fascinated by it all. The so-called Buddhist mind and meditation need to be built on a beautiful and exquisite life to satisfy my pursuit. I am afraid that the real nunnery life is not what I want at all.

  Seeing that Miaoyu's complexion was uncertain, Xiuyan didn't rush her, but just sipped her tea lightly, waiting for the other party to understand.

"Xiuyan, maybe what you said is right, I've lost my mind." After a long time, Miaoyu shook her head in confusion, "Maybe you will say that I was born in a blessed state and don't know how to be blessed, but I'm really a little confused , how about you, Xiuyan?"

   "What about me?" Xiuyan didn't understand the meaning of Miaoyu's words for a moment.

"I mean what are you going to do in the future?" Miaoyu simply pushed aside and said, "If Daiyu and I marry into Feng's residence, what will you do? You are not young, you have already turned seventeen It’s going to be eighteen, right? It’s time for the outside world to get married and have children, but your family has suffered a lot, and you’ve been put in jail again, what will you do in the future?”

   Xiuyan's face was a little sad, and she didn't answer this question.

  Of course she has thoughts to talk about, but now is not the time to talk about her own destiny.

   Miaoyu is actually not stupid, but she didn't put more thought into this aspect before, now she suddenly understands her own destiny, so naturally she has to think about it for her best friend.

After she married into Feng's house, she was not willing to have anyone around her who could speak intimately. Although Daiyu and her were sisters, the relationship between them was far from confiding in each other. Looking around, only Xiuyan was worth relying on, so of course she I hope Xiuyan can be with her forever.

Moreover, she could vaguely sense Xiuyan's affection for Feng Ziying. Miaoyu didn't care about this, and was even happy to see it come true. Women like Yingchun, Tanchun, and Baoqin could all play Feng Ziying's idea. Could it be that Can't there be one more Xiuyan?

  Yingchun can be Feng Ziying's concubine, so why can't Xiuyan do it?

  There is no Xiuyan, and there are women from the Jia family like Tanchun and Xichun who are thinking about it. If this is the case, why can't they be cheaper?

   "Xiuyan, if my guess is correct, you actually like him too, don't you?" Miaoyu asked suddenly.

Xiuyan was startled, and subconsciously tried to defend herself, but Miaoyu cut her off: "Xiuyan, as you said, he is a hero, and it's normal to be favored by his daughters. It's not as good as you, you don't need to explain, you also know my temperament, since that's the case, why don't you marry into Feng's family with me, so that you and my sisters can be together for the rest of our lives and take care of each other, how wonderful is that?"

  Xiuyan blushed, covered her face with her sleeves, but said nothing, she understood Miaoyu's temperament, and to speak out about this kind of matter meant that she had made up her mind, but how could she, a daughter, answer these words?

  (end of this chapter)

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