Number of People

Chapter 1895: The Renzi scroll faces inwards and outwards, it is very quiet and thinks about moving

  Chapter 1895 The Renzi scroll faces inwards and outwards, static and thoughtful

  Feng Ziying felt that she had no choice but to leave. If she really wanted to show up, it would be too embarrassing, and it would easily hurt the self-esteem of the second daughter. Miaoyu was fine, but he still respected and liked Xiuyan.

  Just wanting to leave but feeling a bit reluctant, he really wanted to hear Xiuyan's answer.

Although there were similar topics with Xiuyan before, Xiuyan also had various concerns, and because of the influence of various external factors, the two of them never broke through the thin layer of gauze, but now Miaoyu Bringing it up is a perfect opportunity, let's see how Xiuyan responds.

  Although Xiuyan's expression could not be seen, Miaoyu's too blunt words made her, an innocent Xiaojiabiyu, how to answer?

   Denied it flatly, it seemed a bit hypocritical, and it didn't mean what he said, and it was in front of his best girlfriend, who also had good intentions.

   Responding shyly and timidly, what do your girlfriends think?

  Do you feel that you have plans, or even have other ideas?

   This is also an unspeakable test for Xiuyan, all she can do is to bow her head in silence and avoid by drinking tea.

Fortunately, although Miaoyu is stupid, she still has a bit of sophistication. Knowing that her best friend is shy, she nodded to herself: "Anyway, if I really want to marry into the Feng family, I definitely hope that you, Xiuyan, will join me. Without you, I don't know how to live in Feng's house,..."

   "Sister, don't say that, Miss Lin..." Xiuyan hurriedly said.

"Daiyu is Daiyu. You also know that the relationship between me and her will never be like that between you and me. Maybe it is the blood relationship between me and her. Others, maybe I am not as good as exploring in her mind." Sisters like Chun and Xiangyun."

Miaoyu's sharp words made Xiuyan a little shocked. Although the relationship between Miaoyu and Daiyu was shallow on the surface, and there was no enmity between them, but to be honest, there was really no sense of intimacy. Generally speaking, it is a bit embarrassing.

  However, Xiuyan also knows that Miaoyu is like this, sometimes a sudden sentence can shock everyone, or make the audience cold.

"Xiuyan, don't be nervous, although I don't have a close relationship with her, it won't turn against each other or become like a passerby, so let's just get on with each other, she has what she wants, and I have you. Miaoyu said calmly: "So I think you will marry into Feng's family too, will it work?"

  Xiuyan hesitated for a moment before whispering: "Sister, it's not up to you and me to decide. Miss Lin and Uncle Feng are both in some troubles. Maybe Miss Lin prefers the third girl..."

  Miaoyu's complexion changed slightly, and she paused, "Then I'll go to him and ask him to accept you as a concubine. I don't believe that he would be willing to do so given your virtuousness and kindness!"

  Xiuyan was so ashamed that her voice was trembling: "You can't do it, you can't do it! If my sister wants to do this, my sister will not be able to do it even if she is killed!"

   Miaoyu was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Xiuyan didn't know how to answer for a while, but if Miaoyu was asked to bring it up to Feng Ziying, from Xiuyan's point of view, if Lin Daiyu knew about it, the relationship between her and Miaoyu would be deteriorated immediately, and the relationship between her and Miaoyu would be worsened. I'm afraid she has to look at her differently, and at the same time, she also feels a little regretful in her heart. If Feng Ziying really likes her, can't she take the initiative to ask her to accept her?

   "Sister, it's too complicated, and my younger sister can't explain it clearly for a while. If you are sincerely doing it for me, then don't go and tell Uncle Feng."

  Xiuyan can’t explain much, Miaoyu may not understand if she speaks shallowly, but if she speaks deeply, she is afraid that Miaoyu will misunderstand, so the best way is to wait.

  Will there be any results if we just wait like this?

   In case Uncle Feng really didn't understand his intentions, the previous two conversations seemed a bit vague, did Uncle Feng really think that he was unwilling?

   It would be best if there was someone who could tell the story among them, but this person can't be Miaoyu.

   Miaoyu was a little puzzled. She could feel that her best friend's thoughts on Feng Ziying were absolutely willing, but why she didn't want to fight for such an opportunity for her? Could Feng Ziying still be unwilling? This was even more impossible.

  But seeing that Xiuyan's eye circles were a little red with anxiety, Miaoyu also knew that her best friend was not joking, but really anxious, so she could only agree first, and find another opportunity to ask what happened.

  How could Feng Ziying not understand when she heard this, so she hurriedly tiptoed away, but a big stone fell in her heart.

That's all for Miaoyu, but he understood Xiuyan's intentions. If Miaoyu were to ask for a concubine status for Xiuyan, it would be a kind of humiliation to Xiuyan. Go to the Xing Zhong couple and talk about it, frank and upright, are you afraid that Xing Zhong will not be overjoyed?

  When Feng Ziying returned to her mansion, Daiyu hadn't left yet.

   Inevitably, it is another poetic and picturesque.

  The spring is beautiful, but it's a pity that the mansion in Feng's mansion is too small, and there are not many views for the two of them to enjoy, so they can only talk in the room.

   This also aggravated Feng Ziying's desire to renovate Rongning Second Mansion and Grand View Garden as soon as possible.

If both the east back wall of Rongguo Mansion and the west back wall of Ningguo Mansion are opened, then the burial mound where Daiyu’s flowers are buried is just next to Ningxi Pavilion behind Ningguo Mansion. The east leads to the backyard of Ningguo Mansion, where Tianxiang Tower, Doufeng Pavilion, and Dengxian Pavilion are lined up. In front of it is Huifang Garden and Conglv Hall. It can be said that the essence of the backyard of Ningguo Mansion is close to the east of Grand View Garden.

  If the two sides are connected into one piece, this piece of pond can also be added, which can just expand the slightly narrow water area in the Grand View Garden, making the entire backyard of the second house even more spacious and spectacular.

  Remembering the interest, Feng Ziying also took out the floor plan of the second residence in Rongning, stitched it together and compared it carefully, and felt that there was indeed a lot to do.

It's just that it needs to be renovated and built, and the cost will definitely not be small. Although it is impossible to exaggerate the three to four million taels of silver spent on the Grand View Garden in Rongguo Mansion, Feng Ziying roughly estimated that if it is to be more refined, it may cost as much as 80,000 taels. Two silver coins may not be able to fight.

But thinking that if Daiyu gets married, these three families will be together, and adding more people in the future, it will be really cramped. Taking advantage of the fact that the women in the mansion have not yet added children, they have completed these earlier, and they will also be in the future. I can choose to move in.

  Of course, it must not be moved now. The North-South War is related to the attention of the government and the public. If I want to do this now, I will inevitably be criticized by others, but the advance planning can be done.


  Qi Yongtai stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, glanced at Qiao Yingjia and Han Yu, "Ru Jun, Yu Chen, why did you suddenly talk about Ziying again?"

   "Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang have frequently summoned Li Banghua in the past few days. I heard that they intend to recommend him as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture?"

Qi Yongtai stagnated slightly, but his expression remained unchanged: "Li Banghua has been serving as the procurator for three years in the Shaanxi Procuratorate, and he has excellent academic performance and excellent literary talent. It is logical and not impossible to be transferred to Shuntian Prefecture ,..."

Qiao Yingjia sneered, "Really? Brother Chengfeng, but I heard that Li Banghua's performance in Shaanxi was average. You feel like sitting on pins and needles in that position and want to run away?"

Qi Yongtai couldn't help frowning, "Ru Jun, be careful with what you say. The appointment and dismissal of the court also have intentions. Shuntian Mansion can't be without a governor for a long time. I know what you mean. Although Ziying is doing a good job as an agent of the government, But after all, he is too young, and he has only served as a Fucheng for only one year, so can he still be promoted to the Fuyin? Not to mention that Jinqing Zhonghan and the others cannot accept it, even I think it is a bit out of line."

   "Wu Daonan has been the governor for several years, and he has made a mess. I don't think the past few months have been smoother without the governor. If you get a Li Banghua, maybe you will become the second Wu Daonan again?"

Qiao Yingjia, however, refused to give up. He felt that Qi Yongtai was not as strong and powerful as he was when he was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials after he became the elder of the cabinet. Many times, he was confined by the so-called hat of taking care of the overall situation, making his hands and feet tied, and it would be difficult for others to bully him when he came to the door. He had to endure it blindly, which made him a little unbearable.

  Qi Yongtai sighed lightly.

He also doesn't quite agree with the arrangement of Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, not that he wants to leave the position of Shuntian governor to Feng Ziying. The army put down the rebellion, but wanted to escape back to the court, which made him a little tired.

But he also knew that Li Banghua was the backbone of Jiangyou literati, Ye Xianggao admired it, and made friends with Gao Panlong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, so the matter of coming back has basically been finalized, but whether he will be the governor of Shuntian Prefecture has not yet been decided. It's completely settled, but the intention is already there.

Li Banghua is also a man who is proficient in literary talent and short in practical affairs. Although it is not as absurd as Wu Daonan to take the post of Shuntian Fu Yin, Qi Yongtai is also not optimistic, but this person is not like Wu Daonan. If you let go, if you just hold on to power blindly, you will inevitably have a dispute with Feng Ziying, and I am afraid that neither side will be able to please.

  Qi Yongtai is already thinking about where Feng Ziying will be arranged if Li Banghua is the governor of Shuntian.

  Feng Ziying did a good job in cooperating with Sun Chengzong in organizing military affairs. Sun Chengzong specially praised Qi Yongtai and Zhang Huaichang here, thinking that Feng Ziying has the style of being a father and should be of great use.

"Ru Jun, think about it, Ziying has performed well in Shuntian Mansion for more than a year, and he has to practice, but it is obviously unrealistic for him to take over as Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister now, and he is soliciting private individuals so much. The court censor criticized him so much, how long can you suppress it?" Qi Yongtai looked at Qiao Yingjia and said.

  (end of this chapter)

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