Number of People

Chapter 1902: As soon as the Renzi scroll was released, the status suddenly rose

  Chapter 1902 In the first release of the Renzi scroll, the status suddenly rose

   Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't dare to neglect, and went straight to Yingchun with a mandarin duck playing chess.

Although in fact I already have a son, Wang Xifeng's cub is still in its infancy, but it is my blood, but it may not be named Feng in the future, and there is a high probability that it will not belong to the Feng family, unless the Feng family really does in the future. She has no male heir, and for so long, except for Shen Yixiu who gave birth to Tong Niang, none of the other women became pregnant. This put a lot of pressure on the whole family, including Feng Ziying herself.

  When Feng Ziying arrived with Siqi and Yuanyang, Baochai and Baoqin had also arrived first.

   Yingchun was pale, sitting on the brocade stool beside the round table, with one hand on the round table, Baochai and Baoqin were asking about something.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's arrival, Yingchun seemed to feel a little more relaxed, with a smile on his face, and stood up quickly.

When Baochai and Baoqin saw Feng Ziying coming, they all stood up to greet Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying waved his hands, "It's not necessary, it's better to be more relaxed at home, don't make it as serious as outside. I'm tired of being outside, so I just Would you like to come back and relax, what's the matter?"

"My sister has been feeling unwell for the past two days. I also said that I didn't see the doctor, but I just feel sick..." Yingchun didn't say anything, but there was a bit of shyness and joy on her face. Baochai, as a doctor, took the initiative to introduce, "Today my sister Feeling unwell again, the concubine said that it would be better to ask the doctor to take a look, and then asked my sister about Tiangui's day, it should have passed, but she hasn't come yet,..."

Baochai's expression is calm and joyful, but I don't know whether it is from the heart or forced to be happy, but Baoqin is indifferent, but there is still some concern, at least the two sisters' superficial gestures are doing Feng Ziying can't expect them to be as close as sisters, but there must be basic rules and morals.

   "Have you hired a doctor?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "The doctor checked the pulse and said that my sister is pregnant. It may be about a month and a half." Baochai replied for Yingchun.

  Feng Ziying counted the days, and it was really about the same.

That day, I had some intimacy with Tanchun, but I couldn't vent my anger, so I had to go back to find Yingchun and Siqi, and in the end Yingchun accepted it. It seemed that I was really excited, and it seemed that the effect was the best. One target.

"Oh, that would be really great." Feng Ziying couldn't help rubbing her hands. Anyway, this is the second child of the Feng family besides Wang Xifeng. Although it is not yet possible to determine the gender, after all There is also a half chance, which will undoubtedly be an inspiration for the entire Feng family.

   "Have you talked to your wife?" Feng Ziying asked, remembering to tell her mother as soon as possible.

"I have already arranged for someone to inform my wife." Baochai was quiet and elegant, methodical: "I also greeted the back kitchen. From today on, my sister's diet needs to be prepared extra, and I can no longer be as casual as before. There are also clothes, you should choose some suitable loose ones as soon as possible,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction. Baochai is worthy of being from a wealthy family. These arrangements are very thoughtful, and there is no need to worry about it.

   "Sir, my sister made arrangements for my concubine's body as soon as she came, but it made me feel uneasy. It's only been more than a month, and my concubine's body is not that weak. In fact, there is no need to be so..."

Yingchun was originally a stuffy person and didn't speak much, but she was very grateful for Baochai's arrangement. She was a little uneasy before. After all, she was ahead of the Baochai and Baoqin sisters, which would inevitably make them feel a little blocked. , but Baochai's attitude relieved Yingchun's worries.

"Sister, just care about raising the baby with peace of mind, and don't worry about these things." Baochai laughed, "This is the first child of the second room of our Feng family. There is an older sister in the eldest room. Our second room may be the first child." He can be the first to continue the incense for the Feng family, and it can't be too expensive."

It's hard for Feng Ziying to answer such words, but it can only be said by Baochai, who is a big wife. The more time is like this, the more she needs to show her heart as a wife and big wife, otherwise she will be disgusted by her husband and mother-in-law. It is also embarrassing, Feng Ziying is also emotional in her heart, but do as the Romans do, at this time, this kind of thing can only be like this.

   Before Feng Ziying had time to speak, Mrs. and Mrs. Duan had already arrived.

  Once Duan and Duan came in, Feng Ziying had nothing to do.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, married two daughter-in-laws and concubines, and was stunned to see nothing happening. The Daduan family was already a little restless, and now they are finally watching the moonlight, and another daughter-in-law is pregnant , maybe with such a good start, maybe there will be happy events one after another.

Being pushed aside, Feng Ziying didn't care, and let her mother and aunt be there to ask for warmth, but Xiao Duan didn't neglect Sister Baochai and Baoqin, talking to the second daughter, it was a disguise to urge the second daughter to hurry up and cheer up Son, strive for an early flowering and fruiting.

At this time, the Yingchun House was also full of excitement. After a while, it was finally settled down. When the big and small Duan family left, they also took Baochai, Baoqin sisters and others out, leaving Feng Ziying alone. into the house.

At this time, Feng Ziying took Yingchun's hand, put the other hand on Yingchun's lower abdomen, rubbed it, and said with a smile: "It seems that what I said that day was true, I really felt it, all of a sudden Just let my sister get pregnant, well, my intuition is not bad."

"If you say that the servants are also credited, if the servants hadn't worked hard to stand up for the girl that day, maybe the grandpa would not be so happy, and the girl would not be able to accept the joy." Siqi is a shameless character. There are no outsiders here, only the three of them, and they are even more vegetarian when they talk.

Feng Ziying was also dumbfounded by Siqi's words. This little hoof is really strong enough to be able to speak such words. Yingchun is also very shy, but the joy in her heart is also suppressed to shyness, "Mr. Pregnant, Siqi also took a lot of responsibility as a concubine during this time,..."

"Okay, okay, I understand that this time my younger sister is pregnant, playing chess has no credit but also hard work, so there will be rewards..." Feng Ziying joked with a smile: "Siqi, how do you reward you, gold and silver jewelry?" , or do you want Master to reward you well?"

Rao Shiqi is bold, but also blushed by Feng Ziying's teasing words, and pinched the sweat towel for a while, "What did you say, it's the duty of slaves to serve girls, so why do you need any rewards, slaves?" I don't ask for any reward from the Lord, but I hope that the Lord will come and sit in the girl's room more when he has time. Now that the girl has a body, she can't serve the Lord, but if the Lord can come, the girl is happy. Lord,..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help but pinch Siqi's plump breasts: "Okay, I understand, my sister is pregnant, so I will come here often, and I can't serve you when I was pregnant three months ago. But in the future, it can be done in moderation, and it will be beneficial to the body. At that time, it will be the chess player who will take the lead,..."

   While Feng Ziying was lingering in the Yingchun House, Baochai and Baoqin saw off Duan and Duan, and went back to their houses.

  Bao Qin's face also recovered from the previous indifferent smile to a little cold.

  To tell the truth, Yingchun's pregnancy hit both Baochai and Baoqin, especially Baoqin.

She thinks she is favored the most. In the second room, Feng Ziying spends the most time in her room, and even Baochai wants to give her a little bit, but she never thought that Yingchun would take the lead, even though she still doesn't know that Yingchun is pregnant with a man. Si is still a daughter, but the family took the lead anyway, which left a good impression on the mother-in-law.

It stands to reason that she should be with her sister at this time, but she can also see that her sister's mood is actually not calm, no matter how calm she looks on the surface, but everyone knows that if Yingchun gives birth to a son, but she and her sister have not been pregnant, then This has the danger of being too upside down.

"What did you say over there?" Baoqin was very puzzled, why Xianggong didn't stay at Yingchun for a long time, far less than himself, but he was pregnant by such a coincidence, and Chenghuan himself often counted the days and counted. , but often no movement.

   "The servant made some inquiries, and Siqi was open-minded, and also revealed some news." The old official, Yudi, was born in spring, and his brows were a little flustered.

  She has always been reserved and aloof, even with Yinger, she doesn't lose at all, and even beats Xiangling, who would have thought that she would want to inquire about such a shameful thing.

  Suddenly today came the news that Yingchun was pregnant, and Baoqin couldn't sit still immediately, so she asked Lingguan to inquire about the situation.

She was also forced to find out through Xiangling, who has a good relationship with Xiuju, but Xiangling is also a clumsy person about this kind of thing. It's not taboo, even the things in the room are not so hidden in front of Xiuju and Lianhua'er, so I only heard some.

   "What did you say?" Baoqin sat up straight when she heard it, very interested.

"Xiuju said that it was probably conceived by the master when he was in high spirits that day. Thanks to playing chess to seduce the master, he was caught up by the second aunt later..." Such topics are really embarrassing for the daughter's family. , the senior official also blushed and said something with his head down.

  But for a person like Bao Qin, she naturally understood what it meant. She didn't expect that Siqi, a plump and enchanting servant, would have such abilities, but Yingchun took a big advantage.

  Although it is somewhat contemptuous of Yingchun and Siqi, the master-servant's coquettish methods, but judging heroes by success or failure, this is what men do. Otherwise, how can they sow success in Yingchun?

   No matter how upset she was, Baoqin knew that Yingchun had the upper hand now, and if she didn't think about it carefully, her position would be embarrassing in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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