Number of People

Chapter 1903: Ren Zijuan's foxy means, attacking the heart is the best

  Chapter 1903 Renzijuan's flirtatious means, attacking the heart first

  Bao Qin sighed inwardly. Yingchun's pregnancy has changed the way her mother-in-law looks at her and her sister.

Yingchun turned out to be an honest and dull person, and his impression on her mother-in-law was not very good. The girls around her sometimes talked about Yingchun's nickname in Rongguo Mansion, and the title "Er Mutou" seemed to be followed This is Yingchun, but now, especially if Yingchun can give birth to a male heir, no one will dare to spread the word.

  How did Yingchun get pregnant? Bao Qin felt quite upset, was it really because of Yingchun Siqi's flirtatious tricks to master and servant? If such foxy charm methods are really useful, of course I will not hesitate to use them.

Although she doesn't like to serve others with her looks, she is more confident in her own wisdom and beauty, but Baoqin also knows that men sometimes eat that way, try a different face, I'm afraid the fair-minded man won't bother to take a look .

  How can you get pregnant if you don't welcome the spring?

The old official has a thin face, and only heard that Yingchun Siqi's master and servant used foxy tricks, but what exactly was the trick, this girl couldn't ask further, because of Siqi's flamboyant and outspoken temperament It is not difficult to inquire about it, but Baoqin thinks that it is better to inquire about it, knowing yourself and the enemy, so that you can win all battles.

  Sister must be in a bad mood. Baoqin didn't bother Baochai, even if she knew it was meaningless to be with her at this time, could she still comfort each other?

The reality is so cruel. Yingchun was originally an inconspicuous existence in the second room. My sister and I are still very close to her on the surface, but in the heart they don't pay attention to her. The opponent stood at the pinnacle.

   Presumably the head of the room probably knew about it by now. I wonder if Shen Yixiu is also under the same pressure as himself and his sister?

  Reminiscing that Lin Daiyu will marry soon, Baoqin's heart sinks for no reason.

  If Lin Daiyu got married and got pregnant quickly, it would be a real disaster. Compared with the two, I don’t know what her parents-in-law would think of her second-bedroom sister and herself?

Baoqin also knew that her in-laws were actually not very satisfied with her sister's marriage with her. Compared with Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu's family background in poetry and books, her sister's and her own imperial business background were really not on the table. I'm afraid that this marriage is really difficult to achieve.

  Subconsciously glanced at Ling Guan standing aside, he looked almost like Daiyu, even the reserved and cold arrogance in his eyebrows was vivid, Baoqin's heart was complicated and unspeakable.

When I chose this girl to be my personal maid, I may not have meant to humiliate Daiyu, but this girl's temperament is really not good, she was born as a small opera singer, but she still has a young lady's temper. Seeing how much this girl has changed, it was her sister who told her about herself a few times because of this, which made Baoqin a little annoyed.

   With all kinds of calculations in her heart, Bao Qin felt a little annoyed for no reason. When did she actually fall into the position of relying on these coquettish methods to win the favor of her husband and in-laws?

But if you don't do this, Daiyu and her fake nun sister will marry together, and maybe even Xing Xiuyan, who has a close relationship with the fake nun, may climb up the pole and enter Feng's house. The challenges will be even greater.

   and Changfang were originally a family for half the time, and they will be arranged in the order of 147, 258, 369, and the chances will be even fewer. This is an imminent reality.

   "Lingguan, how old are you this year? What year did you enter the Rongguo Mansion?" Baoqin calmed down and asked in a manly voice.

"Your servant is sixteen this year." Lingguan replied blankly: "The batch of servants came in the first year after the garden was repaired. Counting it, the servant and Fangguan, Ouguan, Baoguan, and Douguan are all For a year, there is only a difference of months,..."

  I was only twelve or thirteen years old when I entered Jia's mansion. Three years later, I was already sixteen before I knew it. Baoqin's question also aroused my thoughts, and the senior official was a little dazed.

  Being with this somewhat moody grandma, I have suffered a lot in the past two years, but this master still maintains himself, even Yinger, who is next to the second grandma, can't even think about bullying him.

"Sixteen,..." Baoqin also has a lot of feelings. She is only two years younger than herself, but she is carefree. , but sixteen is not too small, and it is time to take on some responsibilities.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Lingguan glanced at Baoqin, with slender shoulders and thin neck, buttocks and buttocks. The food in Jia's and Feng's houses is delicious, and the work and rest are moderate, which makes these little actors compare with each other. One grew up faster and looked much healthier than when they entered Jia's house.

This little hoof already has a bit of a woman's taste, the clear and clear eyes like a deer, coupled with the onion-like jade white nose bridge, and the cherry lips are so red that even Baoqin is lost in thought. A little beauty, she looks more and more like Lin Daiyu. If she and Daiyu are two sisters, they are definitely more trusted by everyone than Miaoyu and Lin Daiyu.

   "It's nothing. I just think you're not young anymore. You've been with me for two years. Compared with Jia's, how is life here?" Baoqin asked casually.

Lingguan took it seriously, thinking that Baoqin really wanted to understand the situation, and after thinking about it for a while, he said seriously: "If you talk about houses, this side is definitely not as good as that one. The Grand View Garden is so spacious and beautiful, with pavilions and towers. How gorgeous are the pavilions, streams, mountains and rocks? There are also verdant vegetation, graceful flowers and trees, even the servants like to take a walk in the garden when they have nothing to do, and even the food there is much better than here. The back kitchen is also constantly changing and improving, but according to Sister Yuanyang, it is still unsatisfactory, even the uncle is not very satisfied,..."

I didn't expect this little hoof to say such a thing, I'm afraid he picked up some good words from the opera to praise, but no matter what, Baoqin felt that she still underestimated these little girls. I thought these little girls were not very thoughtful, but now that I heard it this way, I knew it was not that simple.

  That's fine, if it's really as white as paper, Baoqin still feels that there are some things that are hard to talk about.

"But didn't the uncle also say that after buying the second house in Rongning, it will be reopened and repaired soon?" Lingguan still has a childlike heart, and his face is full of expectations, "If the repair can be completed earlier, grandma, then we If they don’t move there again, that would be great, everyone can live in the garden, and we can meet Fangguan, Ouguan and the others often.”

Baoqin didn't pick up on this matter, although she knew that Xianggong did have this intention, but it is definitely impossible to say how many pieces can be repaired and moved there. The provincial villa must be rebuilt, and Rongning's second residence must be opened up. The amount of work in the middle is definitely not small, so don't even think about it for half a year.

   "Well, it's almost time." Baoqin responded casually, "You are not young anymore, have you thought about the future?"

   "What's going on in the future?" Ling Guan was stunned for a moment, his face flushed suddenly, his eyes flickered and avoided, and he didn't dare to speak.

A few days ago, Ruiguan next to the second grandma was still teasing herself, saying that she was a personal maid for Grandma Qin, and she would be combed up sooner or later. The concubine's room is envied by all the sisters, but Lingguan himself has never thought about it.

  Although being a personal maid inevitably has to wait on grandparents to do such shameful things at night, but personal maids are like that, so it’s good to get used to it.

However, everyone also knows that Qingwen, Yunshang, and Siqi all followed the grandmothers as personal maids and combed the houses, but there were also confiscated houses, such as Aunt Eryou in the long house, and even Yingying who was next to the second grandmother Bao. Son, they didn't tidy up the house either. As for Xiangling, she had been with the Feng family early on, so it was different.

   It is rumored that she and Miss Lin look alike, and the uncle treats her very unusually, but the old man doesn't feel anything, and she doesn't want to compare herself with Miss Lin, she is herself, why compare with others?

   "It seems that you have thought about it too." Bao Qin said leisurely.

   "Grandma, there are no servants..." Ling Guan suddenly became anxious, his face turned red, and his eyes were also a little bit embarrassed and frightened.

"It's nothing, it's not normal if you don't want to. You are sixteen years old, and you should have married a long time ago. Even if you are an ordinary wealthy family, you should also talk about marrying boys." Baoqin waved his hand, He said nonchalantly: "It's just that our family is special. You also know the situation and disposition of the uncle. In the future, the uncle will become a general and enter the picture. Even the old man will be a matter of time for the uncle. Naturally, it is different. Every aspect must be different." Be tighter, a girl like you can't let her out,..."

Ling Guan also breathed a sigh of relief, she never thought about going out, and she had long since forgotten about the old life of a small actor, and she really wanted to let her go back to that kind of life, She definitely doesn't want to.

"It's not easy to just stay, or are you willing to go find a kid in the mansion and mess around?" Baoqin glanced at the panic-stricken senior official with a half-smile, fearing that the sweaty towel might wring out water. .

   "Grandma, just tell me what you want your servant to do..." Under Bao Qin's Youruo substantive gaze, Lingguan is just a little girl after all, unable to take it anymore, she can only lower her head and mutter.

"Well, it's good that you understand." Seeing that the other party finally gave in, Baoqin nodded in satisfaction, "Surely you don't want Siqi and others to ride on your heads, and you don't want Qingwen and the others to override you. So everyone has to have a goal, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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