Number of People

Chapter 1933: Renzi roll sweet pastry, fans of thousands of people

  Chapter 1933 Renzi roll sweet pastry, heartthrob

  Feng Ziying stayed in Tianjin Wei for two days, and enjoyed all the good things in these two days.

Not only is Lin Hongyu flattering, but Wang Xifeng is also tactful and tactful. She used to be a little arrogant and petty, but now she can let go of her face and let herself do whatever she wants. Feng Ziying is quite surprised, so much so that she is a little worried. Another hit came and got pregnant again.

Counting that the child is half a year old, Wang Xifeng has recuperated for half a year, and her body is about the same. Although it is not the most suitable time, but in this age, no one seems to pay attention to these things. Temperance, really hard to say.

   It was Ping'er's business, and he still hesitated.

"Let Ping'er follow me to Shaanxi?" Feng Ziying leaned on the kang and looked at Wang Xifeng in surprise, "What do you think? You are still young, and you still want to manage the factory. I am going to Shaanxi this time. Five months, maybe two or three years, who will take care of the children?"

"Hmph, you think I'm willing, and I'm reluctant. But I can't be too selfish. Ping'er looks forward to the stars and the moon, so I hope that you can accept her as soon as possible. Those who follow me have no name and no distinction, just count on this But now it’s good, you’ll be there for a few years, what about Ping’er?” Sitting beside Feng Ziying, Wang Xifeng tidied up the child’s clothes and sighed leisurely: “Even if you’re going to do something right now, you take her away. After you go there for two or three years, let her be a widow here? Besides, you have been here for so long, and there are not many women around, can you survive? Rather than cheaping the wild women outside, it is better to let her Ping'er follows, and saves those vicious girls outside from thinking about crawling on your bed all day long."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh, but she didn't expect Wang Xifeng to have plausible words and a lot of truth.

"I went to Shaanxi as a governor, so I could bring my family with me, but Shen Yixiu, Baochai, and Daiyu were not suitable to go. The eldest house has children, and Baochai and Daiyu's health may not be able to bear it, so I thought about it before letting Baochai go. Qin will follow me, and Sanfang, Xiuyan will follow, and Qingwen will be my close girl, so that's about it..." Feng Ziying introduced: "So there is no need for Ping'er to go, it is not a tour of the mountains. Water, counterinsurgency and epidemic control, but also to appease the local area, I don't know much about it, I must have suffered hardships if I went there,..."

"Ping'er has made up her mind. She came to see me early this morning. I can feel that she has made up her mind. If I don't agree, she will offend this girl. Besides, Feng'er is kind and kind on my side." Sister, Hongyu can also help take care of her, so you don't have to worry about it here, Ping'er can take care of your life with you, Qingwen's dry temper, how can she compare with Ping'er's carefulness? So I agreed, yes I'm relieved if she follows, but it's true that you have to explain it to those in your room."

  Wang Xifeng glanced at Feng Ziying with a half-smile, "Don't let those guys get jealous, then I can't help you."

   "Okay, I know what's going on in my room, you should worry about yourself." Feng Ziying saw that Wang Xifeng agreed, if she refused again, it would hurt Ping'er's heart.

Anyway, with this girl following her, Qingwen and her will be able to take turns with the waiters by her side. Heping'er's relationship is also good.

   Seeing that Feng Ziying was about to leave, Wang Xifeng felt a little sad when he thought of how long it would take before seeing Feng Ziying again.

  One day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, although there is no name or distinction, but at least they are considered to be husband and wife. After two days of tossing without shame or impatience, Wang Xifeng can be regarded as full.

  But the more full you are, the more you miss him. Once this guy leaves, how will I survive the past two years? Could it be that he and Hongyu can only do some fake phoenix and phoenix things to comfort themselves?

  Wang Xifeng knew that Li Wan was doing this kind of thing with Suyun, and was grateful for the difficulty of being a widow. She didn't expect that she would become like this now.

   This thing of stealing a man stole Feng Ziying, but it suddenly whetted his appetite. Wang Xifeng knows her own temperament, and ordinary people don't like it. If she stole Feng Ziying, who else can she fall in love with in this life?

  Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

   "What's wrong with you?" Seeing Wang Xifeng next to her, Feng Ziying's expression changed, and she thought she was still reluctant to part with Ping'er, "Didn't you want Ping'er to go with me? Why can't you part with it?"

Wang Xifeng pinched the soft flesh of Feng Ziying's waist bitterly, "It's cheap for Ping'er, I can eat enough with you in the past two years, but Xiaohong and I will be widows for two years." .”

Feng Ziying let out a chuckle, and stretched her hand between Wang Xifeng's legs, "That's nothing to do. Fortunately, the tiger is still young, so you have to take good care of the child in the past two years. In addition, the cement factory is also at the right time. , you are busy, how can you think about these things when you are busy? But you can clamp your legs tightly, this body belongs to you, in the future, you can only ride alone,..."

Wang Xifeng squinted her eyes, but there was a smile on her face, obviously very proud of Feng Ziying's care about her body, "Hmph, who do you think I am? If you hadn't deliberately seduced me, you would have taken advantage of me and Jia Lian's quarrel. , I can't be fooled by you, I was stolen by you, do I really treat my aunt as a random person? I made up my mind a long time ago, except for you, no other man will want to touch me for the rest of my life,..."

   "I love to hear that." Feng Ziying opened Wang Xifeng's legs, and went to take off the loose underwear on Wang Xifeng's body, "Today, I'm going to clean you up in Haosheng, so you can taste how powerful I am..."

The body of Wang Xifeng, who gave birth to a child, became more and more plump and enchanting. Even after these two days of hard work, Feng Ziying still had an urge to die in this carcass. There is a problem with the mentality of stealing, but this woman's body is really different. Could it be that it is really the rumor in the world...?

  Master Zhang seems to have vaguely mentioned these things, but he didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking it was just a rumor in the world, so he didn't care, but now it seems that it may not be groundless.

No wonder Ping'er said that when Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were husband and wife, they threw away their helmets and armor every time, and they could be called a little whirlwind in bed. Later, they simply feared them, and would rather find women outside than touch them. Wang Xifeng died, and now Jia Lian married a wife and took concubines in Yangzhou, had a son and a daughter, and lived a very happy life. It can be seen that it is not because of Jia Lian, but because of Wang Xifeng.

Regarding the situation inside, Feng Ziying thought that she had to go back and find an opportunity to ask Master Zhang. It is rare to be happy in life. This sentence has a lot of meaning. I have come to this world with great difficulty, but I must not let it down. .

   Seeing Feng Ziying's gun and leaping horse with a murderous look, Wang Xifeng was also aroused by lust. Thinking that this parting will last for a long time, how could he bear it, so he took the initiative to take off his clothes, pouted his buttocks and raised his buttocks, and had another...

  Feng Ziying did not take Pinger back to the capital, but asked Pinger to stay in Tianjin for a few more days and come back when the time is right.

  The time for me to go to Shaanxi has not been set yet, but no matter what, I have to wait until I marry Daiyu and the others before returning to the trip.

  After going back, I have to talk to them, why I suddenly want to take Pinger to Shaanxi, and I have to smooth out what is weird here.

It is inevitable to think about Wang Xifeng, as Ping'er said, Yuanyang has long been suspicious of Sister Feng, and even guessed that Sister Feng has a big belly, so she escaped from the capital city by going south to the south of the Yangtze River, and asserted that Sister Feng If they didn't go to the south of the Yangtze River, they would probably hide somewhere near the canal to conceive and give birth. This mandarin duck is really "predicting things like a god".

  What Yuanyang can think of, those in his house may not think of it, at least they will be suspicious.

Fortunately, I am well known for my appreciation of Yuanyang and Ping'er, and I half-jokingly said in public that I would ask Wang Xifeng for Ping'er. At first, everyone took it as a joke, but later Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng reconciled, It's a bit interesting that the son has no home, that is to say, if he really follows him, it can be justified, but Wang Xifeng must agree to let him go.

  As for how to make Wang Xifeng suddenly agree to give Ping'er to herself, there must be a reasonable reason, and the matter of the cement workshop can be rolled out naturally.

  It seems reasonable for her to come forward to match her with the Shanshan merchants and help greet the locals in Tianjinwei. Of course, the price in exchange is to let Ping'er go with him.

  Under the weight of profit, Wang Xifeng agreed to the deal. Well, everyone knows that Wang Xifeng is a profit-seeking person and doesn't care about money, so he reluctantly agrees to go.

   But it is estimated that Yuanyang can't hide it from the girl. She knows one or two of the inside stories. Fortunately, Yuanyang is tight-lipped. Feng Ziying can trust such important matters related to the stability of the backyard.

  The days passed day by day, and the wedding date was approaching, and all kinds of trivial matters made the whole Feng family toss.

  This time is different from the previous ones, wives and concubines are married together, but the rules are different, the wives and concubines are brought into the mansion during the day, and the concubines are brought into the mansion in the evening, this rule cannot be wrong.

   Fortunately, Feng Ziying doesn't need to worry about these things, his mind is still on the court.

The situation in Shaanxi has also come back one after another. It is all bad news. The bandits are rampant, and the plague has not been brought under control. It has a tendency to spread to Shanxi. The Pingluwei in Baode Prefecture and Datong Town People with pimple plague appeared, which made the whole western part of Shanxi panic.

  The imperial court also realized that the situation in the west might be out of control. Fortunately, the battle in Shandong has officially started.

  (end of this chapter)

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