Number of People

Chapter 1934: The Renzi scroll opens up the frontier and expands the land, aiming at the Quartet

  Chapter 1934 Renzi Juan opens up the frontier and expands the territory, aiming at the Quartet

  Feng Ziying walked quickly into the office of the Ministry of War. As soon as she entered the room, she ran into Yang Sichang head-on.

  Seeing Yang Sichang's anxious face, Feng Ziying knew that there might be some bad news.

   "Weak, how are you?"

Yang Sichang couldn't help but waved his fist and thumped on the gatepost, "What kind of battle is Young Master Sheng fighting? The old city was defeated for three days, and it was dragged until Sun Shaozu's reinforcements arrived, and it turned into what it is now. Under the same circumstances, if you advance, if you cannot advance, if you retreat, you may be chased by the rebels, and You Shilu will be executed for misusing the country!"

Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning, Yang Sichang still had this kind of virtue, he was polite to Sun Chengzong, but he was contemptuous of warriors, he just called You Shilu by name, and he shouted and killed, and he would kill generals at every turn, even if he was Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong didn't have such a big temper either.

   "Wen Ruo, what's going on?" Feng Ziying asked patiently: "Didn't the juvenile Shenggong report the battle report first?"

"Young Shengsheng was also vague in the battle report. He guessed that he was afraid that the court would leak the news. He only said that he would launch an attack on the northern line first, observe the enemy's defense situation, and try to break through the front line of the old city and seize the old city to threaten Dezhou. How to fight, but did not mention, and said that there will be follow-up deployments..." Yang Sichang sighed, "It is said that Jizhen is an elite, good at fighting tough battles, and the old city is not a high-level town. Can't pull it out, how did You Shilu fight? Didn't everyone say that the You brothers are brave, is it because of their fame, or are they tiger brothers?"

  This Yang Sichang really has a bad mouth. No wonder he doesn’t have a good relationship with the Ministry of War. With such a virtue, how can he not be hated by others? At any rate, the You brothers were also promoted by their own father, so to slander them in front of him, their emotional intelligence is worrying,...

Feng Ziying shook her head, "I will not accept the fate of the general. Since Zhisheng Sheng has no other battle reports, it means that the battle of the old city is still under his control, so there is no need to make a fuss." Feng Ziying said flatly: "Just fight, it will be fine. It shows that young Sheng Sheng has already made preparations for war in all aspects."

  Yang Sichang heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded: "Ziying, what you said is also reasonable, brother Yu is a little impatient. But this battle has dragged on for so long, and the situation in Shanshan and Shaanxi is getting worse day by day, and the entire court can't sit still."

"Haste makes waste. The more you wait, the more you can't act hastily. Young Master Sheng still has some strength in this regard. Look at what he did in Sichuan. He has been there for a year or two. He didn't fight. Just train soldiers, even though they have no military exploits, the Sichuan Guards have trained well, otherwise how could Duke Fei Bai have such usable soldiers?" Feng Ziying said calmly.

Yang Sichang was a little dissatisfied. Xiong Tingbi played well in Bozhou, and he did have some relationship with the Sichuan Guards. Where is Xiangzhen's efforts? Jingxiang Town was created by his father.

"Ziying, the situation is urgent now, and young Sheng Sheng can't be a car, he has to take action, and the court can't afford it anymore." Yang Sichang looked at Feng Ziying and said: "Isn't Shuntian Mansion always saying that it can't support the front? Has your wife and supplies been supplied?"

  " These are two different things. Master Shuntian Mansion is duty-bound, but the supply of supplies is a matter of the imperial household department. Shuntian Mansion has no obligation to carry it. I am the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, so of course I have to speak out about my difficulties." Feng Ziying said frankly.

   This fight would be endless. Yang Sichang held back a sigh of relief. He didn't want to fight with Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying is also unwilling to fight with Yang Sichang. Now Yang Sichang is regarded as the best among the young scholars in Huguang, and the scholars in the north and the scholars in Huguang now share weal and woe. They are allies. It is a joke to fight among themselves.

   "Don't worry about Wen Ruo, young Sheng Sheng is good at military affairs, so naturally he has his arrangements. Let's sit in the rear and wait." Feng Ziying also took the initiative to ease the atmosphere, "As long as there is a fight, I think there will be a chance."

  Yang Sichang let out a foul breath and looked at Feng Ziying: "Ziying, where is your father? It's time to move."

   "I don't know about that. My father won't tell me about such things, just like the report of the infantry company's military department is vague, isn't it just because he is afraid of leaking information?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

"That's right, we can't keep anything secret in this court, so it's better to be more cautious." Yang Sichang waved his hand, "Go and do your work, I have to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Ministry of Criminal Justice's line in Shandong. People should be of some use at this time."

  Feng Ziying came to see Wang Yingxiong.

Wang Yingxiong has just returned from the southwest, and the Battle of Bozhou has been advancing for a while. Xiong Tingbi has achieved certain results and is steadily besieging and suppressing Yang Yinglong's Bozhou rebels. This also aroused the concern of the court.

   Wang Yingxiong should have reported this situation when he came back.

  When she saw Wang Yingxiong, Feng Ziying almost didn't recognize him.

  He has lost a lot of weight and is much darker, but he looks more energetic and energetic. This is the most tempered person on the battlefield. It seems that Wang Yingxiong has benefited a lot from the two years of tossing.

  He punched Wang Yingxiong **** the shoulder, Wang Yingxiong grinned, and punched Feng Ziying back, "I managed to escape with my life, why are you treating me like this?"

"You don't go out there to fool people, how long will it take for the chaos in Bozhou to subside?" Feng Ziying said unceremoniously: "Sichuan Weijun added Jingxiang Town, if Fei Baigong can't take it down, the princes in the court will not be able to sit down." Stop, you know the situation in Shanshan, you can't wait to see it."

Wang Yingxiong was silent for a while, as if he was calculating the situation, before he said after a long time: "If Wang Ziteng's Denglai army is blocked in Shizhou and east of Yongshun, then Yang Yinglong's death will be within two or three months. If he rushes westward at any cost, then Fei Baigong will have to draw out his troops to deal with it, and this will give Yang Yinglong a chance to breathe, and the other chieftains may also be ready to move."

Feng Ziying rubbed her chin, "How much power can Wang Ziteng spare in Huguang? Is he allowed to do whatever he wants in Huguang? The imperial court should have some demands on Huguang, instead of maintaining this weird peace like before. Nothing, this will damage the image of the imperial court."

Wang Yingxiong shook his head, "The Huguang district is unwilling to break face with Wang Ziteng and beat the Huguang district to pieces. Will it be so 'kind'? I don't think so, otherwise Huguang food may be transferred to Henan, especially near Henan, and the conflict between the two sides will intensify at that time,..."

"It's naive to place hope on this." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Wang Ziteng is a veteran, so he will not fail to understand the importance of this. The local gentry are short-sighted and only care about immediate interests. It is easy for both sides to find a boundary that everyone can accept. The imperial court was afraid that Huguang was in a hurry and let Huguang invest in Nanjing, so it was also a mouse-hunting weapon, which led to this situation. After all, the imperial court’s situation is not good, which will make Huguang lack of confidence. It still depends on the outcome of the battle in Shandong .”

  Feng Ziying's sharp point made Wang Yingxiong speechless, but he had to admit that Feng Ziying looked at the problem more deeply, and his own judgment was a little simpler.

   "Okay, this kind of thing is not something you and I can change, we just do our own thing." Feng Ziying patted Wang Yingxiong on the shoulder.

"Are you going to Shaanxi? Dazhang, Yuxuan and Boya all went to Shanxi, and Mengzhang and Luyou went to prefectures and counties. It seems that the subjects of Yonglong five years in Qingtan Academy will eventually have to go We're going our separate ways." Wang Yingxiong sighed.

"Good men aim everywhere, and this is also the fate and responsibility of our generation." Feng Ziying encouraged the other party: "The Bozhou Rebellion will not last long, it is not the main battlefield, you will come back sooner or later, with the experience of the Bozhou Rebellion, It is much stronger than you in the Ministry of War, and you can be alone in the future."

"I really want to go to Ganning. I heard that the imperial court even gave up on Hami and Shazhou?" Wang Yingxiong said cheerfully, "When Jiangnan is settled down, I plan to take the initiative to apply to go to Ganzhou. It is best to follow Ban Chao's example. Going to the Western Regions, there is no reason why a big man can do it, but we Dazhou can't do it?"

Feng Ziying also appreciated Wang Yingxiong's idea, "Feixiong, good job, it was done by the men who opened up the territory. The Western Regions are the homeland of our country. Since the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the rule of the Ming Dynasty was weak, and the imperial court was also powerless. We must go to the south of the Yangtze River, you and I, brother, make a good plan, and we must bring all of Xijiang into the imperial court."

"Then it's a deal." Wang Yingxiong and Feng Ziying swear by high-five, "I'll be waiting for you, and it's better that you can be the governor of Shaanxi for a longer time. If you want to manage Ganning, you can't do without the support of Shaanxi. "

  By the time she returned home, Feng Ziying was still full of emotions. The students around her were full of enthusiasm and looked forward to making contributions, but it was a pity that the court fell into civil strife.

Reminiscent of the beginning of the 17th century, which was the late period of the Age of Discovery, Western colonists came in droves, and the whole of Nanyang was slowly but irreversibly falling into the hands of these Western colonists, and he had just been passed down from the Fujian Navy. According to the news, even Japan, the small country, has attacked Ryukyu. It is said that the Satsuma clan suddenly sent troops to Ryukyu with the support of the shogunate. They have taken the Ryukyu king Shangning, Wang Junchen and others abducted, and they have not been released yet. This also makes Feng Ziying Feeling the urgency of the situation more and more.

  (end of this chapter)

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