Number of People

Chapter 1937: Renzi Juan forces the palace, seek the solution

  Chapter 1937 Renzijuan forces the palace, solve it

Yuan Chun looked at Feng Ziying with a complicated expression. She understood Feng Ziying's confidence. It was not just as simple as Feng Tang, the leader of the Feng family, but the background of the entire scholar group. As one of the best, Feng Ziying naturally had this confidence .

   "Ziying, why did you ask me to cooperate with you?" After a long time, Yuan Chun said quietly: "Since you don't bother to get involved in the battle for the throne, why do you let me...?"

"Two reasons. Although it is the principle to share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, there are still many variables brought about by unexpected factors when it comes to individuals. It is like the period of the Supreme Emperor who has been in power for forty years. The prestige accumulated in the early stage is easy to say in the middle and late stages. It was the civil servants who were dissatisfied with his policies, but they were also difficult to contend with and could only compromise. This directly led to the difficult situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The extravagant spending in the south of the Yangtze River led to huge financial consumption, the corruption of officials, the barrenness and corruption in the northwest, and the poverty and corruption in the northeast. The predicament, the rise of the Jianzhou Jurchen, and the delay in the reform of the Southwest to return the land to a certain extent are all the evil results brought about by the Supreme Emperor, so we hope for a less stubborn emperor, which will also make the emperor and his officials more Get along well with…”

  Feng Ziying explained patiently.

  Yuan Chun's eyes flickered, "So, the princes in the court still haven't made a decision on who to choose as the successor?"

"Theoretically, the emperor is just in a coma. The emperor decides the succession, and the cabinet will give suggestions, but now the emperor is in a coma and can't see things, so he can only wait. Even if the princes in the court have some tendencies, they will not show it easily. , in this situation, everyone still has a chance. If the emperor really can't wake up, then it must be the cabinet princes and seven ministers who decide who will succeed, but if the emperor can wake up, then the cabinet can only make suggestions The power, the decision-making power still rests with the emperor, so the princes will definitely not give up at this time, and their mothers and concubines can't just let it go."

Feng Ziying said it very easily, which made Yuanchun very uncomfortable. Such a matter was related to the change of the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he said it lightly, and his tone seemed to be full of indescribable calmness. Thinking about those few people in the palace, they would be so noisy because of the slightest trouble, like hedgehogs, ready to fluff their spines at any time, trying to deal a fatal blow to each other.

  Compared with these two, Yuanchun actually felt an indescribable sense of exhaustion and loss. It seemed that everything he had pursued and fought for before seemed so ridiculous, and in the eyes of others, it might be an insignificant matter that had nothing to do with the overall situation.

   At this time, it was difficult for Feng Ziying to fathom the complicated changes in Yuan Chun's mood. He could only roughly feel that Yuan Chun seemed to have suddenly lost interest, and his spirits were quite depressed, but he didn't know the reason.

"I understand. The princes in the cabinet will not express their opinions easily. If the emperor can't wake up, then they will continue to fight relentlessly. But aren't the princes in the cabinet afraid of affecting the stability of the court?" Cheering himself up, he asked with some hope.

It's just that Feng Ziying didn't seem to be aware of it, and said to himself: "Affect the stability of the court? Why do they affect the stability of the court? They really have this ability, so they don't need to rack their brains to fight for the position of supervisor. Let's take a look at this What exactly is the position of supervisor in the court? It’s just a clay puppet for display.”

   Contempt tinged with disdain, the straightforward words made people tremble, but Yuan Chun knew that this might be the truth.

   "Since that's the case, what else do you need from me?" Yuan Chun said a little lonely.

"Qiu Shi'an talked to me, and I think it makes sense. Maybe I don't care too much about it, but from the perspective of Feng's family and my father, maybe we need to think more long-term. After all, my father is a general. , and in charge of the army, once the rebellion in Nanjing is quelled, the Northwest Army may lose its meaning in the eyes of the princes, and it may be eliminated, using various methods to weaken this army, so that the princes in the court can Don't worry." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

  Yuan Chun was startled, his eyes searched on Feng Ziying: "Ziying, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you understand, Miss?" Feng Ziying had said so many heart-breaking words before, so she naturally didn't care about this point. "The interests of the Feng family conflict with my identity, or my father's identity. It is somewhat contradictory to my identity. I am a civil servant with a bright future. My father is a warrior, and now he is an extremely powerful minister. Once Jiangnan is settled, the imperial court will definitely weaken the power of the warriors. Not only for my father, but also for all warriors. My father I definitely want to retain more power as much as possible. People, sitting on the position of governor, with a lot of soldiers and horses in hand, naturally hope to do it for a longer time. I also want to give a hand to the brothers who follow me to fight to death. A better explanation, this will inevitably involve a game, a game of civil and military, at this time the emperor is very important as the arbitrator,..."

  Based on the current situation in the palace, Yuan Chun, as long as she is not too stupid, she will understand that anyone's thigh she hugs can only be a **** in place of a dead ghost.

Whether it is Su Lingyao or anyone else, they will only regard her as a role that can be sacrificed at any time. She just uses these words to inform people. Believe it or not, she will definitely not get half of the benefits, that's all Simple, because of his identity, Yuan Chun can only be a role like a stepping stone.

  Jia Yuanchun's heart skipped a beat, is the Feng family planning to rebel? It seems that it is not, or I have misunderstood it.

Feng Tang wants to give an explanation to the people below, which can be understood as adding a layer of yellow robes to his body, so he can naturally give a better explanation to the generals below, but it can also be understood as wanting to win more benefits from the court for the people below Military generals, such as being knighted, such as being promoted, but the meaning in these words is so exciting that people can't help but think about it.

  Especially when Yuan Chun was in the palace, he was naturally more sensitive to such words.

  Calm down, Yuan Chun couldn't help but licked his dry lips, his voice became hoarse and deep: "You mean you want to influence the future emperor to make a decision that is beneficial to your father?"

"That's pretty much what it means." Feng Ziying smiled, "It's not a secret that can't be told. Everyone knows it. Even the ministers in the cabinet know that my father will definitely think so, and work hard towards it. My father Certainly not only working hard in the palace, but also lobbying the princes in the court, you must not be too naive to think that this is some kind of treasonous act, um, this is normal, people don't do it It is normal for my father to have such thoughts. The influence of the palace is only one aspect, and it depends on whether there is any prince sitting on the throne at that time. If it is still in the current state, it will not make much sense. The power to decide is still in the hands of the cabinet ministers."

  Feng Ziying's understatement and taking it for granted once again made Yuanchun feel unbelievable, and felt that her usefulness in the palace would be downplayed even before it was brought into play, which made her a little frustrated.

Yuan Chun finally calmed down. She realized that this world is really too complicated, and her understanding of the many disputes in the palace is still too superficial. The various battles in the palace are actually closely related to the outside world. It is a continuation of the game between the outside world. Whoever wins the position ultimately depends on whose views the outside court princes have the upper hand. The goal of the battle in the palace is mainly to establish a better image for the kings in the court. It is said that they can establish closer ties with the princes of the DPRK and China in terms of future governance and interest disputes, so that they can support each family.

Seeing Yuan Chun's changing expression, Feng Ziying also understood that she was greatly shocked by her perception at this time, so he could understand and comforted her and said, "Miss, many things are inextricably linked. Times have changed, and there are big variables here, so, plan ahead, since Qiu Shian is willing to come and work for me, I am also happy to see the results. For him, it can strengthen his ability in the palace and in the future. The influence around the emperor, I can also gain influence from it, this kind of benefit is mutual, why not do it?"

   "What about me? What role will I play? Where is my future?" Jia Yuanchun's tone became cold.

  This question is really difficult to answer, mainly because Feng Ziying doesn't quite understand where Yuan Chun's mentality has changed, or he is not sure what Yuan Chun wants now.

   It seems that Yuan Chun has already seen some things behind it clearly. It turned out that what she wanted may not be what she wants now, and her emotional outburst before proved this.

"It depends on you." Feng Ziying thought for a while and said, "If you still want to win a place in the palace and maintain your self-esteem as before, then with my support and Qiu Shi'an's help, it will be easy. I can do this, and I also hope that you can help me look at Qiu Shian. After all, I am a foreign minister, so it is not so convenient. Qiu Shian may ask me, but not all interests are the same as mine, so I need to grasp Find out if he will harm the interests of me and the Feng family on some issues."

"What if I don't want to be the original me?" Jia Yuanchun's breathing became a little short, his eyes became clearer and brighter, and he looked directly at Feng Ziying: "I'm tired of the life in the palace now, and I hate it from the bottom of my heart. I regret that I would accept it at the beginning. Arrangements at home, I just want a safer and more comfortable life, okay?"

  Feng Ziying was forced into a corner, and everyone talked about it, so what should I do? But now I don't have that much ability to cover the sky with just my hands, this is in the palace, no matter how Yuan Chun is not taken seriously, she is still a noble concubine.

  (end of this chapter)

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