Number of People

Chapter 1938: The Renzi Juan fixes Yuanchun, and the words soothe

  Chapter 1938 Ren Zijuan fixes Yuanchun, speaking skills to appease

   Seeing Feng Ziying groaning silently, Yuan Chun's heart full of anticipation and apprehension fell from the sky again.

Of course she knew that her idea was a little unrealistic, and she also knew how difficult and risky it was to achieve her goal. Even now, Yuan Chun hadn't thought about how to achieve this goal, but simply felt that Feng Ziying is omnipotent and seems to be able to solve all problems before her.

Feng Ziying "subdued" Qiu Shi'an, and even proposed to herself by holding the piano that she could be used by him and do things for him in the palace. From the heart, this not only did not anger her, but even made her give birth to Feng Ziying. Up to this point, a twenty-year-old foreign minister actually stretched out his hand into the palace and let the second servant in the palace use it for him to do important things that affect the change of the throne. Why can't he let such a skill Get what you want?

There are dozens of concubines in the palace, one concubine is just a few people, and later it became a decoration and a formality, and now I have been reduced to the most inconspicuous role in the palace, even if I disappear, I am afraid that it will disappear after a long time Bar? Jia Yuanchun thought about it not without extravagant hopes.

Jia Yuanchun didn't know exactly how to do it, but she believed that Feng Ziying might be able to do it. Long Jinwei had a close relationship with him, and the three relatives were unwilling to offend him. Even the princes were flattering him now. Ability, may not be impossible to realize your dreams.

"Miss, do you really want that kind of life?" Feng Ziying took a deep breath and said slowly: "I'm afraid you need to understand that the safety and comfort you expected may not be as beautiful as you imagined. Identity, how difficult it is to change a living environment, and what kind of situation you will face in the future, I am afraid you need to take these into consideration."

  Feng Ziying did not explain, but Yuan Chun believed what the other party was referring to, and the other party did not categorically reject it, which made her feel ecstatic. Of course, she was also aware of the other party's reminder.

"Ziying, I've been in the palace for ten years. I'm afraid you don't understand how I feel about the cold and warm wind and rain in the palace. I've had enough. Maybe there are some new things that can temporarily attract people. , but when you calm down a little bit, you will feel bored, bored and boring, and sometimes you even feel like a fish waiting to die in a dry well."

The Yuanchun Furong Yudi who was involved in this matter floated a touch of red, "I know that if I can go outside the palace, I may lose my current identity and even have to hide my name, but the world is so big, where can't I live? I lived for the Jia family, but now that the Jia family has been destroyed, what else can I look forward to? In this way, I spent my whole life in the cold palace waiting for the sunrise and sunset every day, and then the beauty faded away. In this life, there are even memories worth looking at Nothing, life like this, what's the point?"

   Now that we have talked about this, what else can Feng Ziying say, and if he wants to say more, it will be prevarication.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying finally faced this problem squarely: "Miss, you can go out of the palace now, but there are all procedures in the palace when you go out. I will let it go, and I have no ability to obliterate your whereabouts, so this matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Seeing that Feng Ziying was finally willing to touch on substantive issues, Yuan Chun finally relaxed and smiled, "Of course I know that, don't you want me to do things for you in the palace? If I'm useless to you, are you Are you going to give up on me directly? Or, are you simply lying to me?"

This sentence is full of light and playful taste, coming out of Yuan Chun's mouth, it makes Feng Ziying a little dumbfounded, especially when there was lightning and thunder just now, but now it's raining and sunny, and even a little bit of joy and surprise Meaning, the eyes flicker, the brows are affectionate, and I don't know if I am delusional?

Coughing dryly a few times, Feng Ziying felt that Yuan Chun was a bit out of his mind, and the words he asked made her feel a little overwhelmed. The meaning in these words was too rich, and even a bit provocative. Is this the Xiande concubine who has been in the palace for many years? Even though Feng Jia and his family are family friends, and I have some ambiguity with her that I can't explain clearly, but Feng Ziying still can't stand it when she asks the core directly.

Seeing that Feng Ziying used a dry cough to cover up the panic in his heart, Yuan Chun was even more proud. Maybe it was because the emotions of resentment, fear and near collapse were completely released at this moment, and Yuan Chun's mood became extraordinarily relaxed, even a little out of the ordinary. Unrestrained indulgence, coupled with the fact that there were only two of them in the room, a certain kind of strange emotion permeated the air, and even the normally graceful and dignified temperament became a little bold and presumptuous.

"Why, dare not answer this question, or feel that you can't answer? Or are you just bluffing?" Yuan Chun took a step forward, his eyes were burning, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Feng Ziying's plump and delicate cheeks were only two feet away. The individual's body is almost parallel to each other, and the breath can be heard.

  The other party's provocative expression seemed so presumptuous in Feng Ziying's eyes, especially the upturned smile at the corner of his mouth, which was indescribably provocative.

I have to say that once the dignified and self-respected image in my mind is broken through and changed, it suddenly becomes lively and even a bit provocative, and the visual impact it brings is quite lethal, especially this Yuanchun With her hands behind her back, her upper body leaning forward slightly, her beautiful dimples are oppressing the frost and snow, her bright eyes are gazing, her red and plump lips are bursting with heat, and her full and firm chest is outlined in a bright yellow palace dress, which makes Feng Ziying's heart flutter for a while. Intoxicated.

   You sent this to your door to provoke yourself!

  Feng Ziying only felt that this sentence was the last imprint in her mind, and then the rude behavior replaced everything.

Amidst Yuan Chun's surprised and coquettish cry, Feng Ziying brazenly hooked the opponent's soft waist with his hands, and pulled towards him. Caught off guard, Yuan Chun staggered a step and fell into Feng Ziying's arms. Under Yuan Chun's horrified gaze, Feng Ziying had already Without hesitation, they leaned over and pressed down with their probes, skillfully prying open the extremely unfamiliar sandalwood mouth with their spirit tongue, and they kissed together suddenly.

  Yuan Chun only felt his skin go numb for a while, his body was about to convulse, and his mind went blank.

After living for more than 20 years, her feelings are almost blank. Although after becoming a concubine, the palace servants also brought some spring paintings and clay sculptures, but those are just the most simple and rude professors. In fact, she is completely ignorant I understand, as for feelings, since she entered the palace, she has almost never had the chance to contact other men besides the Jia family in the ten years now.

Of course, Feng Ziying is an exception, Emperor Yonglong can be ignored, and the endless disgust left to her by people like Shou Wang, it can be said that all her beautiful longings for men are gathered in Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying also has it. All the most beautiful halos, because all the news she can come into contact with has shaped Feng Ziying into a perfect man, and Feng Ziying's marriage to her cousin made this man and herself unstoppable. Also messy relationship.

Yuan Chun's previous provocations were more like a confession, but now Feng Ziying is "fighting back" in such a way, which greatly exceeded Yuan Chun's expectations, but there is also a faintly imperceptible joy hidden in this horror .

For the "younger" Yuan Chun, Feng Ziying is really a veteran. He easily "destroyed" Yuan Chun's defense line, and completely lost the ability to resist Yuan Chun, who was in a state of ignorance. Yuanchun's inner love of spring, although it seems so clumsy and unfamiliar, but the outbreak in this specific environment still makes both of them fall into a kind of confusion, until Feng Ziying opened Yuanchun's skirt, went deep into it, and explored Yuanchun. When he was full and proud, the coolness brought by his exposed chest made Yuan Chun suddenly wake up.

   "Ah?!" Subconsciously pushing Feng Ziying away, Yuan Chun, who was full of shame and indignation, covered his skirt with one hand, and pointed at Feng Ziying with the other, "You..."

Feng Ziying was also taken aback by Yuan Chun's sudden outburst. For a while, he didn't understand why Yuan Chun reacted so strongly, but he soon understood that the other party hadn't adapted yet. Well, the role adjustment, she no longer It's the imperial concubine, but a weak woman in the palace who needs comfort and help, a woman who has lifted the veil of ambiguity and is admired and liked by him.

Before Yuan Chun's second words came out, Feng Ziying had already stepped forward and reached out to hold Yuan Chun into his arms again. Yuan Chun struggled unsuccessfully and glared, but Feng Ziying looked calm, "Big girl, maybe we should have a good talk." Talked."

   "What are you talking about?" Yuan Chun was ashamed and frightened, but he couldn't break free from Feng Ziying's tiger arm, biting his cherry lips tightly with his silver teeth, and breathing heavily.

"Talk about our future affairs." Feng Ziying is also sorting out her thoughts. She has come to this point. If she doesn't give an explanation, it seems that trouble will easily happen. Yuan Chun is still panicked and shy at this moment, and it is hard to Think calmly. If you really want to calm down, you will definitely have to ask for an explanation. Why don't you take the initiative to attack and guide the other party's thinking to follow your own, and you can also seize the opportunity.

"What can we do in the future?" Unable to break away from Feng Ziying's hug, and seeing that Feng Ziying didn't make any other excessive moves, Yuan Chun felt at ease, and a strange feeling slowly emerged again, just now Feng Ziying's behavior also implied What, I seem to have not figured it out for a while.

   "About you and me, what should we do in the future..." Feng Ziying felt that the other party's struggle was not so intense, and she was certain in her heart, and she was also finalizing the topic. "For example, how did you leave the palace, when did you leave the palace, what will you do after you leave the palace, what will you do..."

  (end of this chapter)

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