Number of People

Chapter 1946: Guizi scroll bridal chamber flowers and candles, what more can a husband ask for

  Chapter 1946 Guizi scroll bridal chamber flowers and candles, what can I ask for

  Feng Ziying never hesitates to reward those who can faithfully serve her.

The capital is an indisputable place for the development of Jianghu sects, not only because the capital has sufficient and rich interests, but also because its status and influence are unmatched by other places, so whether it is Shaolin Wudang or other northern sects , even some sects in the south of the Yangtze River have to get involved in the capital and show their existence in the capital. Only by having a place in the capital can it prove the status of this sect in the Jianghu in Dazhou. Otherwise, you can’t call it a national Grand sect.

   Shaolin is developing steadily in the capital, but it faces strong competition from several local sects in Shuntian Prefecture, so Li Guibao took great pains to enter Feng Ziying's circle.

   Now that Feng Ziying considers that she is about to leave Shuntian Mansion, she should give back to those who worked hard for her.

The disciples of Shaolin laymen, from the third class of yamen servants to their own guards, have helped him collect information and maintain law and order in some counties and counties. It is natural to give support, otherwise, who will believe in themselves and work hard for themselves in the future?

Feng Ziying can now take it for granted that these affairs are arranged according to the employment orientation of this era. The power of the Shuntian government office is not small, and it can also support and support these Jianghu sects in many ways. In the future, I will definitely return to the capital. So if you give support now, you will also have contacts in the future, and you will also help and support each other.

Feng Ziying could see the hard work of Li Guibao and his group. In order to prevent accidents, he began to carefully and secretly clean up along the line a few days in advance. Follow up and check, especially the movement of the group of White Lotus Sect, you must be clear about it, to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Feeling grateful for the efforts of the people below, Feng Ziying also regretted leaving Beijing for Shaanxi, but he also knew that he had to take this step. In Shuntian Mansion, he could only stop at Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister. If he wanted to take the next step to succeed Yin It is absolutely impossible, Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe will not agree, their qualifications are too shallow no matter what, if they can do a good job as the governor of Shaanxi, then they may not be able to kill their carbine in the future, but until that time At this time, is it still necessary for him to return to Shuntian Mansion?

   What's more, going to Shaanxi is also a key step in his future career and the fate of the entire Feng family. The Shanshan Society is a very important rear base.

Although Shaanxi is barren and bitterly cold, it includes four of the Nine Dabian Towns. My father has already laid a military foundation here, and I will manage it from the civil affairs. This place may become the future of the Feng family. Compared with Ji Liao, Feng's basic position is much more stable, which is equivalent to the second basic position of the Feng family outside of Datong.

The crowd swarming in front of her has already begun to greet her. Feng Ziying put aside those thoughts, and a smile appeared on her face. A servant had already taken the reins of the horse, and Feng Ziying got off the horse. , Feng Ziying has already gone through this process twice, but she is familiar with it.

  Going all the way to the inner house, Feng Ziying looked at Li Wan, who was more charming than usual, who was dressed in plain clothes, her heart fluttered slightly, but she held Li Wan's catkins and arms with her hands, and squeezed, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Li Wan's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced around subconsciously, but no one was paying attention, and he couldn't see anything through his wide sleeves. He glanced at Feng Ziying with a half-smile, this heartbroken man still has the heart to tease him, Man Said: "Brother Keng, it's still early, the two beauties inside are waiting impatiently."

   "I also want to come early, but I have to follow the rules." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Sister-in-law's red blouse is really beautiful, with apricot color inside, full of spring,..."

Li Wan was startled, and almost made a sound. He gave Feng Ziying a bitter look, and lowered his voice: "Brother Keng, when is this time, but you still want to say such shameless words? Listen, do you want me to die?"

   "Hehe, that's my slip of the tongue." Feng Ziying bowed seriously, "Sister-in-law has worked so hard this time, and it will definitely pay off in the future."

Hearing that Feng Ziying seemed to be a little punned again, Li Wan's cheeks were hot, her face was tender red, and her beautiful eyes were streaming, "Brother Keng, please do it yourself, this Lin girl and Miaoyu, plus Xiuyan married, You now have three wives, two concubines, and four concubines, not counting Qingwen, Siqi, Xiangling, Jin Chuaner, etc. You should carefully consider it yourself, and don't ignore it like before. ,..."

Li Wan's words made Feng Ziying couldn't help smacking her lips, "Sister-in-law, are you warning me, or reminding me that I once whipped a famous horse because of drunkenness, and I was afraid that I would miss the beauties, but I have come to this point No, why? I can only bite the bullet and go on.”

  Li Wan was even more shaken by Feng Ziying's scoundrel words. He could only stamp his feet and shake his sleeves in resentment. He didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed.

  At this time, Zijuan and Xueyan also came out to greet her, Feng Ziying stopped teasing Li Wan, and followed Li Wan, Zijuan and Xueyan into the courtyard gate.

After the ceremony and a simple lunch, the two newcomers were welcomed into the sedan chair. The rule at this time was that Feng Ziying could not meet Daiyu and Miaoyu. Li Wan sent the two girls to the side of the sedan chair and entered the sedan chair. Then Feng Ziying led the way on a horse and welcomed the two daughters into Feng's residence.

The weather was just right, Feng Ziying also returned all the way, and the two sedan chairs followed all the way quickly surrounded by everyone. Although Feng Ziying also tried to keep a low profile, many people still knew that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan married a wife. Compared with the first two marriages of Feng Ziying It was much more lively, after all, the three-bedroom concubine was rare in the capital city, especially for a celebrity like Feng Ziying.

People always take the titles on the gold list and the wedding candles as the big joy in life, especially those who have just won the Jinshi and are arrested by the list, followed by the newlyweds. It's an ordinary story, and he doesn't need to use this method to attract people's attention.

  Back to the mansion, it was already full of voices, and the guests arrived one after another.

Marriage in this era does not always come to eat a table in a restaurant like in later generations. More often, they come to the door to give gifts, say a few words of congratulations and then leave. He will stay to help greet and receive guests, and he will be busy until night, and then he will have a simple meal at the mansion and send the bride and groom into the bridal chamber.

Feng Ziying's marriage can be regarded as the last time to marry a wife. Fang Youdu and Xu Qixun who are in Beijing are definitely coming, and former playmates like Han Qi and Wei Ruolan have all acted as helpers. Both Yan and Fan Jingwen wanted to stay and help, but because of their superiors, they could only come to congratulate them and act as guests, instead they couldn't let go like Fang Youdu and Xu Qixun.

  Elders like Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and Guan Yingzhen basically sent people to give gifts to their homes, and they were not present. This is also a common practice.

Even so, the gates of Feng's mansion were crowded with spectators, hoping to witness the happy event of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's wedding. There is a story about four-rank officials who want to get married.

The noisy banquet finally kicked off, and Feng Ziying also had the urge to have fun. He seemed very rational and restrained in the previous two marriages, but this time he knew very well that it was the last time in his life, and after getting married, it would not take long. I am leaving Beijing.

Not many guests stayed, just five or six tables of people, most of them were my classmates in the Academy, colleagues in the Imperial Academy, Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, and old relatives and friends of the Feng family in Beijing. They are not that familiar, and they don't have many contacts in normal times, but when this kind of marriage is a big event, these people will be there without exception. This is the influence accumulated by the network.

Once the wine is released, it will be a bit difficult to control. Even if the alcohol strength of this era is far less than that of later generations, but the equivalent reaches a certain level, and if you want to relax, Feng Ziying will soon fall into a kind of ecstasy. status.

But even in this state, Feng Ziying also felt that she was sober. For example, he also knew that Yuanyang and Heping'er should arrange for someone to bring Xiuyan back in a sedan chair. Being able to accept Xiuyan into the door at this time is considered a kind of courtesy to Xiuyan. If you change to another house, maybe you can just come back tomorrow and silently accept it and let it go.

  Feng Ziying was almost helped into the bridal chamber.

   It was the first time he was so drunk, especially on the wedding night, which was undoubtedly a bit of a mistake.

  But he wants to get drunk, at least a little drunk, only this kind of drunk can make him relax to the extreme, and he can no longer have all kinds of worries and fetters when he is sober.

  How many times can one get drunk in life, especially when marrying Daiyu, at this moment he even felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, with Baochai in his arms and Daiyu in his hands, what more could a husband ask for?

The moment Feng Ziying stepped into the bridal chamber, Feng Ziying felt that the entire time and space seemed to slow down, and she suddenly regained clarity. Although her body was still a little erratic and weak, her thinking was exceptionally clear. The scene in front of her seemed to have already happened. Shen Yixiu, Bao Chai, now it's Daiyu's turn.

  The hijab is lowered, the red candles are bubbling, and the festive light and shadow are flickering in the room. Only the slender and quiet figure sitting in front of the bed looks so peaceful and peaceful.

  (end of this chapter)

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