Number of People

Chapter 1947: The Guizi scroll reveals the heart, the love of a lifetime

  Chapter 1947 Guizi Juan reveals his heart, the love of his life

At this time, Daiyu was far from the calm and peaceful appearance that Feng Ziying had seen. The sweat towel in her hand was almost soaked with sweat, and her whole body was trembling slightly, especially when she heard Feng Ziying's words. When the footsteps came in, his whole body was stiff and he was at a loss.

Although Li Wan had told Daiyu implicitly about the wedding night in the bridal chamber, Daiyu's mind was blank at this moment. A pair of painted clay sculptures of a man and a woman can't even remember what it was like.

Now her chest is not only the beating heart, but also the chest that is a little nervous and dry, and the back that is slightly sweaty. She doesn't know how to deal with all these, and can only wait passively and fearfully. happened.

Fortunately, Zijuan approached quietly at this time, helped her girl's arm, and eased Daiyu's nervous mood a little, "My lord, you have drunk a lot tonight, and I will wait for the servant to serve you a glass of sober up." Here comes the soup."

   This wedding night in the bridal chamber should not be drunk, that would be too spoiling for the scenery, Zijuan also made preparations early on, Yuanyang and Ping'er also reminded her.

"Well, let's go, I just happened to be talking to my sister for a while." Feng Ziying stabilized her mind, indeed drank a lot, even though her mind was clear, she was much more courageous, and her thoughts were erratic and erratic. , all kinds of thoughts kept coming out of my mind as if uncontrollable, and even all kinds of memories in the previous life were drilled out.

   Zijuan backed out knowingly, and Feng Ziying finally sat beside Daiyu.

The hijab covering Daiyu's head trembled slightly. Feng Ziying was both excited and curious. He couldn't imagine what Daiyu's state of mind was like at this time, so he just sat aside without taking off Daiyu's hijab. Instead, he held Daiyu's hand and looked out the window, as if recalling: "Brother Yu can still remember the first time he saw his sister in Linqing,..."

   Daiyu's heart trembled, her hands trembled too, but she didn't make a sound, but her heart was full of joy, anticipation, and some apprehension.

She really wants to know what kind of impression she has in Brother Feng's mind, and why Brother Feng likes her. Compared with Sister Shen's scholarly family, who is talented and talented, Sister Bao is graceful, generous and elegant, Daiyu thinks Although I can't say that I am an ugly duckling, but no matter from which aspect, I am more like a little girl who hasn't opened her eyes.

And there are rumors outside that Brother Feng seems to prefer that kind of plump and enchanting women, not to mention sisters Youshi, even Sister Bao and Second Sister have such graceful appearances, but look at my figure, Rao is Dai Yu has always believed that Brother Feng's liking for her will not change because of her figure, but she still has some sensitivity and low self-esteem in her heart.

   "My sister's black diamond-like eyes pierced Brother Yu's heart almost at once. Brother Yu didn't know what he was thinking at the time, he just wanted to protect his sister. Brother Yu didn't pay attention to everything else,..."

"My sister's Wu Nong's soft words, brother Yu, are not unheard of, but it's just coming out of my sister's mouth, and I feel that it is very unusual. Some people say it may be love at first sight, and some people say it may be a destiny. I don't care about these , I don't believe in fate, I only believe in my own efforts. Since I met my sister, it is my hard work. My sister went to the Jia family in the capital. The family relationship between the Jia family and the Feng family is not as deep as it is now. All this is because the younger sister has become closer after going to the Jia family. Maybe someone in the Jia family has realized this, or they I didn't realize it, but I got used to it over time, thinking that this is the friendship between the Jia family and the Feng family, but it's not like that..."

  Daiyu was both ashamed and happy. She didn't expect that the Feng family and the Jia family were not so close. All of this became close because she came to the Jia family, which added to her inner satisfaction and pride.

"Brother Yu also knows that my sister's relationship with Jia's family is actually not very good. The servants think that my sister is aloof and aloof, not easy to get in touch with, and even a bit domineering. However, Brother Yu thinks that my sister is a true character. People live a lifetime and change according to the times. There is no need to carry it over to accommodate everything around them. It will only make you wear away everything that belongs to you, and then turn into a mediocre dead fish eye. ..."

  When Feng Ziying used a word that Jia Baoyu often used to describe those servants, Daiyu couldn't help but smile slightly.

It seemed that Daiyu under the hijab was amused by her words, but Feng Ziying didn't care. He took Daiyu's catkin and rubbed it, and continued: "My father-in-law is seriously ill, my sister is heartbroken, and brother Yu is also very anxious." , My sister's body is too delicate, especially her heart is fragile. If she is too sad, it will hurt her heart, so brother Yu also has to accompany her to the south of the Yangtze River. worried,…"

   "Later, the father-in-law unfortunately wandered away and entrusted his younger sister to Brother Yu, but Brother Yu was both disturbed and excited in his heart, and even got his wish..."

"Although the Grand View Garden borrowed so much money from the father-in-law to build it, Brother Yu felt that it was just what he wanted, because Brother Yu felt that a fairy like my sister should live in a fairy garden like the Grand View Garden, right? So That kind of money is just a thing outside of the body, if you spend it, you spend it, if the Jia family can't afford it, you can't afford it, as long as you agree, everything is not a problem,..."

  By being a bit drunk, Feng Ziying's words were also incoherent and confused, but the meaning in the words was clear.

  Lin Daiyu was in a trance for a while, isn't that what she is asking for?

She doesn't want anything else from Brother Feng, what she longs for is Brother Feng's love for her, to be completely different from others. She doesn't care too much about Brother Feng's marriage to Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai, Na Yingchun and Xiuyan, because what it pursues The most important thing is Feng Ziying's unusual feelings for herself, and today Brother Feng uttered the truth after drinking, which has fully explained all this.

Feeling that Daiyu's slender hand was holding her hand even tighter, Feng Ziying's heart was like a mirror, all of her heart was exposed, it hit the softest part of Daiyu's heart thoroughly, and also deeply aroused the other party's sympathy, And my own words are not empty words, they are all from the heart, maybe there are some exaggerated words, but there is no discount to the original meaning.

"Brother Feng, my younger sister understands that since the beginning of Linqing, my younger sister can no longer tolerate others in her heart. She has been thinking day and night, looking forward to today, and now her wish has finally been fulfilled..." Daiyu held Feng Ziying's hand , the tone became more and more gentle, "Little sister only hopes that I will never be separated from Brother Feng for the rest of my life..."

"It's a pity that Brother Yu will go to the Northwest soon,..." Feng Ziying's tone became more and more intimate, "However, if the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night? Brother Yu still has a lifetime to accompany my sister,... "

This remark moved Daiyu so much that she couldn't help but choke up, but it was a pity that through the hijab, Feng Ziying didn't lift the hijab until then, looking at Daiyu's exquisite dimple, like a fairy, especially Those smoldering brows and rippling eyes, sandalwood mouth and pink cheeks, make people fascinated.

  Such a scene made even Feng Ziying feel very touched, until Zijuan brought in hangover soup, and Feng Ziying swallowed it.

   "Girl, there are Miss Miaoyu and Miss Xiuyan over there, why don't you ask my uncle to go there for a walk first..." Zijuan is also a generalist, whispering beside Daiyu.

   Daiyu came to her senses at this moment, she let go of Feng Ziying's hand in shame, turned her face to the bed, and said in a low voice, "Zijuan, then go with Brother Feng quickly."

Feng Ziying sighed, it is true that this sentimental misleading beauty is true. There are more women around, and the love will become thinner when it is strong. No matter what, it is only one person, and the feelings will inevitably be diluted. Back then I feel that there are thousands of flowers and flowers, and I just want to see all the flowers in Chang'an and the spring scenery in one day, so that I will have regrets in the world, but now I have already felt all kinds of exhaustion and hard work brought about by this situation.

Miaoyu's small courtyard is next to Daiyu's, and in terms of area, it is only slightly smaller than Daiyu's main courtyard. Although she has mixed feelings about Miaoyu, today Feng Ziying also knows that she has to go there no matter what. Yes, fortunately, this is a big wedding. Rao Miaoyu has a weird personality, and at this time she is still waiting for Feng Ziying's arrival.

   After Feng Ziying left, she also went to cover her head, talked, and drank a glass of wine, and then let Miaoyu rest first, and went straight to Xiuyan.

  Xing Xiuyan didn't expect Feng Ziying to come to her so soon. She reasoned that she was just a concubine, and it was a very rare treatment to be able to accept herself while marrying a wife.

From this point alone, Xiuyan is full of gratitude to Daiyu, not just any old woman has such a big heart, everyone says that Daiyu is small-minded and narrow-minded, but from Xiuyan's point of view, it may not be absolutely.

Although I really want to talk to Xiuyan for a while, but today is not the time. Feng Ziying can only tell Xiuyan to take a good rest after saying a few words. It is a place of bitter cold, and if you go there, you may not be as relaxed as in the capital city.

  Xiuyan is also sensible, busy urging Feng Ziying to go back to Daiyu, she doesn't want to hate Daiyu because of these, not to mention that since she is going to go to the northwest with Feng Ziying, there will be too many opportunities in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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