Number of People

Chapter 1950: Gui character scroll wedding gift set, three rooms stand side by side

  Chapter 1950 Guizi scroll wedding gift set, three rooms side by side

After getting married, the bun needs to be combed into a woman's bun, and as the direct wife of a fourth-rank official like Feng Ziying, Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Daiyu are all ordered by officials, and this will be reported from the formal engagement The Ministry of Rites, and then obtained the imperial order from the Ministry of Rites.

As the imperial lady, both the hair bun on the head and the pearl hairpins used are different from ordinary women, and have special styles. For this reason, Xueyan has learned how to comb this kind of hair bun, so as to prevent being rude and overstepping the rules.

Zijuan's hands were busy on Daiyu's head, but her mouth didn't stop: "I don't know how to be considerate and sympathetic to the girl. I have asked Yinger and Xiangling about it, and Miss Bao never saw a girl like this when she was in the bridal chamber... "

  Daiyu blushed, and said weakly: "Okay, Zijuan, girls have to go through this. Brother Feng is very considerate of me. I am also too thin and weak..."

  Zijuan rolled her eyes and curled her lips, "The uncle also knows it, so he should be more considerate of the girl. Usually, the uncle is considerate of the girl inside and out of his words, so he doesn't care about the wedding night..."

  Daiyu finally couldn't help it, and said a little annoyed: "Zicuckoo, why is it not over yet? Don't I understand my own affairs? If you want to be sincere for my own good, just shut up."

   Zijuan saw that Daiyu was annoyed, so she kept silent. Daiyu also knew that Zijuan felt sorry for her. The **** white scarf did look scary, but which girl didn't experience this?

  Zhu’s sister-in-law also said that her daughter’s family is the first hurdle. After that, it’s easy. Even the child can be born. How can she be so delicate?

"Where's Brother Feng?" Daiyu saw that Tongjing had already put on her make-up, and her towering hair bun and pearl hairpin were swaying. Compared with her pretty and refined appearance, she was a little more feminine, and she was a little dazed for a while. .

"My uncle has gone to Miss Miaoyu and Miss Xing, and I want them to accompany the girl to my wife's place." Zijuan whispered: "My uncle may not be very satisfied with Miss Miaoyu, I feel that there is something wrong in his words." A little cold."

Daiyu sighed, "Sister Miaoyu has always been like this, Brother Feng may have thought that sister Miaoyu would change after going through a few twists and turns, but the result is still the same, so she must not be very happy. It’s taking time, since we’re now husband and wife, I’m sure Sister Miaoyu will gradually change.”

"On the contrary, Ms. Xing is quite knowledgeable and polite. She came here twice and was very respectful. She and Ms. Miaoyu have an irresistible relationship, so I should say something about Ms. Miaoyu." Zijuan shook her head, " Always like this, it will definitely affect my uncle's perception of our third room, although the girl is favored, but it can't always be like this, and the second room of the long room does not have such a problem."

Zijuan has already subconsciously started to think about the problem from the perspective of the three houses as a whole. The long house is dominated by Shen Yixiu, and the second house is Baochai and Baoqin sisters. Unpredictable, girl Xiuyan is smart but has an irresistible relationship with Miaoyu, and her own girl is fragile. Under such circumstances, how to protect the interests of the third room is really a long way to go.

Daiyu pondered for a while, "Take your time, sister Miaoyu suddenly wants to change her mind, I'm afraid there is still a process, but I believe she will gradually realize the truth, Xiuyan is an extremely intelligent I believe that she should see the future situation clearly. I am not worried about this point. Even Xiuyan in Miaoyu will try her best to appease and persuade her. Xianggong will be released soon, and Xue Baoqin is going there, she is also a scheming person who is used to playing tricks, and I am a little worried whether Xiuyan will be able to deal with it."

  Not worried about other things, but worried about this, Zijuan also sighed in her heart, her girl's dislike for Baoqin is extremely extreme, she always thinks of how to press Baoqin first, and can't let the other party take the lead.

   In Zijuan's view, Baochai is the biggest threat hidden behind.

  In the garden, Baochai and Daichai are the only ones who can be compared with their own girls.

   It's just that Baoqin is good at trying to figure out people's hearts, plus she has been wandering outside for many years and has a lot of knowledge. These aspects are quite suitable for my uncle's heart, so she suddenly became popular in the garden.

But Baochai was able to pull Baoqin into the camp at the last moment, and the sisters formed an alliance to join the Feng family. This move is what Zijuan thinks is the most powerful. In comparison, Baoqin's small tricks seem insignificant .

Zijuan still thinks that Shen Yixiu, the head of the house, is the one who really hides her secrets. Letting the wind blow and the waves hit her is better than strolling in the garden. This attitude of not changing and responding to all changes really makes her look superior. On this point Zijuan thinks that her own girls should learn a little bit, but her own girl's temperament can't be learned, and what my uncle likes may be her own girl's sensitive and delicate temperament. If I really want to be like Grandma Shen, I'm afraid It has become a painting of a tiger again, not like an anti-dog.

Feng Ziying took the three daughters to meet her mother and aunts, and it was quite satisfactory, so I still had to look forward to it, hoping that Daiyu's third wife would blossom and bear fruit soon, and Daiyu's three daughters also shyly agreed, so it was natural during this period of time Feng Ziying has to work hard too.

  Next, Daiyu took Miaoyu and Xiuyan to visit Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai, which was also what it should have meant.

  One family, three rooms, between sisters-in-law, the girlfriends who were once familiar, now have to re-understand their position and give them a new meaning because of the change of identity.

  Back from the big and small Duan's houses, Daiyu couldn't hold on any longer, and went to bed early to rest, which made Miaoyu and Xiuyan a little bit pale.

  Although they knew that their daughter's family had experienced this, they were still a little scared when they saw Daiyu's situation.

  Xiuyan is even better, after all, my mother taught me some knowledge in this area early on, but it was really scary for Miaoyu.

   After chatting with Daiyu in Daiyu's room for a while, both Xiuyan and Miaoyu realized that Daiyu was tired, so they took the initiative to leave.

  As soon as she went out, Miaoyu took Xiuyan to the Xiuyan house.

  Xiuyan couldn't figure it out, but seeing Miaoyu's anxious face, she didn't know what happened, so she followed her back to her room wonderingly.

Seeing Miaoyu's strange appearance of hesitating to speak, Xiuyan also found it funny, "Sister, what happened today, don't say that we are sisters now, just based on the relationship between us before, is there anything I can't explain?" Mouth?"

  Miaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the maids were outside, then stroked her hair on her forehead, pretending to be calm and said: "You also saw it today, why is Daiyu's situation like this?"

When Xiuyan heard this, she immediately understood Miaoyu's worry. She was a little shy but knew she couldn't avoid it, so she pretended to be indifferent: "Sister, don't worry, my daughter's family has suffered from this. Sister Daiyu is weaker. Just rest for a day or two, and it won't be like this in the future,..."

Miaoyu glanced at Xiuyan hesitantly, "Look at Daiyu's situation, she walks staggeringly, no matter how weak she is usually, she wouldn't be like this, I don't know what happened to her, why didn't the husband Be more sympathetic, isn't the husband-in-law especially in favor of Daiyu in normal times? Why is the wedding night so frustrating, making Daiyu..."

  Xiuyan sized Miaoyu up and down, seeing her bewildered face, she couldn't help but couldn't help laughing when she saw the other person's bewildered face. Could it be that this elder sister doesn't know anything about the relationship between husband and wife?

It is said that even though the two maids beside her, Baoguan and Yuguan, are inexperienced, the maids should inquire about it for their own girls. They should not teach by example, but should bring some words to Miaoyu. Why did Miaoyu say so? It sounds like you don't understand the doorway here at all?

But she never thought that Baoguan and Yuguan both grew up in opera troupes since they were young. They are not considered serious maids. If you have learned it, you will only do some chores with Miaoyu, and you are still far away from taking the initiative to share your master's worries.

Xiuyan also felt that Zijuan on Daiyu's side must be well-informed and expressive. Daiyu also has no father or mother. Tell Daiyu that Miaoyu has the same father as Daiyu anyway, shouldn't Zijuan communicate with Miaoyu?

   It's just that Zijuan thinks that Xiuyan and Miaoyu have an unusual relationship, and that they are taught by their mother, so most likely Xiuyan came to teach Miaoyu.

   Seeing Miaoyu sizing her up, Miaoyu felt a little faint, "What's the matter, Xiuyan?"

   "Sister, is it true that she doesn't know anything about these things? Does the sister know how to do it at the wedding night?" Xiuyan smiled.

  Miaoyu's face flushed red, and after a long while of coyness, she said: "Isn't it just that husband and wife sleep on the same bed and perform Zhougong's ceremony on the bed?"

   "Sleeping on the same bed and performing the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou, can sister Daiyu behave like that? Does the elder sister know how to perform the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou?" Xiuyan asked happily, looking at Miaoyu.

  Miaoyu was also a little puzzled, "I also don't understand why the husband and wife bowed like they hurt their legs, making it difficult for Daiyu to walk. Could it be that Daiyu's legs are being crushed?"

Xiuyan couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing out loud, she understood that this Miaoyu really didn't understand anything, and no one told her about this knowledge, if she didn't tell her, she would be I'm afraid there will really be a big joke in the evening.

It’s just that this kind of topic is a bit embarrassing for two girls who haven’t experienced such things, and it’s also embarrassing for Xiuyan. What my mother and I teach are private words that can only be spoken by a family. How can I tell Miaoyu clearly?

  (end of this chapter)

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