Number of People

Chapter 1951: Gui Zijuan, small memories after marriage, return to beauty

  Chapter 1951 Guizi Juan Xiaomei after marriage, returning to happiness

Seeing Xiuyan's strange smile, Miaoyu guessed that there might be something wrong with what she said, so she slapped Xiuyan's arm in embarrassment: "Damn Xiuyan, why don't you tell me quickly, he said he will rest in my room tonight, Mostly it is to perform the ceremony of Duke Zhou, but I don't know how to perform the ceremony of Duke Zhou,..."

  Xiuyan could no longer control herself, she leaned forward and backward with laughter, and Miaoyu laughed so hard that she was at a loss for what to do.

   After a while, Xiuyan could not hold back her laughter under Miaoyu's scuffle, "Sister, you are really too naive, you don't even know how the Duke of Zhou will behave this week?"

  Miaoyu's face was hot, and she shook her head: "I thought it was a couple praying on the bed, uh, or are there other etiquettes?"

Xiuyan could only cover her mouth with her hands, and her delicate body trembled wildly. She felt angry when she saw Miaoyu's face flushed, and then she said: "Sister, Zhou Gong's etiquette is not that good. Only after Dun Lun can have a child, can it be possible to have a child after exchanging prayers on the bed?"

Miaoyu also thought it was unlikely, but she didn't know the specific situation, so she could only cover her face: "Xiuyan, tell me quickly, Baoguan and Yuguan are also vague, they only know that they want to perform Zhougong's ceremony on the bed, the specifics How about it, they also faltered and couldn’t explain.”

  Xiu Yan's face was a little hot, she looked around subconsciously, and then said in a low voice: "Sister, such things are embarrassing, how can I say it?"

   Miaoyu was puzzled, "So what about Xiuyan...?"

   "My family..." Xiuyan stopped talking after half a sentence, "Then sister Daiyu didn't tell her sister?"

Miaoyu shook her head, "I didn't ask, Zijuan is probably making arrangements for Daiyu, but I don't want to go to Zijuan to ask more questions..., well, Xiuyan, you tell me quickly, otherwise he will have to ask for help tonight." Come here, I don’t even know what to do,…”

  Xiuyan sighed, she didn't know what to say for a while, she was still an inhumane woman, she just knew roughly what Zhougong's gift meant, but how could she teach it to Miaoyu? He could only vaguely say: "My sister just listens to my husband's orders. When I go to bed, my husband will do something. My sister just needs to obey my husband's words. If I want to take off my clothes, I just obey,..."

  Miaoyu was taken aback, "Undress? Undress?"

   "Of course." Xiuyan was not ambiguous, "Since the husband and wife are of the same body, they naturally share the same bed and sleep together, so they must take off their clothes and sleep together. My sister must understand this."

   Miaoyu seemed to understand but didn't understand, but when she saw Xiuyan, she seemed to be hesitant to speak. I guess there must be some things that are not easy to say to others, but who should I ask for such a private matter for a while? I just hate that my mother is not in Beijing, otherwise I can ask my mother a thing or two.

"Then Xiuyan, do you have written books or pictures on this subject..." Asking such words is Miaoyu's limit, she doesn't know what to do, even Xiuyan refuses to say clearly, There must be many oddities in it.

Xiuyan hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, she was passed down by word of mouth from her mother, where did she get any books and pictures, but she knew that because of the early death of Daiyu's parents, the Feng family called Zijuan For something, it is self-evident what it is.

"Sister, why don't you ask Baoguan Yuguan to go to Zijuan and ask about it, Zijuan must be able to understand." Xiuyan thought for a while before saying: "Forget it, let me go and talk to Zijuan Come on, Baoguan Yuguan is too young to understand these things, so I'll go talk to Zijuan."

Miaoyu was overjoyed, took Xiuyan's hand and said: "Then I will trouble you, Xiuyan, you also know that I know nothing about these things, my temperament is not attractive, and I don't bother to go If I am likable, people may not be willing to help me, and only my sister, you are my most caring person."

Xiuyan also felt a little bit, her best friend who grew up, although her temper is a bit weird, but her heart is not bad, she doesn't have much thoughts, and she doesn't have the intention of hurting others, that is to say, she has been a little surly since she was a child His temperament, coupled with not paying attention to the occasion when speaking, will become like this over time.

  Actually, when she was with him, she didn't feel that she had anything, but after getting used to it, she felt that she was straightforward and unscheming, and she was more confiding.

Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't know that she would leave Miaoyu confused by saying casually that she wanted to rest in Miaoyu's room. From his point of view, this was a very normal thing. In the room, Daiyu's ability to bear must also be considered, and Miaoyu is Daiyu's sister and concubine after all, so it is natural for him to stay in the other's room.

He just didn't expect that the whole family didn't expect that Miaoyu grew up in a nunnery, followed the monks to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha, and after she came to the capital, she lived alone all the time. The friendship between the girls is mediocre, and they have few friends except Xiuyan, and the two little maids assigned to her, Baoguan Yuguan, are also from small opera backgrounds, so they don't know anything about these aspects, so they don't do any work on these aspects at all. Prepare.

  In addition to Zijuan's negligence, she thought that Xiuyan would consider for Miaoyu, but she didn't expect that Xiuyan was also a girl of Huanghua, so she had the nerve to explain such embarrassing things for Miaoyu. , just made it like this.

  For Feng Ziying, the completion of the three-bedroom ceremony can be regarded as an end to a worry. After marrying Daiyu back home, he has an explanation to everyone inside and outside, and he feels at ease.

However, when Daiyu, Miaoyu and Xiuyan entered the mansion, the General Shenwu's mansion suddenly seemed a bit cramped. The maids, mothers-in-law and servants brought by the three of them, after all, there were twenty or thirty people, all of whom were arranged. On the side of the General Shenwu Mansion, the Shenwu General Mansion itself was relatively small at the beginning, because considering that Feng Tang was often away, and the Feng family was not as beautiful as it is now, the total number of servants in the mansion was only 30 to 50 people. It's different, it's already over a hundred, and the Hulunhou Mansion and Yunchuanbo Mansion over there often have people coming to say hello to Mrs. Duan, so it's even more lively and crowded.

The Rongning Second Mansion on Ningrong Street over there has always been there and has not been renovated. Even the Jia family in prison feels that under the current situation, it is impossible for the Jia family to return to the past, even if the Feng family does not take over. It was also bought by other people, and if it didn't work out, it would have to be split up and sold off, making it even worse.

  The Feng family bought it. Anyway, the Xue family sisters, Yingchun, Daiyu, Xiuyan, and Eryou in this inner house are more or less related to the Jia family, which is also a comfort.

  So after all the calculations, it is time to consider repairing the Rongning Second Residence and the Grand View Garden inside, so that it is time to move there earlier.

"Do you really want to consider moving there?" Rao Baochai has always been calm and indifferent, but when he heard that the new Feng's house would be renovated in the future, which is the collection of Hulunhou Mansion, Yunchuanbo Mansion and Shenwu General Mansion, he still let him go. She couldn't help being a little excited.

The time in the Grand View Garden should be the most relaxed, free and comfortable time for her as a girl. Playing carefreely in the garden with her sisters, reciting poems and painting, playing the piano and playing the flute, it can be said that every day is full of joy. Pleasure, although there are occasional small disputes or anger in it, but it adds a bit of fun, and it is even more memorable after thinking about it.

"Why, Baochai, are you still a bit reluctant to come here?" Feng Ziying picked up the tea and took a sip, "This place is still too urgent. Hulunhou Mansion and Yunchuanbo Mansion are slightly better, but General Shenwu's Mansion That side is too narrow, and even people like my mother who don't like trouble think it's a bit crowded, so it's time to think about it."

"It's not that I can't bear to part with it. Ningrong Street has been idle for so long, and it will take time to renovate. What's more, Xianggong may go there for a year or two. If these people in the family move there, what's the point?" Bao Bao Chai sighed softly, "If Xianggong is in Beijing, it would be a good thing for us to move there as a family. There is no longer any barrier between Jia's family, and even Lian's second brother agrees. It's just a matter of time." .”

   Jia Lian came back and also came to see Feng Ziying.

   But at that time, it happened that Feng Ziying was busy with official business, so he just talked for a while and left, saying to see you later, and it happened that Feng Ziying was going to marry Daiyu, so I made an appointment to come back after the wedding.

  Feng Ziying also has some regrets. It will take at least half a year to renovate Rongning's second house, but I will definitely not be able to come back for half a year, so whether to wait until I come back before moving or wait for my family to move first is also a matter that needs to be considered.

"Renovate it first, then we'll talk about it. As for when to move, it depends on the situation." Feng Ziying sighed, "I still miss the time when my sisters lived in the garden. Zhong Panhuan is also refreshing and lingering, so if there is such a chance for my sisters to return to the happy time a few years ago, it is knowing that time will not turn back, but it can bring us some aftertaste and souvenirs, that is also true. excellent."

Baochai was also a little moved, Feng Ziying's words touched her heart, when she lived in Hengwuyuan, Daiyu lived in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Yingchun lived in Zhuijin Building, Xiuyan lived in Luxueguang, Miaoyu lived in In Changcui Temple, Baoqin lives in Hongxiangpu, and of course there are people like Tanchun, Xichun, Xiangyun, and Li Wan, but after all, I, Baoqin, Daiyu, Miaoyu, Yingchun, and Xiuyan are still Being able to get together, plus the maids like Yuanyang, Ping'er, and Qingwen who were still there back then, this is really a bit of a return to the prosperity of the past.

Good memories are a yearning in everyone's heart, that's why there are so many gatherings such as graduation for ten, twenty, and thirty years. When talking about the past, you can always find the most beautiful scenes and make people reappear. .

  (end of this chapter)

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