Number of People

Chapter 1958: Guizi scroll saves death without any major difficulties, seek wealth in danger

  Chapter 1958 Guizi Juan

   After making a decision, Luo Dingbiao relaxed.

   There is nothing difficult except death. Instead of being stared at by Sun Shaozu all day long, it is better to fight back.

Since the old boss specially sent the Feng family to contact him, he naturally valued his usefulness as a gatekeeper in Linqing City. If this fight is won, the future is limitless, and prosperity is just around the corner.

Luo Dingbiao has been in Datong for so many years, and he is very aware of the influence of the Feng family in Datong Town. This is why Sun Shaozu has extremely strict control over the various ministries under his command. If he is not careful, he may be drawn over by Feng Tang. Terrible.

And I didn't have much ties with the Feng family all these years, so I was put in Linqing City, but because I wasn't considered Sun Shaozu's direct descendant, Sun Shaozu didn't feel relieved about himself, so the city guard fell to Zhu Yunqi In his hands, this is what makes Luo Dingbiao most dissatisfied. In a sense, this is also the reason why he accepted the olive branch thrown by the court.

Of course, there are other reasons why Luo Dingbiao is willing to give it a try. For example, he found that Niu Jizong was unable to take back Xiazhen after being captured by the Northwest Army. This made him realize the delicate situation in Shandong. The army caused tremendous pressure, and even made it unable to quickly recapture Xiazhen.

  For example, he inquired into Huaiyang Town and Chen Jixian was said to be indifferent to the capture of Xia Town. Even the Northwest Army launched a surprise attack through its defense line. It is hard to say what role this guy played in it.

  The key is that Nanjing is helpless against Huaiyang Town, which is unacceptable, because it means that Chen Jixian may change from an allied army to an ambush from behind at any time, and everyone is now observing the situation.

This also made Luo Dingbiao feel that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu's strategy of delaying and waiting for change may not be as smooth as everyone imagined before the end of the year. line.

   Wealth and honor are in danger, being a martial artist is to rely on life to fight for wealth and honor. Now that the Feng family has given him a chance, the chances of the court are obviously higher, so what are you waiting for?

   But having said that, if he gambled the other way around and dragged the incoming imperial army in, and killed him in one fell swoop, the imperial court might not have the power to attack anymore, right?

   I'm afraid that the commander-in-chief of Datong Town should be himself, right?

   Linqing suffered a setback and couldn't take down Shandong, and the Shanshan side became chaotic. Maybe this world really belongs to Prince Yizhong.

  Luo Dingbiao's face was complicated, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

  The time for Luo Dingbiao to make a decision was a torment for He Huchen.

  Before coming here, Sun Chengzong explained that there should be a chance in Linqing, but what kind of opportunity is unclear and uncertain.

It was only later that Feng Ziying forwarded Feng Tang's letter and told Nei Ying that this made He Huchen overjoyed for a while, but later Ali realized that there were also many uncertainties here, whether he would fight back or whether it was a bait, could not be determined. , but no matter what, such a possibility and opportunity must be seized, otherwise the price to be paid for storming Linqing City will be even greater.

  For He Huchen, this is also a gamble.

  In case the so-called internal response in the city is a bait, if your own part breaks in, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Not only will your own part be lost, but it will also be a fatal blow to the morale of the entire army.

  But He Huchen had already made up his mind, so he still had to give it a go.

Because it was worth a fight, the letter that made Feng Ziying turn over the matter seriously, he thought it was worth a fight, although he was not familiar with Feng Tang, but since he sold his life to Feng Ziying, he didn't need to think about it so much up.

  It was completely dark, and He Huchen remained motionless, sitting on the ridge and staring ahead.

  The army is still slowly advancing eastward, but there is no news from his own side. No matter how anxious he is, on the surface He Huchen is still calm.

  Two hours have passed, Li Li should have received news long ago, but there was no movement.

   There is no bad news, but there is no good news either.

   I wonder if this is an ominous omen? He Huchen couldn't help but think wildly.

   Regret it?

  That’s still a good thing, as a person, stay on the front line, and they didn’t lure one of their own party members into the city to cover up and kill them.

  Or didn’t agree at all?

   Or the situation in the city has changed, it was possible before, but it is not possible now?

  Can't help clenching his fists, He Huchen was about to get up and move his stiff body, when he heard the whistle from the other side of the forest, he was refreshed.

   Immediately afterwards, several people rushed over, "My lord, you are back."

   "Okay, how's the situation?"

  Hearing the other party's words with a bit of joy, He Huchen jumped up in his heart.

  After listening to the introduction of his subordinates, He Huchen slowly calmed down, asked some details repeatedly, and finally confirmed that there should be no major problems, and the best preparations were inside, but it turned out to be Luo Dingbiao.

Of course, He Huchen knew about the situation of the guards in the city and the distribution of the garrison. Luo Dingbiao ranked second in terms of troops and horses, and was stationed in the east. Binyang Gate, Weiwu Gate, Jingdai Gate and Dongshui Gate were all under his control. To the north is not suitable. Jingdai Gate is over there, because Linqing City is narrow in the south and wide in the north. If you enter Jingdai Gate and is blocked by the defenders in the city, it will be difficult to break through. Binyang Gate should be the most suitable here. Once a breakthrough is made, half of Linqing City will be taken down.

  But Luo Dingbiao actually wants to go to the east water gate by himself? !

  East Water Gate is located in a moderate location, but it is a waterway!

   If you want to go in through the waterway, you will naturally be slower, and the risks are obvious.

This means that there will be a section of waterway, at least a hundred steps away, even if there is a wooden raft as a pontoon, but this section of our side is almost defenseless. If our elites get on the pontoon bridge, they will become living targets and have no counterattack. Once it was a trap, a few barrels of black oil and a few rockets could turn hundreds of thousands of elites into scorched corpses everywhere. He Huchen shuddered at the thought of this.

   Could it be that Luo Dingbiao really designed a trap to trick himself?

  He Huchen kept rubbing his cheeks to calm himself down.

  Going through Dongshuimen is too dangerous. Compared with Binyangmen and Jingdaimen, no matter how you look at it, it is a trap, and it is a trap that has no resistance.

  The problem is that the time limit is so tight that there is no room for maneuver. Either take a gamble and risk your life, or just give up flatly, or rely on a large army to fight the battle.

  Risk always coexists with profit. He Huchen has long understood this, but at this moment, he feels it so deeply.

   Bet or not?

At this time, there is no time to look for other channels to verify the proof. If you want to take a chance, you have to go back immediately, urge the army to come over in the starry night, and take a risk. If you don’t want to take risks, you have to go back , Steady and steady, because this means that the defenders in Linqing City already know that their own army is approaching the city.

  He Huchen took a deep breath, stood up, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

  (end of this chapter)

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