Number of People

Chapter 1959: Guizi Juan Ziying's Conclusion, Xiuyan Questions

  Chapter 1959 The conclusion of Ziying on the Kui character scroll, Xiuyan asked the plan

  Just when He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were gearing up for a big fight, and the court's attention was almost entirely on the Shandong side, Feng Ziying was still leisurely enjoying the beautiful life of the newlyweds.

   After seeing off Jia Lian and teasing Pinger a bit, Feng Ziying felt much better.

Although the acquisition of Rongning Second Residence was obtained through the sale process after the court confiscated it, and even experienced some twists and turns before, it was first taken down by Shou Wang Zhang Chi, and later because of various reasons, Shou Wang Zhang Chi would rather give up the deposit and return the product Feng Ziying bought it after forcing the imperial court to resell it, but Feng Ziying still felt a little uncomfortable, and always felt a bit like a magpie's nest.

In particular, I was thinking about collecting all the red and colorful things and putting them all in the Grand View Garden. Perhaps outsiders would not think there was anything, and even Jia's family would think it was a good thing. But for Feng Ziying, Jia Lian's Expressing his attitude still made him feel more at ease.

   After all, Jia Lian is the helm of the Rongguo Mansion in the future, so his attitude represents the attitude of the entire Jia family.

   This also means that the entire Jia family has accepted this situation, and even thinks that this should be the best situation under the current situation.

Going to Shaanxi, the long room is Sanjie You and Qingwen, the second room is the master and servant of Baoqin, and the third room is Xiuyan. Feng Ziying also feels that it is almost the same. , Third Sister You and Xiuyan are concubines, which makes sense. If Baochai or Daiyu are really required to go with them, it does not conform to the rules of this era when a wife stays at the house and serves her parents-in-law.

  Daiyu also told Feng Ziying that Miaoyu could also go to Shaanxi with her, but Feng Ziying politely declined. Miaoyu's temper and arrogance met Baoqin's temper, which would definitely make her restless.

  Even Qingwen followed, and Feng Ziying was worried about getting into trouble with Baoqin, let alone Miaoyu, who had an even more eccentric temper.

   It would be good for Xing Xiuyan to follow along. He knows the general situation and takes the overall situation into consideration, and has a gentle and calm personality. I believe he can get along well with Baoqin.

   While thinking about it, Xiuyan took the initiative to ask for a meeting, which made Feng Ziying a little surprised.

At this time, if you want to say that it is not impossible to meet, but with Xiuyan's knowledge and understanding, how can you not understand that I must rest in Miaoyu's room tonight, and it will be her turn tomorrow, she will come to see me now , do you still want to be so arrogant that you can't let yourself rest in her room now?

   It shouldn't be so presumptuous, with her character and her relationship with Miaoyu, she wouldn't be so presumptuous.

   But at this time, what can't wait, to see yourself?

   Wanting to return home, Feng Ziying didn't neglect, and let Xiuyan in.

Seeing Xiuyan's flushed cheeks, with a bit of shyness in her delicate beauty, but without losing her generous and elegant temperament, Feng Ziying nodded secretly, choosing her to be a concubine is still the right one, far better than Miaoyu. grandma.

  Maybe inferior to Xue Baoqin in terms of shrewdness and ability, but definitely better than Baoqin in understanding the general situation and dealing with the world, which is exactly what my backyard needs most.

   "My concubine has met my husband." Xiuyan bowed slightly, wearing a red skirt, beaded hairpins inserted obliquely, clouds and ink on the temples, accompanied by undulating and swaying slender body, she is a stunning beauty.

   It was the first time that Feng Ziying looked at her concubine's room from a unique visual angle. To be honest, it was a bit fresh.

In the past, whether it was Eryou or Yingchun, he was familiar with these concubines before entering the Feng family, at least they held hands, hugged and even kissed. But now Xing Xiuyan is already a serious concubine of his own, but It's still a little strange, but he can feel from the joy and smile on the other side's eyebrows that the other side is still very satisfied and happy to be his concubine.

  Of course this also made him very happy. Who doesn’t want a girl who is willing and even full of joy to be her concubine, using force has never been Feng Ziying’s style.

   "Why should my sister be so polite? We are a family now, so being so polite makes my husband a little uncomfortable." Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "My sister must have something to do when she comes to see me..."

  Xiuyan blushed, a little coy, and hesitated to speak, which made Feng Ziying even more curious, why did she come to her for everything, why not feel embarrassed?

  Feng Ziying didn't urge her either. With Xiuyan's knowledgeable temperament, she would definitely come to see her for a good reason.

  After hesitating for a long time, Xiuyan mustered up the courage to explain her intention of coming.

After listening to Xiuyan's introduction, Feng Ziying was dumbfounded. He really didn't know that this woman Miaoyu didn't even know about Zhou Gong's rites. After a while, but it is impossible for a woman with a yellow flower to say these things too blatantly. It sounds like Miaoyu still half understands, so Xiuyan reminds herself so recklessly that if she really wants to I don't know the inside story here, maybe I really think that Miaoyu is pretending to be crazy and doesn't want to marry her, if I don't pay attention, I will break up unhappy.

Feng Ziying coughed a few times, and then asked: "Miaoyu has been separated from her mother since she was a child, and she has been following her teacher. It is possible that she really doesn't understand it, so that's all, but why didn't Daiyu and Zijuan teach it?" ?”

  Although Daiyu was shy last night, when Feng Ziying jumped into battle, Daiyu cooperated very well. Although her body was a little thinner, she was still harmonious, which was obviously taught by someone.

   A maid like Zijuan must know the knowledge of husband and wife dunlun. With her carefulness, why didn't she consider teaching it to Miaoyu?

Xiuyan shook her head, her brows were still extremely shy, "I don't quite understand this concubine, maybe my sister was negligent, Zijuan, or I thought I was familiar with sister Miaoyu, and I would give my concubine to sister Miaoyu... "

  Xiuyan didn't go on talking, the professor was really speechless.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, but she was still very happy about Xiuyan's worrying, at least it saved her from any accidents when she was resting in Miaoyu's room tonight, which would be really embarrassing or even embarrassing.

"I see, thank you sister for reminding me, but Miaoyu has a weird temper, I'm going to rest in her room tonight, Daiyu is not feeling well, Zijuan and Miaoyu are not that close, so this matter still needs to be resolved." If you want to fall on my younger sister, you might as well say some things clearly, Miaoyu is a few years older than you, just click a little, she may understand."

  Feng Ziying stood up and walked around leisurely, "I may wait for a while and go to Shaanxi. I think Daiyu has told you. Is my sister mentally prepared?"

  Xiuyan's face turned serious, and she nodded solemnly: "I know it myself, and I am prepared."

"That's good. I'm not traveling here, but suffering hardships. It's inevitable for you to follow me. To be honest, I don't want you to follow me, but if I take office as the governor, but I don’t even have a wife and concubine, and it’s hard to convince the court that I’m going to do things with a sinking body, and most people outside will think that I’m just going for a stroll, putting on a show, getting through my qualifications, and maybe I’ll be back in three to five months Yes, so I have to establish an image, so I will take the few of you on the road together, so as not to fall into the trap."

Feng Ziying didn't shy away from her thoughts, "Besides, when I went to Shaanxi, military and civil affairs in a province will inevitably be involved, and the situation in Shaanxi is special, involving the Mongols in three sides, four towns and even outside the side wall. Although I also have some staff and subordinates, some things, um, or involving local officials, may also need to deal with their relatives, so even in the back house, I also need one or two people who can help me,... "

  Xiuyan's eyes lit up, her **** heaved slightly, apparently a little emotionally agitated by the sudden news, but she quickly regained her composure: "With Sister Baoqin here, I can be myself..."

Before Xiuyan finished speaking, Feng Ziying waved her hand to stop: "The matter of Baoqin, the governor of a province is unusual, and the situation in Shaanxi is now difficult. After the severe drought, epidemics and rebellions spread everywhere. I am very unfamiliar with Shaanxi, and I don’t have much time to get familiar with it, so I need to open up the situation as soon as possible. Both Baoqin and you should help me deal with some things, and even take the initiative to do some things. Baoqin is shrewd. You are not as good as her, but you also have your advantages. When it comes to dealing with people, she is not as good as you. You should make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses..."

It was the first time for Xiuyan to hear Feng Ziying's evaluation of herself in this way, and she even compared herself with Baoqin. She was even more excited, especially when she thought of going to Shaanxi as Feng Ziying said. , I may have to take on the duties of the governor's family with Xue Baoqin, and may also be involved in dealing with other officials' wives and concubines in Shaanxi Province. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for me.

  Xiuyan knew that she came from a small family, and she didn't understand the powers and responsibilities of the official family. In this regard, she was not even as good as Xue Baoqin, who was born in an imperial merchant, and she couldn't compare with Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu from the official family.

But I stayed in the Rongguo Mansion for a few years anyway, and under my influence, I also got a general idea of ​​the situation in the back houses of some officials and officials. The only regret is that the Rongguo Mansion is just an idle martial artist, not a court official, so here There are also some differences.

  Perhaps I still need to familiarize myself with these etiquette rules in advance, so as not to go to Shaanxi in the future, if I lose face of my husband, it will be a disaster.

Thinking of this, Xiuyan is already thinking about who to ask for information. The theory should be to find Daiyu, but Daiyu's father passed away too early. I'm going to ask her for advice, I'm afraid it will make Daiyu dissatisfied again, it's a tricky thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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