Number of People

Chapter 1965: Guizijuan's contacts spread out, and the fighting spirit is raging

  Chapter 1965 The Kuizi Scroll spreads out the network, and the fighting spirit is raging

  Fang Youdu left, but Feng Ziying knew that it would not be that simple.

The Jia family is the top of the Wu Xun Four Kings and Eight Dukes. Although it has declined, its role and influence are far less than those of the King of Beijing County, the King of Nan'an County, the Bull Family of Zhenguo, and the Wang Family. The public is more or less a dignitary in Beijing. Now Jia Jing and Jia Zheng are both officials in Nanjing. Even if Jia Zheng handed in the nomination certificate, Jia Jing is also secretly communicating the money, but the outsiders don't know.

   This is easy to release people, how to explain to the world? And how to convince the other criminals who are still in custody?

  Fang Youdu could find a reason to make a suggestion, but he didn't have the ability to promote such a thing, so he took advantage of the situation. This requires a strong person to promote it, and Feng Ziying can't do it yet.

   After all, this is an internal matter of the Three Law Departments, and all aspects must be properly managed to reach a compromise balance.

Feng Ziying is also unwilling to make herself a target because of this incident, especially when she is about to leave the capital, it is inevitable that as soon as her own people leave, someone will start stabbing behind her back, even if it is Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. You can protect yourself, but there will definitely be hidden dangers.

   This is not a simple bad reputation so light, but easy to give people a handle, so Feng Ziying called Fang Youdu, and discussed how to pick himself out from the perspective of the legal system, so as to avoid future troubles.

  Fang Youdu still has goods. After so many years of immersion in the Ministry of Punishment, he is like a fish in water. He is familiar with all kinds of light and dark rules in his chest, and he immediately proposed countermeasures.

  According to the nature and degree of the case, it is divided into three levels to handle, divided into categories, and handled individually, which reduces the pressure on the court and facilitates a lot of promotion.

In addition, on the issue of Shi Xiangyun, he had figured out his own intentions a long time ago, and used Jia's mother to dissolve the engagement, cutting off the possibility of being further dragged into trouble by Sun Shaozu. As for Shi Ding and Shi Nai, it was much simpler. The first few Sun Shaozu are not the same.

Shi Xiangyun's problem is indeed more troublesome. Sun Shaozu is listed as the fourth military general under Prince Yizhong after Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng and Chen Jixian. Of the three, Shi Xiangyun, as his fiancée, must be the criminal. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to escape. Even if Feng Ziying wants to operate, he will have to use a lot of connections.

   It can be said that the Sanfa Division and Long Jinwei have to go to do some lobbying.

  Long Jinwei is relatively simple, Lu Song is a sensible person, and will definitely help himself in such matters, and let himself owe him a favor.

  There is Han Yan on the side of the Ministry of Punishment, and although Liu Yixiu is not that close to him, it is not enough to feel sorry for him about this kind of thing.

   There is Qiao Yingjia at the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is enough to settle the matter.

  I am not familiar with the several principals at Dali Temple, but there is a fellow who works as a temple minister in Dali Temple. Zhou Chaorui, who is also from Linqing, was a Jinshi in the 39th year of Yuanxi, and he was two subjects earlier than Feng Ziying.

  In Dali Temple, the Siqing is the most respected, and there are left and right Shaoqing, and then the Sicheng. The Sicheng's position is slightly lower, but he can be regarded as a key figure.

Zhou Chaorui is also from Linqing, and the Zhou family is also a big family in Linqing, and they have always had contacts with the Feng family. However, the Zhou family is a heir to poetry and books, and the Feng family is a noble man, so although they had contacts, they did not have a deep friendship until Feng Ziying came to Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia's disciples only started to move around. After Feng Ziying passed the Jinshi examination and was incorporated into the Hanlin Academy, her contacts increased.

The reason why Feng Ziying has an impression of Zhou Chaorui is because Zhou Chaorui is a famous person in Linqing. Like Zuo Liangyu, they are the most outstanding figures in Linqing in the late Ming Dynasty. The double whip general, and also once served as the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, but in this life, he has served in Dali Temple early, but he is the right temple of Dali Temple.

  The status of Sicheng is second to Shaoqing. He can be regarded as an assistant and assistant official.

And Zhou Chaorui can be regarded as a young talent among the scholars in the north, only twelve or thirteen years older than Feng Ziying, in his early thirties, and Geng Ruqi, a Guantao man who used to be a secretary of the Ministry of War and now went to Chongqing Mansion, called Feng Ziying before The Shuangjie of Dongchang Mansion are the two most outstanding young scholars of Dongchang Mansion in the late Yuanxi Dynasty.

Therefore, this is the network of people, teachers and classmates, the same subject in the same year, and colleagues from the same township, they are densely woven into a network that pulls the whole body in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It's okay, that's okay.

After running this day, Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate were all settled, but Han Yan gave him another scolding at the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The image made Feng Ziying have no choice but to bite the bullet and listen to Han Yu's education.

In the meantime, it is inevitable to say that the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi is not optimistic, which means that the countdown to going to Shaanxi has entered. It's just a recent thing.

Feng Ziying was also in a daze for a while. Since entering this world, she basically lived in Gyeonggi. Although she stayed in Yongping Prefecture for two years and went to Jiangnan twice, Yongping Prefecture is actually considered Gyeonggi. But it is similar to traveling, so I already have deep feelings for the life in Beijing, or I am used to this kind of life, and I am a little timid if I really want to go out.

   It's not that I'm afraid of hard work, but I feel that I am the chosen one, so why should I have to endure hardships and hardships? Wouldn't it be good to stay in Beijing to pamper me, plan strategies, and win thousands of miles away?

   But in reality, there are not so many auras of protagonists, even if there are, they still obey the general trend.

  Feng Ziying is also very clear that in this era, personal power is weak and fragile, and she has not yet reached the peak, so she has to obey the overall situation and make sacrifices for the group.

What's more, going to Shaanxi is far from a sacrifice. In the minds of the bosses, this is more like a test, exercise and sharpening for themselves. It paves the way for a higher level in the future. Opportunities are impossible to ask for, and there is no reason not to go.

Besides, if you are not used to it, to a certain extent, you are used to the family life here, with beautiful wives and concubines, rich clothes and fine food, open your mouth when you eat, and stretch out your hands when you come to clothes. Let me pick and choose, how happy do you want to be?

   It seems that going to Shaanxi has not changed much. Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, Pinger, Qingwen, the five women are not satisfied, are they really going to die of exhaustion on the bed?


  Like a gigantic beast assembled from countless soldiers and ants, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's troops rushed in, surrounded the entire Linqing City, and quickly launched a full-scale attack.

  Yang Zhaoji took the lead in launching an attack around Tianning Temple, which is next to Why, and it is also the southernmost point of the entire Linqing City. In a sense, it is also the weakest area of ​​defense in the entire Linqing City.

  The north side of Linqing City is wide and thick, but it is inevitably narrow, forming an inverted triangle, and the inner city is also on the north side, so He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji resolutely gave up the attack on the north side, which was too much effort.

The west is also not a good place to attack. The Weihe River cuts out a section of the entire west. It is not difficult to attack the West Yanmen and Jingximen, but they have to face crossing the Weihe River. If the army guards the bridge, fierce battles will inevitably start at both ends of the bridge. This is an unbearable burden for Linqing City. Not to mention the immeasurable losses, it will definitely bring great losses to the attackers.

  So after the discussion between He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, they adopted the strategy of feigning a shot in both the north and the west, and sent hundreds of people to launch false attacks, which could restrain the defenders to a certain extent.

No matter how small they think it is possible to attack from the west and north, it cannot be ruled out. If they are really attacked, it will be dangerous to be attacked from all sides, so they have to send a considerable force to defend the north city and the east city. , This is a test for the Datong Army, which itself has insufficient strength.

  Yang Zhaoji's southward offensive was also a feint, but this feint had to be real enough.

  If it is true enough to convince the city defenders, then it can only be true and desperate.

   "The artillery is ready!"

  Among the smoke and dust that filled the sky, Yang Zhaoji was wearing armor and helmet, squinting his eyes and staring ahead.

   Siege warfare is not easy to fight, and the price paid can be imagined, but Yang Zhaoji knew that necessary sacrifices were inevitable.

  He chose the point where he entered the city along the Wei River as the assault point.

  Wei River enters the city from here, and divides the entire southern city into two parts. The main city is on the east, and the auxiliary city is on the west. To be precise, it is considered a remote area.

  Twelve bronze cannons were placed along the canal, the battlements on the city wall had collapsed a lot, and corpses were strewn all over the city above and below the city. This was the price paid by both sides.

As the small flag was waved down, the copper cannon that had already adjusted its angle roared again, and the whistling projectiles hit the wall with powerful kinetic energy, bringing up thick smoke and dust, and the whole city shook visible to the naked eye. .

  Yang Zhaoji nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! The Gunfire Team is moving forward, clearing the way for the Spear Team and the Sword and Shield Team!"

Walking along the canal, the ground was rough, and the weeds and bushes had been cleared long ago. The gunfire team did not follow the original formation, but spread out along the terrain, forming uneven attack lines. It's just that the inherent formation is still maintained in terms of distance.

  Pursing his lips, his tongue was a little bitter, Zhao Kefeng waved his hand violently, and the firecracker team began to advance in an orderly manner. The firecrackers and arrows on the city wall flew down, but they couldn't stop the firecracker team from advancing.

  (end of this chapter)

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