Number of People

Chapter 1966: The murderous intent of the Guizi scroll is looming, and the arrow is on the string

  Chapter 1966 The murderous intent of the Guizi scroll is looming, and the arrow is on the string

  Zhu Yunqi did not expect the battle to be so intense and fierce from the very beginning.

  He originally thought that the opponent would launch a large-scale attack at least one day after a tentative attack, but he didn't expect that from the very beginning, the opponent launched an unprecedented fierce offensive in the east and south.

  Zhu Yunqi is not a child who has never fought a war. He was able to suppress Luo Dingbiao and become the coach of Linqing City. Apart from Luo Dingbiao's unreliability, the more important thing is that Zhu Yunqi has deeper qualifications and stronger troops.

  The news sent back was that the attack from the north and west was a bluff. Of course, this may be just an appearance. If this bluff suddenly turns into a surprise attack, it is not impossible.

   Although Linqing City has high walls and thick walls, Linqing is the leading city in the Shandong Canal. The city walls are too wide and there are too many weak points facing attacks. It is indeed a bit stretched to deploy less than 10,000 troops to defend the entire city.

   But even if you are stretched, you have to fight this battle. It is a matter of life and death, and you have to fight.

From the very beginning, the Nancheng area has entered into a desperate fight, which was far beyond Zhu Yunqi's expectations, so he was caught off guard and was almost broken through by Yang Zhaoji's mad attack. If Yang Zhaoji really made a breakthrough, it would put the imperial army in an embarrassing situation.

  Because the defenders can rely on the special terrain of Nancheng, they will firmly hold the attacker to the Nanchang area south of Jingdai Gate.

   One side of this area is restricted by the east branch of the Wei River, and the terrain is very narrow. The defenders can rely on the streets and alleys to gradually fight, which is extremely beneficial to the defenders.

Yang Zhaoji's purpose of attacking so fiercely was to attract more defenders. Relying on his superiority in artillery and firecrackers, after destroying the city wall, he could use firepower to massacre the enemy in this area, and attract more defenders. The army is coming.

Fortunately, Zhu Yunqi didn't realize this, and immediately put his reserve team in. The reserve team divided into three roads along the east-west road, Huitong Street, and Cheying. Because they arrived in time, they quickly blocked Zhu Yunqi breathed a sigh of relief for staying in the cave in the subsidence, and Yang Zhaoji outside the city also breathed a sigh of relief.

   One is afraid of being captured so soon, and the other is that if you do not continue to launch an offensive, you will be suspected by the opponent, and continuing to launch an offensive may cause too much loss, so this is also a result that both parties are happy to see.

Seeing that there were a lot of troops from the Datong Army coming to make up the defense, Yang Zhaoji naturally would not let go of the opportunity. After the city wall in the sharp corner of Shuimen was destroyed by Yang Zhaoji's concentrated artillery bombardment, it lost the advantage of relying on the city wall, and the Datong Army had to rely on the flesh and blood of the soldiers and the houses and streets to block it. For the Datong Army, it was a cruel war of attrition.

"My lord, if we continue to fight like this, we can't stand it." When Zhu Yunqi rushed to the mouth of the Sancha River to supervise the battle in person, his heart and belly were covered with dust, and he ran over panting: "The firearms of the Northern Army are too fierce. Ten times For us, especially in this kind of terrain, our bow and crossbow advantages are suppressed. Relying on the rugged ground and ruined walls, they can use firecrackers to squat, crawl, etc. to shoot loosely, and our shields can't resist their turtledoves. The shooting of the blunderbuss caused too many casualties for the brothers."

  Zhu Yunqi ignored the complaints of his subordinates, and walked up to a high ground on his own, holding up the binoculars to observe the situation.

  The situation is indeed a bit dangerous. Along the Nanshuimen area, the enemy army opened a big hole, like a torn wound, cutting deep into his waist and abdomen.

Because the terrain on the other side of the river is too flat, our own army can't stand at all. As soon as the crossbowmen show up, they are directly shot and killed by the enemy's heavy musketeers. The corpses lying here and there on the river bank and in the bushes knew that this area had been cleaned up by the Northern Army, and no one dared to gain a foothold in this area.

  Zhu Yunqi couldn't help but twitched his cheeks. If his side also had this kind of heavy-duty firecracker, why would he be in such a mess?

Placing a team of such heavy-duty musketeers on the other side of the river, relying on the shelter of the houses, can turn the area of ​​Nanshuimen into a **** slaughterhouse, but now the situation is reversed, and the northern army can continue to swagger through This area gathered and rushed northwards, putting increasing pressure on our southern defense.

  Now the artillery of the northern army is still firing, constantly bombarding the city wall, causing the southern part of the city wall to continue to crumble, but our own side has to use flesh and blood to stop this collapse that has no resistance.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Yunqi took back the binoculars and thought silently. If this kind of attack was carried out, the section of the south city wall would collapse completely in less than two hours, and his side would have to retreat back to Jingdai Gate. The line of Dongwei River relies on private houses and streets for defense.

   But Zhu Yunqi felt that maybe this was not a bad thing. Relying on the defense of the city wall could at least fully display the combat effectiveness of the crossbowmen and their own infantry, so that they would not be in a passive position of being beaten all the time when facing the opponent's gunmen.

   But withdrawing like this will greatly dampen morale and even shake the morale of the army.

   Nancheng was captured by the enemy on the first day, so can Linqing City still be defended? Everyone will subconsciously think this way, since they can't keep it, then many people may have other thoughts, this is something Zhu Yunqi has to consider.

Once the morale of the army is shaken, it is not easy to gather it together, especially in the current situation, in this kind of North-South confrontation, both sides are not at ease with the soldiers of their respective camps. Especially prominent, although this group of Datong army was brought out by Sun Shaozu, and Sun Shaozu's wrists are strong enough, but they are by no means without gaps.

  When the situation is unfavorable, even a little carelessness will lead to disaster, Zhu Yunqi has to think carefully.

Looking at the setting sun, Zhu Yunqi gritted his teeth, "Tonight, the new enemy army has arrived, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji are just young melon eggs from the Beijing camp, they are so rough because of their fierce firearms and their enthusiasm. Boil them, they can't do much tonight, tomorrow morning we will retreat to Cheying and Qinmingmen, make a good line of defense, and fight a good battle! At that time, I will also tell my brothers well, Mr. Sun's reinforcements are already in the canal It’s up, and I’ll be there the day after tomorrow at the latest, so you don’t have to worry about it!”

It should be said that Zhu Yunqi's arrangement was a mature and prudent move. It not only took into account the needs of the army's morale, but also made a more accurate assessment of the enemy's offensive. The feeling is that there is always room for it. Are you still planning to launch a sneak attack tonight? He didn't quite believe it.

  This night battle in this situation, I am afraid that the northern army will pay enough price, and he also has this confidence.

  Compared to the full-scale offensive in the southern city, the offensive in the eastern city seems quite satisfactory.

Jingdai Gate is a city gate with a relatively complete defense system. Although it is not as majestic as Weiwu Gate, it is not easy to break through the area where the city defense facilities have been reinforced in advance. He Huchen's army is at Qinming Gate and Jingdai Gate. The offensive was launched at the same time, but the three attacks were frustrated, which made the battle situation even more stalemate.

Zhu Yunqi only stayed at Jingdai Gate for a moment and then left. He observed carefully, the enemy's offensive was not as strong as in the south, but they were still very tough, but Qinming Gate stationed one of his most elite soldiers, Reinforcements can be made in the shortest time, and Zhu Yunqi also specially placed a copy of his confidant in the Jingdai Gate, just in case.

Although it is not obvious that there is anything unusual about Luo Dingbiao now, and the shadows placed around him have not noticed any contact between Luo Dingbiao and the outside world recently, but the more this is the case, the more worried Zhu Yunqi is, but he can't find a reason to prove his heart Anxiety and suspicion, he even suspected that he was a little paranoid.

  Luo Dingbiao sat guarding the Jingdai Gate with his sword in his hand, until Zhu Yunqi left, he felt a little relieved.

The more it is at the last moment, the more he can't show any slack. Zhu Yunqi is a suspicious person in the first place, and it is impossible to relieve the other party's suspicion. He naturally knows who the one behind Jingdai's gate is aimed at, but he He didn't care, and even deliberately made some noise to attract the other party when the time came.

   It is not easy to open the Jingdai Gate. The army on the Qinming Gate will rush over soon. At that time, it will be caught in a entanglement. It is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

  Dongshuimen is indeed dangerous, but it is worth the risk.

  The setting sun finally set, and the offensive of the Northern Army outside the city finally slowed down, but the noise from the west and north seemed to be even louder.

Zhu Yunqi breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Northern Army didn't intend to let him pass the night safely, but that was fine. The Northern Army's harassment and clamoring everywhere showed that they had no other intentions. If there were any other conspiracy , shouldn't be making such a big noise everywhere, isn't this deliberately arousing his vigilance?

The sky was getting dark little by little, and Zhu Yunqi started to climb the wall from the east water gate with steady steps. There was only one narrow staircase to climb the wall, and there were soldiers stationed on both sides of the water gate. He is full of energy and full of vigilance, which makes Zhu Yunqi very satisfied. Luo Dingbiao still has some talents under his command.

   It was just a pile of wooden boards piled up not far away that made him a little puzzled. He stood on the city wall and looked down. He tilted his head in doubt and asked, "Where did these wooden boards come from? Why are they placed here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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