Number of People

Chapter 1974: Guizi scroll with peace of mind, covering the sky with one hand

  Chapter 1974 Guizi scroll with peace of mind, covering the sky with one hand

   "Yuanchun, do you hope to live with your sisters in the future?" After pondering for a while, Feng Ziying finally opened her mouth.

Yuan Chun raised his face, full of anticipation and apprehension, "Ziying, did you make things difficult for you? I really hope that I can live with Baochai and Daiyu. To be honest, I heard that they lived in the garden when I visited my relatives. Every day, I recited poems and painted pictures carefreely, playing the piano and playing chess, throwing pots and kicking the shuttlecock. Life, only to wake up and realize it was just a dream,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help feeling sorry for Yuan Chun's words.

This girl who has entered the palace since she was twelve years old has almost lived for the Jia family in the past ten years, living according to the will of the elders of the Jia family, doing things she likes or dislikes, completely losing herself, until The family finally fell to the ground, and she suddenly looked back and found that she had become an abandoned child.

  Under her own enlightenment, she began to come out of the confusion in the past, but now she is more awakened, and wants to pursue the life she wants. Is this wrong?

  Of course it is true, but this has brought me a lot of challenges.

  How can we avoid various risks to do this?

  The possible risks from leaks are on the one hand, and Baochai Daiyu and others are also on the other hand. Of course, the latter may be easier to handle, but the former is a real threat.

"Yuanchun, I won't hide it from you. I can understand and agree with you wanting to live with Baochai and Daiyu Yingchun, but I have to say that there are many problems here. The most important thing is that you once You are a noble concubine in the palace, and everyone knows that you and Baochai and Daiyu are sisters. Basically, there are secret agents of Long Jinwei in the residence of the ministers of the court, even your Jia family is no exception. We... The Feng family thinks the same, if your identity is discovered by Long Jinwei's spies, there will definitely be trouble."

Feng Ziying said very frankly, "So if you want to stay in the mansion and live a life of integrity, you must first solve the problem of your new identity and recreate a new identity for you, and it is reasonable and everyone thinks it is normal In this regard, I have some considerations. For example, you are the daughter of a cousin of the Jia family, such as Zheng Shishu, who has been in Jinling,..., or a close relative of the Wang family who came to join the Jia family. ,..."

  Yuan Chun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but licked his lips: "Is this okay?"

"Of course, there must be some specific details of the design to be considered here. It must be done perfectly, and there will definitely be many problems and loopholes that need to be made up for in detail." Feng Ziying also said the difficulties, "Like Baochai Daiyu and the others may be able to keep the secret, but what about the servants like Yuanyang, Pinger, Qingwen, Siqi, Yinger, and Zijuan who knew you before? How can you ensure that they don’t tell you the secret? Maybe they won’t do it on purpose , but unintentionally? These specific details, we need to list them one by one in advance, and prepare countermeasures as soon as possible to solve them.”

Hearing what Feng Ziying said was so detailed and thoughtful, Yuan Chun liked it in his heart. He knew that the other party was thinking about this matter seriously, and he didn't just say it casually, but after hearing what he said, he felt that there was indeed a lot of trouble inside, and he was a little worried, "Then there How to deal with it?"

  " It's still the same sentence, there are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as we face it bravely, we can solve it. I am confident. What about you, Yuan Chun?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

  "As long as you have confidence in Ziying, I have confidence, and I have more confidence in you." Yuan Chun nodded slightly, "If things are really difficult to do, I believe at least I can protect my life without worrying about food and clothing, right?"

"Hehe, Yuanchun, you are so funny. Sometimes you are very angry, and sometimes you are very low-minded. It goes up and down. Why, you are so worried, but you still feel uneasy?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Since I dare to say it , I must have thought about it, something in the palace, dragged on for two years, everyone will gradually forget, Yuan Chun, Yuan Chun, Yuan Chun, Yuan Chun, who can tell whether you and her are alone or not? You are You left home at the age of twelve, apart from your close relatives, how many people in Rongguo Mansion really have a deep impression on you?"

Feng Ziying casually said a few homonyms of Yuan Chun's name, which made Yuan Chun feel even more happy. Her lover is really extraordinary, and she can come up with ideas in such a short time. I really misjudged the person and committed myself to him. It is also worth it.

   This heart is joyful, and the love is stronger, and the lover in the eyes makes Yuanchun fall in love.

If I can get what my lover said that I am a durian flower with many seeds and many children, then I can live with my sisters carefree in the future, and even my parents and grandmothers can often see each other, then I will finally survive in this life up.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chun couldn't help but squirmed a few times, and touched Feng Ziying's vitals, which immediately made Feng Ziying's heart full, she quickly gritted her teeth, and slapped Yuan Chunfeng's buttocks, "You really want to kill me and you!" Is it?"

"Ziying, let Baoqin come. She is also your person. She is not young anymore. She is the same age as Yuanyang and Ping'er. I don't know how many years it will be if you leave. I've become an old girl." Yuan Chun was still thinking about her personal servant girl, and sighed quietly, "I can't let her be in her twenties and have never been a woman before? I only became a real woman today. , even death is worth it..."

Feng Ziying gently covered Yuan Chun's mouth, and said in a gentle voice: "Don't say these words, you and I still have a lifetime, many seeds and many children, you have to add blessings to my Feng family, don't give birth to me. A child, I do not rely on."

When it comes to the ability to talk about love, and to figure out Yuan Chun's mentality, Feng Ziying can be said to be proficient, and what she said is that Yuan Chun's eyebrows are like spring mountains, and her cheeks are flushed, and the affection in her pretty eyes is almost overflowing. It just so happens that these few days are the most dangerous time, seeing my lover bent over, his lower body did not dare to touch her, obviously afraid of losing control, he gritted his teeth and said, "Hold the zither!"

   As soon as the words came out, there was no answer from Baoqin, but another man's voice: "My lord!"

Yuan Chun was terrified, almost jumping up all of a sudden, dragging the wound, and her naked body made her shrink back quickly, and subconsciously hugged Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was still calm, and he heard the voice of Kang Biao, his bodyguard. However, it was not Rui Xiang who came, but Kang Biao who came directly. There must be something urgent. He patted Yuan Chun on the shoulder and signaled her to be calm, "What's the matter, Kang Biao?"

   "The subordinates found suspicious people around, and they seemed to be from the palace, looking for something..." Kang Biao hesitated, "The subordinates are not sure who they are looking for, but..."

"I see." Feng Ziying didn't talk nonsense, "You first arrange someone to guard, no matter who wants to enter this yard, block it first, let Ruixiang retreat to the side, and you arrange another person to investigate and see what happened. Where did it come from?"

   "The subordinate understands." Kang Biao replied immediately.

Only then did Feng Ziying hug Yuan Chun, who was already pale and trembling, and looked at Yuan Chun who was embracing his arms to cover his vitals, and smiled inexplicably, "What are you afraid of? I'm here. You come to Chongxuan Temple, the palace Who knows?"

"I asked Concubine Mei to ask for leave. The situation in the palace is a bit chaotic now. Xu Junru, Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and even Guo Qinyun agreed to leave the palace. People who know that I came out of the palace to Chongxuan Temple will not At least, people like Mei Yuexi must know about it, and the three relatives guarding the gate also know about it, and it is estimated that people like Su Lingyao will know about it if they want to inquire about it."

  Yuan Chun saw that Feng Ziying was hugging himself and talking calmly, and his heart gradually settled down. He leaned on the other's chest and said in a low voice.

   "Well, it seems that someone is after you, but I don't know why, it's no big deal, maybe it's not a bad thing."

  Feng Ziying doesn’t think Jia Yuanchun is worth the effort of those people in the palace. What’s the meaning and value of grabbing Jia Yuanchun’s handle or killing Jia Yuanchun? From this point of view, it is basically possible to rule out the unfavorable situation for Jia Yuanchun, but it does not rule out the situation where he happened to have an affair with Yuanchun and gave others a handle, that is another story.

Baoqin also came in at this time, blushing and didn't dare to look up, Feng Ziying was not polite to her, "Hurry up and help your girl get up, be careful not to hurt her body, let her stay in bed after changing this place later That is, let Cheng En cooperate outside, if there is anything outside, we can talk about it."

   This side is dressing and tidying up, but the other side has already caught fire.

  Kang Biao and his party stopped Guo Qinyun and his party outside this small courtyard.

  Guo Qinyun is no better than Jia Yuanchun. She is a concubine with a prince, so she has guards to protect her safety when she goes out of the palace. These concubines with a prince have the privileges and requirements.

  However, most of these bodyguards are drawn from the three-parent army, and these concubines will also screen them. Most of the bodyguards who have something to do with themselves and their own families are selected, and they can be regarded as their personal bodyguards.

Although I don't know what Feng Ziying is doing in the inner courtyard, Kang Biao never asks about these things. This has been strictly explained since Wu Yaoqing. Unless Feng Ziying voluntarily says, other things will not be asked. This is related to safety, and they must take adequate precautions Naturally, what needs to be asked should be asked.

Feng Ziying made an explanation, and Kang Biao and the others naturally followed it. As for who the other party was, they didn't care. Anyway, their superiors would take care of everything. Your boss is causing trouble.

   "Excuse me, my lords, this place has been reserved, and no foreign guests are accepted." Kang Biao said indifferently to the somewhat arrogant man opposite.

  (end of this chapter)

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