Number of People

Chapter 1975: The Guizi scroll is quietly probing, as a gesture of goodwill

  Chapter 1975 Guizi Juan Quietly Probing, Showing Goodwill

   "Presumptuous!" The brawny man in brocade robes yelled sharply: "Where are you going to enter, do you still need your consent?"

Kang Biao was not surprised by such things. He knew at a glance that the other party was not from Long Jinwei, who had dealt with Long Jinwei to some extent, and he would not be from the Ministry of Punishment. She is well-behaved and rigorous in doing things, so she is not afraid.

These days, except for the people in these two departments who can exercise their rights without the signature of the local government, others are impossible, but even the Ministry of Punishment is very cautious in this regard, so as not to give others a handle, and Long Jinwei is not rebellious. It is impossible to act so arrogantly in such things as treason.

It would be even more ridiculous if it was the domestic slave of some powerful minister in the capital. This is the capital city. If you want to be so presumptuous, you are asking for death. To be impeached is to doubt life.

"My lord, you should first come first and come first in everything. The capital city is also a land of kings and laws, so why has it become lawless?" Kang Biao smiled, "If the Taoist priest of Chongxuan Guanxuan said that this small courtyard is It’s rented to you, we don’t say anything, we just slap our **** and leave, we can’t say that you open your mouth, you can enter wherever you want, and there are female relatives here, don’t you just not follow the rules at all?”

Kang Biao's words were impeccable, making the other party's party speechless, but he is used to being the first person to be strong, especially this is still outside the palace, so don't be afraid, and said viciously: "Where is there so much nonsense, get out of here , I want to go in and have a look..."

They also found out that this place should be the concubine Xiande's resting place before, but they didn't expect that there were so many people guarding the door, and Jia Yuanchun was not qualified to bring guards when she went out of the palace, and she was usually in the palace. Without guards, why did a group of people come to protect him after he left the palace and went to Chongxuan Temple to recuperate?

  With the master's instruction, these guards naturally have no fear, and they can't be blocked by a few words from the other party, so let it go.

"If you want to go in, it's fine. Take out the documents of Long Jinwei or the Ministry of Punishment, or the signing documents of Shuntian Mansion. No matter how bad you are, you have to take a look at the documents of Wanping County, right?" Kang Biao's attitude is still very serious. Okay, but he stood still in front of the door, "Who knows what you are doing? Robbers, or bandits?"

   Reasonable and well-founded, neither humble nor overbearing, this made the people on the opposite side realize that the opponent is difficult to deal with. If they want to make a move, the matter may become a big mess, and it is not up to them to decide.

Zhou Peisheng has been hiding behind to observe the situation. Of course he can't show up in this situation, but he can also see that the few people blocking the door are not easy to get along with. There is also a strong atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

There are also some guards in the palace, although they were transferred from the Shangsanqin Army in name, but in fact they just went to the Shangsanqin Army to pass through the water. The princes and concubines prefer to use these guards. Of course, the loyalty and reliability of these guards may not be satisfactory due to their origins, so they are generally used as peripheral guards, but they are more likely to do some more secretive things. The most important thing is to use the selected soldiers of the three relatives to fill the bodyguards.

  The group of people who are going to do things now are obviously characters from the upper three relatives, so they are so arrogant but not very capable. They feel a little helpless when they encounter such neither soft nor hard characters.

  Zhou Peisheng was also trying to figure out the origin of the group of people blocking the door.

  Jia Yuanchun couldn't afford these people, and the Jia family had collapsed and was imprisoned, so it was impossible to have these people to do things. After all the calculations, it seemed that the target was all pointing to one, and that was the Feng family.

The Feng family was born in a wealthy martial arts family in Datong, and there are many sects in Datong. People in the palace like Zhou Peisheng also know the names of sects such as Wutai and Hengshan, not to mention such Jianghu sects as Jindaomen and Black Tiger Gang. The gang is also quite well-known in the north, and with Feng Tang's status as the governor of the three sides, how can these people from the rivers and lakes in Shaanxi not take the initiative to help?

I heard that when Feng Tang set up and trained the Northwest Army in Qingyang, he recruited many people from the martial arts world in the Northwest, and specially set up a so-called assault battalion, which was used to raid and kill and assassinate key figures of the enemy army under specific circumstances, in order to achieve the goal of capturing The effect of the thief capturing the king first.

Moreover, Feng Ziying is the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, with a high position and authority. Naturally, these Jianghu sects in Shuntian Mansion are willing to work for him, so there is no need to deliberately recruit, just let the word out, and naturally these people from the Jianghu will flock here to serve him.

   There is no doubt that Feng Ziying should be in the courtyard. It happened that Feng Ziying came to see Jia Yuanchun in my line of business, so his guards blocked him from the door.

   After all, it is shameful for this kind of foreign minister to meet with the imperial concubine in the palace.

Although all the princes in the court actually have contact with the noble concubine and the prince in the palace, it is private after all, and it is absolutely impossible to meet openly through the reliable people below. Whether it is the prince or the noble concubine, Feng Ziying seems to be Disregarded this.

Even if Jia Yuanchun and his wife and concubine are relatives, Jia Yuanchun can be regarded as Feng Ziying's sister-in-law, but Jia Yuanchun's status as a noble concubine does not allow her to meet Feng Ziying in private. Violating the rules of etiquette, or even messing up the court, is really a bucket of **** on your head.

   This seems to be a good handle, Zhou Peisheng pinched his jaw and pondered, but is this handle useful to Feng Ziying? Or can it work?

  After some disputes, several people did not get Zhou Peisheng's instruction, so they could only leave temporarily in resentment.

   Zhou Peisheng also quickly turned around to meet with Guo Qinyun to talk about the matter.

   "Are you suspecting that Feng Ziying met Jia Yuanchun inside?" Guo Qinyun suddenly became interested, and women are somewhat curious about this kind of gossip.

"It should be so. Logically, Feng Ziying shouldn't be so unwise. If you want to communicate with Concubine Xiande, you can just find someone below to bring a letter. This meeting is a bit rash and abrupt." Zhou Peisheng smiled leisurely, "This little Feng Xiuzhu She's still too young to understand the rules, or rather Meng Lang."

   "Then what should we do?" Guo Qinyun raised his eyebrows excitedly, "Or can we use this to...?"

  Zhou Peisheng pondered for a while, "Unless we have real evidence, such as blocking the arrest in person, meeting two people together, or seeing it with our own eyes..."

   Speaking of this, Zhou Peisheng shook his head subconsciously and smiled, "This is unlikely, so this matter is still a bit difficult to handle."

Guo Qinyun felt unwilling, "Then let go of such an opportunity for nothing? Now it's a little difficult to make friends with Jia Yuanchun under such circumstances. With Feng Ziying's method, we will definitely find out that we came to find them. He It may even be suspected that we are following, and now we must do it to the end, hold each other's handle, maybe the two sides can cooperate better,..."

   I didn't expect Guo Qinyun to be so straightforward and ruthless, which surprised Zhou Peisheng. This is a bit different from his previous impression of this person. Once this woman's ambition is aroused, it is really different.

"That's not as good as this. The empress simply came forward and said that she heard that Chongxuan Temple is quiet and elegant, and it is a rare place for health preservation. She also heard that Concubine Xiande is recuperating here, so she wants to visit Concubine Xiande, so there is no way to avoid it. The small courtyard is not big, if Feng Ziying is really in it, there is no way to hide, so we will not make it clear when we meet in this way, they will naturally understand..." Zhou Peisheng thought for a while, and then said slowly .

Guo Qinyun was a little moved, so they met face to face, and the reason was very good, but depending on what Feng Ziying said, as for Jia Yuanchun, Guo Qinyun didn't care, what she cared more about was how to hold Feng Ziying, and to get along with her. It doesn't matter if you go to Feng Ziying's line, in a word, let Feng Ziying use it for yourself, or use each other.

Guo Qinyun is not that naive, and she is also very clear that if she wants a powerful family like the Feng family, both in the military and political circles, as well as in the local border towns, to support herself and Prince Gong, she must not make some promises to the other party, but As long as his son can sit on the throne in the future, then everything else is easy to talk about. If he can't sit on that position, it's hard to say whether the lives of himself and his son can be fully preserved.

  Because of this, now is an opportunity, even if this handle may not make Feng Ziying succumb, but at least it will make the other party have scruples. It is unknown whether such cooperation may be closer.

   "Peisheng, will Feng Ziying feel that I am targeting him when I come forward like this?" Guo Qinyun gently twirled a fallen peony flower by the roadside with his fingers, and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, even if you know, it's nothing. It's nothing more than that everyone has their own needs. The Xiande Concubine is just an introduction. Your Majesty originally wanted to find Xiao Feng to edit the manuscript. Naturally, he can understand the purpose of your Majesty looking for him, no I will refuse." Zhou Peisheng also saw it very clearly: "If he is willing to cooperate with the empress, he will not care, and even thinks that the empress values ​​him. If he is not willing, then it doesn't matter, but I still think he If you are wise, you will not refuse the empress's favor."

   "But he might choose Mei Yuexi or Su Lingyao and Xu Junru." Guo Qinyun asked back.

"Hehe, this is also normal, so this is an equal choice. We also have other choices, and he is the same. It just depends on the changes in the situation." Zhou Peisheng said calmly: "We can show our strength." strength, then he will definitely choose the most promising partner.”

  (end of this chapter)

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